Monday, December 22, 2008

#200: Peace: Paul/Statism.「防」台? BIS! 台灣國憲法(運動版), 平民政府. Tech. Direct Demo ACddFF: 民間國是會議. TCRLO. Tw Ctzns Conf. 九○八台灣國運動. 08.12.22=1-09.3.29=7 11pm

Let's all work for peace: June 17th, 2009:
by joining for ACdd [Armed Citizens direct democracy] movement!
' Tales of How Big Corporations Are Screwing Americans Over '
By Amy R. Ramos, Posted July 17, 2009:

' A Dark Hole of Democracy: How the Fed Prints Money Out of Thin Air '
By William Greider, The Nation. Posted July 17, 2009.

' Big Bankers Mounting Sneak Attack on Consumers '
By Jim Hightower, AlterNet. Posted July 10, 2009:
"Formosa Betrayed" film NYC 2009July24-28:
'蔡英文民進黨的盲點' 李丁園 2009July14:

From: AD
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:58:41 PM
(4)美國陸戰隊於2011年即將進駐台北內湖 AIT
(5)琉球群島去年就進駐12架 猛禽戰機F-22
(6)台灣已經安裝3座 J Star Control System, 菲律賓安裝1座 J Star Control System, 台海陸海空三軍由美軍透過J Star Control System全面掌控指揮
ROC-in-Exile (中華民國流亡政府) 軍隊可說等於是廢料,馬氏流亡份子只能龜縮著 ,不敢吭一聲。
'Cesidian law':
'JFK's Murder': '09July11:
"JFK and the Unspeakable": '08Apr30:
'JFK’s Disobedience to the Powers That Be' '09May31

' Will the Real Taiwan Please Stand Up? Ethnic politics, policy and issues in Taiwan ' April 27 2009, 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

' 防中、防台,還是典範移轉?(台海欠安美日駐軍與那國)
針對美日即將駐軍與那國島(與先前美國空軍部署下地島) '

"禁忌的國家─ 台灣大歷史: Forbidden Nation─ A History of Taiwan" Jonathan Manthorpe, tr. by 柯翠園; Jun1,2009, bunhu_natea

' Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution ':

' NASA, Japan Release Most Complete Topographic Map Of Earth ' ScienceDaily Jul 1,2009

' Mr. Sunshine? Ron Paul Wins Support to Audit Fed Reserve ' Judson Berger,, Jun30,2009,Tue:
: ... ...
" Paul, as of Tuesday, has won 245 co-sponsors to a bill that would require a full-fledged audit of the Federal Reserve by the end of 2010. "
... ...
Jun26,09 by Ron Paul: 'International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse':

YouTube: '090625 公投盟首發去TVBS抗議要討回公道 教授講話'

YouTube: '2009/06/24『725全國聲討司法人權大會師』記者會-1'


-蔡丁貴教授: ""

'終於將美國務院拉上最高法院 詳文' 台灣平民政府: Civil Government,

: "" 台美屬論者將上訴美國聯邦最高法院《BBC報導》 詳文
邀扁作証 法理建國會投震撼彈 詳文
美国仍是台湾法理上的主权者?《美国之音中文网》 詳文
◎New日本完成「台灣主權」建構 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
◎New國籍 【一】 【二】 【三】 【四】
◎New「美」夢終於要成真了!/廖東慶 作品 詳文 ""

第一O八期 2009年7月5日(星期日) ‧No. 108, July 5, 2009 Sunday
編輯 Editor : 蝶衣/AD
台灣平民政府( Taiwan Civil Government )網站


'終於將美國務院拉上最高法院' ◎ 林志昇, The Liberty Times, 自由廣場, Jul8,2009:

: "" 二○○九年七月六日上午十一時(當地時間),美律師肯浦親自將「林志昇等控告美政府案」向美最高法院「遞件」,法院受理,美最高法院對「文書」要求嚴格,首先,規定文字不得超過九千字,規定紙張跟格式,字型與字體都必須符合要求,甚至,律師團須讓「專業」打字公司作業,真是開了眼界,法院一年接受八千五百個案子,其中「提審」一百五十件,這次是台灣人的首次。


台灣絕對不會是美國的五十一州,本案是要求美國讓本土台灣人(people of Taiwan),依照聯合國憲章第七十三條的「自治self-government」精神,協助成立「台灣平民政府」,而不是讓「台灣關係法」的「台灣人people on Taiwan」繼續以模糊的「台灣當局Taiwan authority」,讓本土台灣人生活在「無國籍」、「無政府」跟「政治煉獄 in political purgatory」中。(作者為「福爾摩莎法理建國會」成員, ""


' 邀扁作証 法理建國會投震撼彈 '

: "" (記者林蓮華/羅斯密市報導)「林志昇等控美政府案」,於7月2日呈文美國聯邦最高法院,由於美國最高法院採文書申論作業,因此林志昇等人同時申請「聽証會」,而第一位証人列名邀請前陳水扁總統,無疑在僑界又投下一顆震撼彈。



這招是否能為阿扁目前面臨司法不公「解套」? 屆時,真的能來美國作証嗎?「福爾摩沙法理建國會」南加分會會長蔡明法指出:「証人需簽下同意書,但阿扁現在更怕馬政府變本加厲『抄家滅族』、甚至危及自身安全,有所顧忌還在考慮中。但我們大家期待他能慎重地為大局思考,『台灣地位的真相』他比任何人最能感同深受,台灣的未來,也許在法理上而非政治上,經過聽証會,能夠有機會在國際上,被公平的對待。」






但是,這與陳水扁總統有何關係? 原來,最高法院只接受「書面」資料,為文只得精簡扼要,因此,同時申請『聽証會』,將有助於讓其間原委多個機會全面釐清。而陳水扁前總統是2006年訴訟案開始時當時在位總統,對於美國是不是台灣「政治藏鏡人」? 美國幕後影響台灣有多深? 陳前總統最清楚,所以邀請他做第一位証人,未來,也許還會邀請李登輝前總統。

據理力爭,萬一被駁回或發回,與會代表都認為,「輸也是贏、贏也是贏」,所謂” 輸” ,美國必需承認台灣不屬其管轄範圍,屆時議題將重回日本國土,也為此案後續發展,留下伏筆。

不論同意或喜歡與否,歷史的真相只有一個,若有興趣關注細節者,歡迎聯絡蔡明法 ""


' 台灣定位官司 將上訴美最高院 ' 更新日期:2009/07/03 04:09

: "" 〔記者謝文華/台北報導〕林志昇控美案將於美國時間六日由律師親自遞狀上訴美國最高法院。福爾摩莎法理建國會今天上午十一點,同步於美國、日本召開四場國際記者會。







陳水扁延押2個月,請問你的看法是?(1035則文章) 2009/05/12 ""


"" Protests greet U.S. minesweepers 美日聯手「防」台?

Ishigaki mayor asked Obama to cancel port visit

By Chiyomi Sumida, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Sunday, April 5, 2009

Denver Applehans/Courtesy of the U.S. Navy
Sailors from the deck department of the USS Patriot, a minesweeper, haul lines Friday to moor the ship to the pier at the Ishigaki port facility. The Patriot and the USS Guardian arrived Friday for a three-day port visit. Their arrival was attended by nearly 100 protestors objecting to the visit.
A goodwill port visit by two U.S. Navy minesweepers at Ishigaki was greeted Friday by a ripple of protesters who blocked the port gate and demanded the vessels leave.
About 100 protesters rallied Friday morning near the pier, preventing about 84 sailors aboard the ships from disembarking and Navy and local officials from entering the dock, said Ishigaki police and port officials.
The island, 465 miles southwest of Okinawa, is home to about 48,000 residents and is a popular tourist destination.
The 7th Fleet minesweepers USS Patriot and USS Guardian, both out of Sasebo Naval Base, Japan, arrived around 8:30 a.m. Friday for a scheduled three-day liberty call, said Lt. Cmdr. Denver Applehans, spokesman for the Amphibious Force Seventh Fleet public affairs.
"They can certainly protest," Applehans said. "We believe in freedom of speech just like the Japanese do."
The sailors are scheduled to participate in a community service project and cultural events, but residents have said the presence of warships makes them nervous.
The U.S. visit sparked a protest campaign launched last month by Ishigaki Mayor Nagateru Ohama, who said the military presence would disrupt the port’s commercial and tourist use. He even wrote to President Barack Obama.
The port call, initially scheduled April 1-3, was pushed back by two days after Ohama objected, saying the space had been scheduled for cruise ships.
Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima said in a statement Friday that the port should be strictly for commercial use unless there is an emergency.
Protesters rallied for nearly nine hours, voluntarily clearing out and dwindling in numbers to around 20 before the gate was opened around 5 p.m., city port officials said. Police reported no injuries and no arrests.
U.S. consul general to Okinawa Kevin Maher was at the port to welcome the ships and help coordinate an exchange between local government and U.S. Navy officials, said consul spokesman Thomas Kreutzer.
"It is absolutely ordinary. We do ship visits all over Japan all the time, so this isn’t anything special," Kreutzer said.
Stars and Stripes reporter Natasha Lee contributed to this story.

◎ 賴怡忠
不論美日駐軍與那國島,是基於擔心台灣還是要監視台灣,都與馬政府的宣傳不符。年底日本將公布防衛政策大綱,明年更是美日同盟五十週年,屆時美日意圖將更明朗。但從美國P3-C反潛精密偵測儀器在台組裝承諾跳票一事可知,台北已成為戰略不確定因子。在馬政府親中遠美反日政策的操作下,台灣從美日合作的朋友,變為要防禦的對象,與那國的美日佈兵似預告改變的第一步! (作者為台灣智庫執行委員)


[Tsai 09.7.1=3 #1] Ron, thank you for classifying me as a Tawanese aboriginal. Lately I have been back into our "old home" in the USA, 4th or 5th: 1st hometown Hsinbu, 2nd city nearby Hsinju, 3rd 1st Taipei Two-city St., 4th Fremont, CA, USA or 5th, 5th 2nd Taipei Neihu (Inner Lake district of Taipei). My small family used to live here with my parents. Then dad gone, so did sister-in-law in LA. So mom moved to LA . Lately, we are preparing for our dad's centennial art exhibition in Taijung (Taiwan Center city). So we gathered at this Fremont home, brother went back to Neihu home first, leaving old mom here, I started to stay here day and night, getting this better computer and Internet connection.

I still don't know what blog exactly is, but I have been using it as I don't have Ron's brain. Day after day I put my memory into my blog, helping me to respond to emails and so on. The latest input is about our old character, Representative Ron Paul from Texas, who is up seriously over Fed, without being in the minority or the only one as usual. It looks like there is a limitedless space in a blog. In comparison to very short Twitter or NetFace? Yes, there is Obama, and there is still Paul, how strange can we get! This is not cross inputting, but please refer to Conflict forum.

So I have time to compile important documents for brother to take to Taiwan first, as a list, but becoming a rather detailed dad's and family's biological chronology, including historical items on Taiwanese non-government local self-rule roots, and Taiwanese peoples dna hereditary oceanic roots. For example, from the beginning of my chronology:

山地有9族,、顯示平埔族在4–7000年前上岸,也成9族 《血統源流與國家定位》:沈建德,2001、2、28,18–21頁。
9 tribes in the mountains, and archeology shows Pingpu peoples came to Taiwan, 4 to 7000 years ago, and also evolved into 9 tribes: "Blood Origins & National Identiry", by Shen, Chien-teh, Feb 28, 2001, p.18-21.

The latest scientific investigation says many Pacific peoples came from Taiwan.

1360元占澎湖, t
Yuan (Mongols), Ming dynassties occupied small islands group off Taiwan west, then the Dutch, but pushed off to Taiwan by Ming force.

滿清形式上統治新埔170年, (1725-1895),實是無政府的自治;屬諸羅縣淡水廳,廳治彰化33年,有武的捕快只8人,荒莽無漢人之跡.移治竹也只有官兵36人,民壯8人.(誌;596-7)
Manchu Ching dynasty ruled Hsinbu formally, but it was actually a non-government self-rule, for 170 years, 1725-1895. The whole north Taiwan belonged to Julo Prefecture, which ruled by 8 person police force and 36 soldiers: Hsinbu Town Ethnograpy, p. 596-7.

Manchus ruled Taiwan to suppress anti-Ching Ming sentiments, had soldiers from the mainland for 3 years only. In the countryside, it was Baojia rule, substantially by the rich. In Hsinbu Hakka caslte-like houses protected against bandits: H T Ethnography, p. 597-8.

1826-1933, 道光6-昭和8: 祖先住在新埔故鄉107年.富者蓄兵,三代景熙又設有銃櫃(軍火庫),皆能自保.新埔山水險惡,土地肥沃,乃成各地閩粵械斗敗退客家人避風港(誌:597-9).閩粵漳泉之鬥,全台血戰,例如1806-1859(誌:48-50),然新埔從未發生(誌:594.滿清治台灣212年(1683-1895).奏摺偽官員与難民相率選籍,近有其半.年年返回,1688僅有數千人居住(血:33).而山地有九族,考古顯示平埔族4-7千年前登陸,也成九族(血:18-21), 荷蘭時(1624-62)各為20萬與30萬人(血﹕22-7), 滿清時(1683-1893)各增加到97萬與133萬人.清廷常禁漢人來臺,又強迫漢化﹐廣設社學教閩客語﹐ 1712-1872平埔已信媽祖﹐乾隆23強迫賜漢姓﹐ 一般族譜可靠性低(台灣人的原住民血統非常高(血:28-45)

1826-1933: Ancestors lived in Hsinbu for 107 years. The riches kept private soldiers. The 3rd generation Jing-hsi also kept a arm warehouse. With mountains and rivers and rich soils, Hsinbu had become the last refugee place of the many northern Hakka Taiwanese, escaping from ethnic arm conlicts: Ethnography, p.597-9. ... There had never been such arm conflicts in Hsinbu, p.594.

Manchu ruled Taiwan for 212 years, 1683-1895. Soon after that rule began, the ethnic Chinese went back to the mainland year after year, and in 1688, only thousands left in Taiwan: Origins, p.33. ... ... And Pingpu and Mountain peoples had increased to 970,000 and 1330,000. Ching had prohibited the Chinese to come to Taiwan often, and at the same time set up classes to teach the aboriginals to speak the Chinese dialects of Hoklo and Hakkas, taking over Chinese surnames, began to worship occean goddess of the mainland, Matzu. So the Taiwanse blood is highly aboriginal: Origins, p.28-45.

Thank the computer technology also.

""Dear All:

How do you think about this article??? Something that we do not know is behind us and controls the Formosan affairs???

Who knows more details????

CK Chen
Bank for International Settlements (Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland)

The article in the link provides more evidence that Bilderberg International (Bank of International Settlements/Financial Stability Fund) is behind ROC and TI movement. Their HQ is in Switzerland (see the picture). This may explain why Switzerland court supported ROC’s claim over the sovereignty of Taiwan last year. They are behind TI and self-determination under ROC, knowing that it is not the real government and they can control it from behind the scene without legal consequences. They are watching and oppose Lin’s group, but may change their position if the lawsuit moves forward. "View from Taiwan " may be their website.

A more serious problem is Bilderberg-USA wants to control USA ’s and all other major countries’ money supply through Obama’s economy team, which proposed to expand the role of its international counterpart, (BIS/FSF), and disguised it as a global financial regulatory agency. BIS/FSF has caused at least a major financial crisis in Japan and other similar crises in Southeast Asia and South America . Even Paul Krugman, the Nobel-prized economist whose theory is the backbone of Obama’s economic recovery plan, called for a total replacement of Obama’s economic team members, which cannot regulate the group they belong to. What’s scary is the Congress’s hearing on the Federal Reserve Bank sounded weak.

On the 3rd page, there is a short review of law about legally binding treaties under the US Constitution and what the president of USA can do based on his sole decisions. I wonder if this can apply to the passport issue.

Feed back or brain storming, Please???

C. K. Chen 6-27-2009

: "" Buried on page 83 of the 89-page Report on Financial Regulatory Reform issued by the U.S. Administration on June 17 is a recommendation that the new Financial Stability Board strengthen and institutionalize its mandate to promote global financial stability. Financial stability is a worthy goal, but the devil is in the details. The new global Big Brother is based in the Bank for International Settlements, a controversial institution that raises red flags among the wary . . . .
... ...
... " more disturbing is the description by Dr. Carroll Quigley of the pivotal role assigned to the BIS in consolidating financial power into a few private hands. Professor Quigley, who was Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University, claimed to be an insider and evidently knew his subject. He wrote in Tragedy and Hope (1966):

“[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.”

That helps explain the alarm bells that went off among BIS-watchers when the Bank was linked to the new Financial Stability Board (FSB) President Obama signed onto in April. When the G20 leaders met in London on April 2, 2009, they agreed to expand the powers of the old Financial Stability Forum (FSF) into this new Board. The FSF was set up in 1999 to serve in a merely advisory capacity by the G7 (a group of finance ministers formed from the seven major industrialized nations). The chair of the FSF was the General Manager of the BIS. The new FSB has been expanded to include all G20 members (19 nations plus the EU). The G20, formally called the “Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors,” was, like the G7, originally set up as a forum merely for cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the international financial system. But its new Financial Stability Board has real teeth, imposing “obligations” and “commitments” on its members. "

Author & 42 Articles:

'屏東的雙茂和老蕭: (管牠馬的有學識沒常識)' 李丁園,
: "" 前幾天,台灣馬桶中國黨的“行政院長”劉兆玄出席中山大學的畢業典禮時提到 ﹕“教育應該涵蓋學識、常識、見識、膽識、賞識「五識」,但社會上有很多人,包括政府官員,都只有學識而沒有常識”。

劉兆玄的”高論”,使我想起屏東的“雙茂” ﹕王松茂及葉盛茂,和老蕭(蕭道應)。 ... ... ""
[[ [Tsai 09.6.29=1 #1] Could we even imagine a high-class Brit insulting and trashing Americans anywhere in America?

