Thursday, December 10, 2009

#201 FF National Flag. 天誅ChiangKMT! MaTorture 蔡襄 & FormosanArtWeb > 蔡蔭棠/張啟華 百年Arts. FF For Hakka/Natives! Singularity. Quantum Life. Hunger Justice Fast! 2009.9.29(2)

「前言: 台灣在馬政府執政後,其傾中速度逐漸加快,且任令台灣經濟不斷下滑,更企圖藉由經濟持續惡化,進而瓦解台灣公民自信與價值觀,並為中國兵不血刃併吞台灣創造有利條件。
1.台灣正式進入「後馬時代」 15分鐘
2.用選舉的思維來面對2012大選 15分鐘
3.2012還有大選嗎? 15分鐘
4.新台灣英雄在哪裡? 15分鐘
5.即席問答 約30分鐘 」

第二階段:台灣公民議事常識講習會(運用時間 90分鐘 )

主講題目: 如何推展台灣公民運動
主講人員 :搶救台灣行動聯盟「救盟通訊」總編輯 周鍾旭
救盟媒體文宣負責人 朱耿宏(辜宽敏辦公室特別助理)
演講綱要 1.台灣公民運動推廣現況講解(搭配影片放映) 30分鐘
2.馬政府推動ECFA的謬誤辨證(搭配影片放映) 30分鐘

3.Q&A攻防實務演練 30分鐘 ( 講員簡介請參閱背面)
許登崑: 現任外獨會會長 綠色逗陣「外獨會時間」節目主持人
搶救台灣行動聯盟 發起社團代表之一

周鍾旭: 搶救台灣行動聯盟 「救盟通訊」總編輯
「台灣派部落客 」網路串聯發起人
「樂多網誌 」 年糕料理館 作者
麥肯特整合行銷公司 行銷企劃總監

朱耿宏: 搶救台灣行動聯盟 媒體文宣負責人
319鄉鎮公民行動巡迴座談活動 現場導播
麥肯特整合行銷公司 執行長

附註: 搶救台灣行動聯盟:
: "Cloud Enterprise environment starts at $125/month for LINUX and $175/month for Windows"

LOVE: Formosan Federation from BBCWEB:
[[ LOVE You ALL ]] from [[BBCWeb]]

Nov.8(7)'09: A New Group:
[[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon!
[[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon!
"To improve and promote Formosan Arts communities to the world. /// Furthermore, to promote ACdd, Armed Citizens direct democracy for peace, and appeal to the world, for a free Formosan Federation, and its North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nations. /// Also to introduce artist, Tsai Intang and his art works."
"Avatar"art Dec18'09
'Do computers understand art?' Dec16'09:
'Conversation: Painter James Rosenquist' Dec23'09:

"Painting Below Zero: Notes on a Life in Art" by JRosenquist & DDalton, Oct27'09:
: Editorial Reviews:
" “Frank, funny, truthful, ironic and in every way an entertaining account of one major American artist’s involvement in an art movement that interests everyone–and, more than that, of his own character. Jim Rosenquist is a true American original and his book ought to be read by anyone who wants to understand the last half-century of his country’s visual culture, high, low, and in between.”
–Robert Hughes, author of Things I Didn’t Know and Goya "
: " “There is so much to enjoy in this book. There is Rosenquist’s decency, integrity, and wonderful sense of humor. He knows how to tell a good story . . . He has been almost everywhere, knows just about everybody, and reveals his heart and his mind and how and why he paints. It is one of the best books ever written by an artist.”
—Milton Esterow, ARTnews "

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Arts & Aesthetics:------

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Aesthetics & Art Science": ISSN 1683-6057

: Publisher: TAAAS: The Taiwan Association of Aesthetics and Art Science
Airti Press Inc.
: President: Prof. Pao-Yao Lin

- - - - - - - - - -
"Study of the Arts": ISSN 1013-1663

: Supported by ZhangQiHua Culture & Art Foundation:

ZhangQiHua Culture & Art Foundation:

台灣前輩畫家張啟華紀念暨第六屆亞洲藝術學會台北年會國際學術研討會: Dec17-19 '08

- - - - - - -

Nov.4(3) 10am - Nov.29(7) '09:
Portraits of the World + Paintings of True Feelings:
Tsai Intang's Centennial Memorial Exhibition
Arts Museum, Cultural Bureau, Hsinchu County
146 Hsien-jeng 9th Road, Jubei, Hsinchu
Fax: 03/5517-060

Nov.6(5) - Nov.7(6) '09:
金色年代 ● 風景漫遊─台灣前輩畫家蔡蔭棠百年紀念國際學術研討會:

Historical Landscape:


Columbia Alumni Association, Oct9'09:
'Supermassive black holes – the fathers of galaxies' Jan6'10:

Mystery 'dark flow' extends towards edge of universe, Nov17'09:
'The Body Electric' NYT, Dec24'09:
: on “The Department of Mad Scientists”

'Machine Translates Thoughts into Speech in Real Time' Dec21'09:


'Did We Mate With Neanderthals, or Did We Murder Them?' by Jane Bosveld; DISCOVER Nov'09 issue; pub. online Dec30'09:
: In some places, we ate them. More generally, modern humans' more varied lifestyle may have been the key to the survival.

: " Eventually scientists recognized that Neanderthals were an extinct species that shared a common ancestor (probably Homo heidel­bergensis) with Homo sapiens. For thousands of years, Neanderthals were the only hominids living in Europe and parts of Asia. Then, around 50,000 years ago, early modern humans migrated into Europe from Africa. By 28,000 to 30,000 years ago, the Neanderthals had disappeared."

" They are now considered to have been intelligent (as smart as early modern humans, some anthropologists think), perhaps red-haired and pale-skinned, and capable of speech. They might even have created their own language. The more we learn about Neanderthals, the more familiar they seem. But one deep mystery remains: Whatever happened to them, and why did they disappear? ""


"Flexible Boskops"? Science Fiction?! #1000
Wed, January 6, 2010 2:06:05 PM
From: bbcweb View Contact

[Tsai '10.1.6=3 #1] I had tried hard and long to have composed this one, organized into 3 points and one concluding quotation about science fiction, and then it disappeard, could not find it! Most of it is from the one mentioned below: ' The 'amazing' Boskops ':

' Return of the "amazing" Boskops '
Oh, good grief!

[post UPDATED]

I have had an unusual number of hits the past few days, so I went through my logs looking for the source. Turns out people are reading my 2008 review of the "Boskops race"("The 'amazing' Boskops").

Over 10,000 people have read that post since the New Year began. That post has always gotten a recurring readership, because of a 2008 book by Gary Lynch and Richard Granger, Big Brain: The Origins and Future of Human Intelligence.

Evidently the book is about to come out in paperback. And Discover magazine, which gave the book a fairly positive review on its release, has now reprinted an excerpt detailing the wondrous features of the Boskops race ("What Happened to the Hominids Who Were Smarter Than Us?"). Someone copied the whole thing to Richard Dawkins' website. And people reading the excerpt are trying to find out more about this fantastic story, and finding my blog.

Well, to all those seeking the light of paleoanthropology, welcome!

To those who have linked the post: I want to let you all know that your links have directed more than 10,000 people to find some actual true information about the "Boskop race". Good work out there!

What can I do to update people, now that this story is spreading once again? My original post gives a short history, but was not based on a real review of the book. I was just trying to get some accurate information out there.

Now I have read the excerpt, and much (but not all) of the Boskop-related text in the book (courtesy of Amazon).

It's worse than I feared. The excerpt actually presents 1920's-era anthropology as if it were the state of our knowledge about Boskop and the "Boskop race" today. I have not found any passages in the book or chapter notes that contradict the excerpt's portrayal. I cannot find references or citations of post-1940 research on skeletal remains or archaeology from southern Africa. There's no hint of what happened after archaeologists began to use radiocarbon dating, nor do we hear even the identity of any specimens, except for the original (and fragmented) Boskop skull itself.


[Tsai '10.1.4=1 #2] So this single case was associations from Yemen rather than Britain. How about it generally? The article states even more from Germany than from Britain.

Tracing back to old associations of humans, far beyond Neanderthals to Boskops, who were far smarter and more flexible than we are, yet they disappeared perhaps gradually into us. This perhaps points to the possibility that we could drive ourselves towards extinction. We should be very careful the more we are "advanced" scientifically for example. According to its authors, we survived during their demise, partly because of our civilizations beyond our bodies:

'What Happened to the Hominids Who Were Smarter Than Us?' by Gary Lynch and Richard Granger; DISCOVER Brain special issue; pub. online Dec28'09:
: The Boskops had big eyes, child-like faces, and an average intelligence of around 150, making them geniuses among Homo sapiens.

: " Yet today, although Neanderthals and Homo erectus are widely known, Boskops are almost entirely forgotten. Some of our ancestors are clearly inferior to us, with smaller brains and apelike countenances. They’re easy to make fun of and easy to accept as our precursors. In contrast, the very fact of an ancient ancestor like Boskop, who appears un-apelike and in fact in most ways seems to have had characteristics superior to ours, was destined never to be popular. "

" Expanding the brain changes its internal proportions in highly predictable ways. From ape to human, the brain grows about fourfold, but most of that increase occurs in the cortex, not in more ancient structures. Moreover, even within the cortex, the areas that grow by far the most are the association areas, while cortical structures such as those controlling sensory and motor mechanisms stay unchanged.
Going from human to Boskop, these association zones are even more disproportionately expanded. Boskop’s brain size is about 30 percent larger than our own—that is, a 1,750-cc brain to our average of 1,350 cc. And that leads to an increase in the prefrontal cortex of a staggering 53 percent. If these principled relations among brain parts hold true, then Boskops would have had not only an impressively large brain but an inconceivably large prefrontal cortex.

The prefrontal cortex is closely linked to our highest cognitive functions. It makes sense out of the complex stream of events flowing into the brain; it places mental contents into appropriate sequences and hierarchies; and it plays a critical role in planning our future actions. Put simply, the prefrontal cortex is at the heart of our most flexible and forward-looking thoughts. "!!!

" Perhaps, though, it also made the Boskops excessively internal and self-reflective. With their perhaps astonishing insights, they may have become a species of dreamers with an internal mental life literally beyond anything we can imagine. "!!!

" Longer brain pathways lead to larger and deeper memory hierarchies. These confer a greater ability to examine and discard more blind alleys, to see more consequences of a plan before enacting it. In general this enables us to think things through. If Boskops had longer chains of cortical networks—longer mental assembly lines—they would have created longer and more complex classification chains. When they looked down a road as far as they could, before choosing a path, they would have seen farther than we can: more potential outcomes, more possible downstream costs and benefits.

As more possible outcomes of a plan become visible, the variance among judgments between individuals will likely lessen. There are far fewer correct paths—intelligent paths—than there are paths. It is sometimes argued that the illusion of free will arises from the fact that we can’t adequately judge all p ossible moves, with the result that our choices are based on imperfect, sometimes impoverished, information.

Perhaps the Boskops were trapped by their ability to see clearly where things would head. Perhaps they were prisoners of those majestic brains.

There is another, again poignant, possible explanation for the disappearance of the big-brained people. Maybe all that thoughtfulness was of no particular survival value in 10,000 B.C. The great genius of civilization is that it allows individuals to store memory and operating rules outside of their brains, in the world that surrounds them. The human brain is a sort of central processing unit operating on multiple memory disks, some stored in the head, some in the culture. Lacking the external hard drive of a literate society, the Boskops were unable to exploit the vast potential locked up in their expanded cortex. They were born just a few millennia too soon.