When could we really wake up? I personally could not evaluate A-Bien's whole contribution. But, 1) He and his associates and relatives have suffered extraordinarily already, and 2) In the final analysis, isn't he responsible after 8-year IN POWER MORE OR LESS, keeping Chiang's KMT and Chiang's ROC alive, AGAINST ALMOST THE WHOLE WORLD, SUPPOSEDLY ALSO INCLUDING CHINA? How could we let it happen, and then voted in our deadly enemy? Could someone clearly state the real reasons? Are we really so out of our wits, or so utterly corrupted beyond saving? How could any ordinary human beings to help us? [[ I FORGOT TO ADD: A-Bien is a former "President" of Chiang's "ROC". What about the murders and assassinations committed by another former "President" who thereby destroyed the true and great ROC of true China of Dr. Sun Yat-sen? And forced China into the hand of the also bloody Chinese Communists? The Chinese at least kicked and expelled absolutely disgusting Chiang's KMT and Chiang's ROC!! Shall we feel shameful about keeping them alive? ]]
From: Allen Kuo
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 6:23:10 AM
Subject: [BATA] 澈底消滅在臺灣的高級中國人
Dear all:

由李丁園這篇文章可以窺見, 在臺灣的高級中國人階層過去60年是多麼地岐視及糟踏臺灣人. 其他階層再怎樣一輩子努力工作, 待遇都會不如一個高級中國人中的王八蛋, 例如劉兆玄. 可是只要臺灣人(包括新住民之中不認同中國者)稍有異議, 他們就會指責你 “撕裂族群, 挑撥是非”…

陳水扁被無限期羈押及葉盛茂被判刑10年的例子, 讓我們認清了在臺灣的高級中國人其實是比中共更殘酷的畜牲. 就因為如此, 他們才會被其他的中國人趕出境. 臺灣人要認清高級中國人絕對非我族類, 要有革命的準備. 我們要效仿南非的種族革命, 詳細條列這些高級中國人的名單, 澈底消滅他們!

Allen Kuo ]]

'奮鬥300年/世界最大島 格陵蘭完全自治' [自由時報] 2009Jun22.
Hoping to transform to BlackBerry emails, cell Twitter, & iPhone Facebook, 2009.3.5=4 10pm: 2009.3.31=2 11pm,
' Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder ' Thurs Jun25,2009 by: Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor:
: "" (NaturalNews) As the anticipated July release date for Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning " ... " She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine ""

"" Extra! Extra! 號外! 號外!
Cheng-Kuang Chen
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:21:40 AM; SBTA2

Correcting common misstatements of the lawsuit
(Ref: Opinion letter by the Court of Appeals dated April 7th, 2009)

From: R P

美國上訴華府巡迴法院裁定了﹕The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit in Lin v USA decided:


The United States Territory of American Formosa was ceded by Japan to the USA in the SFPT (what the Court says, perhaps the Petitioners are correct and a careful parsing of the treaty would show....).


未決定﹐現狀為以上第一點所稱為美國擁有之現狀法理主權 。

The meaning of the expression that there is an undetermined status refers to the future tense in a predatory, hortatory, or intentional mode, as to "Taiwan", and does not mean the de jure status quo in the present tense is in any way undetermined at all, the first numbered sentence above states the present de jure status quo of Formosa within the sovereignty of the USA.



Japan clearly declares cession to the US , and there is no ambiguity in this respect, the only undetermined matter is where " Taiwan " will head in a future disposition according to principles of self-determination, in the future which is obviously as yet undetermined.


Sovereignty is never ambiguous, and there is no land without sovereign title, and sovereignty is always determinable and ascertainable.


“台灣”或“中華民國”或”中華民國 (台灣) “行使美國有效管轄統治行為時﹐需要遵守美國憲法於尚未合併為美國憲法第14條修正案或美國移民與海關相關法則所



Formosa is territory appertaining to the US, the people of which owe their allegiance to the US, and the US military government thereon which is called by the nomenclature of "Taiwan" or the "Republic of China" or the "Republic of China(Taiwan)" is the name by which the US governs Formosa, and in such capacity, when so governing, must abide by the applicable US Constitutional fundamental provisions for unincorporated territories prior to applicability of the 14th amendment for territory within the United States or the several states whereof or within the customs or immigrations statutory definitions of the being within the US for those purposes, such as forbidding prosecutors on Taiwan from engaging in appeals which constitute double jeopardy in criminal cases after an acquittal in the first trial or other unconstitutional acts.


The territory of the US is governed ultimately at the discretion of the Congress, but until such times as the Congress may act, the President as Commander in Chief may exercise all necessary military government authorities, as may be otherwise fully in conformity with the US Constitution.


The "Republic of China" does not represent the US nor serve as a governing agent for the US , the "Republic of China" is merely the name by which the United States of America governs the United States Territory of American Formosa.

(1) CK Chen received this mail from Paul [: R P] on June 23rd, 2009. I corrected three words (in red color) as per my PC correction suggestion. Paul was not informed of these corrections and I am mailing a copy of this mail to him for his opinion!

(2) It is suggested the recipient to send a copy of this correction of interpret of the opinion letter from the Court of Appeals in Washing D.C., dated April 7th, 2009 to Chinese in Taipei , Taiwan as well as Beijing , China .

(3) When you write letters to President Obama, you may refer the above contents. ""

' 台灣建國氣如天! -- 記2009/06/16「凱達格蘭革命」事件 ' /B.H. 06/18/2009 or

"" ... ... References:
註1: 公投護台灣聯盟 蔡丁貴教授遭警方毆打成傷送醫急救

註2: 517/放任扁兄弟給人糟蹋?蔡丁貴:民進黨只是為了選舉

註3: 陳菊背叛台灣獨立 ◎史明

註4: 陳菊的「一中兩府」?-- 蔡英文將民進黨推進了「一中陷阱」! ◎B.H.
2009-06-19 ""

' From S.J., a fight to defend Vietnam's territory ', by Thy Lam, San Jose Mercury News, 2009.Jun22, p. 8A

"Freeing Tibet" > No Chinese items to buy!

"Agenda for a New Economy" >Individuals to do!

"The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" John Perkins > Why? Why?

'Why Do They Just Giggle?' Butler Shaffer, author of "Life Is Destroying the Planet!" or

: "" ... ...
In more recent discussions of the destructive nature of governmental regulation of the marketplace, or the evil nature of the war system, or of efforts by statists to bring virtually all forms of human activity under political control in order to "save the planet," I am greeted with the same snickering."" ...

The answer, I suspect, is to be found in our conditioned practice of identifying our sense of being with institutions. (I dealt with this topic in my first book, Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival.) ... ... we train ourselves to look for meaning in our lives not within ourselves, but in external organized systems that have a vested interest in having us elevate their purposes above our own. It is this practice that is the midwife to all forms of collectivism.

An institution is an organization that has become an end in itself, a condition that can arise only through our thinking; only by regarding the collective as of greater significance than ourselves. We do this through learning to identify ourselves through what Fritz Perls called "ego boundaries," which may embrace our nationality, race, gender, ideology, or other belief systems. By so identifying our sense of purpose and meaning in these abstractions, we set ourselves up to be dominated by the institutions which, we are told, represent such groupings. Whatever individuality we might otherwise have becomes subservient to – and subsumed by – the institutions that thus become our collective identity.

The principal beneficiary of such thinking has been the nation-state. Through years of careful conditioning – conducted through such agencies as the government schools and the entertainment industry – we have been taught to regard the state not only as the fundamental organizing principle, but the raison d’etre for both human beings and society. We learned to recite our daily catechism of purpose to our lives in the form of a "pledge of allegiance" to a flag that was the omnipresent and dominant symbol of the state in our classroom. (Have you ever dissected the literal meaning of this pledge; that you are vowing to become and remain subservient to state authority?)

The media and the rest of the entertainment industry join forces with the schools to provide us a consistent indoctrination in the centrality of statism. We learn to regard obedience to constituted authority as our greatest virtue; to replace morality with legality as our personal standard of conduct. War films – starring the likes of John Wayne, who managed to keep himself out of World War II – brainwash us to believe that dying for the glory of the state is our glory; the concrete meaning of the U.S. Army’s advertisement to "be all you can be, in the Army."

The sadness as well as the unmitigated evil of such practices are reflected in the faces of World War II military veterans, who are trotted out for every holiday – each of which has been converted into an excuse for more war-celebration and John Wayne flicks – to speak of the sacrifices they and others made. To such men – identifiable with their "U.S.S. Missouri" baseball caps, or their "5th Army" shoulder patches – any suggestion that this war was carefully contrived by political and corporate interests, and that FDR manipulated the attack on Pearl Harbor, is met with rage, and understandably so. Having been conditioned to identify themselves with the state, to see their very sense of being tied up with obedience and service to the state, the slightest hint that political forces had conspired to exploit them does more than question the integrity of the state: more importantly, it creates uncertainties as to one’s own moral stature. ""
... ...
"" On a sadder note, at a time when more soldiers are committing suicide than are dying in battle, it is well to remember that, no matter how thoroughly indoctrinated the belief in the superiority of an abstraction, there remains within each of us a powerful life-force that can never be fully repressed. What Gandhi called Satyagraha – a "Truth-force" or "Soul-force" – remains deep within us as, perhaps, the greatest power at work upon each of us. The state – and the civilization it is helping to bring down – will continue to fight this life-force in every conceivable manner, not simply in the war system, but in efforts to regulate even the most miniscule details of life’s expressions.

When the minds and the spirits of men and women combine to address, with intelligence, what we have done to ourselves – and are doing to our children and grandchildren – we may be able to walk away from our roles as servo-mechanisms to state and corporate power interests, and to discover how to live according to that life-force within each of us. To those unable or unwilling to confront the wickedness implicit in their robotic existences, there will be nothing but unfocused anger and giggling to accompany their trip into the awaiting black-hole.
June 23, 2009

Butler Shaffer [send him e-mail] teaches at the Southwestern University School of Law. He is the author of the newly-released In Restraint of Trade: The Business Campaign Against Competition, 1918–1938 and of Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival. His latest book is Boundaries of Order. ""

'The Disease of Permanent War' Chris Hedges, AlterNet, Posted May19,2009:
: "The embrace by any society of permanent war is a parasite that devours the heart and soul of a nation."

Independent Long Island: ILI Links:

'Secession Is in the Water: Staten and Long Islands Talk of Quitting NY State' Tom Wrobleski:
: "" Secession fever is burning hotter among Republicans in the state Senate these days, leading GOP Sen. Andrew Lanza to hope that his plan for breaking Staten Island away from New York City will get a jump start.

Long Island state Sen. Kenneth LaValle and Assemblyman Fred Thiele Jr., both Republicans, this week called for a task force to study the feasibility of statehood for Long Island. Suffolk County legislators, including County Comptroller Joseph Sawicki, have endorsed the idea.

The reason: The $1.5 billion payroll tax imposed by the Legislature to help bail out the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. "

台1線〈湖口鄉八德路+中正路〉,19.9公里,晚會地點於楊梅 火車站。"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'517遊行 綠營天王傾巢而出' [民視] [2009-05-13 09:24:15]
: "" 517 嗆馬遊行進入倒數計時,民進黨推出標準的戰鬥裝扮,建議大家帶著板凳、外套、斗笠、毛巾甚至牙刷,作好24小時的抗爭準備,呂游蘇謝幾位黨內天王都將參加遊行,但是目前只有謝長廷確定會帶著枕頭,牙刷靜坐過夜瞧著這兩位黨工,的裝扮,這是民進黨為了517遊行推出的戰鬥裝,斗笠遮陽、毛巾擦汗、板凳休息、外套禦寒,照相機則是防止不明人士混進隊伍蒐證之用,不過按照自己需求,還可以多帶一些私人裝備。517,民進黨全體就戰鬥位置,黨中央成立24小時因應小組,黨內天王更已經傾巢而出,分別在四路領軍,謝長廷與蔡英文南北兩路相呼應,蘇貞昌從傳統票倉萬華領軍,而呂游兩人則從頂好出發。,不過游錫坤還得分身參加南部場,遊行時恐怕不會現身。箭在弦上不得不發,517只有成功的結果,沒有失敗的理由。民視新聞綜合報導(2009/5/13 下午 06:59:59) ""
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'中部社團火大 517「嗆馬列車」' [民視] [2009-05-13 09:29:32]
: "" 517嗆馬大遊行,中部本土社團不缺席,將首創包下一班「嗆馬列車」,5月17日早上9:30,從台中火車站出發,南下沿途停靠,終點站高雄,搭載嗆馬民眾,全程無須繳費。


中部社團先往高雄集結,遊行結束,連續3晚,還會有遊覽車從台中出發,支援「招兵圍馬、台北守夜」。 ""

Birth of Formosan Democracy: Yes, We Can!!
'FF-NTHAN = Formosa Federation--North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation':

Declaration of Formosan Human Rights Feb5,2009

台灣住民選擇統獨自決會(拒公投) phpbb

!!! Taiwan Civil Government = 台灣平民政府 !!!
Joining the website with:
"" 對台灣的理念: *
""" For Formosan Federation, including at least:
North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation
South Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation,
to be built by Armed Citizens direct democracy.
Cf. """
你同意:台澎國際地位目前處於美國軍事政府管轄中,美國有義務保護台澎安全。台灣尚未建國,沒有獨立的問題,只有建國的問題。 * ""
齋藤正樹大使の台灣未定論こそ日本政府の立場 4項回覆
在 讓台灣回到歷史原點 - 討論區 由 蝶衣 開始。最後回覆的人:蝶衣 7小時以前 。
臺灣平民政府09/05/02聲明 5項回覆
在 台灣平民政府 由 蝶衣 開始。最後回覆的人:蝶衣 11小時以前 。
「Chinese Taipei」是流亡中華民國的名稱 11項回覆 ""
... ...

' “DIY Nation”: How to Start Your Own Country (Three Experts Offer Advice) ' THE FUTURIST - April 30th, 2009:

Rebirth of the USA Democracy possible?
' Memo to Media: Populism Is a Rebellion Against Corporate Power -- It's Not Just Stupid, Raw Anger ' By Jim Hightower, Hightower Lowdown. AlterNet: Posted May8,2009:
: ""Our fight against moneyed elites has more than 100 years of history.""


' UMMOA appoints first ambassador ' May12,2009:
"" The Governor of the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA) announced today the appointment of the Hon. Angelo D’Ambra as UMMOA Ambassador to Italy. "" ... ... ...

' ILI’s first municipal corporation is born ' ILI News: April 27, 2009:

' Should LI Become A State? '

' America: land of the unfree, home of the knave! ' ILI News: April 18, 2009:
: """ According to Independent Long Island’s Historian James Alcock (he is also our High Commissioner to Canada), when the British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminster in 1931, which elevated Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland from colonies to autonomous dominions within the British Commonwealth (not fully independent because their people were still British Subjects), it also gave them the right to secede from the British Commonwealth. They could just declare their independence and leave! They all had the right, but none chose to exercise it at that time. In fact, they all willingly fought on Britain’s side during World War II.

In 1948, Burma seceded after becoming independent, and Ireland seceded in 1949, just before the creation of the Commonwealth of Nations. So the legal right already present in the Statute of Westminster of 1931, was exercised a bit later on. The London Declaration of 1949, which set up the Commonwealth of Nations, recognised the member countries as fully independent, so they had the right to leave the Commonwealth at any time because they were free and independent nations. They could even leave and return. South Africa, Fiji and Pakistan left and rejoined later.

It is interesting to note that the right to secede from the old British Empire was granted in 1931 to the autonomous parts, a full 18 years before the modern Commonwealth of Nations was created in order to accept a fully independent Indian Republic. ""
... ...

[Tsai 09.4.27=1 #1] In 2007 June 6 BoodTV program, the author of "The Secret History of the American Empire", has promoted fundamental global change, achieving a "secure, sustainable, and peaceful" world for all, from individual "Americans" changing powerful corporations, citing some examples of past achievement, like Amnesty International, DDT, and so on. I don't know about US Pres. Obama, but, his dramatic appearance, perhaps is an indication of the time, has finally arrived, for essential changes, even for the USA, away from global "Western domination" of our pitiful "reality".