In any event, Boskops are gone, and the more we learn about them, the more we miss them. Their demise is likely to have been gradual. A big skull was not conducive to easy births, and thus a within-group pressure toward smaller heads was probably always present, as it still is in present-day humans, who have an unusually high infant mortality rate due to big-headed babies. This pressure, together with possible interbreeding with migrating groups of smaller-brained peoples, may have led to a gradual decrease in the frequency of the Boskop genes in the growing population of what is now South Africa.

Then again, as is all too evident, human history has often been a history of savagery. Genocide and oppression seem primitive, whereas modern institutions from schools to hospices seem enlightened. Surely, we like to think, our future portends more of the latter than the former. If learning and gentility are signs of civilization, perhaps our almost-big brains are straining against their residual atavism, struggling to expand. Perhaps the preternaturally civilized Boskops had no chance against our barbarous ancestors, but could be leaders of society if they were among us today.

Maybe traces of Boskops, and their unusual nature, linger on in isolated corners of the world. Physical anthropologists report that Boskop features still occasionally pop up in living populations of Bushmen, raising the possibility that the last of the race may have walked the dusty Transvaal in the not-too-distant past. Some genes stay around in a population, or mix themselves into surrounding populations via interbreeding. The genes may remain on the periphery, neither becoming widely fixed in the population at large nor being entirely eliminated from the gene pool.

Just about 100 miles from the original Boskop discovery site, further excavations were once carried out by Frederick FitzSimons. He knew what he had discovered and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls.

At his new dig site, FitzSimons came across a remarkable piece of construction. The site had been at one time a communal living center, perhaps tens of thousands of years ago. There were many collected rocks, leftover bones, and some casually interred skeletons of normal-looking humans. But to one side of the site, in a clearing, was a single, carefully constructed tomb, built for a single occupant—perhaps the tomb of a leader or of a revered wise man. His remains had been positioned to face the rising sun. In repose, he appeared unremarkable in every regard...except for a giant skull. ""


From: Ron Walker Snr <...>
Sent: Mon, January 4, 2010 3:30:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Conflict] American "Denialism" #1002>3: Flexibe> << fantacy < JFK...JWDouglas book #1000 Morocco is included in 'Radical Islam: the clues are in Britain, not Yemen': "other countries where al-Qaeda is active, such as Somalia, Palestine, Egypt, Chechnya, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania". Even in Morocco, where the sound of very tolerant, harmoneous, and beautiful religious songs fill the air? The point of Robert Fox'es article is fantacy or dreams away from reality is where humans could be manipulated: http://tinyurl. com/BitterReality About the single parent, in the USA, as I think about it, white women took away a pitiful few demeaning jobs from black men, starting wholescale destruction of the black family. The "pants bomber" was a Nigerian who came to the UK and studied electrical engineering at UCL, then went to Yemen. While he was studying at UCL (University College, London) he was a prominent member of the Islamic Society... BUT, other members of the same student society (interviewed on TV yesterday) state categorically that he wasn't "radicalised" at the time. Looks like he got that way after moving to Yemen to study law. Immigration in the UK is a relatively new phenomenon, started to address the shortage of workers during the early 1960's; the first immigrants were West Indians, but not long afterwards immigrants started to arrive from what used to be India. Grouping together Indians and West Indians as one single group, based on skin colour is unwise; they could hardly be more different. Indian males are often ambitious, and their status in society since they first arrived in the UK has generally been upwards; they're VERY influential, for example, in the IT business, with many owning their own companies. West Indian males on the other hand seem to be far less ambitious... with a result that second and third generation West Indian women (who ARE ambitious) are often reluctant to marry men from the same racial group. That's not my personal observation. .. it's from a survey a couple of years back, which reported that more than 50% of West Indian girls wanted a white-skinned husband. I spent most of my childhood growing up in Cotham - a middle-class district on the top of a hill that looked down towards the nearby town centre. At the base of the hill, just before the Shopping Centre is St. Pauls - less than half a mile away - which was for many years the MAIN settlement for West Indians in England. ====================== ====================== ---------------------- ---------------------- Nov.9(1)'09: Another New Group: All Descendants of [[ 蔡襄 ]], please join here: All Descendants of [[ 蔡襄 ]], please join here: Like our dad, [[ Tsai Hsiang ]] was for fair play, and good at arts: 宋仁宗天聖8年(1030年)進士,先後擔任過北宋朝廷的諫官和史官,並多次出任開封府、杭州、泉州和福州等地的知府。 蔡襄為官剛直敢諫,宋仁宗景祐年間,范仲淹、歐陽修、余靖、尹洙四人因為發表議論朝政腐敗的言論被貶黜,蔡襄為此作《四賢一不肖詩》聲援范、歐陽等人。 - - - - - - - - - - 致杜君長官尺牘(離都帖) 宋 蔡襄: 紙本 冊 29.2x46.8 cm 此札書於蔡襄痛失愛子之際(1055),大體維持其遒麗之姿,然有少數筆畫可見情緒之波動,傳達出書寫時內心的哀痛。 蔡襄(1012-1067),字君謨,興化仙游(今福建仙游)人。天聖八年(1030)進士,以直言敢諫聞名。書法與蘇軾、黃庭堅、米芾,並列為「宋四家」。歐陽修稱「君謨書獨步當世」,東坡推崇「近時稱第一」。著有《端明集》、《居士集》、《茶錄》、《荔枝譜》。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ============================ ============================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Building a Search Engine of the Brain, Slice by Slice' Dec21'09: '...first evidence of brain rewiring in children' Dec9'09: 'Neuroscientists uncover possible basis of short-term memory' Dec27'09: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The "real crisis" underlying the process of economic globalization and a profit-driven war without borders, Dec8'09: ======================== ======================== ======================== Brain 1: Individuals: Eric Kandel, Daniel Wolpert mov, Tom Jessell sti>motor-sensory neurons, John Krakauer , Robert Brown ALS motor neurons: < mot neu, or stem cells: Thought = movement w/o movement; pre-permutation growth: : KQED9tv, SF, Dec22'09 mid-night, Charlie Rose: : ============================= Beatles: LOVE from [[BBCWEB]] But:--- ------------------------------ '【刑求】的時候不要抽煙 ' Dec24'09: ------------------------------ To: Cc: cdkuo... ----- 文革時殺人的同一批凶手還在, 沒有任何人被審判, 而他們血腥的本質也沒有變. 228時殺人的同一批凶手也還在, 也是沒有任何人被審判, 而他們血腥的本質也沒有變. 因為有同路人掩護著這些惡魔! 他們同是屬於納粹之後碩果僅存, 規模最大的邪教組織. 這些人倡言: 同一個世界, 同一首歌. Allen Kuo 228 被殺戳的屍體堆滿街上, 沒人敢收屍 ... ... ------------------------- ------------------------- ' 問君能有幾多愁﹖恰似一江春水向東流。< 《分身乏術》 - 作者 台灣人自救運動創辦人 宋泉盛教授 ' Sat, December 19, 2009 10:45:45 AM From: bbcweb
To: shiouchen...
: "" What a China! Chiang KMT's "victory" (starting from the open murder of the "Communist") and dying in Shanghai movie, how sad! Yet they are still in Taiwan. How humorous could the "Taiwanese" get? And how desparate could the "patriotic Chinese" get dancing under the shadow of the USA's "Vietnam"! Yes, the "patriotic Vietnamese" openly murdered the "Communist" in Saigon. Could we Formosans get away from it all by terminating capital punishment when we will be truly free long-awaited "sunrise" one day soon?

From: Shiou Chen...
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 12:26:43 AM
Subject: [BATA] 《分身乏術》 - 作者 台灣人自救運動創辦人 宋泉盛教授

台灣人自救運動創辦人 宋泉盛教授

你看過〈末代皇帝〉這部電影嗎﹖ " ...

... " 成為階下囚的末代皇帝溥儀心中閃過的﹐肯定是南唐李後主李煜被宋太祖俘虜、處死前所作的一首詩﹕

問君能有幾多愁﹖恰似一江春水向東流。 "

" 台灣人民應該學乖了﹐千萬不要再一次被「分身乏術」的政客誤導了。我們不知道﹐他在葫蘆裡賣甚麼藥﹖一定是有毒的中國藥﹗你要把解毒藥帶在身上﹐萬一吃錯藥﹐及時服用才是是明智之舉﹗(2009/12/17) ""


蔡丁貴: 台灣大學土木暨環境工程學系教授: 公投護台灣聯盟總召集人:
> ‧廢除「中華民國」的奴隸體制--- 憲法、國名、國旗;
‧建立台灣主權獨立國家--- 「國際監督公民投票」,宣佈獨立建國; ‧以新國家加入聯合國

《深情台灣—蕭泰然的家園戀歌》 Sep12'09
> Ilha Formosa: Requiem for Formosa's Martyrs
> 紀念陳文成遇害二十周年所作:
Tyzen Hsiao: Sufferings in the White Terror and throughout Taiwan's history.

'2009 詩行 - 台語詩人大會' Saturdays: N Sep26, S Oct3, C Oct10'09:
"Formosa Betrayed":

'建設一個沒有鄉愁的,安定的,和平的西太平洋東方瑞士!....a commonwealth of Japan, US, and Taiwan (JUST)' 郭勝華, Sep17'09:

' “Double Cross” the “Double Tenth Day” for “Our MOM Formosa”! for "Our MOM Formosa"!----Formosa Republic! ' 郭勝華, Oct9'09:
"楊逸舟….二二八民變 台灣與蔣介石 p.124-126"

"" 二○○五年四月二六日,獨立台灣會史明及眾同志在高速公路及機場阻擋連戰出賣台灣之舉,

敏紅 上


獨立台灣會 史明 2009/10/2


故獨立台灣會動員地下人員監督連戰的行動,4月26自連戰走出家門,一路跟隨至桃園機場,在南崁交流道有獨立台灣會的七十輛的車隊及人員近百人,在49.5 k的地方堵到連戰的車隊達5、6分鐘,但遺憾的是被延途保護的警察車隊放行,有關此次的擋車事件台灣的報紙幾無報導。之後,我們的車隊馬上追至桃園機場,在三樓大廳看到黑衣人手持棍棒毆打台灣老人,手無寸鐵的獨立台灣會成員在史明帶領下,只有拿隨身携帶的鞭炮在機場威嚇黑衣人,也隨即被警察阻擋,我們即由旁邊門離開機場。





在中共的建國日十月一日做出判決,更讓我們更清楚的知道中華民國司法已受到行政的政治支配。台灣人要清楚的認知到中華民國不是台灣人的國家,唯有台灣實現獨立建國,才是台灣人唯一的活路。 ""

'Developing nations emerge from shadows as sun sets on the West' Jan2'10:

'BURNS: The strategy behind the Guard Home movement' Oct14'09:

'West’s Afghan War: From Conquest To Bloodbath' Rick Rozoff; Stop NATO, Jan5'10:

'Doug Valentine: CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan' Jan5'10:

HIGHLY RECOMMEND: 'Why JFK Was Murdered By the CIA' Dec15'09 [[How USA history twisted & why]]:

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At [Conflict] forum, I posted at Dec25'09 around 11:20am: Fri, December 25, 2009 11:19:20 AM
Ron's answer Dec27'09 follows after my post:---


From: bbcweb

' JFK et al. Murders conspiracy or what? JWDouglas book #1000:
I'm very much impressed by the review article of James DiEugenio about the book:

"JFK and the Unspeakable" by James W. Douglass. This review is at:

It starts with:

This book is the first volume of a projected trilogy. Orbis Books has commissioned James W. Douglass to write three books on the assassinations of the 1960's. The second will be on the murders of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, while the third will be on the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.

While the concluding paragraph of the review is:

But overall, and overwhelmingly, this is a rich, rewarding, and reverberating book. One that does two things that very few volumes in the field do: it both illuminates and empowers the reader. I strongly recommend purchasing it. It is the best book in the field since Breach of Trust.

At the end of this online review is:

NOTE: This review is based on the publisher's advance, uncorrected proof. References to page numbers could change.

Is this review correct to a reasonable degree?

At Amazon, with many customers' reviews:

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass (Hardcover - April 30, 2008)

Also at Amazon:

Title: Another view of JFK: James W. Douglass describes Kennedy as a peacemaker done in by his own CIA.(JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters)(Book review)
Author: Tom Roberts
Publication: National Catholic Reporter (Magazine/Journal)
Date: October 31, 2008
Publisher: National Catholic Reporter
Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Page: 16(2)


' Re: [Conflict] JFK et al.Murders conspiracy or what? JWDouglas book #1000
Sun, December 27, 2009 10:00:31 AM
From: Ron Walker Snr <...> ...
To: '

"" Seems like an interesting read - I'll add it to my "to read" list. I do however have some reservations. .. (We've mentioned them here before). What I read in the reviews you provided is a picture of a VERY simple social construct; modern life (particularly in the USA) seems to have moved on from simple "linear" conspiracies. A clasic example would be that on an earlier assassination - that of Abraham Lincoln. On the face of it, Lincoln was shot, at point-blank range, by a disgruntled Southerner named John Wilkes-Booth. Cartloads of people witnessed that part of the proceedings which were VISIBLE. But there were plenty of other aspects of the event which, by their very nature, WEREN'T visible. The US Civil War was fought for quite complicated reasons by "alliances" who mostly fought for just some of the several reasons involved: the ownership of slaves on one hand, and the right of states to withdraw from the Union on the other. It was quite possible to be pro- one faction, and anti- the other.Regular visitors to this forum will be aware that I'm a BIG fan of William Ewart Gladstone, whom I hold to be England's greatest ever Prime Minister. Gladstone weighed the issues and concluded that - although he was a strong supporter of abolitionism - that the constitutional issue of States Rights was more urgent and more important - so he supported the South's right to withdraw from the Union. The other side of th cpoin was Lincoln himself, who wasn't an enthusiastic abolitionist, but was obsessive about "holding the union together". We all know that the "North" won the war... but which North? The Abolitionists? or the Unionists? What kind of a post war peace there would be would be determined by the balance of influence between these two factions... and the Victorious Northern government was as bitterly divided
between itself as it had been opposed to the South. Lincoln's presidency gave the Unionists the upper hand over the Abolitionists - and they weren't at ALL happy about it. Some of the circumstances of Lincoln's assassination are remarkably strange. General Sheridan (an officer who applauded the wholesale murder of Southern civilians... who later encouraged the Prussians to follow his example by slaughtering Parisian civilians in 1871) was encharged with protecting the president from assassination. .. yet his actions seem to be those of a man who wanted to make an assassin's job as easy as possible. Wilkes-Booth may have been the man "with his finger on the trigger", and he almost certainly never met, nor communicated with General Sheridan... but without what looks VERY like Sheridan's willing complicity, Wilkes-Booth would never have got NEAR Lincoln. So, it looks (to me, anyway!) as if Lincoln's assassination was an early example of a "Non-linear conspiracy". One component (Wilkes-Booth) wanting to do something... . the other (the fanatical abolitionist, General Sheridan) wanting the same thing to happen, and having the power to make it possible. Each has a completely different motive, and the two participants in no way communicate or exchange information. A "conspiracy theorist" would miss the point, searching fruitlessly for non-existent LINEAR links between the two. Links which simply don't exist. It seems to me that modern writers (like Naomi Klein, for example) have missed the point. There are "Players" who by their action - or equally by their inaction - can "assist the chances and opportunities of their ideals." Not through a simple conspiracy as such, but through something far more complex. Gorbachev was brought down by the actions of thousands of bureaucrats, each "accidentally- on-purpose" misunderstanding orders, or forgetting to pass them on, or making some other kind of "mistake". When the Civil Service (deliberately) stops working, so too does the government. BUT the civil servants didn't actively "conspire" with each other.... in fact, it's quite possible that none of them knew what the others were doing! This is an area where the English language lacks words to describe the relatively simple concepts involved. Even German fails us here (although they have some handy words like "Gemeinschaft" and "Gesellschaft" , which English lacks.) ""

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'Scientists suggest certain genes boost chances for distributing variety of traits, drive evolution' Dec14'09:

'Simulating the Cosmic Web' Dec21'09:

'Gallery: Looking Back at the 100 Best Innovations of 2009' Dec16'09:

Best Robots 2009, Dec22'09:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LOVE: Formosan Federation from BBCWEB:
[[ LOVE You ALL ]] from [[BBCWeb]]
- - - - - - - - - - -
Love: Dr. Ron Paul, Dec10 US House: 'It Is Time To Leave Afghanistan' Dec12'09:


'A new kind of micro-mobility: Moving tiny particles using magnetic fields' Dec14'09:
'Nanoprobes hit targets in tumors...' Dec14'09:

'Kidney 'Natural Health from A to Z' Dec9'09

'Cannabis mouth spray gives pain relief to cancer patients' Dec15'09:

'Simulating the Cosmic Web' Dec21'09:


LOVE: Formosan Federation from [[BBCWEB]]:
< Micronational Professional Registry (MPR): 'Obama should legalise micronations', Cesidio Tallini; my signature Nov23'09 >

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'The biggest idea ever floated' Nov30'09:
Mountain View resident Patri Friedman — Milton's grandson — wants to start his own country, on the sea:

'How to Start Your Own Country' Nov18'09:
"" describing the Montevideo Convention, which formally codified the concept of international soveriegnty at its inception in 1933, and describes the different strategies that have been attempted to achieve statehood on the water in light of it.
envisions several plausible routes for seasteading statehood, and advises that seasteading "get a toehold" (so to speak!) as soon as possible -- emphasizing strong business planning and consistent incremental efforts -- to set up a long established history of sovereignty and political and financial relationships. ""
: So Taiwan clearly of "international sovereignty"!


" Martin van Creveld is correct in his book, The Rise and Decline of the State (1999) ", Nov27'09:

'Innovation: Making a map for everyone, by everyone' Dec8'09:

'Rumours that first dark matter particle found' Dec8'09:

'Machine Learning with Quantum Algorithms'
: combinatorial optimization problems > Grover’s algorithm > quantum adiabatic algorithms > Canadian D-Wave chip's superconducting rf-squid flux qubits > Ising model > multi-qubit system.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Apple’s Next Media Frontier Will Be Streaming Video' Dec10'09: an always-connected,
share-everything future:
: "" The final piece of the puzzle was Apple’s approval this week of iPhone apps with live video-streaming capability.

That means in the next few years, we’re likely to see video cameras with live-streaming software built into future iPods and iPhones (and the rumored touchscreen tablet, if it ever exists). These features will likely be integrated into iTunes, which Apple would convert into a social experience with real-time sharing services, in addition to being a storage tool.

So what’s the big deal if you put live-video capability in a phone? You can carry it everywhere and broadcast live from anywhere, and that opens a whole new world of applications for the technology. John Ham, co-founder of video-streaming startup Ustream, predicts live video will give birth to a new world of citizen journalists. ""

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Scientists discover how the brain encodes memories at a cellular level' Dec23':
'...first evidence of brain rewiring in children'

'Is synaesthesia a high-level brain power?' Dec17'09:

= = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =

The "real crisis" underlying the process of economic globalization and a profit-driven war
without borders, Dec8'09:

===== ===== ===== =====
===== ===== ===== =====
===== ===== ===== =====

'FACTBOX-Five political risks to watch in Taiwan' TAIPEI, Dec 15 (Reuters):

'沒有阿扁的選舉?' ◎ 陳昭姿 Dec11'09:

謝鎮寬 Dec7, 2009 於加州海沃: '台灣地位未定有待建國':
Daiwan: 阿扁時期, 小布希批阿扁搞獨立, 今天大家意外發現, 是阿扁的強悍, 以及, 對人民的提醒, 阻絕了小布希出賣台灣的舉動! /賴怡忠和鍾年晃今天在三立電視台, 新台灣加油節目中所言 (Nov21'09).

蔣介石集團 天誅必到! Arrest/Persecute Chiang KMT mass murderers since 228, 1947:
< By us the Peoples, the Formosans: 就是這些人!(Nov20'09): ' China remains 30 years behind US '(Nov19'09:) and " the PRC every year turns to the world for help and gets it, $290 billion worth in 2008 ": EMERGENCY ANTI-ESCALATION RALLY: Sat, Dec12'09 • 11am-4pm • Washington DC: ' 袁紅冰《台灣大劫難》 揭秘中共底牌 ' Nov13'09: "World’s first anti-ship ballistic missile could prevent US from protecting Taiwan" Nov18'09 CK Chen: 中華民國是中華人民共和國的一部份, 早就被PRC消滅的亡國, 在台灣的是[中華民國流亡政府]。 其[公投行為]違反國際法(SFPT 1952), 並提供中國(PRC)有機可乘。 ================================== ================================== ================================== ---------------------------------- Nov.9(1)'09: A New Group: All Descendants of [[ 蔡襄 ]], please join here: All Descendants of [[ 蔡襄 ]], please join here: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nov.8(7)'09: Another New Group: [[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon! [[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ============================ ============================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - '...first evidence of brain rewiring in children' Dec9'09: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The "real crisis" underlying the process of economic globalization and a profit-driven war without borders, Dec8'09: ========================================== ========================================== ========================================== Nov.9(1)'09: A New Group: All Descendants of [[ 蔡襄 ]], please join here: All Descendants of [[ 蔡襄 ]], please join here: - - - - - - - - - - Nov.8(7)'09: Another New Group: [[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon! [[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon! - - - - - - - - - - [[ 蔡襄 ]]: Like our dad, [[ Tsai Hsiang ]] was for fair play, and good at arts: 宋仁宗天聖8年(1030年)進士,先後擔任過北宋朝廷的諫官和史官,並多次出任開封府、杭州、泉州和福州等地的知府。 蔡襄為官剛直敢諫,宋仁宗景祐年間,范仲淹、歐陽修、余靖、尹洙四人因為發表議論朝政腐敗的言論被貶黜,蔡襄為此作《四賢一不肖詩》聲援范、歐陽等人。 - - - - - - - - - - 致杜君長官尺牘(離都帖) 宋 蔡襄: 紙本 冊 29.2x46.8 cm 此札書於蔡襄痛失愛子之際(1055),大體維持其遒麗之姿,然有少數筆畫可見情緒之波動,傳達出書寫時內心的哀痛。 蔡襄(1012-1067),字君謨,興化仙游(今福建仙游)人。天聖八年(1030)進士,以直言敢諫聞名。書法與蘇軾、黃庭堅、米芾,並列為「宋四家」。歐陽修稱「君謨書獨步當世」,東坡推崇「近時稱第一」。著有《端明集》、《居士集》、《茶錄》、《荔枝譜》。 ========================== ========================== - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Why Switzerland Is Still Free and America Is Not' Nov12'09: [[ dd ]]: "Through the right of referendum they can cancel legislation and with the initiative they can pass or create legislative action on issues parliament refuses to act upon." "the only thing they need to force a nationwide vote on an initiative is a petition of 100,000 signatures." "Swiss direct democracy and limited confederation government have worked in Switzerland for hundreds of years." 'Ganging Up On Switzerland' Nov20'09: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'The Best Libertarian Books of the Decade' Jan1'00: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ===================================== ===================================== ===================================== Nov.8(7)'09: Another New Group: [[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon! [[ Formosan Art Web ]]: Start to plan for San Francisco art activities soon! "To improve and promote Formosan Arts communities to the world. /// Furthermore, to promote ACdd, Armed Citizens direct democracy for peace, and appeal to the world, for a free Formosan Federation, and its North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nations. /// Also to introduce artist, Tsai Intang and his art works." ------------------------ ------------------------ Arts & Aesthetics:------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Aesthetics & Art Science": ISSN 1683-6057 : Publisher: TAAAS: The Taiwan Association of Aesthetics and Art Science Airti Press Inc. : President: Prof. Pao-Yao Lin - - - - - - - - - - "Study of the Arts": ISSN 1013-1663 : Supported by ZhangQiHua Culture & Art Foundation: ------------------------ ------------------------ ZhangQiHua Culture & Art Foundation: 高雄市張啟華文化藝術基金會 台灣前輩畫家張啟華紀念暨第六屆亞洲藝術學會台北年會國際學術研討會: Dec17-19 '08 "2007年基金會開始構思創設「柏壽生命與藝術教育學苑」,並將生命教育講座、藝術講座,以及安寧療護繪畫比賽,作為學苑發展的三大主軸,經由講座與繪畫比賽的推廣,進一步落實藝術活動與生命教育的深耕。": - - - - - - ---------- Nov.4(3) 10am - Nov.29(7) '09: Portraits of the World + Paintings of True Feelings: Tsai Intang's Centennial Memorial Exhibition Arts Museum, Cultural Bureau, Hsinchu County 146 Hsien-jeng 9th Road, Jubei, Hsinchu Fax: 03/5517-060 Nov.6(5) - Nov.7(6) '09: 金色年代 ● 風景漫遊─台灣前輩畫家蔡蔭棠百年紀念國際學術研討會: Historical Landscape: ===================================== ===================================== ===================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Columbia Alumni Association, Oct9'09: Mystery 'dark flow' extends towards edge of universe, Nov17'09: Mozart Was a Red: A Morality Play In One Act, by Murray N. Rothbard, early '60s: Taiwan: Japan, Jun28'09: > Japanese videoes Oct5'09:
Taiwan: China, Jun28'09:
Taiwan: USA, Jun29'09:


Hiroshima beckons Obama, By JOHN EINARSEN, Special to The Japan Times, Oct29'09
Obama > 'No More Hibakusha':
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days:
Slavoj Žižek, Dangerous Philosopher, Oct16'09:

'Japanese Leaders Welcomed Hiroshima Atomic Bombing' Dec26'09:


USA Origin & 'Only a Fool Defends His Country...' Dec7'09:
The US "security state, the systemic bubble ... as the source of Kennedy’s murder and immediate cover-up”, Nov28'09:

"The US Constitution has no inherent authority or validity and has never had either", Oct24'09:

Did Hitler Inspire the U.S. Post-9/11 Tribunal System? Nov20'09:


'Yet More Aid To Dependent Dictators' Dec24'09:

'The Lie in the Sand' dec24'09

'The Shame and Folly of Obama's Afghan War' Dec8'09:
'War crime case against Tony Blair now rock-solid' Dec14'09:

Iraq: A Rebounding Jihad, Oct28'09:

America's Drug Crisis: Brought to You by the CIA, Oct30'09:

The Forgotten Man, Oct30'09:

'America the Betrayed' on the authentic American, Walt Whitman, Nov9'09:

'Happy Birthday, Pat Tillman', Nov9'09:
: "about a history of lies, deceits and cover-ups that have helped to perpetuate war and kill thousands of U.S., coalition, Iraqi and Afghan people."

'Choosing Between Raw Milk and a Dead, White Liquid' Nov13'09:
Humanity 2020, Dec13'09:

'Brain games' Nov30'09:
'New Model of the Universe Says Past Crystallizes out of the Future' Dec8'09:

'Simulating the Cosmic Web' Dec21'09:
: "" The idea that stars clump together in "island universes" is relatively new to astronomy. It was only in the 1920s and 30s that astronomers agreed among themselves that "galaxies" must be separated by vast distances.

But only in the last ten years or so have astronomers discovered that galaxies themselves form into a far larger structure. The 100 billion galaxies that we know about are woven into a wispy web-like arrangement consisting of dense compact clusters, elongated filaments and sheet-like walls, amid large near-empty void regions.

This structure has become known as the Cosmic Web and one of the great challenges in modern cosmology is to accurately model and simulate it.

That's turning out to be tricky. "
... ...

" So it's no surprise that astronomers are excited about the potential of the so-called Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator (DTFE). If you want to know more, de Weygaert and a few mates give a comprehensive outline of the idea on the arXiv today.

It should mean that we'll have a much better model of the large scale structure of the Universe.

It should also mean that we can update the Powers of Ten movie which, understandably given its age, shows no detail in the Universe beyond our local cluster of galaxies.

Ref: Geometry and Morphology of the Cosmic Web: Analyzing Spatial Patterns in the Universe

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Open 2 Comments

In Aether Wave Theory

Voronoi diagrams are used often - they're modelling nested density fluctuations of dense vacuum gas (i.e. density fluctuation collapsed into shape of strings and membranes). In quantum gravity such approach is called dynamic causual triangulation. The nested foam is the equivalent of extradimensions of string theory.

It means, Voronoi graph structure isn't accidental or ad-hoced there and Universe appears in simmilar way, like dynamic mesh of its own numeric simulation. The same structure we can expect at the quantum foam scale, which is dual to cosmological scale.
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ZephirAWT 12/21/2009
Avg Rating:

until it touched the sides

This principle is the basis of heteoris of space-time foam and the derivation of extra-dimensions in string theory (so called heterotic group of string theories).

The very same mechanism applies for increase of mass/energy density by E=mc^2 equation at quantum scale. Under introduction of energy the mass density of vacuum foam dynamically increases in the same way, like soap foam being shaken in vacuum.
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ZephirAWT 12/21/2009
Avg Rating:
Reply ""

'Newly Explored Bacteria Reveal Some Huge RNA Surprises' Dec7'09:

'Boom! Hok! A Monkey Language Is Deciphered' Dec7'09:

'Optimism as Artificial Intelligence Pioneers Reunite' Dec7'09:

'Bacteria offer insights into human decision making' Dec8'09:

'Transhuman' -Dec9'09:

1958-1972 USA: "Underworld USA" trilogy: "Blood's a Rover" closing novel:
: conspiracies, murder, madness, corruption and racial hatred, Dec8'09
- - - - - - - - - - -
HIGHLY RECOMMEND: 'Why JFK Was Murdered By the CIA' Dec15'09:

'Police State USA' Nov19'09:

'Secession and the State Militia' based on USA founders, Nov28'09:

'The 10th Amendment Movement' Dec21'09:


'馬英九趕不趕薄瑞光' ◎ 蕭文婷 Dec14'09:
: "" 譚慎格(John J. Tkacik)在美國國務院任職二十五年,美麗島事件時,他就在國務院的台灣組。十二月十二日,他在美國華府有一場演講,一開始就提到,自己十歲時就跟著父親的美軍顧問團到台灣,他對台灣有很深的感情。 "" ...
- - - - - - - - - - - -

'台灣切割中國之後(3) 日本代表齋藤正樹的震撼' Dec14'09?

'歐胡聲明不利台灣 馬政府醒了沒' Liberty Times: 駐美特派員曹郁芬/特稿, Nov19'09:

'Obama’s Taiwan Blunder Is Fool’s Gold For China'

- - - - - - - - - - -


: "" 台灣平民政府針對美國總統歐巴馬先生與中國國家主席胡錦濤17日在北京會談後發表《中美聯合聲明》,表示歡迎,特別是中國要求美國,尊重中國領土的完整,希望中國政府也能說到做到,也尊重台灣領土的完整性。



台灣平民政府同時歡迎台灣海峽關係能和平發展,為了人道立場,流亡中華民國能夠早日因為兩岸「和平協定」的簽署,讓流亡在台灣的中國國民黨人士返回其故鄉,期待台海之間(台灣與中國)的經濟、政治及其他領域的對話與互動,能夠早日開始對話。 ""

- - - - - - - - - - -

'Obama's Asia trip: a series of unfortunate events' Daniel Blumenthal, Foreign Policy, Nov18'09:

respecting each other’s core interests )?為了這個所謂的「核心利益」這次美中



1978年:美國總統吉米卡特(Jimmy Carter)訪問中國,認知台灣是中國的一部分。


1979年:美國總統雷根任期,得到美國國會通過台灣關係法Taiwan Relations








'「國民黨」到底是白道還是黑道?'廖東慶 作品, Nov17'09:

〈阿扁札記〉一邊一國vs.一國兩制 Oct22'09 11:26上午 張貼者: 蓬萊島雜誌:


"鄧芬慧(Audrey Butterfly、Audrey Deng、AD。),網名蝶衣、雲深不知處、[1][2]、路人、實在人等;美屬台灣群島方案林志昇、何瑞元團隊重要核心幹部,現職台灣平民政府籌備會[3]發言人、台灣平民民主黨中央委員、台灣平民參眾議院聯合會議公報(美台週刊)[4]總編輯、李登輝之友會全國總會編輯。"

Taiwan Civil Government, 台灣平民政府:
'本土台灣人的真實歷史', etc. Dec21'09 &
'讓臺灣回到歷史原點 ( 林志昇與何瑞元 論述文集 )':

ACdd = Armed Citizens direct democracy
'Armed Citizen Experiences' Dec21'09:
'Neither Sword Nor Shield: Full-Spectrum Civilian Disarmament' Jan6'10:

'Resist DC: NH Legislators Look to Nullify Federal Gun Laws' Jan1'10:

'Does Secession Without a State Militia Make Any Sense?' Dec19'09:

' If I Only Had One Gun ', Nov9'09, it will be:
"a semi-automatic pistol, preferably with a fairly large magazine, in a common caliber"

' Automatic for the People: The AK-47 ' Dec21'09:
' How big a gun do you need? ' Jul24'09 [[ ACdd! ]]
' 76 Reasons To Have a Gun ' Sep14'09
' Thirty Years of Trial and Error ' Jul29'09, by David Calderwood for self-defense.
' The Gun-Grabbers are on the Move Again ' Sat,Sep5'09 04:07 Alan Caruba:
' Gun Control: Schemed by Tyrants, Supported by Fools ' Michael Gaddy, Oct23'09:

'Training Realistically' self-defense, Dec14'09:
& 'Shotgun Action Types' Dec14'09:
'Concealed Carry Methods' Dec19'09:

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Two new biographies of Ayn Rand shine light on libertarian lioness' Jan2'10:

Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization on 228:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' Let's Bring Love and Revolution Together ' [[ dd! ]]
By Grace Lee Boggs, Boggs Center. Posted Jul24,'09, AlterNet:
... ... > Far Below.

ACdd = Armed Citizens direct democracy

"The Iron Triangle: A Barrier to Ending World Hunger" Zachary Ahmad, Fri Oct16'09:

Food will never be so cheap again, Oct25'09:


Timewarp: How your brain creates the fourth dimension, Oct21'09:
Dark power: Grand designs for interstellar travel, Nov25'09:

'Simulating the Cosmic Web' Dec21'09:
: "" The idea that stars clump together in "island universes" is relatively new to astronomy. It was only in the 1920s and 30s that astronomers agreed among themselves that "galaxies" must be separated by vast distances.