Taiwan 1st:

'Small-Town Anarchy' by J. L. Bryan:

'福爾摩莎法理建國會 將成立' [原著] [FNLSA]於2009-04-23 03:15:01上傳[445]

'The end: How would you choose to die?' The Independent, Mar4,2009,Wed:
: "In our own bed, sipping claret. Tending cabbages in the garden. Standing, arms outstretched, on top of a mountain. Under the spotlight on a live TV show... We all have different ideas about how we'd like to go."
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
bunhu - TaioanTokLip Kiankok | 2009-04-04 12:27:52
日  期:2009年5月9日 星期六
地  點:台灣台北市台北國賓大飯店 國際廳
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'Roger C.S. Lin vs United States: A lawsuit to change the course of Taiwan's history' (1 of 5) Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Apr6,2009 3:38PM:

'Roger C.S. Lin vs United States: Lawsuit to resolve 'Taiwan question' under appeal (2 of 5)' April 7, 12:05 PM

'Roger C.S. Lin vs United States: Supreme Court appeal planned over U.S peace treaty duties' (5 of 5) April 9, 11:49 AM

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
地址:台灣國100 台北市忠孝西路一段七號5樓505室
電話:02-2389-7908 傳真:02-2389-7907
email:MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "sg2004.webmail." claiming to be
郵政劃撥:50080804 戶名:王獻極








1. 2011年2月28日(一)環島寫憲法

2. 2011年9月9日 3000位勇士







































新憲法 新國家 新希望

憲法召集人 陳德正















The Constitution of the Republic of Taiwan

序  文


  We, the nationals of Taiwan , do hereby adopt this Constitution in our bid to build up a more perfect government so as to secure the freedom and welfare of the people and to ensure that we and our posterity shall be blessed by democracy.

第 一 章 國 民



Article 01:The sovereignty of the Republic of Taiwan shall reside in the whole body of the nationals of the Republic.




Article 02:Whoever meets the following requirements shall be the nationals of the Republic:

(1)domiciled in the Republic; and

(2)residing overseas, but was born within the territorial confines of the Republic and does not have the nationality of any other country; provided that he or she with the nationality of other country shall not become a citizen of the Republic unless and until he or she has waived the nationality of that other country within six months of the date on which this Constitution takes effect


Article 03:Except as otherwise provided in the preceding article, the conditions on which the nationality of the Republic shall be acquired and waived, and the acquisition and waiver procedures shall be prescribed by law.


Article 04:Human dignity and physical body shall in no event be impaired. No nationals of the Republic shall be searched, arrested, detained, interrogated or penalized except as otherwise done in accordance with law. All criminal defendants shall be entitled to speedy, open and fair trial.


Article 05:All men are created equal. Nobody shall be criminated by virtue of sex, race, status, age, physiological or mental status.


Article 06:Nobody shall be subject to trial by a military tribunal except those in active military service.


Article 07:The nationals of the Republic shall have freedom of residence and removal.


Article 08:The nationals of the Republic shall have freedom of speech, writing, painting, theater and other forms of opinion.


Article 09:All forms of foreign capital shall not be invested in the operation of mass communication within the Republic.


Article 10:The nationals of the Republic shall have the freedom of private correspondence.


Article 11:The nationals of the Republic shall have the freedom of religious belief.


Article 12:The nationals of the Republic shall have the freedom of assembly, demonstration and association.


Article 13:The nationals of the Republic shall have the right to maintain their proper health and have a civilized life.


Article 14:The nationals of the Republic shall be entitled to protection of their property. Private property may be expropriated in accordance with law to the benefit of the public; provided that those whose private property has been expropriated shall be duly indemnified.


Article 15:Any and all nationals of the Republic aged 18 or older shall have the rights of election, recall, initiation and referendum. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution or law, whoever is aged 20 or older shall have the right of getting elected.


Article 16:Except as otherwise provided herein, rights of election, recall, initiation and referendum shall be exercised in accordance with law.


Article 17:The nationals of the Republic shall have the right and duty to receive education.


Article 18:The nationals of the Republic shall have the duty to protect the Republic.


Article 19:The nationals shall have the duty to pay taxes.


Article 20:If any public servant impairs the freedom or rights of the nationals of the Republic in the performance of their public duties, any victim of the impairment shall have the right to claim against the impairer and the government for any and all damages arising from the impairment.


Article 21:Except as otherwise provided in law, foreign nationals shall have the same rights and obligations like the nationals of the Republic.

第 二 章 國 會



Article 22:The legislative powers of the Republic shall reside in the Parliament.


Article 23:The Parliament shall be comprised of 101 members of parliament (MP).


Article 24:The entire Republic shall be deemed an electorate from which all MPs shall be elected on the basis of proportional representation and nomination of candidates twice the number of MPs to be elected and chosen by drawing.


Article 25:Any and all political parties or groups shall be entitled to participate in the allocation of MP seats if and only if the number of valid votes obtained by the particular party or group is at least two percent of the total number of valid votes cast in the particular election.


Article 26:Each political party or group whose number of candidates nominated to stand in the election shall be at least twice as many as the number of MP seats allocated to the party or group. If the number is lower, the deficiency shall be balanced by the competent election authority before the number of MP seats allocated is determined by drawing by the number to which the party or group is entitled to be allocated.


Article 27:Of the candidates nominated by each political party or group to stand in the election, at least three of them shall be chosen from the aborigines, and at least one of them shall be nominated from each county or provincial city.


Article 28:Each MP shall hold office for a term of two years and shall stand for reelection at least two months before the expiration of their term.


Article 29:On the inauguration of MPs of each Parliament, a speaker and a deputy speaker shall be chosen from among the MPs themselves.

第30條:國會議員的選舉,除憲法規定外,以法律訂定之 。

Article 30:Except as otherwise provided herein, the election of MPs shall be prescribed by law.


Article 31:If any major business is proposed to be done in the name of the country, like bills concerning adoption or amendment of laws, budget, final accounts of revenues and expenditures, declaration or lifting of martial law, declaration of amnesty, conclusion of treaty, declaration of war, making of peace or impeachment of any government officials, the approval of the Parliament shall be sought by resolution of the Parliament. Before being enforced or enacting into law, the resolution shall be delivered to the President for execution and approval. In case approval is not obtained from the President, the resolution together with his or her opposition brief shall be returned to the Parliament within ten days of the receipt of the resolution. If at least two-thirds majority of the MPs stick to the original resolution, then the resolution shall take effect immediately.


Article 32:After the bill concerning adoption or amendment of law has been duly approved by the Parliament, the President shall sign and promulgate the bill within ten days; or the bill shall be enacted into law; provided that the bill concerning the adoption or amendment of law shall not be enacted into law if the bill cannot be returned to the Parliament because it is in recess.


Article 33:The Parliament shall, by themselves, meet for at least eight months in each and every year.


Article 34:If any MP whose membership is revoked for any reason other than death, the vacancy resulting from the revocation shall not be filled.


Article 35:The Parliament shall, during its adjournment, hold a special session at the request of the President or upon the request of at least one-fifth of the MPs.


Article 36:When the Parliament is in session, each of the ministers and commission chairmen shall be present at the meeting to present his or her views and answer questions with regard to the business he or she is in charge.


Article 37:Except as otherwise provided herein, any proposed bill shall be deemed approved by the Parliament as long as it has been duly passed by the resolution of at least a majority of the MPs present at the particular meeting of the Parliament.


Article 38:The Parliament shall have the right to request documents or other assistance from the administrative agency concerned as long as it is so deemed necessary for the execution of any business.


Article 39:Under no circumstances shall any MP be arrested when he or she is present at any meeting of the Parliament, provided, however, that the MP may be summoned and detained in accordance with statutory procedures.


Article 40:An MP shall not be held liable to any third party for his or her speech and voting in the performance of his or her duties; provided that he or she shall be held liable at law if and only if he or she makes any misrepresented speech that amounts to any personal attack.


Article 41:For his or her first-year services, an MP shall receive an annual compensation five times as much as the prior year’s average per capita income.


Article 42:Except as otherwise provided herein, the organization of the Parliament shall be prescribed by law.

第 三 章 總 統



Article 43:The administrative powers shall reside in the President.





Article 44:Whoever desires to run for the President or Vice President shall meet the requirements:

(1) having the nationality of the Republic;

(2)aged at least 35 years; and

(3)born within territorial confines of the Republic.


Article 45:The President and the Vice President shall be directly elected by the nationals of the Republic, with the candidates winning the highest number of votes to be deemed the winners.


Article 46:Both the President and the Vice President shall hold their respective offices for a term of four years. The Presidency shall be held by one and the same person for not more than eight years on end.


Article 47:Except as otherwise provided herein, the election of the President and the Vice President shall be prescribed by law.


Article 48:The President and the Vice President shall be inaugurated by being sworn in under the witness of a grand justice.












Article 49:By virtue of law, the functions of the President shall be as follows:

(1)having supreme command of the army, naval and air forces of the country;

(2)declaring war and making peace;

(3)concluding treaty;

(4)declaring martial law, lifting martial law, and taking emergency measures;

(5)conferring honors and decorations;

(6)granting grand amnesty, pardon, remission of sentence, and restitution of civil rights;

(7) promulgating amendments of this Constitution and laws;

(8)appointing and removing civil officials, and executing all administrative affairs of the Republic;

(9) nominating the president of the Judiciary and grand justices, and appointing them after the proposed nomination has been duly approved of the Parliament; and

(10)nominating the commissioners of the Civil Rights Exercise Commission, and appointing them after the proposed nomination has been duly approved by the Parliament.


Article50:For the performance of the administrative affairs of the Republic, all ministries and commissions shall be established to the extent required by profession and lines of duty, and all the ministers and commission chairmen shall be appointed by the President.


Article51:The President shall authorize leaders of all ministries and commissions to appoint appropriate government officials of all levels.


Article 52:The President shall periodically present to the Parliament a statement of his or her administrative policies and a report on his or her administration.


Article 53:Each of the ministries and commissions shall, within three months prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, present his or her bill of budget to the Parliament, and shall also, within three months of the end of the fiscal year, present his or her final accounts of revenues and expenditures to the Parliament.


Article 54:Once the Presidency becomes vacant, the vacancy so created shall be filled by the Vice President who shall be in office for the remainder of the original term. If both the Presidency and the Vice Presidency become vacant, the functions of the Presidency shall be discharged by the speaker of the Parliament and the election of both the new President and the new Vice President shall be held within three months of the vacancy. The new President and the Vice President shall be hold office for the remainder of the original term.


Article 55:The President shall receive his/her first year’s annual salary ten times the average per capita income of the year prior to the year in which he or she gets elected, and the Vice President shall receive his first year’s annual salary six times the average per capita income of the year prior to the year in which he or she gets elected. Upon the expiration of their term, both the President and the Vice President shall be entitled to courteous remuneration for ten years from the expiration, with the remuneration for the President to be five times his/her annual salary and that for the Vice President three times his/her annual salary. Other necessary courteous treatments for the President and the Vice President shall be prescribed by law.


Article 56:The salary and year-end bonus of all public servants shall be adjusted and paid in accordance with the table below:

第57條:公務人員每年至少須有5%以上的新陳代謝率,部會首長每年 二月一日 應向總統提出報告,如未達5%以上新陳代謝率的標準且該部會首長已就職十個月以上,則該部會首長應於次月更換。

Article 57:At least five percent of public servants shall be replaced from year to year. In this regard, all ministers and commission chairmen shall present an executive report to the President on February 1 of each year. Those ministers and council chairmen who fail to meet the minimum five percent replacement requirements shall be replaced if any of them has held his or her office for ten months or longer.


Article 58:President, Vice President and other government officials shall be discharged if any of them is convicted of treason, corruption or has been sentenced for any other more serious crime committed.


Article 59:Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, the organization of all ` ministries and commissions shall be prescribed by law.

第 四 章 司 法



Article 60:The judicial powers shall reside in the Grand Justices Meeting and all levels of courts under the aegis of the Judiciary.


Article 61:The Grand Justices Meeting shall be composed of the President of the Judiciary who concurrently serves as the First Grand Justice, the Vice President of the Judiciary who concurrently serves as the Vice President of the Judiciary who concurrently serves as the Vice First Grand Justice, and seven grand justices.


Article 62:The President of the Judiciary and the Vice President of the Judiciary and each of the grand justices shall hold office for a term of six years and shall be nominated and appointed by the President after having been duly approved by the Parliament per the consent of at least two-fifths of the MPs present at the meeting to which the nomination is referred. If a grand justice becomes vacant for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by a proposed candidate nominated by the President and the candidate shall be appointed by the President after he or she has been duly approved by the Parliament. The new grand justice shall hold office for the remainder of the original term.


Article 63:The original grand justice whose term has expired shall continue to perform his or her functions until the new replacement has been duly approved by the Parliament.


Article 64:If a dispute concerning the application of the Constitution or law arises between any two of the central government agencies, or between the central government and any of the local governments, or between any of the nationals of the Republic and the government, the parties involved shall have the right to refer the dispute to the Grand Justices Meeting for interpretation and judgment.


Article 65:Judges of all levels of courts shall be chosen from among those who have passed the national examination and completed the before-job training.


Article 66:Article 57 shall apply by analogy concerning the judge replacement rate.


Article 67:Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, the organization of the Grand Justices Meeting and all levels of courts shall be prescribed by law.

第 五 章 公民權行使委員會



Article 68:The Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall be in charge of such affairs as election, recall, initiation and referendum. With regard to bills concerning initiation and referendum, the Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall hold a plebiscite on the first Sunday of June and December of each and every year, if so required.


Article 69:The Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall be composed of nine commissioners, and the chairman of the commission shall be chosen from among the commissioners.


Article 70:Each commissioner of the Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall hold office for a term of four years. All commissioners shall be nominated by the President, but shall not be appointed until the nomination has been duly approved by the Parliament by the consent of at least two-fifths of the MPs present at the meeting to which the nomination is referred. When any commissionership becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by a new commissioner nominated by the President. The new commissioner shall be appointed by the President as soon as the new commissionership has been duly approved by the Parliament. The new commissioner shall hold office for the remainder of the original term.


Article 71:All commissioners of the Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall perform their duties on a full-time and non-partisan basis, and shall under no circumstances participate in any activities organized by any political party.


Article 72:When the Parliament is in session, the chairman of the Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall be present at the meeting of the Parliament to present an executive report and answer questions.


Article 73:Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the organization of the Civil Rights Exercise Commission shall be prescribed by law.

第 六 章 特 別 管 理



Article 74:When the Parliament is in session, all MPs shall sign their respective names [on the Attendance Sheet] and shall attend the meeting. If any MP’s signature is deemed false in any form, his or her membership shall be revoked.


Article 75:If an MP is absent for a total of 20 days or longer when the Parliament is in session in any year, his or her MP membership shall be revoked.


Article 76:All MPs shall perform their duties on a full-time basis and shall on no account concurrently hold any office in any organization, whether public or private; or their membership shall be revoked.


Article 77:If an MP candidate is convicted of getting elected by bribery, or committing corruption or bribery, the party or group which nominates the candidate shall be subject to a reduction of the allocated number of MPs three times the number of convicted MPs in the future election when the judgment against the convict becomes final and conclusive.


Article 78:Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, all the elected public servants shall on no account be entitled to any preferential treatment after the expiration of their term.


Article 79:An MP shall proceed to withdraw from the deliberations on a bill that involves the interest of himself or herself or his or her family; or his or her MP membership shall be revoked immediately.

第 七 章 其 他



Article80:Any and all laws, administrative orders, regulations of any local government, or administrative measures of any government shall be null and void if they are deemed in contravention of this Constitution.


Article81:Any law or bill arising out of an initiation or referendum shall be deemed duly approved if and only if a motion in that regard has been jointly countersigned by at least one-fiftieth of the nationals with election right, and a plebiscite in which at least half of the nationals with election right has voted in favor of the motion has been held. The President shall, within ten days of the approval of the law, promulgate the law that has been duly approved as a result of the initiation or referendum by the nationals.




Article 82:To amend this Constitution, an amendment bill shall be submitted to the Parliament in accordance with either of the following two proceedings:

(1)At least one-tenth of the MPs have jointly countersigned their respective names on the motion for the bill, at least two-thirds of the MPs have been present at the meeting, and at least half of those present have voted in favor of the motion.

(2)A motion on the bill has been made by at least one-thirtieth of the nationals with election right.



Article 83:The amendment bill referred to in the preceding article shall be deemed duly approved if and only if at least half of the voters with election right vote in favor of the bill at a plebiscite held in that regard.

The President shall promulgate the amendment bill within ten days of the approval date.


Article 84:This Constitution shall be deemed duly approved if and only if at least one half of the voters with election right vote in favor of the motion for the bill at a plebiscite held in that regard.

N.B. ?

陳德正憲法召集人 E-mail:davidflora0330@ tw

The mandarin version of the Constitution was drafted by Te-cheng Chen on November 11, 2005, and the English translation completed by Te-cheng Chen and Gilman Ng on November 11, 2008.



From: RWH (Taipei) [mailto:rwh. midway@gmail. com]
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 11:12 PM
To: RK
Cc: bata
Subject: Re: [BATA] 台灣獨立建國論是否可以信任?

Could anyone provide some information on the NEW TAIWAN CONSTITUTION which DPP President Chen Shui-bian said we would have by 2006?

2009/03/28 RK richard@eroica.


I am with you!

Indeed, the author has pointed out the most centered weakness characterized by most part of Taiwanese.
What he has put regarding Taiwan Independence and nation-build- up is from an narrow angle based on regular ordinary democratic procedures that might be practicable and applicable in other places like East-Timor, 3 nations in Baltic sea but it's not be suitable for Taiwan. The reason is simple and transparent for those who understood the nature of KMT. He is right that KMT always a loser in front of CCP so Taiwanese became stupid since being cheated by KMT for 60 years, he forgot one point that Taiwanese is facing a new joint-force of reunion-twin CCP+KMT that is unbeatable!

We don't feel hopeless at all, on the contrary, we will win the war with only 5% dare-to-die out of those 25% Taiwanese who are really Iron-TaiDo!