But only in the last ten years or so have astronomers discovered that galaxies themselves form into a far larger structure. The 100 billion galaxies that we know about are woven into a wispy web-like arrangement consisting of dense compact clusters, elongated filaments and sheet-like walls, amid large near-empty void regions.

This structure has become known as the Cosmic Web and one of the great challenges in modern cosmology is to accurately model and simulate it.

That's turning out to be tricky. "
... ...

" So it's no surprise that astronomers are excited about the potential of the so-called Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator (DTFE). If you want to know more, de Weygaert and a few mates give a comprehensive outline of the idea on the arXiv today.

It should mean that we'll have a much better model of the large scale structure of the Universe.

It should also mean that we can update the Powers of Ten movie which, understandably given its age, shows no detail in the Universe beyond our local cluster of galaxies.

Ref: Geometry and Morphology of the Cosmic Web: Analyzing Spatial Patterns in the Universe

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Open 2 Comments

In Aether Wave Theory

Voronoi diagrams are used often - they're modelling nested density fluctuations of dense vacuum gas (i.e. density fluctuation collapsed into shape of strings and membranes). In quantum gravity such approach is called dynamic causual triangulation. The nested foam is the equivalent of extradimensions of string theory.

It means, Voronoi graph structure isn't accidental or ad-hoced there and Universe appears in simmilar way, like dynamic mesh of its own numeric simulation. The same structure we can expect at the quantum foam scale, which is dual to cosmological scale.
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ZephirAWT 12/21/2009
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until it touched the sides

This principle is the basis of heteoris of space-time foam and the derivation of extra-dimensions in string theory (so called heterotic group of string theories).

The very same mechanism applies for increase of mass/energy density by E=mc^2 equation at quantum scale. Under introduction of energy the mass density of vacuum foam dynamically increases in the same way, like soap foam being shaken in vacuum.
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ZephirAWT 12/21/2009
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'A New World War for a New World Order' Dec19'09:

'Afghanistan a Success – Time to Come Home!' Oct27'09:

'Telecom Lobbying, Congress & the National Security State' Oct18'09:

'Oswald, the CIA, and Kennedy' Jacob G. Hornberger, Oct16'09:

'C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery' SCOTT SHANE, NY ed, p.A11:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HIGHLY RECOMMEND: 'Why JFK Was Murdered By the CIA' Dec15'09:


'Wall Street's Naked Swindle' Matt Taibbi, Oct23'09:

'The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale' Oct23'09:

Andrew Gavin Marshall on American Imperial War State:---

'How Mormonism Created Glenn Beck' Oct22'09: a peculiar strain of religious political conservatism rooted in Mormon culture:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Rethinking Marriage. The World Has Changed. It's Time!' Oct19'09:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Best of What's New: The Year's 100 Greatest Innovations' Nov14'09:

'10 TV Shows You Have to Watch to Understand the World' Oct23'09

1. Buffy t'09he Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
2. Charlie's Angels (1976-1981)
3. Dallas (1978-1991)
4. M*A*S*H* (1972-1983)
5. Melrose Place (the original; 1992-1999)
6. Miami Vice (1984-1989)
7. Sex and the City (1999-2004)
8. Star Trek (1966-1969)
9. Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
10. X-Files (1993-2002)

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'Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now' Oct22'09:

1. Declare a moratorium on all home evictions
2. Congress must join the civilized world and expand Medicare For All Americans
3. Demand publicly-funded elections and a prohibition on elected officials leaving office and becoming lobbyists
4. Each of the 50 states must create a state-owned public bank like they have in North Dakota
5. Save this fragile planet and declare that all the energy resources above and beneath the ground are owned collectively by all of us.

1. Each of us must get into the daily habit of taking 5 minutes to make four brief calls: One to the President (202-456-1414),
one to your Congressperson (202-224-3121)
and one to each of your two Senators (202-224-3121)
2. Take over your local Democratic Party
3. Recruit someone to run for office who can win in your local elections next year -- or, better yet, consider running for office yourself!
4. Show up. Picket the local branch of a big bank that took the bailout money
5. Start your own media: Start a blog
Tweet your friends and use Facebook...

1. Take your money out of your bank if it took bailout money...
2. Get rid of all your credit cards but one
3. Do not invest in the stock market
4. Unionize your workplace so that you and your coworkers have a say in how your business is run
5. Take care of yourself and your family.


ChiangKMT: '台灣須根除八大迷思' Oct12'09 蘋果日報:
Friends of Taiwan, Int.:
Taiwan Status Undecided?!
Taiwan Films, Nov6-8:
"The Formosa Furies: Flight for Freedom", George T. Wu:
"中國「少數民族」的獨立運動" 史明, Oct14'09:

'The True History of Taiwan' Dr. Sim Kiantek, Jul18'00:

'Revolutionary Movement of Taiwan Independence', Su Beng, tr. by Dr. Peter C. Lin and Felicia C. Lin, Oct5'09:

Republic of Taiwan:
戶名:許茂盛 監察長:莊柏林律師
Taiwan Shadow Government: 影子政府召集人 謝長廷:
世界台灣人2007大會總召集人 郭重國 「憲法會議」:
世界台灣人大會 宣言 3/24/2007:


'Supreme Court ruling leaves Taiwan status for Obama to resolve' Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner, Oct6'09:



'我是流亡中國政權的外患罪嫌嗎?' 蝶衣Oct17'09 9:04am:控美案 相關問題討論區

Taiwan for All 福佬語群、客家語群、原住語群、華語群 Peoples:------
Taiwan for Hakka and Native Peoples: Sep29'09:
NTHAN: N. Taiwan Hakka-Natives Autonomous Nations!
STHAN: S. Taiwan Hakka-Natives Autonomous Nations!
ETHAN: E. Taiwan Hakka-Natives Autonomous Nations!
OTHAN: C. Taiwan Natives-Hakka Autonomous Nations!
ACdd= Armed Citizens direct democracy!---
Formosans mostly 現存台灣廣大的平埔後裔: Below "Formosans":-----

Physicists Calculate Number of Universes, Oct15'09:
Anthropocene(?) Earth? Sep30'09:
Solar recent listlessness Sep29'09:
Mystery Space "Ribbon" Found at Solar System's Edge', Oct15'09:
a tiny bug slew T. rex Sep29'09:
世界四大瀑布, Sep5'09:
4.4 million old Hominid, Oct1'09:


Below "Native Formosans"


'Grotesque Money Printing' Oct12'09:

Arab states have launched a secret plan with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading, Oct6'09:

'Goodbye to the dollar, China leads the way' Oct6'09:

'China alarmed by US money printing' Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Cernobbio, Italy, 9:06PM BST 6Sep'09:

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"Over the past few decades, thousands of alternatives to the standard, top-down corporate model have sprouted up -- worker-owned companies and co-operatives, neighborhood corporations and trusts, community-owned technology centers and municipally owned enterprises", Oct7'09:

"on her small plot in Oakland, California, Novella Carpenter has raised bees, goats, rabbits, geese, and turkey, among other fauna", Oct7'09:

"the mechanisms we’re supposed to appeal to to correct these problems — the combination of public awareness (i.e. the media) and the elected government (i.e. congress) — have been almost completely corrupted", Oct6'09:


Framers' Big Mistake, Oct5'09:

Tennessee Sovereignty Resolution for 49, Oct29'09:

'Secession, Nullification, and Interposition' podcast 05-10-2009:

'Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War Becomes Peace, When the Lie Becomes the Truth' Michel Chossudovsky, Oct12'09:
-'Get Out of Afghanistan Now' Oct15'09:

'War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength' John Pilger, Oct16'09:

'Are We the Martians of the Twenty-First Century?' Tom Engelhardt Oct9'09:


美國國防部亞太安全事務助理部長葛里森(Wallace Gregson)...說:我們(對台灣)的承諾是基於很深而
且堅定的友誼、(美台雙方)共同分享的安全利益、(美台}深遠的經濟關係以及雙方共同的民主理想與價值。", david chou, Oct1'09:

「日本還是台灣人的母國」? Sep11'09:
本土人民政府---Taiwan (Formosa) Civil Government...是自目前之政府唯一享有繼承權的 Sep24'09:

'呼籲萬人控告日本放送局NHK的理由' 施忠男 Sept23'09 11:56:38上傳[1102]

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'公投護台灣聯盟拜會台灣人公共事務協會(FAPA)' TWIMI | 獨立媒體, Sep11'09...
: "" 公投護台灣聯盟此行到美國,除了參與以台灣之名加入聯合國宣達之外,另有一個重要任務就是拜會-台灣人公共事務協會(FAPA)。

從去年1025蔡丁貴教授在立法院前靜坐抗爭至今300多天的日子,公投盟除了持續進行非暴力和平抗爭運動外,也發起多項連署活動。其中,『台灣獨立建國連署書』目前已連署達三十幾萬份,此行到美國也是順道要將此連署活動在美國宣傳。 "

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'受人之託, 忠人之事, 唯心而已.....事在人為啊! (加後記!)' 郭勝華, Oct6'09:

: "" Dear Hsin Kuo:

素聞辜老夫婦為台灣的努力, 也知郭正典醫師, 北社等都有強烈的台灣心.
勝華不否認, 曾受人之託(非林志昇,陳辰光與Keiko), 幫忙釐清台灣地位未定之法理種種 "

" 勝華受人之託之初, 曾對陳辰光與Keiko明言, Civil Government 之事最佳辦法是請李陳二位前流亡政府台籍總統, 攜手共同出來說明台灣當局的真正法理地位, 方易取信於台籍人士,而且必須要有DPP, FAPA, 與台獨聯盟之共襄盛舉方可成事!

勝華為此曾與吾師黃昆輝及游錫堃先生談論過, 阿扁則以忙立委助選忙為由推託. 那都已是兩年前的事了.

現在有這麼多人願意公開支持美國依SFPT的立場, 是無上佳音!



至於美國方面必須FAPA肯為此促美國會開 Congressional hearing 為首要任務!

如若在台灣的人沒能做到我以上的建議, 美國縱使有心幫忙也無從幫起了. "

" p.s.1) CSB v. Obama 才是玄機將明的案件! "

" 由Hsin Kuo (USA Taiwan)

郭 前輩 您好,

我誠懇地建議 林志昇 和 蝶衣 先跟台灣北社合作.

辜寬敏夫婦 和 北社的醫生經一位前輩調查,大都跟 郭正典醫師 持相同的願意公開支持美屬理論或類似理論的態度.

感謝您! 標籤 :

版主魚夫拜託您,請幫忙用力推廣到全世界! "

'高級外省人的「兩張臉」' 曹長青由tokaweek 張貼在 Oct7'09:

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: "" From: []
On Behalf Of monsenshen/SPQ
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 7:45 AM
To: Dusa - Bing Hsieh; Dusa - Allen Kuo;;; s...;
Subject: [BATA] 請在文化 vs. 政治上的區隔做些調整? 不對!!

八成贊成, 但2成, 易被利用或誤導, 請小心思考:

1. 套句台灣社團最近的說詞: 吃飯呼吸都有政治成分, 何來分離? 台教會最近也大聲疾呼, 台灣是被中國非法侵略侵占, 台灣不可以做太寬廣的接納或解釋, 否則便是走原路接受被消滅的命運. 台灣人可以與外國人共同決定台灣前途與命運? 答案是不可以的. 我門只能將其視同盟友, 而非絕對的自家人程度; 否則, 就等同於強迫台灣人必須接受全台灣的中國人, 連不願當台灣人的那些忠處團體都必須接受..

2. 不可以拿美國案例看台灣, 否則台灣必死無疑.美國經歷武力建國, 再建立制度接納外族. 台灣是被中國人侵略侵占, 必須先消滅中華冥國, 才能重新接納外族. 絕對不可以現在就搞共治. 台灣是台灣人的家, 不是中國人的財產, 台灣前途不容與外國人共同討論; 台灣建國之前, 唯一能接納的, 倒是像RK這樣的人, 宣示自己是台灣人, 不再是中國人的, 他當然就是台灣人; 沒有宣誓的, 必須視同外國人, 台灣前途絕對不可以與外國人共同決定.

3. 台灣這幾年已經證實, 台灣人的祖先在台灣已經生存12000年, 台灣人的姓氏, 與家裡拜的那些中國福建廣東的死鬼, 一律不是台灣人的祖先!! 都是當時侵略台灣, 拿刀逼我們祖先隨之姓氏, 拜他們祖先為祖先的中國畜牲!! 甚至大膽斷言, 1940年之前, 97%以上的台灣人, 身上沒有半滴中國人的血, 所謂的全山半山, 全都被騙了!! 全部是中國鄭失敗+蔣借屎這2個畜牲鬼扯洗腦的餘毒..中國人是札札實實的外國人!! 以下一段文字提供參考:

或許該先用一段話來作開頭, 那就是.. 台灣人一直沒變,一直將移居來台灣的中國人看成好鄰居,好朋友,但中國人是用什麼心態對待台灣? 為何分分秒秒都想把台灣納入中國人的口袋,拒絕承認非法侵略台灣,拒絕交出殺人兇手,中國人是該摸摸良心,自我檢視! 228直到白色恐怖時期,先後有40萬人遭殃,或死或傷或被刑關迫殘, 其中,用鐵絲穿過手掌,集體踢下海淹死或活埋的無辜台灣百姓,對中國來的部隊而言是侵略中, 理所當然的【過程】, 沒有絲毫羞愧之心. 每當有人被抓去刑求,中國來的軍警慣用一句咆哮的話: “我們中國人到你們台灣來,就是要殺你們台灣男人,就是要在你們床上,幹你們台灣的女人,你們不服,就站起來反抗,站起來殺我們中國人!”. (語出中央圖書館出版, 國會訪談錄, 林水泉先生口述經歷部分.)

(台灣人的祖先是真, 姓氏是假, 是中國人侵略台灣之後, 逼騙我們平埔族祖先, 隨著當時侵台的中國部分賊頭賊群的姓氏而姓, 蔣借屎亦複製鄭成功這等禽獸行為, 強迫台灣高山族與中國獸人同姓!)

台灣人不可以找回自己的祖先? 台灣人不可以拒絕當中國來的這些外國人的狗? 為什麼越來越多人說, 中國人以及蔣借屎所寫的台灣史, 95%以上是捏造的,是為了將你我的子孫毒化成中國人的狗而寫的?! 為了替祖先平反,為了下一代不再受騙,為了對台灣的真正歷史負起責任,我們是否該花一分鐘深思..

如果中國人不侵略台灣,台灣會亂? 台灣人說中國人到台灣來搶騙, 是蝗蟲行為;西歐人稱中國人是蟑螂,所到之處非髒即亂(妓女販毒黑幫走私偷搶騙全部到齊);美國人稱中國人是皮膚癌,誰碰到誰倒楣;日本人形容中國人在台灣, 利用走狗做事的詐騙行為是豬狗同籠相姦得利. 為何全世界對中國人印象都那麼差? 全世界都是壞人,只有中國人是好人?

今天,如果到台灣來的中國人服從於台灣人的家政權精神, 融入並發誓當個台灣人,而不是以獸性侵略台灣,隨時企圖將台灣放入中國人口袋,變成中國人的財產, 台灣會這樣亂?

1. 台灣人祖先由南而北[島遷],在台灣已經生存12000年,中研院早有出土文物佐證. 台灣南北共三處(Okinawa,台灣北部,與澎湖),均有萬年石築大型宮廟出土,其中,Okinawa海底宮殿比金字塔還大,還早; 當時菲律賓到那霸屬於淺海區,一萬年前,人類尚無輪子,台灣先祖的石築建材卻已長逾10公尺,寬與高各逾2公尺,當時台灣人祖先的先進,不難想像..應該是騎著中國獸人上班的..(詳情觀看Discovery片名Japan裡的Okinawa一段, 以及Taiwan..)

2. 鄭成功侵略台灣,來台36000人,第一年水土不服,死六千(當時,中國人在台灣的平均年齡不超過35歲.),他的東寧王朝前後28年, 其子與婿,孫與孫婿間的王位搶奪,大量死傷人數不算, 28年之後, 清朝強制遣回中國的[中國人]與[中國血緣者]計42000人,清朝斬規:中國人從此不得與台灣通商,通航,居住,通婚,旅遊,台灣從此並無中國人.台灣人祖先的姓氏,語言全是鄭畜,蔣畜等畜牲刀口下的產物,全部不是台灣人的家產!此時,中國清朝未經台灣人同意,號稱台灣是中國的財產,前後亦僅8年. 8年之後,中國清朝再次未經台灣人同意,擅將台灣割讓給日本,李鴻章說: 台灣,得之無所得,失之無所失!

3. 美國打敗日本,在國際慣例上, 台灣暫屬美國管理,美國卻複製以色列模式,將台灣巴勒斯坦化,暗助蔣借屎侵略台灣,殺人放火搶劫強姦! 在國際上,台灣人有權要求美國退出,台灣有權獨立自主,這是標準的國際法則, 中共與在台灣的中國人不夠資格說不! (中國人詐稱台灣是中國的財產,台灣人是中國人,企圖藉此達成侵略台灣的獸心,更轉移中國內政/邊疆/經濟/人權的問題焦點).


a. 歐洲/蒙古/東北到韓國是屬北亞DNA.

b. 中東/阿富汗到中國是屬中亞DNA.

c. 印度/東南亞/福建武夷山以南是南亞陸型DNA.

d. 婆羅州/菲律賓/台灣/日本中部以南, 與太平洋島區屬南亞海島型DNA, 總數約3億人口.

e. a/c, b/c, a/d, b/d間各去50000年,c/d間相去7-8000年,DNA不同,體徵(腳趾手臂額頭等等)/抗體能力自然不同,仿間均有書冊剖析; 清朝侵佔台灣8年期間,曾派5個巡撫到台灣,四個都在3~6個月內死於台灣疾病,其中一位,在中國往台灣半路上就逃跑了,不敢來台灣; SARS病毒對南島與南亞DNA人種有侵略性,這些都是很好的例子!

台灣與很多國家已將蔣借屎詐侵台灣,定位為侵略.我們正尋求歐洲模式,要求中華民國立即解散,滾出台灣,否則島內滅中在即; 台灣人正追究著228事件與白色恐怖時期,蔣氏性病畜牲父子與其爪牙殺害台灣人125,000條人命(1981年代蔣京狗所作人口普查同時,針對228與白恐前後之失蹤人口所作之統計)與刑/殘/迫/冤獄25萬人的責任,並要求中國來的畜牲黨 - 國民黨歸還台灣人其偷/搶/騙/拐而得的數千億財產,否則遲早一次性徹底殲滅島內中國牲口!! 中國人想住台灣,或想當台灣人的鄰居都是好事,但若想將台灣變成中國的財產,那是盜匪與侵略的行為,必須殲滅! 別忘了,過去數百年, 中國人多次侵略台灣,已經殺害台灣人近百萬,難道台灣人不應該, 不可以要回台灣的家政權, 要回台灣的安全與正義?

蔣借屎是人類有文字歷史以來,前3大殺人魔,共殺害1300萬人(僅次於毛澤東3300萬人),是全世界都在通緝的國際戰犯;此殺人魔有些事甚至比毛澤東還厲害,蔣借屎與其爪牙貪生怕死,不讀書,不洗澡,不刷牙,愛找妓女,打母致死,不戰而逃,邀功諉過,滿口謊話,絕對是世界第一; 另外蔣借屎被抓時兩腿攤軟,尿濕褲子需人攙扶, 以及未戰先逃, 四處當賊當寇, 欺殺百姓, 還有說謊功夫也是世界聞名! 台灣人稱兩位蔣公, 意思是說: 兩頭得性病的蔣氏豬公.

蔣借屎的軍隊也很高級,65年前侵略台灣時,在馬路上,即公然向台灣小學生行搶牙刷, 這些人的水準,只知牙刷可以擦皮鞋擦槍,根本不知道牙刷是用來刷牙的;這些獸人甚至將台灣北中南各公眾場所的冷氣孔位全數堵死,根本不知道冷氣是啥東西.這些牲獸帶到台灣的疾病計有霍亂/傷寒/A,B,C,E肝病/丹毒/肺結核…等等20多種國際法定傳染病,台灣人只能以獸人出籠,吃喝拐幹騙, 燒殺擄搶姦來形容中國人在台灣的獸行;當時全亞洲第二富, 夜不閉戶的台灣,歷經這場中國蝗蟲與寄生蟲之禍,經濟在短短2年內倒退30年,中國盜匪,中國妓女,中國賭博,中國吸毒,中國黑社會從此在台灣生根四起,舉世皆知.這事,當時,全世界都看傻了眼, 無法相信世界上竟有這種獸人!!

台灣是台灣人的家, 不是中國人的財產.



台灣人的祖先已在台灣生存12000年,從鄭姓海賊直到蔣借屎,中國不斷侵略台灣,濫殺近百萬台灣先祖,生產台灣祖先牌位和謊源,消滅台灣歷史,毒植台灣學子.. 我們的姓氏不是祖先原有的,我們還在膜拜中國的孤魂野鬼當祖先,當神? 豬頭病? 國際知名的中國殺人魔,逃竄中的通緝戰犯,DNA與臺灣人相去五萬年的外國(中國)人蔣借屎,於65年前,指揮他的國家與流氓,非法侵略並占領台灣, 殺害12萬5千台灣人,刑/殘/關25萬台灣人. 至2008年,在台灣非法居留的99%中國人仍拒絕向臺灣道歉,拒絕交出兇手,拒絕解散他們在台灣的非法殺人店鋪中華民國. 我們必須告訴全世界臺灣人被中國人殺害欺凌500年的過去,以及消滅侵略的決心. 台灣的祖先與歷史被中國人消滅了,台灣的小孩不會說台灣話了, 不知情的人變成愛中國的狗,你會怎麼做? ""

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"Non-Native Formosans"-------------------

: "" From: David Lu
Date: 2009/10/11
Subject: 非原住民台灣人的基因結構

■ 林媽利




台灣人的基因結構根據體染色體組織抗原,母系血緣及父系血緣三個不同系統的分析得到相當接近的結果,就是台灣人的基因大概一半來自台灣原住民及東南亞島嶼族群,另一半來自福建廣東及亞洲大陸。歷史上唐山公的故事可從台灣人有五十九%亞洲大陸的父系血緣得到印證,至於平埔嬤在歷史上的重要性還是很清楚的看到,之後唐山嬤的大舉遷台建構了另一半的母系血緣。母系血緣是看外祖母的血緣,父系血緣是看內祖父的血緣,從組織抗原可以看到外祖父及內祖母的血緣,在一百人當中只有三十三人的父母系血緣全部來自亞洲大陸,其他六十七人的父母系血緣是混合了台灣原住民、東南亞島嶼族群及亞洲大陸的血緣。分析這三十三人的組織抗原半套型的來源,看到十八人帶有台灣原住民的基因,十人帶有中國東南沿海越族特徵的基因,二個西南亞洲基因及各一個北方漢人、藏人及歐洲人的基因,所以根據三個系統的分析,八十五%的台灣人是帶有台灣原住民的血緣,所以是平埔公、平埔嬤、唐山公、唐山嬤,還有高山公、高山嬤及少數外國基因一起建構了非原住民台灣人的基因。 (作者為馬偕醫院醫師) ==