As I always emphasize, NO BLOOD, NO TAIWAN REPUBLIC, having only 5% of Iron-TaiDo so we will have 23 millions X 5% = 1.2 million! See how mighty it would be! How much strength it would release! With blood of those 1.2 million dare-to-die, no one in the world is unbeatable!

I have the confidence as much as those who belong to the 5% DTD!


From: bay-area-taiwanese- american@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:bay-area-taiwanese- american@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Allen Kuo
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:04 PM
To: bay-area-taiwanese- american@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [BATA] 台灣獨立建國論是否可以信任?

Dear all:

The following is an outstanding article translated from Japanese. It is interesting to learn that there are quiet a few Japanese who believe that Taiwan's ultimate destiny is either subsidiary to Japan or the US, and Taiwan does not have the ability to be Independent. It appears to me that this author might be a little bit bald, but quiet honest.

However, the author is WRONG. Taiwan do have the ability to be independent, I guarantee!


-----Original Message-----
From: Susan
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 8:23 PM
Subject: 憂心台灣未來


人必自助而後人助, 自侮而後人侮!







/むじな(日本人) 陳悅文譯
























所謂的國家,「經營」比「建國」更重要,建國派不認真思考如何經營國家,哪有可能建國? 但是,統一派和中國人可不要偷笑。因為「沒獨立便是統一」這個命題是錯的。目前台、中的狀況,正說明中國沒有侵略、併合、統治台灣的能力。






http://www.southnew polit/polit_ 00/13/02304. htm

This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future. To publish your e-mail, simply send it to:

Google-NASA Web universe:
'Is This Really the End of the Evangelical Movement?' AlterNet Staff, AlterNet. Posted March 28, 2009:
""Our readers had a lot to say about a recent article predicting the collapse of the evangelical movement.""
' From: 陳雅惠 [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:54 PM
To: Undisclosed- Recipient: @msr23.hinet. net;
Subject: 328&329台灣危機全民總動員晚會--敬請協助宣傳 '

: "" 台灣危機 全民總動員
l 『台灣危機 全民總動員–彰化員林晚會』

時間:2009/3/28 晚上 6:30

l 『台灣危機 全民總動員–台中豐原晚會』
時間:2009/3/29 晚上 6:30

'銀膠菊蔓全台 恐致遺傳病變 到戶外要小心'



這是南投特有生物中心, 黃正元 博士,花了20年研究發現,這種來自南美洲墨西哥地區,常見的植物,自從在屏東現蹤跡之後,因為生長速度快得嚇人,現在悄悄往北移。有可能是因為港口運輸,貨輪從國外帶回這種有毒的花粉,因此讓銀膠菊,在台灣落地生根銀膠菊開小白花,常常讓人誤解是滿天星,它的細微纖毛具有毒性,吸入過多,可能會造成肝臟和遺傳病變。 ""


'The GIO and the KMT, a Joint History of Murder, Intrigue, and Cover Up? Wake Up Taiwan' Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.; Mar25,2009: Tottoro, 2009/03/27:
建國會郵政劃撥帳號:1882-8111 戶名:彭明敏,

'Seven Deadly Sins As per Gandhiji'
: On "Principle Centered Leadership", by Stephen R. Covey:
: "" "Dr. Stephen R. Covey - one of the world's leading management consultants and author of the best selling book The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People - is co-chairman of Franklin Covey located in Salt Lake City, Utah in the U.S.A. Franklin Covey provides consultancy services to Fortune 500 companies as well as thousand of small and mid-size companies, educational institutions, government and other organisations world-wide. Their work in Principle Centered Leadership is considered to be an instrumental foundation to the effectiveness of quality, leadership, service, team building, organisational alignment and other strategic corporate initiatives.

Excerpts from Chapter 7 - Seven Deadly Sins - Page 87 to 93

Mahatma Gandhi said that seven things will destroy us. Notice that all of them have to do with social and political conditions. Note also that the antidote of each of these "deadly sins" is an explicit external standard or something that is based on natural principles and laws, not on social values.

Wealth Without Work
Pleasure Without Conscience
Knowledge Without Character
Commerce (Business) Without Morality (Ethics)
Science Without Humanity
Religion Without Sacrifice
Politics Without Principle "
... ...

""" My experience, or my opinion that the Christian conquest of the West has diminished the spirituality of the civilization, and my lament over the last Pagan stand war against the Roman Christian soliders?
Now, here is: 'The Coming Evangelical Collapse' By Michael Spencer, Christian Science Monitor. Posted March 20, 2009:
""A "postevangelical" predicts the coming of an anti-Christian era that will fundamentally alter the religious and cultural environment."" """

#200: !!228!! For ACddFF= Armed Citizens direct democracy Formosan Federation < Global direct democracy & Global happiness: Beatles...

NTHAN,FF = North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation, Formosa Federation
STHAN,FF = South...
ETHAN,FF = East...

Facebook, 2009.3.23=1:----

My experience, or my opinion that the Christian conquest of the West has diminished the spirituality of the civilization, and my lament over the last Pagan stand war against the Roman Christian soliders?
Now, here is: 'The Coming Evangelical Collapse' By Michael Spencer, Christian Science Monitor. Posted March 20, 2009:
""A "postevangelical" predicts the coming of an anti-Christian era that will fundamentally alter the religious and cultural environment."" = North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation:
STHAN,FF= South Taiwan HAN, & ETHAN,FF= East Taiwan HAN.
FFfE = Formosan Federation for Ever!
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

'Historical and Legal Aspects of the
International Status of Taiwan (Formosa)' Ng Yuzin Chiautong, Chairman, World United Formosan for Independence:

: "" The article was published on August 28, 1971, in
Tokyo, Japan. The author holds a Ph.D. degree from the
University of Tokyo. The author wishes to acknowledge his
gratitude to Dr. William K. Chung, guest scholar of the
Brooking Institute's Center for Advanced Study, for his
assistance and collaboration in drafting this paper.

I. Introduction
II. Statement of U. S. State Department
III. Refutation against PROC and ROC
1. Taiwan Is Not Part of China Historically
2. The Validity of Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty of 1895 examined
3. Cairo and Potsdam Declarations and the Instrument of Surrender
4. Peace Treaties with Japan
5. The Mutual Defense Treaty between the Ignited States of
America and the Republic of China
6. Legal Aspects of ROC's Rule of Taiwan.
IV. Determination of the Legal Status of Taiwan "


' Book Review: Taiwan's 400 Year History--Dutch imperial mercantilism (3 of 8) '
Michael Richardson, Mar14,2009, Boston Progressive Examiner:
: "" Su Beng, now 90 years old, is the first Taiwan native to write a definitive political history of the island. Taiwan's 400 Year History explores "The Origins and Continuing Development of the Taiwanese Society and People." "
... ...
" "At the time the Tainan area of Taiwan was first invaded by foreigners, the population of the aborigines of Taiwan was by no means small. But with domination, oppression, and slaughter at the hands of the Dutch and their Han pioneer dependents, their numbers quickly diminished."

"In each of the 38 years that the Dutch colonialists rulesd Taiwan, their balance of revenues and expenditures showed tremendous profits. Most of the wealth seized from Taiwan was sent to Holland, with the exception that the outlines were laid for construction of the castles on Zeelandia and Providentia."

The Dutch occupied Taiwan from 1624 until 1661 when they were expelled by Cheng Ch'eng-kung from China who set up his own colonial rule. ""

'Breaking the Taboo on Israel's Spying Efforts on the United States'
By Christopher Ketcham, AlterNet. Posted March 10, 2009:

: ... ... "When the FBI produces its annual report to Congress concerning "Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage," Israel and its intelligence services often feature prominently as a threat second only to China." ... ...

'Is This Last Gasp for the Israel Lobby and the Neocons?'
By Robert Dreyfuss, Posted March 16, 2009:

"" After sinking intel chief Chas Freeman, pro-Israel hardliners are celebrating. But they may have overplayed their hand on this round. ""

: "" Is the Israel lobby in Washington an all-powerful force? Or is it, perhaps, running scared?

Judging by the outcome of the Charles W. ("Chas") Freeman affair this week, it might seem as if the Israeli lobby is fearsome indeed. Seen more broadly, however, the controversy over Freeman could be the Israel lobby's Waterloo.

Let's recap. On February 19th, Laura Rozen reported at that Freeman had been selected by Admiral Dennis Blair, the director of national intelligence, to serve in a key post as chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC). The NIC, the official in-house think tank of the intelligence community, takes input from 16 intelligence agencies and produces what are called "national intelligence estimates" on crucial topics of the day as guidance for Washington policymakers. For that job, Freeman boasted a stellar resumé: fluent in Mandarin Chinese, widely experienced in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, a former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, and an ex-assistant secretary of defense during the Reagan administration.

A wry, outspoken iconoclast, Freeman had, however, crossed one of Washington's red lines by virtue of his strong criticism of the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Over the years, he had, in fact, honed a critique of Israel that was both eloquent and powerful. Hours after the Foreign Policy story was posted, Steve Rosen, a former official of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), launched what would soon become a veritable barrage of criticism of Freeman on his right-wing blog. "
... ...

" On March 10th, Freeman bowed out, but not with a whimper. In a letter to friends and colleagues, he launched a defiant, departing counterstrike that may, in fact, have helped to change the very nature of Washington politics. "The tactics of the Israel lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth," wrote Freeman. "The aim of this lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views."

Freeman put it more metaphorically to me: "It was a nice way of, as the Chinese say, killing a chicken to scare the monkeys." By destroying his appointment, Freeman claimed, the Israel lobby hoped to intimidate other critics of Israel and U.S. Middle East policy who might seek jobs in the Obama administration.

On Triumphs, Hysterias, and Mobs

It remains to be seen just how many "monkeys" are trembling. " ... ...
... ...

" Indeed, Freeman told me:

"The only thing I regret is that in my statement I embraced the term 'Israel lobby.' This isn't really a lobby by, for, or about Israel. It's really, well, I've decided I'm going to call it from now on the [Avigdor] Lieberman lobby. It's the very right-wing Likud in Israel and its fanatic supporters here. And Avigdor Lieberman is really the guy that they really agree with."

So here's the reality behind the Freeman debacle: Already worried over Team Obama, suffering the after-effects of the Gaza debacle, and about to be burdened with the Netanyahu-Lieberman problem, the Israel lobby is undoubtedly running scared. They succeeded in knocking off Freeman, but the true test of their strength is yet to come.


See more stories tagged with: neocons, israel lobby, chas freeman, robert dreyfuss

Robert Dreyfuss is the author of "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam" (Henry Holt/Metropolitan Books). ""

'The Taliban and Opium Industry Are Getting U.S. Billions -- Not So Much for the Rest of Afghanistan' Pratap Chatterjee, Posted Mar23,2009, AlterNet:
: ""Parts of Afghanistan that have neither violent Taliban resistance nor much opium trade are virtually ignored by the U.S.""
'白先勇的秘密花園 「台北人」與「紐約客」裡的音樂密碼 友善列印' ?符立中  (20090307)
bbbbb bbbbb

' 'Theory of mind' could help explain belief in God ' Mar9,2009, by Andy Coghlan:
: "" Once we had evolved the necessary brain architecture, we could "do" religion, brain scans indicate.

The research shows that, to interpret a god's intentions and feelings, we rely mainly on the same recently evolved brain regions that divine the feelings and intentions of other people. "
... ...
" "It's not surprising that religious beliefs engage mainly the theory-of-mind areas, as they are about virtual beings who are treated as having essentially human mental traits, just as characters in a novel or play are," comments Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at the University of Oxford.

"But it nicely reinforces my claim that it is the higher orders of intentionality that are crucial in the development of fully fledged religion as we know it," says Dunbar.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0811717106). ""

bbbb bbbbb

' Second Genesis: Life, but not as we know it ' Mar11,2009, by Bob Holmes, NewScientist, issue 2699:

: "" Part 1: Making new life
Part 2: The search for shadow life
Gallery: What might shadow life be like? "
... ...
" Discovering - or engineering - a second genesis wouldn't just broaden our view of life. Alternative life forms could supply biotechnologists with fresh molecules and new functions that they could apply to practical problems. A synthetic, made-to-order living system might even serve as a self-maintaining, self-improving, adaptable assembly line for producing everything from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. Over the next four pages we first report on rapid progress in the lab, and then bring news from the field, as researchers race to make what could be one of science's most far-reaching breakthroughs. "

bbbbb bbbbb

'Openness and the Metaverse Singularity' [for the future] by Jamais Cascio,

"" The four worlds of the Metaverse Roadmap could also represent four pathways to a Singularity. But they also represent potential dangers. An "open-access Singularity" may be the answer. The people who have embraced the possibility of a singularity should be working at least as hard on making possible a global inclusion of interests as they do on making the singularity itself happen, says Jamais Cascio.

Originally presented at Singularity Summit 2007, September 8, 2007. Reprinted with permission on November 7, 2007. "
... ...

" If we're willing to try, we can create a future, a singularity, that's wise, democratic and sustainable—a future that's open. Open as in transparent. Open as in participatory. Open as in available to all. Open as in filled with an abundance of options.

The shape of tomorrow remains in our grasp, and will be determined by the choices we make today. Choose wisely. ""

'內除國賊、外抗霸權 (「台灣國民會議」) ' Mar7,2009:
: "" 「台灣國民會議」再度聯合台灣本土社團,擬於3月14日星期六晚上六點,在台北市凱達格蘭大道召開第四次「台灣民眾大會」,大會主題訂為「內除國賊、外抗霸權」,目的是要喚醒台灣人認清「中國共產黨」﹝中共﹞文功武嚇的霸權本質和「中國國民黨」﹝中國黨﹞賣台媚中的外來本質。尤其,面對自去年520馬統幫復辟以來,台灣的經濟、社會、人權和國際地位全面嚴重遭受摧殘,咱更要激勵台灣民族主義的思想和精神,鼓舞台灣人堅持當家作主、保護家園,勇敢追求獨立建國的決心。 " / ... ...
'內除國賊、外抗霸權-第四次民眾大會' [福爾摩沙 創值社 美麗寶島 / 報導Formosa Value Society USA 盧如村Danny LC Lu] [2009-03-06 20:32:45]

" 時間:2009年3月14日 (星期六) 下午六點
節目主持人:楊蕙如 & Billy Pan
總結:陳儀深 "
... ...
" 自蔣家暴力集團餘孽的馬統幫在中共的資助下復辟得逞以來,「非台灣人」踐踏台灣人的醜惡心態毫不掩飾地暴露出來。這個台灣社會有史以來最大的詐騙集團,他們編織杜撰來誣蔑台灣人主政下的「哀鴻遍野、民不聊生」、「貪腐無能、財團黑金」、「獨裁專斷、司法迫害」等,在不到半年的時間內一一加以實現。尤其,馬統幫自知他們那種「少數外來特權」的真面目很快就會被台灣人和關心台灣的國際人士看破腳手,因此,迫不及待掏空台灣去籠絡中共統治階級,出賣台灣主權向中共交心,以換取中共的撐腰,求取在台「買辦」特權,由他們少數「非台灣人」駕馭一批台籍奴才、鷹犬,統治、奴役佔絕大多數的台灣人,他們的賣台媚中是舉鋤頭掘自己的腳。



消息諮詢:吳秀娟女士 (02-2362-8797) ""

'青春 追夢 台灣國' bunhu, 2009-02-23:
'福爾摩莎頌' 鄭智仁作品, Aug9,2008:
Taiwan Civil Government:

' $5 Billion in Lobbying for 12 Corrupt Deals Caused the Multi-Trillion Dollar Financial Meltdown ' Robert Weissman, Multinational Monitor. Posted Mar9,2009:
: ... ...
" "Sold Out: How Wall Street and Washington Betrayed America," a report released by Essential Information and the Consumer Education Foundation (and which I co-authored), details a dozen crucial deregulatory moves over the last decade -- each a direct response to heavy lobbying from Wall Street and the broader financial sector, as the report details. (The report is available at: Combined, these deregulatory moves helped pave the way for the current financial meltdown.

Here are 12 deregulatory steps to financial meltdown: "
... ...

!!Taiwan 228 Massacre 60 Years On: 1947-2007 (紀念康阿裕)!! Video:

'A letter to Hillary Rodham Clinton' Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模, Thur,Feb26,09, Taipei Times, P.8:

'# 228事件中看到台灣人的憨直' Mar8,2009:

'紀念二二八 點燈祈福' 溫哥華新聞:

' Taiwan's '228 Massacre' survivor seeks justice for war crime against her father '
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Feb25,4:42PM:

' 'White Terror' interrogation records discovered in abandoned military building shock Taiwan ' Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Mar18,2009:

: "" White Terror interrogation records and human remains in jars found in an abandoned Ministry of Justice building have shocked Taiwan. The White Terror was a repressive period of Kuomintang martial law following the '228 Massacre' in 1947 when Chiang-Kai-shek's secret police and military agents sought out Communist infiltrators from the ranks of mainlanders that came to occupy the island.