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"Native Formosans":----------------------

: "" 2001年間淡水馬偕醫院醫學研究科研究員林媽利醫師,針對一六七位台灣閩南、客家人,以及七十五位屏東、新竹客家人等二項血液分析研究中,從其組織白血球抗原半套體(HLA)中發現,台灣閩南、客家的祖先並非來自中原漢族,反而應該是南方民族的後代。林醫師這項參考二十五項醫學、人類學等學術資料的研究發表論文,近來在台灣社會引起相當大的震撼,巔覆了台灣閩客族群屬於漢族的傳統看法。在台灣人常見的白血球抗原類型A33-B58-DRBI*03,所佔的比率極為接近,而且其基因頻率的距離相近,因而推斷台灣的閩南、客家人,從血統眼光看來,其祖先並非來自北方的漢人,反而與東南亞的南方民族較為接近。日本大阪醫科大學教授暨遺傳學會會長松本秀雄,耗時十七年於1985年發布出版的著作,該書針對世界民族的基因比對研究資料,也發現與林媽利醫師部分類似的看法,松本秀雄當時出版的「日本民族的源流」一書指出,亞洲地區的人種皆源於古蒙古人種,後來於距今一萬~五萬年前的冰河時期開始移動,一部分向北移動成為北蒙古種,另一部分則向南方移動,成為南方蒙古人種,中國北方的漢族屬於北蒙古種,與南方蒙古種出現相當大的差異。松本秀雄針對世界人種的基因群研究資料發現,自稱漢人的台灣閩南人擁有的南方系基因群Gm afb3st為0.762,比台灣原住民族群的0.643,高出0.119;另外, 自稱漢人的台灣閩南人的北方系基因Gm ab3st為0.002,遠低於台灣高山族原住民的0.047;顯見 自稱漢人的台灣閩南人所擁有的北方漢人血統相當稀薄。松本秀雄的檢驗結果也發現,世界上最純種的南方人種,為印尼婆羅洲東半部西里博斯的少數民族,其北方基因為零,南方基因系群高達0.766,比自稱漢人的台灣閩南人的0.762還高。台灣人與北方中原漢人血緣分開的證據,不但出現在淡水馬偕醫院輸血研究室林媽利的研究結論中,此外,慈濟醫院的骨髓系統建檔資料,以及像免疫球蛋白、血型、葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素,染色體DNA微衛星等遺傳標誌,也都明顯把台灣人和中原漢人分開,顯見客觀來看,台灣人如果還視自己為漢族,恐怕失之一廂情願。 而且更好笑的是現今平埔裔台灣人是騎著驢子找驢子。



這和Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup的研究結果是一樣的。 〔節錄自網站〕

馬偕醫院醫學研究室的林媽利醫師及日本紅十字會、東京大學等研究機構進行的共同研究,根據染色體組織抗原體(HLA)或是粒腺體核酸的研究、母系血緣及父系血緣等三個不同的系統的分析,得到的結果是有85%的台灣人帶有南方民族後代的血緣 。2007年且發生了林媽利在採集噶瑪蘭族原住民唾液進行研究時,遭國科會裁定違反醫學研究倫理,被要求銷毀基因檢體等事件。高雄醫學院精神內科醫師陳順勝的論文〈台灣與西太平洋島與南島諸族的健康問題〉,顯示從人種學血統的研究來看,台灣人的血統88%與漢族不同,是屬於南方系人種。醫學已經這麼發達,不應該再用歷史來欺騙平埔族後裔。 也不應該用政治的手段來打壓醫學之研究。

台灣人依人口比例――平埔族裔台灣人、原住民裔台灣人共 94.2%,華裔台灣人 5.8%〔指的是純種華裔,自稱是中國人也是台灣人的華裔台灣人, 加入美國籍後在美國應該是被稱為華裔美國人吧!不會自稱是中國人也是美國人吧!〕。台語學者吳國安表示,一般台灣閩南人多數不願承認自己的祖先就是熟番,就像明明就是平埔番的後代,卻寧願做假說自己是閩南人一樣。吳國安也表示,荷蘭時代的古荷蘭語紀錄,為熟番語留下不少詞彙,卻因年代久遠,逐漸為人所遺忘,例如,1、高雄早期的名稱為「麻竹下」(古荷蘭語記為Matakau),因早年麻竹盛多;2、基隆早期地名為「雞籠」(古荷蘭語為Ketagalan-雞罩仔崙);3、宜蘭早期地名為「柑仔崙」(古荷蘭語記為Kavalan)當時種植相當多柑橘;4、瑞芳古地名為「柑仔賴」(古荷蘭語記為Kavalua)。根據政治大學歷史系教授薛化元所著的「台灣開發史」一書指出,荷蘭統治末期(1650年代左右),台灣漢人總數只有三萬五千~五萬人(注:荷蘭當時登記有案的平埔番已約有二十五萬~三十萬人),鄭氏王朝期間漢移民大量增加,人數約在十二萬至二十萬,到了這時漢人的總數才約略超過平埔熟番。不過,台語學者吳國安則引述史料指出,1、荷鄭時代唐山移民共有三次的大退潮,郭懷一反荷失敗後,二萬多名唐山人中六千餘人遭屠殺於漚汪其餘殆半逃回唐山;2、1660年鄭成功將攻台灣之際,在台唐人紛紛走避唐山。3、第三次清將領施琅攻台前後,十幾萬唐山人逃 的逃,遭施琅遣送的遣送,致清廷無瑤役可用。顯見荷鄭時代的唐山移民,並沒有真正在台灣落地生根。至於清朝時,唐山人較多移民是從嘉慶、道光以後的海禁解除(因康、雍、乾三代海禁甚嚴),4、後來的台灣割讓日本及馬關條約,唐山人或逃回大陸或遭強制驅逐出境(二年內不認同日本政府或在台無眷屬者),真正在台灣落地生根的唐山人實在遠不如傳說中那麼多。然而台灣的平埔族裔,為何在隨著歷史的進展而日愈減少,根據清廷御史黃琡璥的『台海使槎錄』一書文獻記載發現,乾隆二十一年1756年御賜唐山姓與強迫歸化唐山的設籍政策,導致 台灣的平埔族裔必須杜撰自己祖籍是從唐山過來,否則無法立足,此即史料中所記載的「賜籍從姓」的同化政策。該項強迫改台灣的平埔族裔戶籍政策,從清朝統治台灣二百多年, 經日據時代及國民政府時代,合計台灣的平埔族裔被同化政策所影響已經有超過三百年歷史了,導致台灣的平埔族裔會在台灣這塊土地逐漸消失,無聲無息被取代。

綜觀臺灣,在外力入侵之前,平埔族沒有政治組織,村社沒有固定的領袖,幾乎是一種絕對平等的社會。荷蘭人領台時代,發展之地域為平埔族人口較密集之地方,漢人處於『不服水土,視臺灣為畏途』的時代。明鄭時代,雖然大批漢人入臺,還是處於『不服水土,視臺灣為畏途』的時代,。明鄭亡,滿州人建立的清國,將在台漢人清倉遣送回國,這個時代是平埔族人『人口增加,急速形成新部落 』的時代,現今臺灣繁華地區都是『就地漢化』的平埔族後裔,漢人偷渡入台者,只是平埔族人部落的邊緣人。原住民族〔平埔族及高山族〕約佔台灣總人口的1.6%――外省人約佔總人口的18%左右,……閩南人約佔總人口65%,客家人約佔總人口的15%左右,……的說法是不正確的。台灣應該依語言上分族群――福佬語群、客家語群、原住語群、華語群。

平埔族的閩南語或客語化,大概在中國統治之後,或者更早,就已接受一部分漢人的閩南語或客家話,也讀中國書,識漢字。明鄭時期,在府城寧南坊就設有『府學』教育府城人漢文。 清康熙二十二年,清國據臺,清康熙二十三年設立『府學』是延用鄭氏在寧南坊基業設立,『縣學』有『臺灣縣學』在府城東安坊 。『鳳山縣學』在縣治興隆莊。『諸羅縣學』在縣治善化里西堡。並在府城東安坊設有『社學』二所,府城鎮北坊『社學』一所 ,鳳山縣土墼埕『社學』一所 ,諸羅縣新港社『社學』一所,諸羅縣目加溜灣社『社學』一所,諸羅縣蕭籠社『社學』一所 ,諸羅縣麻豆社『社學』一所。平埔族人開始接受漢文教育。臺灣府志卷十二人物誌之進士篇『乾隆二十二年丁丑(蔡以臺榜):王克捷(諸羅附生)。………』當年榜首為蔡以臺,王克捷是平埔族人第一位考上進士的諸羅社學學生。 臺灣府志卷十二人物誌之舉人篇,則在康熙二十六年鳳山附生蘇莪是平埔族人第一位考上舉人的鳳山社學學生。臺灣府志卷十二人物誌之鄉貢篇『………康熙三十六年(是年恩、拔、歲並舉行)………鄭國對(臺灣。恩)、黃位恩(府學。拔。原籍閩縣。)、郭允豪(鳳山。恩)、盧賢(諸羅。恩)、………王聯魁(臺灣。拔)、施世榜(鳳山。拔)、………』 。施世榜時年26歲,施世榜是鳳山八社馬卡道平埔族人,是早期接受漢文教育的平埔族人。 臺灣府志卷十二人物誌之例貢篇『………黃壁(附生)、吳洛、郭大通(附生)、蔡宗岳、………蕭復旦、楊志申(以上俱彰化人)。』。 臺灣府志卷十二人物誌之武舉篇『康熙二十九年:林逢秋(鳳山)。………。』林逢秋是鳳山八社馬卡道平埔族人,臺灣第一位考上武舉者。


………中國殖民統治者採用了非常細緻的『族群清除』方法去否認平埔族群是原住民族,因為現存台灣廣大的平埔後裔被認定後,將會摧毀『我們都是炎黃子孫』這種迷思。如果中國人那一套『從語言、飲食習慣到宗教信仰都保留了祖先從中國所傳承的豐富文化而讓台灣與中國切割不了』說法讓我們唾棄,這種『同文同種』的倡導不僅缺乏結構性的歷史因素探討與建構性的可能方式思索。更重要的是,這種因素讓現有的原住民朋友們所引起的反感程度是我們可想而知的。 〔節錄自網站〕以上的說法很贊同。



資源 :">

PS : 幹!! 連結網頁被姦了 ""

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[GlobalForumIntl] Fwd: 有關貴部答覆(回覆通知函-98029333(來自行政院信件)﹐
信件編號:POM98029333)﹐Mon, October 12, 2009 10:45:14 PM
From:Cheng Kuang Chen Add to Contacts

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: "" FYI-- This mail came from RP

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From: R P
Date: 2009/10/12
Subject: 有關貴部答覆(回覆通知函-98029333(來自行政院信件)﹐信件編號:POM98029333)﹐
To: eyemail@eyemail., 中華民國國防部全球資訊網




治權﹖係因淪陷於其他共匪嗎﹖還是聯合國決定使得他們自決﹖ ""

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[GlobalForumIntl] Fwd: 請問我國國防部以及外交部歷史檔案部門美國有無同意中央政府移交中央政府所在地到台灣﹖ Mon, October 12, 2009 10:47:59 PM
From: Cheng Kuang Chen Add to Contacts
To: GlobalForum

: "" This mail came from RP for information!