'我的三姐-228的犧牲者(1)' 李悅,, 2009-02-28 13:08:07上傳[1086]

' "淨化人心「反買票」", 請從「花蓮慈濟」做起! ' [福爾摩沙 創值社 美麗寶島 / 報導 Formosa Value Society USA 盧如村 Danny LC Lu] [2009-03-01 08:53:31],Inc: Feb27,2009

' 口述歷史「濁水溪畔二二八」出版╱樟湖之戰 凸顯228抗爭精神

二二八事件紀念基金會昨日舉行「濁水溪畔二二八:口述歷史訪談錄」新書發表會,由二二八事件紀念基金會董事長陳錦煌(中)、國史館前館長張炎憲(左)及中研院近代史研究所副研究員陳儀深(右)共同主持。 (記者王敏為攝)

陳儀深撰寫 走訪雲投等地
喚地緣記憶 基隆徒步追思
〔記者邱燕玲、翁聿煌╱綜合報導〕 ""
'DC 二二八紀念會 盼揭開真相' / 徐頌鵬 [福爾摩沙 創值社 美麗寶島 / 報導Formosa Value Society USA 盧如村Danny LC Lu] [2009-03-04 19:12:50]
: by 記者許惠敏馬州報導, Mar3,2009 01:00AM
... ...
" 62年前,在花蓮一所教會牧會的父親曾主持二二八受難者鳳林張七郎醫師父子三人追思儀式、僑居華府多年的徐頌鵬,也在會中講述他所知道的二二八事件及張氏父子。


曾與張七郎孫輩同學,張七郎大媳婦還是他的國小老師,徐頌鵬指出,張七郎父子以「背叛黨國」被誣陷入罪而慘死的真相,因為新一批史料的公諸於世,而漸漸浮出;據日前報章所載,遇難原因乃因私人恩怨。「民主和平公義,應該是紀念二二八事件所應努力的方向」,徐頌鵬企盼真相還原之餘,也希望事件原凶能悔改認罪。 "
... ...
" 本次紀念會的主題演講人是台南市長許添財,他從1924年荷蘭東印度公司入安平屠殺原住民談到二二八事件,認為兩起悲劇是殖民政權在改朝換代過程中,避免不了的衝突,「唯有脫離殖民地位,悲劇才能中止」。許添財表示,台灣真正民主化的到來,應有正當與正義價值存在,可惜流氓立委、黑道漂白擔任民代等情事仍時有所聞。 "
... ...

'In Innovation, U.S. Said to Be Losing Competitive Edge' Feb25,2009:
: "" ... has eroded sharply over the last decade, ... "
" ... Information Technology and Innovation Foundation found that the United States ranked sixth ... "
... ...
" ... Singapore, Taiwan, Finland and China, are pursuing policies that are explicitly designed to spur innovation. These policies typically try to nurture a broader “ecology of innovation,” which often includes education, training, intellectual property protection and immigration. ... "

Twitter: 'Twitter Nation Has Arrived: How Scared Should We Be?'
By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet. Posted February 21, 2009: Family:


: "" New York, NY - March 5, 2009 - Apple Corps, Ltd., Harmonix and MTV Games, a part of Viacom's MTV Networks (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), today announced the 9/9/09 worldwide release of The Beatles: Rock Band ( The music-based video game, an unprecedented, experiential progression through and celebration of the music and artistry of The Beatles, will be available simultaneously worldwide in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other territories for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system and Wii home videogame console from Nintendo. "
... ...

'響應台美人社團舉辦「為台灣國行」活動' Feb10,2009
""我們是一個超越族群、黨派、派系、個人利益的國家運動組織。我們要推動的台灣國願景是:生態台灣、海洋國家、科技島嶼、經貿全球、精實國防、主權外交、誠信社會、公義福利、尊重弱勢、多元族群的文明國度。辦公室:台北市忠孝西路一段7號5樓505室 電話:02-2389-7908 傳真:02-2389-7907""
Movie "Formosa Betrayed"
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
'Packed courtroom greets judges in Taiwan treaty lawsuit' Feb5,09 1:59PM

民間國是會議: Taiwan Citizens Conference on National Affairs: DPP+台聯黨
民間國是會議 -民進黨+台聯黨:
Taiwan Civil Government: 美國高等(上訴)法院【台灣主權地位】辯論: NYC 2.3, DC 2.5
'Was Taiwan returned to China after WWII?' Axis History Forum. Post by Rgroup on 07 Jan 2009, 09:14:
"Formosan Proclamation".
九○八台灣國運動: The Taiwan Republic Campaign:
台灣國委員會: Taiwan Nation Committee >TRA= Taiwan Relations Act.
台灣國家定位論壇:去中華民國 台灣才是獨立國家: Off "Ch's ROC"> Taiwan Nation.
林志昇的懇求: 【請踴躍到美國聯邦上訴法院旁聽】, '所謂 『台海』現狀'.
'綠營支持者情何以堪 扁長別跟過去過不去', '致靚認罪 願交出18億.
TCRLO= Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Legal Organization.

'王清峰說謊' Feb1,2009:
'Chinese Problem! #1000 < Re: 台灣問題!' - 2009.2.4=3 11pm.
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'Unkind cuts target the majority’s language' Li Khin-huann 李勤岸, Sat,Feb21,2009, Taipei Times, p.8:

"Taiwan has a proficiency certification system for every language, including Mandarin, Hakka and indigenous languages, but not Hoklo."

: "" Since 2000, Feb. 21 has been observed as International Mother Language Day as proclaimed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). On this day every year, UNESCO announces the current status of mother tongues worldwide and makes an urgent call to all countries to preserve language assets.

The 2001 UNESCO report on mother languages around the world noted that languages in Taiwan, except for Mandarin, are dying. Although these languages, including Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese), Hakka and the many indigenous languages, continue to be widely spoken in some cases, they are all in need of preservation efforts. "


'台獨的西點軍校 建國故事: 《一門留美學生的建國故事》' ◎ 張炎憲, 前國史館館長: Feb22,2009, The Liberty Times: 自由廣場:





回顧過去白色恐怖年代,台灣處於艱難的時刻,張家十位親人追求獨立建國的豪情壯志,就會給我們一股力量與啟示,只要我們意志堅定,攜手努力,終有化不可能為可能的一天,完成建國的偉業。 ""

RTR Declaration of Independence. [RetoreTheRepublic]

The State of New Hampshire HCR6, Jan 2009:
""A RESOLUTION affirming States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles.
Whereas the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, Part 1, Article 7 declares that the people of this State have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State; and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right, pertaining thereto, which is not, or may not hereafter be, by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in congress assembled; "" ...
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'Years of Darkness, Tyranny, and Oppression':
Iraqi Tragedy: 'Why a Defense Contractor's Seemingly Mundane Decision Has Iraqi Interpreters Fearing for Their Lives'
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'Why the Dark Secrets of the First Gulf War Are Still Haunting Us'
By Nora Eisenberg, AlterNet. Posted February 27, 2009.
... ...

'Salmonella in Peanut Butter, Melamine in Milk -- How Do We Know What's Safe to Eat?' By Jill Richardson, AlterNet. Posted February 24, 2009.

""One can go vegetarian, buy organic, or avoid processed foods, but it is hard to truly avoid all of the dangers that lurk in our food.""

: " For example, a recent study by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy tells of mercury found in nearly one-third of products containing high fructose corn syrup, a substance ubiquitous in processed foods. The mercury comes from chlor-alkali plants that manufacture caustic soda.

Although newer, cleaner technology is available, some of these plants still use mercury, resulting in mercury contamination in the caustic soda. Then caustic soda is used to separate corn starch from the corn kernel in the high fructose corn syrup production process.

Only trace amounts of mercury end up in the high fructose corn syrup (the product with the most mercury from high fructose corn syrup still had 1,000 times less mercury than the average can of albacore tuna), but mercury is a neurotoxin, and consumers should not be exposed to it in their food, even at low levels.

Even excluding extreme problems like salmonella and mercury, America has proof, via declining public health, that our corn- and soy-based industrial diet is not healthy. Without family farms, consumers are less able to opt out of this food system.

When local farms lose, houses spring up where farmland once was, and the food produced locally is displaced with food from the enormous and consolidated industrial food system. Although most of us are not among the 2 percent of Americans who farm, if we wish to preserve our health and a way of eating focused on taste over convenience and marketing, then we need to save the few precious family farms we have left.

See more stories tagged with: food, farming, peanut butter, sustainable agriculture, salmonella, industrial agriculture, food safey

Jill Richardson is the founder of the blog La Vida Locavore and a member of the Organic Consumers Association policy advisory board. Her first book, about food politics, is due out in June 2009. ""

'5 Great Progressive Moves by Obama That You Might Have Missed'
By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet. Posted February 20, 2009:
1. $10 Billion for High-Speed Rail
2. Broadband Initiative
3. Commission to Review Faith-Based Initiatives
4. A Reform-Minded Drug Czar
5. Swift Action on Arms Control
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"Economic Global Tsunami from Wall St":--

1) Dangers:------------------------------
'It's Not Going to Be OK' Chris Hedges, Truthdig. Posted Feb4,2009, AlterNet:
: ""The economic crisis could plunge the U.S. into a long period of social instability. Our democracy is in peril; the threat of totalitarianism is real.""

2) How Happened:-------------------------
' Plunder and Blunder; How the 'Financial Experts' Keep Screwing You '
By Dean Baker, PoliPoint Press. Posted Feb7,2009:
: ""Anyone with common sense, a grasp of simple arithmetic and a desire to go against the consensus should have seen the financial crisis coming.""

Taiwan Civil Government:
Taiwan: ACdd = "Armed Citizens direct democracy":
All Formosan, Unite to Defend Formosa Federation!!
Fully Armed states disarming Citizens: Joyce Foundation:
===Global direct democracy===
===Global dd to Happiness===
NTHAN = North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation:
UMMOA = United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago:
'Pacific people spread from Taiwan'
'[BATA] 我有一個臺灣人的夢' Allen Kuo: 2009/1/20(星期二) 上午12:43
Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization (TCRLO):

Taiwan Relations Act: 『重用台灣關係法,才真能救台灣國』 作者: 台灣國委員會 林金其主席 [轉載自:台灣國電視台] [義工]於2009Jan30 14:02:46上傳[686]
: "" ﹝本台特訊01/30訊﹞記者獨家採訪台灣國係法錯誤翻譯的一部法律,台灣國委員會林主席稱:『台灣關係法,英文Taiwan Relations Act,應得譯成『台灣關係自動自主權法案』,這才正確。

'No Virginia, the 21st Century Will Not be China's Century! Wed Jan28,2009
: by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.

許世楷: '日本人擔憂台灣急速傾中的下場' 《南方快報》 2009.01.29 Video:
陳菊: '台灣不要被賣了,還幫人算錢道謝' 《南方快報》 2009.01.29 Video: 
/一個中國黑洞‧近代台灣慘史檔案 ‧台灣是台灣人的國家


Taiwan's Future:
請踴躍參加美國高等(上訴)法院【台灣主權地位】辯論: DONE!

'台灣地位未定論 美上訴法院審理' 自由電子報 The Liberty Times, Feb7,2009:

'Packed courtroom greets judges in Taiwan treaty lawsuit'
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Feb5,2009 1:59PM

'Obama's spy chief Dennis Blair supports 'status quo' for Taiwan and wants arms build-up on island'
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Feb6,2009 5:03PM


Press Conference:
Taiwanese US National Passport Lawsuit, Feb5,2009
with Professor Cheng Chung-mo as Representative
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Historic Moment: Discovering the Path for the Birth of the Taiwan Nation
Judicial justice for Taiwan Nationality
Lin v. USA – US National Passport for Taiwanese

案件編號:高院No:08-5078 承接地方法院1:06-CV-01825
地點: US Court of Appeals; DC Circuit
333 Constitution Ave,NW & 3rd St, Wash,DC. 20001
承審法官: Judges Karen L Henderson, Janice R Brown, Thomas B Griffith

Press Conference Feb5,2009 Thurs 1-3pm:
地點: 529 14th St, NW, Wash, DC 20045
At: National Press Club, Library Lounge
主講人: 城仲模: '歷史契機、台灣國誕'

華府說明會: 時間:二月五日晚上六點
Feb5,2009 6pm.
地點: 華府台灣基督長老教會
3211 Paul Drive, Wheaton, Md 20902
連絡: 王能祥 202-479-0744

紐約說明會: 時間:二月三日晚上六點 <暫定>
地點:未定 連絡:未定 New York, Feb3 6pm.

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'台灣地位未定論 美上訴法院審理' 自由電子報 The Liberty Times, Feb7,09:

: "" 〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府五日報導〕 包括台灣前司法院副院長城仲模,以及近百名旅美台僑今天擠進華府的聯邦上訴法院旁聽席,要確認美國是否仍為台灣的主要軍事佔領者,台灣人民是否可以據此要求美國政府發給護照?城仲模表示,如果輸了這場官司,未來還要一路打到美國最高法院。



許多台僑在辯論結束後圍住坎普,討論台灣地位未定論的證明,還要坎普閱讀「被背叛的福爾摩沙」一書以了解台灣歷史。這個案子在華府地方法院審理時,法官克麗亞(Rosemary Collyer)判決美國政府勝訴,她在判決書中表示,法庭不能審理政治問題,如果不處理美國行政部門多年來刻意且小心不就台灣主權進一步表態問題,是不可能決定訴訟人在美國憲法之下的權利,這對處於平等地位的行政部門不尊重。


林志昇委由坎普律師向華府聯邦上訴法院提告,今天代表美國政府的律師是派特森(Melissa Patterson),除重申本案是政治問題外,她也表示,美台協防條約、美中建交公報和台灣關係法等後續法律條文,已經推翻了舊金山和約中有關台灣主權的主張。不過法官對於美國在舊金山和約簽訂時,是否擁有台灣的法理主權也提出質疑。


得推薦 還可以 沒什麼

‧ 林志昇:打贏這場官司 深具信心

押寶中國 國安官員認不容樂觀
體檢施政 綠要當掉馬英九
中國造航母 美關切戰略意圖
台灣地位未定論 美上訴法院審理
扁案 馬維建、馬維辰、林文淵 改列被告
考監委兼職問題 綠營追打 ""

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'Packed courtroom greets judges in Taiwan treaty lawsuit', by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Feb5,09 1:59PM

: "" A standing room only crowd filled the courtroom in the District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals where a three-judge panel heard arguments on interpretation of the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty that officially ended World War II with Japan.

The case, Roger C. S. Lin, et al v. United States seeks a declaration of rights under the peace treaty, which transferred the island of Formosa to United States military control. There is presently a three-way tug of war over the future of Taiwan, as the island is presently known.

Communist China wants "reunification" despite never controlling the prosperous island. Then there is the Republic of China, which the U.S. allowed to be a caretaker government-in-exile when the Communist revolution of 1949 swept mainland China, which wants to be independent. Finally, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit and others are seeking recognition of U.S. territorial control under the 1952 treaty.

Attorney Charles Camp argued for the plaintiffs and was questioned by the three judges. Camp reports that the substantive issues of the case were well understood by the court.

"When the Government lawyer was asked whether any document had ever changed that provision of the treaty [regarding U.S. military occupation], the Government said no. When asked by one of the judges whether the Executive branch could unilaterally change the provision in the treaty making the U.S. the principal occupier of Taiwan, the Government lawyer hesitated and the judge then answered the question himself. He said the Executive branch cannot unilaterally change the language of a treaty."

At one point in the hearing, the Justice Department asserted the 1952 treaty was "irrelevant" leaving the judges stunned at the lack of a substantive response. One of the judges wondered if the U.S. was trying to "walk away" from its treaty obligations.

The main thrust of the government case was that it was a political decision and not a legal one. However, the Justice Dept. attorneys did not cite a single case that would deprive the Court of Appeals from interpreting rights under treaties.

A win by plaintiffs would put them in a similar situation with the residents of American Samoa where the island inhabitants are considered U.S. nationals but not citizens. Plaintiffs are seeking use of U.S. passports and other legal protections that would come with territorial status.

A judicial declaration of rights under the treaty would end the arms build-up and ease tensions between Taiwan and China. Last week the United States allowed Raytheon Corporation to sell $154 million worth of Patriot missiles to Taiwan. President Obama's new National Intelligence director Dennis Blair is expected to urge more missile sales if the unresolved status quo is maintained.

No date for a decision by the Court of Appeals has been announced.

For more info: ""

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: "" 美國波士頓觀察家報(Boston Examiner),於一月二十八日新聞報導中指出,國務院為了深入了解有關「林訴美案」(Lin v USA) - 台灣人美國國民護照訴訟案 (Taiwanese US National Passport Lawsuit)的來龍去脈及因應策略,美國新上任的國務卿希拉莉克林頓,可能出席二月五日於美國華府哥倫比亞特區的高等法院上訴庭的口頭辯論。
New Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may want to sit in the courtroom to learn about the case that she no doubt will have to deal with in the future.


詳情請閱美國波士頓觀察家報(Boston Examiner)報紙原文:---
[ or ]

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'Court to hear arguments on U.S. ownership of Taiwan under WWII peace treaty with Japan', Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner: Feb4,09 3:04PM

: "" The District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals hears oral arguments this week over the future of Taiwan in a little-noticed but important lawsuit making its way through the U.S. courts. The case, Roger C.S. Lin, et al vs. United States, arises from the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty officially ending World War II. Japan, which had occupied the island of Formosa since the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, formally renounced all claims to Formosa and Pescadores Islands.

Japan's treaty with the United States was on April 28, 1952. Several months later on August 5, 1952, Japan entered a peace treaty with China, the Treaty of Taipei, but did not cede the island to China.

The United States militarily occupied Formosa at war's end but allowed Chinese troops under Chiang Kai-shek to accept the surrendering Japanese. Chiang's nationalist government, the Republic of China, was overthrown during the Communist revolution in 1949 and became a 'Cold War' government-in-exile on the island while the East and West were embroiled in ideological conflict.

The plan, under the treaty, was for the United States to transfer the island status to the United Nations for resolution. Instead, the U.S. had allowed the nationalist Chinese to set up shop and govern the island's populace. Many island residents did not welcome the Chinese rule.

On February 28, 1947, an uprising broke out in Taipei following an incident over a street vendor. The repression and fighting that followed was fierce and thousands died in what has become known as the 228 Massacre. For years, the deaths were hushed up and recognition of the scope of brutality did not emerge until the 1990's.

Communist China has long wanted the prosperous island and has been seeking a "reunification" for territory it never controlled. The unresolved legal status of Taiwan, as it is commonly known, has served the United States and its interests. Tension with China has resulted in the recent sale of $154 million worth of Patriot missiles from the United States to Taiwan.

The government of Taiwan has sought membership in the United Nations but has been repeatedly rebuffed by the United States. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit argue this is because the island is actually U.S. territory since it was never ceded to any country after U.S. military control.

The Justice Department, defending the United States, has sought to dismiss the case on grounds the issue is political not legal. The government has avoided the substantive question of ownership under terms of the 1952 treaty.

The last clear statement of United States policy on Taiwan was on October 25, 2004 when Secretary of State Colin Powell stated, "Taiwan is not independent. It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation, and that remains our policy, our firm policy."

The stakes are high. When the case was before the U.S. District Court the Justice Department warned the court, "For plaintiffs to prevail in this action this Court would have to declare the United States sovereign over Taiwan." ""

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J F Keating:
' Taiwan's Sovereignty and Statehood Still "Undecided" Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.:
Wed Feb4,09:

: "" On February 5th, the oral arguments of a provocative lawsuit will go before the US Court of Appeals at 9:30 am. In this presentation, Dr. Roger Lin is arguing that the sovereignty and role of Taiwan in the international community remains a piece of unfinished business left over from World War II (WWII). Lin is claiming that since the US conquered Japan and its territories, it bears responsibility for the disposition of those territories and in particular that of Taiwan. That disposition was not made, treated or designated in the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952. Taiwan was given neither to the Republic of China (ROC), nor the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Lin's arguments have a certain resonance in the fact that in 2007, Dennis Wilder, the US National Security Council Senior Director for Asian Affairs has gone on record as saying that Taiwan's statehood is "undecided." This was an unusual statement for the country of Taiwan some sixty years after the end of WWII.

A Press Conference will be held that same afternoon of Feb. 5th at 1 pm in the Library Lounge of the National Press Club at 529 14th St. N. W., Washington DC. The press conference will treat the developments of the morning's hearing and potential subsequent plans of action.

How this will all come down has interesting ramifications. Do the 23 million people of Taiwan not have the right of self-determination granted in the Charter of the United Nations? After all, the population of Taiwan is larger than 75 per cent of the existing countries in the United Nations. Or should the Taiwanese be given the right to have US Passports? The results of this case should be followed by all. ""

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'Future of Taiwan at stake in lawsuit over WWII peace treaty with Japan' Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner: Jan28,09 4:20PM

""Michael Richardson is a freelance journalist and independent political consultant. Richardson writes about progressive issues, politics and election law. Richardson is also working on a book about the FBI and the Black Panthers.""

: "" A little known but very important lawsuit pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals over the peace treaty that ended the war with Japan may force the United States into a confrontation with China over the future of Taiwan located on the island of Formosa.

China's view that the Republic of China, more commonly known as Taiwan, is a renegade province and that Formosa should be reunited with the mainland flies in the face with historical fact. China never owned Formosa--the island belonged to Japan and ceded it to the United States in the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

The United States, moving from war with Japan into the 'Cold War' that followed, allowed the Chinese nationalist government fleeing the Communist takeover of China refuge on Formosa. Much to the current dismay of many on the island, the United States opposes nationhood for Taiwan and has kept it from recognition by the United Nations.

The unresolved status of Taiwan became a pivotal debate point in the famous Nixon-Kennedy presidential debates of 1960. Military exercises by the Chinese navy also periodically bring the topic into the news. However, what consistently is overlooked is the actual ownership of the island.

The plaintiffs in Roger C.S. Lin, et al v. United States, pending in the District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals, are seeking recognition of the fact that the United States owns Formosa and has never ceded ownership of the island to anyone, including the government of Taiwan. The lawsuit argues that the status of island residents are as non-citizen U.S. nationals entitled to the protection and privileges that accrue to U.S. territorial possessions.

The Bush administration made every effort to get the case dismissed arguing it was a political issue and not a legal matter. In mid-December the plaintiffs responded to the latest attempt to get the case dismissed.

The government never addresses the central question at issue in this appeal. It fails to recognize that Appellants are seeking multiple declarations, not just one pertaining to noncitizen national status. It fails to understand that the San Francisco Peace Treaty was not modified by any Executive Order of the President or the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, and remains in full force and effect today.

In an earlier ruling that the case involved a political matter, the U.S. District Court acknowledged the plaintiffs have essentially been persons without a state for almost 60 years. The matter is scheduled for oral argument in early February. New Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may want to sit in the courtroom to learn about the case that she no doubt will have to deal with in the future.

For further information: ""

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USA: Free at last? ='Years of Darkness, Tyranny, and Oppression':

=' For Decades, Right-Wingers Have Pushed Paranoia and Xenophobic Politics and Called It 'Moral Clarity' ' By Sara Robinson, Campaign for America's Future. Posted January 28, 2009: AlterNet:
""Conservatives live in a world of seething aggression that most progressives can't even fathom.""
: " has shaped U.S. foreign policy from the beginning of the Cold War through the Bush administration. "

=Obama President:
=Dr. Ron Paul's US foreign policy:

=Kevin Kelly's Breakups of the USA:
='The Case for Disunion' Joe Schembrie:

=RTR [RestoreTheRepublic] new Declaration of Independence:
: Published on Jan. 24, 2009, 8:20 PM Last Update: 2 days ago by kingdolan:
In Congress, May 22, 1998: 'The Unanimous Declaration of
the Sovereign Citizens of the united States of America'
="A Return to Common Sense: Reawakening Liberty in the Inhabitants of America", by RTR member Tom Mullen.

' Mentor urges Taiwan's Ma to ensure trial fairness '
'綠營支持者情何以堪 扁長別跟過去過不去'
'致靚認罪 願交出18億':
'什麼情形台灣會被「終極統一」?' 林志昇

CK Chen's recent several emails posted below, by a Formosan NTHAN national, bbcweb, blog owner:
'民間國是會議 -民進黨+台聯黨' [轉載自:DPP] [DAVID]於2009-01-15 21:46:05上傳[445]

""第1節 民間國是會議: Taiwan Citizens Conference on Hational Affairs'
/ 2009-01-10 資料新增中
中國不可能放棄間諜活動 國共平台的風險更大 / 2009-01-15""

: "" 針對有關國共間諜案的整個來龍去脈,民主進步黨文宣部主任鄭文燦今(15)日表示,該事件爆發後雖相關事實證據仍未明朗,但我們可以肯定的是兩岸之間確實存在著無形的戰爭,且中國未曾、也不可能放棄間諜活動。




民主進步黨國際事務部對於本黨駐美代表辦公室帳戶之說明 / 2009-01-15


1995年,本黨在野期間,為加強對美工作,故設立駐美代表處。為支應常駐人員薪資及辦公室租金等事務性費用,本黨於美國第一聯合銀行(FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK)開立帳戶,每年編列台幣420萬之經費匯入。2000年本黨執政後,考量執政黨不須另設駐美單位,故結束駐美代表處之運作,惟並未結清該帳戶。


邱毅委員所謂本黨之海外密帳,即為本黨成立駐美代表處而設立的帳戶,戶名為「台灣民主進步黨駐美代表處」(TAIWAN DEMOCRATICPROGRESSIVE PARTY MISSION IN THE UNITED STATES)。陳前總統時任本黨主席,依法為該帳戶之代表人,故以其名義發函,請求該行返還該筆款項。


邱毅以片段資料任意指控本黨正常財務管理為海外密帳,顯然是惡意扭曲誤導社會大眾之認知,本黨深感遺憾並譴責此一不負責任之行為。 ""

2008.12.22=1 - 12.31=3 9pm. > 12.28=7 noon, then 12.31=3 7pm:
ie emails:
ie homepage:
BBCWebBlog for Global ACdd Peace, with Formosa Federation:

Beyond Borders Communities for Armed Citizens direct democracy: NTHAN = N Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation

#200: For "Formosa Federation"...08.12.28=7 11:30am, Silicon Valley, Arcadia SF Bay Area - 2009.1.8=4 11pm.

Ask Maps:

"U.S.–China relations after resolution of Taiwan’s status" Roger Cliff, David A. Shlapak, 'current as of September 2006'

""sponsored by the United States Air Force under Contracts F49642-01-C-0003 and FA7014-06-C-0001. Further information may be obtained from the Strategic Planning
Division, Directorate of Plans, Hq USAF.""

... ...

: "" Peaceful Unification ""
... ...
... "" There is an extensive, though
not unanimous, body of analysis that suggests that mature democracies
rarely, if ever, go to war with each other.5 There is, however, likewise
evidence that states undergoing the transition to democracy can
be more war-prone than others.6 Thus, the relationship between the
United States (or Taiwan) and a democratizing China could be highly
unstable, and any democratic transition in a country the size of China is
likely to be the work of many years, if not generations. If this transition
period were successfully negotiated, however, and a democracy were to
emerge on the mainland that was mature and stable enough for Taiwan
to unify with the mainland voluntarily, relations between Washington
and Beijing would likely be transformed as well. Although some
tensions and suspicions between the two sides would continue, just as
between any two countries, the chances of actual conflict between the
United States and a democratic China would be much lower than they
are today, particularly with the Taiwan issue also resolved.
5 Brown et al. (1997); Farber and Gowa (1995), pp. 123-146; Spiro (1994), pp. 50–86.
6 Mansfield and Snyder (2005).

Peaceful unification could also be effected through some looser
form of political relationship, such as a confederacy or commonwealth,
in which both Taiwan and the mainland had equal standing and which
could be voluntarily dissolved at the initiative of either party. Achieving
this type of largely symbolic “unification” would not necessarily
require mainland China to become a democracy, and the effect on
U.S.-China relations would be similar to that described in the section
below called “Compromise Resolutions.” ""
... ...

"" Peaceful Independence
It is similarly unlikely that Taiwan could peacefully achieve independence—
that Beijing would formally recognize and accept it as an independent
state—without a fundamental transformation of the Chinese
polity. "" ... ...
... ...

"" Compromise Resolution
Absent a political transformation in mainland China, the best chance
for a peaceful resolution of Taiwan’s status probably lies in an arrangement
somewhere between formal independence and formal unification,
a state that might be called “peaceful in-betweenness.” Politicians
and analysts in Taiwan and the United States have proposed a number
of such formulas. One possibility would be an agreement to leave Taiwan’s
status unresolved for some period, with Beijing promising not
to use force as long as Taiwan refrained from attempting to formalize
its independence. Although this outcome would not be a true or final
resolution of Taiwan’s status, the period in question could be very long
or even unlimited, with the two sides agreeing to leave Taiwan’s status
unresolved until they both come to an agreement on the issue.

The current Chinese regime, including the new “fourth generation”
leaders, has so far shown no interest in such schemes, but it is
not inconceivable that a future party leadership would be both willing
and politically capable of accepting an arrangement with Taiwan
if the costs to regime stability of continued cross-strait tensions began
to outweigh the value of this specific play of the nationalism card. The
successive leaderships of the People’s Republic of China have frequently
surprised outside observers with their ability to make fundamental
changes to core policies. Thus, this is one way in which Taiwan’s
status could actually be resolved peacefully that might not necessarily
imply a fundamental change in the nature of the Chinese regime. As
in the case of “Peaceful Independence,” however, a Chinese regime
that would be willing to accept such an arrangement would almost by
definition be one that was more pragmatic in its approach to foreign
affairs.9 Although the possibility for competition and conflict between
the United States and such a regime would still exist, the new attitude
of the Chinese government, along with the elimination of the Taiwan
flashpoint, would significantly reduce the risk of war between the two
9 The authors are grateful to Richard Bush of the Brookings Institution for this
observation. ""
... ...

"" For more than 25 years, U.S. policy has, above all else, sought
to ensure that any resolution of Taiwan’s status occurs peacefully. The
analysis here suggests that this has indeed been the correct policy, as
the consequences of a peaceful resolution of Taiwan’s status are almost
uniformly positive for the United States. The analysis here also shows,
however, that the consequences of violent unification are almost certainly
negative. Thus, as China’s power and confidence in its military
capabilities grow, it is important for the United States to maintain the
capability to deter and, if necessary, defeat an attempt by Beijing to
achieve unification through force. """

Taiwan Defense Alliance: 'A New Look at Taiwan's International Legal Position
-- new research based on the laws of war' Richard W. Hartzell:
Dr. Roger C.S. Lin:
Taiwan Defense Alliance:
: or

台灣人林志昇的懇求: 【請踴躍到美國聯邦上訴法院旁聽】
時間:2009年2月5日上午09:30 準時開庭
地點:US Court of Appeals(The room is not published yet.)
Third Street and Constitution Avenue, NW , Washington , D.C. U.S.A.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'聯邦法庭世紀大辯論 National Press Club' [福爾摩沙 創值社 美麗寶島 / 報導] [2009-01-23 20:44:53]:
: "" 前司法院副院長城仲模博士 一行將蒞臨華府訪問並與鄉親懇談
前司法院副院長城仲模博士一行數人將於二月五日(星期四)蒞臨華府,積極為爭取台灣人民長久權益發聲,恭敬邀請遠近關心故鄉台灣前途鄉親熱烈赴會。  "
'所謂 『台海』現狀' 由蝶衣 加入,在 12月 7, 2008 於7:25pm
Questions for US Transition:
Taiwan Documents Project:
疼台灣的心 網站:
A Letter on Taiwan Republic, Sidney Chen, Dec25,08:
'台湾建国の「運動始め」靖国神社-外国人登録・台湾正名・街頭署名活動' Jan2,09:


'台灣國家定位論壇:去中華民國 台灣才是獨立國家' Jan5,09, Liberty Times:

: "" 〔記者林毅璋/台北報導〕台灣教授協會昨舉辦「台灣國家定位論壇」,台大法律系名譽教授李鴻禧認為,應努力制定適合台灣實施的新憲法,廢除內容和現狀差異太大的中華民國憲法,並去除中華民國國名,正名為台灣國,讓台灣是主權獨立國家的地位更確定。




台教會副會長劉重義則強調,如果執政者不能與中華民國有所切割,即使已經有二位台灣人做了總統也是沒用。 ""

Subject: '王清峰說謊' (2 files)
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 01:36:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Eugene Yeh


"" 針對「馬統」發動司法追殺民進黨官員,尤其毫不避人耳目的操弄司法以達到羈押前總統陳水扁的目的,廿一位國際知名的學者專家已經連續發表三封公開信加以譴責,措辭一封比一封嚴厲。從第一封的「深切關注」到第二封的「擔憂」到第三封信的「駁斥」,可說砲火愈來愈火熱、愈來愈不顧情面。









有怎樣的主子就有怎樣的奴才,反之亦然!從馬看王或從王看馬,騙騙騙,一也。(作者金恒煒為《當代》雜誌總編輯) ""

' Mentor urges Taiwan's Ma to ensure trial fairness ' The Associated Press, Jan17,09:
International Herald Tribune: Asia & Pacific:

: "" TAIPEI, Taiwan: The Harvard Law School mentor of Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou said Saturday that his former student needs to urgently act to prevent an "increasingly disturbing circus atmosphere" from prejudicing his predecessor's right to a fair trial.

Jerome Cohen's comments to The Associated Press follow last week's biting skit that mocked former President Chen Shui-bian, performed by prosecutors at a Taiwan "Law Day" dinner attended by Justice Minister Wang Ching-feng, judges, and other leading lights of the island's legal community. "


'綠營支持者情何以堪 扁長別跟過去過不去' ◎ 侯錦霞: The Liberty Times 自由廣場 2009-1-22:

: "" 前總統陳水扁在他的新書「台灣的十字架」大揭謝長廷的瘡疤,謝長廷雖說不計較,卻也綿裡藏針地反擊,爆了一些阿扁的料。不料歹戲未了,阿扁的女兒陳幸妤投書媒體,加料對謝長廷再給予重重一拳。長久以來的「扁長情結」,似乎有進入白熱化的趨勢,讓人看得膽戰心驚。




(作者從事補教業) ""


'致靚認罪 願交出18億: 當庭自爆 供珍另還有六億' The Liberty Times 頭版新聞 2009-1-22:

: "" 〔記者林嘉東/台北報導〕扁案出現重大轉折!台北地院昨首度傳訊陳致中、黃睿靚夫婦與吳景茂,三人均當庭就被起訴的洗錢罪認罪;陳致中並自爆母親吳淑珍另有未曝光的六億元珠寶錢財,但他當庭強調,願將分別存放在海內外的三千八百萬美元(約新台幣十二億七千萬元)全部都匯回交由特偵組指定帳戶,並包含前述母親的六億元,由特偵組調查,若有不法,自當交給檢察官,若沒有不法,也將全數捐給慈善團體。

陳致中夫婦除了向全國人民道歉,也徵得吳淑珍的同意,代她為此次事件對社會付出龐大的成本,民心不安,政治尖銳對立,向全國表達最深沉的道歉。 "

... ...

" 法界研判 珍將出庭一肩扛



庭訊在下午四時許結束,陳致中在庭外再度表示,代母親向全國人民表達最深沉的道歉,並深深一鞠躬。黃睿靚則眼眶泛紅、語帶哽咽地表示「心情相當激動」,並說希望能得到公公婆婆的原諒。 ""


======Formosan Proclamation=====
Subject: A bbcweb modification #100 < Formosan Declaration - FAPA's support???
[Tsai 09.1.3=6 #1 09#4] I would like to suggest the following [modifications]:

We, the [P]people of Formosa, as residents of our island[s] and abroad, [based firmly on our fundamental peace principle of dignity in liberty,] reject the label of Chinese nationality; invoke our human rights of self-determination; and do hereby demand that the [universally rejected and long-]exiled government of the Republic of China on Taiwan[,] .. forever be banished from our [own land] Formosa.

Herewith, we hereby jointly petition for a Declaratory Judgment of the civil rights of Formosans and Writ of Mandamus by the [International Court of Justice, or the] US Supreme Court to convene the [International or the] United States Court of Formosa[,] as the war crimes tribunal for [the]international crimes committed [against humanitiy] by the Chinese [Chiang] Nationalists on our island[s] of Formosa[,] including [systematic] genocide [of the leaders and potential leaders], pillaging, and conspiracy for denial of the civil rights [and enslaving terror colonial rule] of the People of Formosa.

We also hereby petition for such rights in order to seek redress of our grievances; and for restoration of our inalienable civil rights under the [Universal Principle of Human Rights, or] territorial jurisdiction of the Administrative Authority of the United States Military Government (USMG) over Formosa Cession, to secure our civil rights and legal protections, in accordance with the [International Laws of Justice and of War, or the] US Constitution, San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), Taiwan Relations Act[.] ((and Laws of War.))

The United States, being the major conqueror of the Japan Empire during World War II; and the USMG having effective territorial jurisdiction over Japan and its Pacific islands of Formosa and the Pescadores; acting as the primary protector of these Pacific islands[,] against all external aggressors[,] since the 1945 unconditional surrender by Imperial Japan; petition that the United States, as the Occupying Power of former Japanese island territory, should permanently remove the current regime for their crimes of systematic murder, oppression, and unjust enrichment by the exiled Chinese governing authorities on Taiwan, constituting more than six decades of foreign corruption over Formosa and the Pescadores.

Whereas, the ROC administrative authorities should be forever banished to the People's Republic of China in Beijing((...along with the return of the ROC-controlled islands of Kinmen/Matsu)); We do hereby further petition the USMG to [recognize] ((establish))a legal successor government by the Formosan Civil Government; the only true and legitimate successor composed of the Formosan people, by the Formosan people and for the Formosan people.

We hereby further petition [to all the Formosans] that a new constitution for the Formosan Civil Government be drafted for public comment and to be voted into the supreme law of the land; an act of organic law long overdue to the Formosan people, in accordance with the principle of self-determination under Article 73 of the United Nations Charter.

Citizens of Formosa shall deserve the equal protections of their new constitution; shall respect the rule of law; shall have the civil rights to their long desired pursuit of [dignity in] life, liberty, and prosperity, with justice for all.

Our fellow Formosans, being islanders like other islanders of the world, [ancient and modern,] are peace seeking freedom lovers. The Formosan people deserve a free, secure, bright, fearless and democratic future. Formosan citizens are eager to help by bringing and maintaining peace, stability and prosperity to the Western Pacific region.

Together, we solemnly hold the HOPE [and rightly claim] for the Formosa [Federation] Republic!
From: RWH (Taipei)
To: globalforumintl
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:51:16 PM
Subject: [GlobalForumIntl] Re: Formosan Declaration - FAPA's support???


Thanks Jeff Geer's editing, we have finalized this Formosans' Proclamation, which is initiated first by Jefferson Lee of Boston.
Your comments on the content and on the best way to spread the tidings will be greatly appreciated.

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, RWH (Taipei) wrote:

From: RWH (Taipei)
Subject: Re: Formosan Declaration - FAPA's support???
To: "globalforumintl"
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 7:51 PM

Can we get FAPA behind this??

2009/1/2 Jeff Geer

Well, we have "proclamation" . The last sentence "hope for a Formosa republic" is very good. I have modified a little and reinserted civil rights where applicable. This petition is forming a solid platform, too. Global Forum Int'l, Inc. could potentially adopt this as the mission statement for the objectives of its political lobbying. Mission statement is coming into focus. Please review for grammar and content.

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Victoria2281947@ wrote:

From: Victoria2281947@
Subject: Fwd: Formosan Declaration - REVISED & Reformatted - to be TRANSLATED into Han...
To: james_chen@att. net
Cc:, seechang@sbcglobal. net, chengkuangchen@, rwh.midway@gmail. com, taiwanstatus@, Victoria2281947@
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 4:21 PM

I was working on a computer without a printer earlier.

After I printed it out and read it, I have made some touch-up.

Please feel free to edit and correct it.


We, the people of Formosa, as residents of our island and abroad, reject the label of Chinese nationality; invoke our human rights of self-determination; and do hereby demand that the exiled government of the Republic of China on Taiwan be forever be banished from our Formosa.


(paragraph 1: statement of goal/purpose)

Herewith, we hereby jointly petition for a Declaratory Judgment of the civil rights of Formosans and Writ of Mandamus by the US Supreme Court to convene the United States Court of Formosa as the war crimes tribunal for international crimes committed by the Chinese Nationalists on our island of Formosa including genocide, pillaging, and conspiracy for denial of the civil rights of the People of Formosa.


(Paragraph2: statement of pain and suffering and reason for action)

We also hereby petition for such rights in order to seek redress of our grievances; and for restoration of our inalienable civil rights under the territorial jurisdiction of the Administrative Authority of the United States Military Government (USMG) over Formosa Cession, to secure our civil rights and legal protections, in accordance with the US Constitution, San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), Taiwan Relations Act and Laws of War.


(paragraph3: stating legal sources for the petition)

The United States, being the major conqueror of the Japan Empire during World War II; and the USMG having effective territorial jurisdiction over Japan and its Pacific islands of Formosa and the Pescadores; acting as the primary protector of these Pacific islands against all external aggressors since the 1945 unconditional surrender by Imperial Japan; petition that the United States, as the Occupying Power of former Japanese island territory, should permanently remove the current regime for their crimes of systematic murder, oppression, and unjust enrichment by the exiled Chinese governing authorities on Taiwan, constituting more than six decades of foreign corruption over Formosa and the Pescadores.

美利堅聯邦,乃第二次世界大戰對日本帝國之主要戰勝國; 美利堅聯邦軍事政府至今仍為福爾摩沙暨澎湖群島等之法理管轄者,自有權力與義務將今之馬政府---此乃中國國民黨政權,亦乃"中華民國在台灣流亡政府"---自福爾摩沙暨澎湖群島撤離.

(paragraph4: stating power and authority sources of the US and the USMG)

Whereas, the ROC administrative authorities should be forever banished to the People's Republic of China in Beijing along with the return of the ROC-controlled islands of Kinmen/Matsu; We do hereby further petition the USMG to establish a legal successor government by the Formosan Civil Government; the only true and legitimate successor composed of the Formosan people, by the Formosan people and for the Formosan people.

就國際慣例而言, "中華民國流亡政府"理應挾其金門與馬祖兩島,撤回中國,與北京成立之中華人民共和國合併,結束內戰,以達成其統一之最臻目標.

(paragraph5: stating the de jure process for unification of the ROC and the PRC)

We hereby further petition that a new constitution for the Formosan Civil Government be drafted for public comment and to be voted into the supreme law of the land; an act of organic law long overdue to the Formosan people, in accordance with the principle of self-determination under Article 73 of the United Nations Charter.

吾等更進一步請願,為福爾摩沙平民政府頒憲, 福爾摩沙子民得以經由討論,求取共識,並公投入憲.此乃根據聯合國大憲章第七十三章,人民自決自治之崇高精神.

(paragraph6: re: UN Charters, chapter 73, self determination and self governing)

Citizens of Formosa shall deserve the equal protections of their new constitution; shall respect the rule of law; shall have the civil rights to their long desired pursuit of life, liberty, and prosperity, with justice for all.

凡福爾摩沙公民,自應被其憲法賦予平等保護之權; 自應尊守憲法等法律規章; 自應享有全體子民長遠以來追求渴望保障生命,自由,財產,以及公義之權利.

(paragraph7: statement of rights and goal, purpose)

Our fellow Formosans, being islanders like other islanders of the world, are peace seeking freedom lovers. The Formosan people deserve a free, secure, bright, fearless and democratic future. Formosan citizens are eager to help by bringing and maintaining peace, stability and prosperity to the Western Pacific region.

吾等全體福爾摩沙子民,無異於全世界其他愛好和平與自由之島嶼之民. 福爾摩沙島民自應同樣有追求自由,光明,免於恐懼,享有民主前景之權利.

(paragraph8: stating the characteristics of islander people and rights to their life style)

Together, we solemnly hold the HOPE for the Formosa Republic!


Victoria2281947 (http://massacreinma rch1947taiwan. blogspot. com)
Edit and translate (1-1-2009)
From: Victoria2281947
To: james_chen@att. net
CC:, seechang@sbcglobal. net, chengkuangchen@, rwh.midway@gmail. com, taiwanstatus@, Victoria2281947
Sent: 1/1/2009 12:44:29 P.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: Re: Formosan Declaration - REVISED & Reformatted - to be TRANSLATED into Hanj...

We, the people of Formosa from all over the world, as Citizens of the Greater World; with diversified cultures and races; rejecting to be labeled of Chinese nationality; believing in the ultimate human rights of self-determination; do hereby demand that the government of the "Republic of China (ROC) in exile" be removed off Formosa (Taiwan).


(paragraph 1: statement of goal/purpose)

Herewith, we petition for a Declaratory Judgment and Writ of Mandamus by the US Supreme Court, to convene the United States (US) Court of Formosa in Taipei (and/or any other Formosan city); to condemn the Chinese Nationalist KMT (Kuomingtang) regime of the "Republic of China government-in- exile" for War Crimes of genocide, pillaging, conspiracy and denying the civil rights of the People of Formosa.


(Paragraph2: statement of pain and suffering and reason for action)

We also hereby petition for the rights to redressing our grievances, and for restoring our inalienable human rights under the jurisdiction of the Administrative authority of the United States Military Government (USMG) over Formosa Cession, a right and protection, in accordance with the US Constitution, San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), and the Taiwan Relations Act.


(paragraph3: stating legal sources for the petition)

The US, being the major World War II conqueror of the Japan Empire; and the USMG having effective territorial jurisdiction over Formosa and the Pescadores; should remove the current Ma regime, that is, the Chinese nationalist KMT regime; and that is, the exile-ROC governing authorities on Taiwan, from their more than six decades' rulings over Formosa and the Pescadores.

美利堅聯邦,乃第二次世界大戰對日本帝國之主要戰勝國; 美利堅聯邦軍事政府至今仍為福爾摩沙暨澎湖群島等之法理管轄者,自有權力與義務將今之馬政府,此乃中國國民黨,亦乃"中華民國在台灣流亡政府",自福爾摩沙暨澎湖群島撤離.

(paragraph4: stating power and authority sources of the US and the USMG)

Whereas, the ROC authority should be returned to the People's Republic of China in Beijing along with the ROC-controlled islands of Kinmen/Matsu; We hereby further petition the USMG to establish a successor government, a Formosan Civil Government of the Formosan people, by the Formosan people and for the Formosan people.

例而言, "中華民國流亡政府"理應挾其金門與馬祖兩島,撤回中國,與北京成立之中華人民共和國合併,結束內戰,以達成其統一之最瑧目標.

(paragraph5: stating the de jure process for unification of the ROC and the PRC)

We hereby further petition that a new constitution for the Formosan Civil Government be drafted for public discussion and be voted onto the law of the land, that is, an act due to the Formosan people, in accordance with the principle of self-determination under Article 73 of The United Nations Charter.

吾等更進一步請願,為福爾摩沙平民政府頒憲, 福爾摩沙子民得以經由討論,求取共識,並公投入憲.此乃根據聯合國大憲章第七十三章,人民自決自治之崇高精神.

(paragraph6: re: UN Charters, chapter 73, self determination and self governing)

Citizens of Formosa shall deserve equal protections by their new constitution; shall respect the rules of law; shall have the rights to their long desire and pursuit of life, liberty, and prosperity, with justice for all.

凡福爾摩沙公民,自應被其憲法賦予平等保護之權; 自應尊守憲法等法律規章; 自應享有全體子民長遠以來追求渴望保障生命,自由,財產,以及公義之權利.

(paragraph7: statement of rights and goal, purpose)

Our fellow Formosan, being islanders like other islanders of the world, are peace and freedom lovers. The Formosan people deserve a free, secure, bright, fearless and democratic future, and are eager to help by bringing and maintaining peace, stability and prosperity to the Western Pacific region.

吾等全體福爾摩沙子民,無異於全世界其他愛好和平與自由之島嶼之民. 福爾摩沙島民自應同樣有追求自由,光明,免於恐懼,享有民主前景之權利.

(paragraph8: stating the characteristics of islander people and rights to their life style)

Together, we solemnly hold the HOPE for the Formosa Republic!


Victoria2281947 (http://massacreinma rch1947taiwan. blogspot. com)
Edit and translate (1-1-2009)

In a message dated 12/31/2008 4:04:03 P.M. Central Standard Time, james_chen@att. net writes:

We, the people of Formosa from all over the world, as Citizens of the Greater World; with diversified cultures and races; rejecting to be labeled of Chinese nationality; believing in the ultimate human rights of self-determination; do hereby demand that the government of the "Republic of China (ROC) in exile" be removed off Formosa (Taiwan).

Herewith, we petition for a Declaratory Judgment and Writ of Mandamus by the US Supreme Court, to convene the United States (US) Court of Formosa in Taipei (and/or any other Formosan city); to condemn the Chinese Nationalist KMT (Kuomingtang) regime of the "Republic of China government-in- exile" for War Crimes of genocide, pillaging, conspiracy and denying the civil rights of the People of Formosa.

We also hereby petition for the rights to redressing our grievances, and for restoring our inalienable human rights under the jurisdiction of the Administrative authority of the United States Military Government (USMG) over Formosa Cession, a right and protection, in accordance with the US Constitution, San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), and the Taiwan Relations Act.

The US, being the major World War II conqueror of the Japan Empire; and the USMG having effective territorial jurisdiction over Formosa and the Pescadores; should remove the current Ma regime, that is, the Chinese nationalist KMT regime; and that is, the exile-ROC governing authorities on Taiwan, from their more than six decades' rulings over Formosa and the Pescadores.

Whereas, the ROC authority should be returned to the People's Republic of China in Beijing along with the ROC-controlled islands of Kinmen/Matsu. We hereby further petition the USMG to establish a successor government, a Formosan Civil Government of the Formosan people, by the Formosan people and for the Formosan people.

We hereby petition that a new constitution for the Formosan Civil Government be drafted for public discussion and be voted onto the law of the land, that is, an act due to the Formosan people, in accordance with the principle of self-determination under Article 73 of The United Nations Charter.

Citizens of Formosa shall deserve equal protections by their new constitution; shall respect the rules of law; shall have the rights to their long desire and pursuit of life, liberty, and prosperity, with justice for all.

Our fellow Formosan, being islanders like other islanders of the world, are peace and freedom lovers. The Formosan people deserve a free, secure, bright, fearless and democratic future, and are eager to help by bringing and maintaining peace, stability and prosperity to the Western Pacific region.

Together, we solemnly hold the HOPE for the Formosa Republic !



----- Original Message -----
From: Victoria2281947@
To: James Chen
Cc: Victoria2281947@
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: Formosan Declaration - REVISED & Refomatted - to be EDITED and Translated into Hanji

New news. Be the first to know what is making headlines.


To: Cheng-Kuang Chen
Subject: Chinese Problem! #1000 < Re: 台灣問題!
[Tsai 09.1.2=5 #1 09#2] Dear CK: Of course we all know this is a "Chinese Problem"! They should have been elevated to a bright civilization respecting human rights, with a long and continous history and culture, even if without direct tradition of ancient Greek democracy and freedom (until perhaps the Christian conquest of the West, sinking into dark ages and all kinds of horors, now they have to cope with the Islam also from the Mideastern deserets.) It is difficult to understand why Falunggung is so threatening, they are Chinese, with or without CIA and so on. Dalai Lama is a great spiritual leader, with rational and reasonable thinkings. Why cannot he be a precious friend of China? Isn't China big, wise, powerful, and dynamic enough? There are indeed many questions about Chinese Problem! Could we Formosans help them in any way? They have forgiven their past deadly, murderous, and treachorous enemy, the Chiang gang, which should be welcomed back to China.

As a part of East Asian Sinic Civilization, related directly with China, Japan, and the West, we the Formosans could be a powerful media for the future of China and all the oversea Chinese.

I hope, Taiwan Republic, your lawsuit team, my idea of Formosa Federation, or all other Formosans ready to raise our national flag and anthem, could include my above ideas included in all their publie proclamation. They would be a new world Declaration of Freedom for all humans of the 21st Century. Cf. my blog:

From: Cheng-Kuang Chen
Sent: Friday, January 2, 2009 11:28:24 AM
Subject: 台灣問題!

“台灣問題Taiwan question”
中國與美國外交史上出現提及「台灣問題Taiwan question」的文件,一九七二年二月二十八日美中上海公報提及:”The United States reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.”另外,在雷根總統當政時,一九八二年七月間提出”六大保證Six Assurances to Taiwan”其中第五項:”The United States would not alter its position about the sovereignty of Taiwan which was that the question was one to be decided peacefully by the Chinese themselves.” 茲分析其有關question之定義如下:

所謂question是指「爭論中的議題,被開放討論或進行調查」,英語解釋為”A subject or aspect that is in dispute, open for discussion or to be inquired into”美國政府不使用”Taiwan issue”或者”Taiwan problem”而引用”Taiwan question”是別有用心與奧妙之處。美國政府的立場是一再提醒兩邊的中國政權(與臺灣人無渋),在互稱擁有台灣領土主權的爭論中,務必以和平理性的方式去「調查與研究」,台灣領土主權之「法理主權de jure sovereignty」的歸屬,既然有”question”存在,就必然有”answer”答案。 "
... ...


[ No Subject ]
Cheng-Kuang Chen
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:31:33 AM
To:Chang Hsing shing
"" Dear Formosans:
If no action from you, Formosa still cannot get rid of ROC. Please copy in one sheet or one and half sheets, then, put into your fax machine. Fax it to the Congressmen and women. See the attached fax numbers. C. K. Chen 12-31-2008

'Taiwan Civil Government Announcement': Dec. 31, 2008

: "" 流亡中國(中華民國)政府代表人馬英九先生,2008年12月15日借用其軍事佔領地台灣,宣佈正式與中國人民共和國啟動「三通直航」,並表示:「兩岸直行所代表的意義,一方面代表兩岸(兩個中國,不含台灣在內)的和解,不再走過去對立衝突的路線,不論是戒急用忍或者是有效管理,都走進了歷史,我們(兩個中國,不含台灣在內)現在面對的是一個歷史的新局(讓台灣人不再被中國人困擾)˙˙˙」
On Dec. 15, 2008, the representative of the Republic of China (ROC) government in exile, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou, as the subordinate military occupier of Taiwan, announced the opening of the three links with the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC), and remarked that direct flights between both sides of the Taiwan Strait represent an important step in the reconciliation between both countries, and the elimination of mutual enmity. In the future, with the recognition that the misunderstandings of the past have been swept away, both sides look forward to increased levels of participation in all activities, and the dawn of a new era for China .

The Taiwan Civil Government fully approves of Mr. Ma’s comments, and urges the ROC and the PRC to sign a formal peace accord, which can serve to end the period of the Chinese Civil War. After this is done, it is hoped that the ROC can speedily return to its remaining sovereign territories of Kinmen and Mazu.

The people of Taiwan have never had any arguments or hostilities with China , and therefore need make no reconciliations. While the PRC has over 1000 missiles aimed at Taiwan , those are due to the presence of the ROC government in exile on Taiwanese soil, and do not directly involve the native Taiwanese people. After the opening of the three links, there is no longer any need for the ROC government in exile to remain in Taiwan, and the native Taiwanese people look forward to the ROC government in exile’s early departure, to return to its China motherland, and leave the Taiwanese people to build up their island’s economy and democracy under their own initiatives.

台灣平民政府 召集人
Convener, Taiwan Civil Government

林 志 昇
Roger C. S. Lin : 2008/12/31 ""


'Pacific people spread from Taiwan' Russell Gray: Washington DC: AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Sciences: EurekAlert! Jan22,09

Contact: Professor Russell Gray
University of Auckland

: "" New research into language evolution suggests most Pacific populations originated in Taiwan around 5,200 years ago.

Scientists at The University of Auckland have used sospisticated computer analyses on vocabulary from 400 Austronesian languages to uncover how the Pacific was settled.

"The Austronesian language family is one of the largest in the world, with 1200 languages spread across the Pacific," says Professor Russell Gray of the Department of Psychology. "The settlement of the Pacific is one of the most remarkable prehistoric human population expansions. By studying the basic vocabulary from these languages, such as words for animals, simple verbs, colours and numbers, we can trace how these languages evolved. The relationships between these languages give us a detailed history of Pacific settlement."

"Our results use cutting-edge computational methods derived from evolutionary biology on a large database of language data," says Dr Alexei Drummond of the Department of Computer Science. "By combining biological methods and linguistic data we are able to investigate big-picture questions about human origins".

The results, published in the latest issue of the prestigious journal Science, show how the settlement of the Pacific proceeded in a series of expansion pulses and settlement pauses. The Austronesians arose in Taiwan around 5,200 years ago. Before entering the Philippines, they paused for around a thousand years, and then spread rapidly across the 7,000km from the Philippines to Polynesia in less than one thousand years. After settling Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, the Austronesians paused again for another thousand years, before finally spreading further into Polynesia eventually reaching as far as New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island.

"We can link these expansion pulses to the development of new technology, such as better canoes and social techniques to deal with the great distances between islands in Polynesia," says Research Fellow Simon Greenhill. "Using these new technologies the Austronesians and Polynesians were able to rapidly spread through the Pacific in one of the greatest human migrations ever. This suggests that technological advances have played a major role in the spread of people throughout the world."


The research was funded by the New Zealand Royal Society Marsden fund. The database of Austronesian basic vocabulary can be accessed at: ""

[koe]: 【告發國民黨政府強迫少女在軍中賣春】自由廣場「慰安婦有兩種」
"" Monday, December 29, 2008 5:53:29 AM

'慰安婦有兩種' ◎ 甄生 自由時報 2008-12-28

: " 筆者認為...必須所有慰安婦都要一視同仁,因為台灣慰安婦有兩種,一種是日軍台籍慰安婦,一種是國軍台籍慰安婦,兩種都是弱勢族群,...。



筆者依軍中樂園的家數、人數及期間(從民國四十年代初期到六十年代末期)推估,在軍中樂園服務過的慰安婦起碼超過一萬人(國防部一定有資料),扣掉已經凋零的,現在尚健存的起碼還有好幾千人。這些慰安婦和日軍慰安婦情況是相同的,...。(作者為醫師) ""
= TaiPublic = 九○八台灣國運動

: '台灣國國旗 飄揚台北天空' Sep9,08=Sun: Liberty Times:

: "" 〔記者彭顯鈞/台北報導〕九○八台灣國運動昨在台北一○一大樓旁升起「台灣國」國旗,民進黨主席游錫堃強調,獨立建國已是主流民意,絕非偏激議題。







黃昆輝指出,「既然已發動公投,無論如何一定要通過,不能讓國際錯誤解讀,否則台灣將付出慘痛代價!」 ""

: "" 九○八台灣國運動昨舉行台灣獨立紀念日升旗典禮,許多民眾前往參與典禮,隨後並以遊行活動傳達訴求。(記者叢昌瑾攝)

為了催生台灣國及前進聯合國活動,九○八台灣國運動昨日在北市府旁一○一大樓前,舉行台灣獨立紀念日升旗典禮。(記者叢昌瑾攝) ""
The TAIWAN REPUBLIC Campaign = TaiPublic: blog:

'制憲建國----台灣唯一活路' Jul21,08:

: "" 中華民國這個政府的政權,自1949年10月1日起,已被中國共產黨所成立的中華人民共和國政府推翻消滅了,中華民國這個政府在聯合國所代表中國的國家主權,也於1971年10月25日被撤換,由中華人民共和國政府所繼承。中華民國政府在國際社會,自此終止代表中國主權國家的身分,降格淪落為不是國家的政府,或頂多是一個準國家政府的組織型態。

台灣人至今,尚未宣佈脫離中華民國體制,制憲建國。台灣人尚未制定,並實施ㄧ部屬於台灣人的台灣國憲法,以台灣國憲法建構台灣國體制,組成台灣國政府,再以台灣國政府,代表台灣人在國際社會,行使台灣國國家主權。到目前為止,無論是台灣人個人,或是台灣人團體組織或是政府團體代表,一出海關,就受到蹧蹋、凌辱,猶如無照流動攤販,在國際社會的商場中討生活,到處遭受取締一樣,過著沒有國家主權尊嚴的流浪生活。 "
... ...

" 眾人想聚共識,眾人做展形勢,眾人走向台灣國。

台灣憨子 王 獻 極 ""

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[sbta2] 他們不厭千里路飛來
Cheng-Kuang Chen
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:35:23 PM
"" 他們不厭千里路飛來,住美國朋友大家也來衝!
台灣人林志昇的懇求: 【請踴躍到美國聯邦上訴法院旁聽】
時間:2009年2月5日上午09:30 準時開庭
地點:US Court of Appeals(The room is not published yet.)
Third Street and Constitution Avenue, NW , Washington , D.C. U.S.A.

一、「林志昇等 V. 美政府案」,自二零零六年十月二十四日向美聯邦地方法院提訴後,經初審判定「臺灣人無國籍」,旋要求確認台灣人身分,係「美國海外國民非公民身分」,經高院二零零八年十二月十九日安排,二零零九年二月五日上午九點三十分召開辯論庭。



四、參加者贈送「台灣地位真相見證者」紀念狀,由城仲模先生、林志昇先生、 何瑞元先生親自署名。

五、報名方法:高雄:林義憲先生0927 116 628
台中:洪銘媛小姐0921 380 343
台北:侯晴曜先生0938 557 356

(一) 自備美國簽證。
(二) 旅費大約八、八萬元整,含機票、食宿、交通等費。
(三) 時間二零零九年二月三日出發,二月十一日回到台北。
備註:席位有限, 主辦單位無法取得法院的保留或保證取得旁聽證,盡早提出申請是唯一方法, 敬請諒解! ""


RE: [GlobalForumIntl] 美國對台灣的新任務!
Yang Tong Chieh
Friday, December 26, 2008 2:09:07 AM

二零零七年八月美國國務院聲明:「the Republic of China is an undecided issue」,如果將”undecided issue”翻譯或解讀成「未定之議題」,實在與原來美國政府的原意相差甚多,首先以英文解讀:an undecided issue =an unsettled dispute =a dispute to be settled 中華民國(ROC)不是一個有待論的「話題」,而是一個有待解決的「爭議」。ROC is not a “ topic ”to be discussed but a “ dispute “ to be settled.

在台灣的中國人聽到聲明後,都沾沾自喜,將之解讀成「美國認為中華民國尚未滅亡,其未來還有待討論決定。」這是一廂情願之自我解讀。其實美國政府真正的想法是:「在一個中國政策之下,國際間根本不存在一個自稱合法中國的中華民國」,美國要表達的是:依據上海公報內容,海峽兩岸的中國人都認為中國只有一個,雙方(台灣人在外)沒有爭議,也都主張台灣是中國之ㄧ部分,雙方(臺灣人在外)間也沒有爭議。然而,所謂的爭議issue就是在「誰才是中國?」雙方至今還在為「一中各表」爭論,各自稱自己才是中國,外交方面也互爭,稱自己是合法中國,儘管如此,國際上都認定中華人民共和國為中國,沒有爭議。流亡在台灣的中華民國自稱中國,是有爭議的,這些就是一個有待解決的爭議(undecided issue),「一個中國」認定的爭議。

太平洋戰後,美國國務卿萊斯對台灣的「管轄當局」提醒(remind):「美國與台灣還有關係」,因為,美國對台灣領土的戰後之戰爭責任並沒有結束,美國是法治國家,美國會「依法處理台灣」。台灣人已經依照戰爭法成立「台灣平民政府Taiwan civil government」,中國政府應該始料未及,美國軍事政府雖然尚未承認,這是屬於「政治問題」,美國政府與台灣平民政府間屬於何種層次之關係,尚未出現在「美中建交」公報之規範內,雖然現今有三個美中公報,美國政府和目前「台灣當局」也維繫某種關係往來,未來應該逐漸和台灣平民政府密切聯繫,流亡中華民國以美國軍事政府之代理人身分將會被停止,美國政府在台灣領土應有兩個新任務:
(一) 法理任務。代理美軍事政府負維和責任,並協助保證台灣平民政府的完全建立。
(二) 政治任務。擔任美國在西太平洋的前哨,牽制中國共產黨無限奴役世界人民的野心。
作者:林 志 昇; 「控美政府案」代表人 ; 2008/12/27
歡迎多轉貼, 多轉送! ""


Cheng-Kuang Chen Sunday, December 21, 2008 3:38:32PM


台灣國興敗存於此一論戰! 盼台美人細心觀察其演變, 屆時前往現場(日期已定,地點時間待法院通知)奧援我律師團隊! 若您意願寫短句鼓勵他們,請指名如下,送我信箱轉送為幸。

Charles H. Camp Esquire

Your messages......

United States Court of Appeals
No. 08-5078 September Term 2008
Filed On: December 19, 2008 [1155022]
Roger C.S. Lin, et al., Appellants
United States of America, Appellee

It is ORDERED, on the court's own motion, that this case be scheduled for oral argument on February 05, 2009, at 9:30 A.M., before Circuit Judges Henderson, Brown and Griffith.

The time and date of oral argument will not change absent further order of the Court.

A separate order will be issued regarding the allocation of time for argument.

Mark J. Langer, Clerk
BY: /s/
Cheri W. Carter
Deputy Clerk

The following forms and notices are available on the Court’s website:
Memorandum to Counsel Concerning Cases Set for Oral Argument (Form 71)


又是花錢的時候, 您的慷慨解囊, 郵寄任何金額都是很大幫忙! 為建國出一點錢吧! 支票抬頭:口 Charles H. Camp. 備忘欗寫[Lin v. USA ], 郵寄:
Charles H. Camp,
Law Office of Charles H. Camp
1319 Eighteenth Street, NW
Washington DC , 20036

環球漫話 社 陳辰光 謹上 2008-12-21
煩請 多貼, 多轉送, 大家關心, 並慷慨解囊, 多少樂捐為幸 """


Cheng-Kuang Chen
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:11:05


""" 台灣領土和美國軍事政府之關係


訴訟案中筆者曾引用:“status resulting from prior action”— 這裡的“status” 是指美國「主要佔領權國」。訴訟到今天為止,美國或法院都沒有提出異議,有關(一)在舊金山和約,美國對台灣是主要佔領權國。(二)從一九五二年到今天,沒有任何總統的行政命令、條約或法律,是改變美國對台灣主要佔領權國身份。而在台灣戰爭史上,發生的事實是:(一)一九四五年八月十五日日本無條件投降,在日本台灣領土上的軍隊,依盟軍最高統帥(SCAP)於九月二日頒布「一般命令第一號」,向盟軍代表蔣介石投降,中國軍隊也依照「戰爭期間協議(開羅與波次坦宣言)」,被分配佔領屬於日本四島外之海外領土台灣與澎湖,並且在當年十月二十五日至一九四七年五月十六日間,以「台灣省行政長官公署」名義軍管台灣;此後至一九四九年十二月六日間以「台灣省政府」名義,及至一九五二年四月二十七日(舊金山和約生效前),繼續執行「分配佔領」台灣領土。

中國政權(Chinese authority)以任何名義管轄台灣領土,都只是被美國軍事政府(USMG)所委託的性質。中國流亡以前,佔領台灣領土只是單純「中國軍事政府佔領」,然而,後來中國政府開始流亡,「雙重身份」混淆了台灣地位本來面目。

舊金山和約生效,日本依該約2b條放棄台灣領土主權(territorial right),美國是日本的「征服者conqueror」,依23條為Principal occupying power,有權利執行台灣領土佔領,是當然的「收受者」。

條約生效後,美國本來應自中國軍事政府手上取回佔領權,卻因共產黨赤化亞洲,政治考量沒有親自(as principal)來台執行佔領管轄,而是委託中國軍事政府和流亡中國就地代理(as agent)。

ㄧ九七九年台灣關係法,美國以「台灣當局the governing authority on Taiwan」取代「流亡中國」,美國仍然控管台灣,「流亡政府」依然是「代理」關係,「台灣平民政府」與美國之間,才會有「法理」關係,美國司法將會還原台灣地位真相,天佑台灣!

作者:林 志 昇; 「控美政府案」召集人, 12-23-2008 """

所謂 『台海』現狀

* 由蝶衣 加入,在 12 月 7, 2008 於7:25pm


'從中華民國和國民黨「獨立」出來' 作者曹長青, 獨立評論員; 自由電子報 《星期專論》: The Liberty Times:

壯基層 民進黨擬設黨友會
二次入聯公投 鎖定2012大選
台灣名號走出去 不進反退
梅山農會代表選舉爆賄選 一人聲押

: "" 這個標題不是危言聳聽,而是前海牙「國際法院」法官小田滋(Shigeru Oda)兩年前所著《主權獨立國家的「台灣」——台灣在國際法中的地位》一書(台北國際文化基金會出版)的核心觀點。在馬政府全面親中,民進黨高層在台灣主權方向問題上舉棋不定,還有些綠營人士到美國打官司,要把台灣納入美國之際,實有必要重溫一下這位國際法專家對台灣前途的看法。









這個「兩中一台」的構想國民黨當然不可能同意,他們一定會死死地抱住台灣不放。但只要國民黨跟對岸的共產黨扯不清,台灣人的命運就等於掌握在對岸手裡;而只要台灣跟「中華民國」扯不清,「台灣」就不會見天日,只會被中國籠罩。所以,從中華民國和國民黨獨立出來才是綠營的方向。 ""

'Small-Town Anarchy' by J. L. Bryan

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