2009/10/12 R P

會議1651訓令有關美麗島已光復中華民國統治之文件資料﹖ 謝謝。 ""


'Rabbit Hole' Nov14'09:
: "" We live in a society where one’s celebrity equates to ability; where a pretty face, gender or ethnic background means more than character, integrity, ability and courage; where a political man, morally, professionally and personally disgraced, can lecture at Harvard’s school of ethics and a political woman known for lying during campaign trips and elsewhere can be appointed to one of our countries highest posts: secretary of state. ""


'State Secession: Trying To Beat the World’s Worst Record' last 150 yrs.,

'Book Essay: The Strange World of Ayn Rand' Dec25'09:

'Neither God nor Devil' is Ayn Rand, Nov14'09:

'A Little Perspective, Please' Ralph Raico, Nov16'09:

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'Hong Kong Is New Target of U.S. Crackdown on Taxes' Nov14'09:


"Life settlements" replacing "securitized subprime-mortgage" Oct2'09, Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace:

: " It's a scheme based on the mundane (but huge) life insurance market. Wall Street intends to tap into the $26 trillion-worth of life insurance policies that Americans hold, using a financial mechanism called "life settlements."

Often, the ill and elderly need cash for assisted living or myriad other reasons, and a small network of insurance brokers exists to offer them a sizeable pile of money in exchange for being named the beneficiary of the policy. A broker might pay $400,000 for a million-dollar policy.

Wall Streeters intend to turn these life settlements into a big boon for investment banks and super-rich speculators. First, they will take over the broker side of the business, setting up extensive networks of heavily advertised, life-settlement agencies across the country to entice sick and old folks into settlements. You can imagine the come-ons: "Free Cash!" "Cash-in BEFORE You Die!" "You CAN Cheat Death!"

Next, Wall Street banks will "securitize" these settlements -- i.e., they will package thousands of them into bonds that they'll then sell (for hefty fees) to big investors around the globe. As a result, when Uncle Bob croaks in Dubuque, some speculator in Dubai will collect Bob's life insurance payout.

Drooling bankers anticipate a $500 billion market for this hustle. Even as Washington discusses ways to regulate Wall Street's earlier frenzied securitization lunacy, the giant banks are working themselves into this next frenzy. As one giddily exclaimed, "We're hoping to get a herd stampeding." "

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'The Empire Is Going Down; There Is More Talk of Nullification and Secession Today Than At Any Time Since 1865' Oct13'09:

'Secession movement spreads well beyond Texas' Sep19'09:

' ...Austin Become 'Liberty Central'...? ' Oct3'09:

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Showdown looms with Iran, Oct3'09:

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'War, Terrorism, and the World State' Dec7'02:

'While You are Minding Your Own Business, The U.S. is Constantly Making War Around the Globe' Tom Engelhardt,, Sep22'09:
> AC = Armed Citizens? in USA;
Used Guns, Sep24'09:

'ACORN: The Most Cost-Effective Investment...' Sep23'09:
> dd = direct democracy! in USA.
No Flu Shot? Sep21'09:
50 best things to eat:

Beatles: 09.09.09 is here!
'The Science Cartel vs. Immanuel Velikovsky' Joshua Snyder
> Sep16'09
> Recently by Joshua Snyder: What Would Asia Do Without America?
'Death of a President': William Manchester's 1967 JFK Book Is Still Controversial
Sam Kashner, Sep10'09:

'孔丘,把中國文化引向邪惡的第一魔鬼' 黎鳴 Sep12'09
> or


Drying-up World, Sep16'09:
Toxic Chemicals, Sep16'09:

' Nullification: The states have a “nuclear option,” too ' Sep13'09:
: "" After gambling his young the so-called “nuclear option” of budgetary reconciliation. ... ...
But once citizens understand that they can circumvent a power-hungry Congress and its enablers on the court by demanding their state governments step up and nullify unconstitutional laws, entrenched abuses of every sort could come crashing down.
...recent events suggest a major power decentralization may already be underway. ""

-Right-Wing Hatred, Sep18'09:
-Attacks on Obama, Sep21'09:
-Anti-Christ? Sep18'09:
-'Right-Wing Hatemongering Fueled by Christianity?' Frank Schaeffer, AlterNet, Sep21'09:
-Time's Glenn Beck, Sep19'09:
-Conspiracy theories reverberating, Sep14'09:
-Howard Phillips huge rally, Sep14'09:
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'Bill Moyers: Conservative Radicals and the Politics of Vengeance' Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal, AlterNet, Sep21'09:
"Intellectual conservatism is dead. And the angriest, most intellectually bankrupt elements have taken over the movement."
: "" Editor's note: In the following interview, Bill Moyers and powerhouse NYT editor and author of "The Death of Conservatism Sam Tanenhaus discuss the last gasps of the conservative movement. Tanenhaus says that far from signifying a resurgence of conservative ideals, the Tea Party protesters and shock jocks like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh spell the doom of the conservative movement. " ...
... ...


' 外獨會意見庫存: 林志昇控美案 02/05/09 是在講什麼碗糕? (三) ':

Lin v. USA 與 CSB v. Obama 相輔相成 Sep28'09:
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'Chen claims he governed Taiwan as U.S. proxy' Sat Sep26'09 10:46 am TWN, The China Post news staff:

: "" Former President Chen Shui-bian has claimed he governed Taiwan on behalf of a non-existing U.S. military government, according to the TVBS cable TV network.

TVBS aired an interview yesterday with President Chen's attorney Jonathon Levy in the United States who filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces in Washington, D.C.

The former president is suing U.S. President Barack Obama and his Secretary of Defense Robert Gates for failure to continue placing Taiwan under military occupation. "

"Jailed former Taiwanese president petitions US":
World Media, Sep23'09: Yahoo:
World Media, Sep23'09: Google:
(AP) – 16 hours ago, Sep23:

'Chen asks US court to intervene to free him' Ko Shu-ling, Taipei Times STAFF REPORTER, Thur Sep24'09, Page 3:

"PETITION: The Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization said it was sponsoring the legal action on behalf of the former president, demanding his immediate release."

: "" As part of his affidavit for a case at the US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) petitioned for the US to intervene as the “principal occupying power of Taiwan” to seek his immediate release and restore his civil and human rights.

Roger Lin (林志昇), a member of the Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization, yesterday said his organization was sponsoring the legal action for Chen and demanding full respect for his civil rights and his immediate release from incarceration.

But Lin focused on Chen’s argument in the affidavit concerning Taiwan’s international status and dismissed speculation that the suit was aimed at resolving Chen’s legal problems. "

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'陳水扁宣告事項與證詞 (漢譯)' 由 蝶衣 Aug13'09 的 10:06am 張貼,所屬類別:控美案最新消息

'陳水扁控訴美國 - 簡要訴訟文' 由 蝶衣 Sep23'09 的 5:41am 張貼,所屬類別:控美案 相關問題討論區


Petition for Writ of Mandamus
filed: Sept. 23, 2009 in Washington, D.C.
陳水扁向美國法院聲請「執行命令」Writ of Mandamus '

' 美國上訴﹝高等﹞軍事法庭 美國首都華府

美國政府,被告 '

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' Dr. Roger C.S. Lin, et al., 林志昇等
Petitioners, 原告
United States of America, 美國政府
Respondent. 被告

前任中華民國總統 陳水扁支持

: "" 【流亡中國政權在台北】前總統陳水扁先生茲提出以下說明事項與證詞,並保證其真實性,嚴格遵守美國法律28 USC 1746的規定,絕不作偽證。

1. 本人願意當證人,沒有參與本案訴訟,同時年滿十八歲以上。

2. 本人作證是基於個人對事務的經歷和了解,因此對以下證詞負責。

3. 本人擔任中華民國在台灣的總統,從二零零零年五月二十日至二零零八年五月二十日,根據本人對歷史演變的了解與法律事實,一九四九年經過非常混亂的時期後,在一九四九年十月一日中華人民共和國在北京建立後,許多原來中華民國政府單位與軍隊組織,流亡到佔領中的台灣。此流亡中國政權在台灣的第一任總統是蔣介石。 "

... ...

" 11. 釐清與認定本土台灣人的國籍是一個法律問題,而不是政治問題。依據戰爭慣例法、舊金山和平條約、歷史記載等等,美國軍事政府 (USMG) 對台灣的管轄今天仍健在,是故,本土台灣人長期被剝奪在美國憲法下的基本人權保障。

12. 在「林志昇控告美國政府」案中,本人很樂意站在美國最高法院所有大法官面前,說明清楚本土台灣人(不是「流亡中國人」在台灣)與美國政府之間的關聯,而且本土台灣人為何應該擁有美國政府核發的旅行證件。

For the above reasons, I support the Petition for a Writ of Certiorari.


Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁
Former President of the ROC government in exile

Date: August 5, 2009
2009年8月5日 ""

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'Evidence fails to support life sentence for Taiwan's former president' JONATHAN MANTHORPE, VANCOUVER SUN, SEP16'09:

: "" When a court in Taiwan imposes a life sentence, there is an automatic appeal to a higher panel of judges, but former president Chen Shui-bian and his wife Wu Shu-chen should not nurse too many hopes that the draconian penalties imposed on them last week will be moderated.

From the start, the campaign to prosecute Chen, who stepped down in May last year after two four-year terms as president, and his wife for corruption have not passed the smell test of a fair and independent judicial process.

Many people both in Taiwan and abroad have commented since the process began that it looks more like political persecution of Chen, whose Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) promotes Taiwan as an independent nation, by the new Kuomintang (KMT) party of president Ma Ying-jeou than a genuine attempt to eradicate graft in high places.

Ma and the KMT, which for 50 years ran Taiwan as a one-party state under martial law until it was pushed by the United States into democratization in the late 1980s, have been edging Taiwan toward some kind of political union with China since they regained control of the administration in May last year.

In sentencing Chen and Wu to life in prison, the court has, doubtless inadvertently, presented Beijing with a gift and Taiwan's 23 million people a stern warning that they are not masters in their own house.

To put it bluntly, no convincing evidence was presented during the trial on which Chen could be convicted of corruption, embezzlement or money laundering by an impartial court, though that cannot be said of Wu, her brother or her children.

The campaign to prepare the expectation that Chen is guilty and would go to prison for a long time began during the investigation by prosecutors.

There was a steady stream of often scurrilous and insubstantial stories leaked to the media, whose proprietors are largely KMT supporters, spinning a web of guilt around Chen.

Chen was then held incommunicado for a month late last year before any indictment was presented. He was formally detained on Dec. 20 and when he applied for bail, was granted it.

But there was then an uproar by KMT legislators and a new judge was made head of the court. He is Tsai Shou-hsun, who, coincidentally no doubt, had recently found Ma not guilty of charges of, while mayor of Taipei, misusing discretionary funds, very similar charges that Chen faced.

Tsai immediately ordered Chen's pretrial detention to continue in case the former president tried to influence witnesses. And Tsai has presided over the trial and delivered the verdict.

And the documentation around these cases is so voluminous it smells of bafflegab.

The indictment is 202 pages in Chinese. The press release from the Taipei District Court announcing the verdict is 59 pages and this, apparently, is a prelude to the full 1,500-page judgment.

The first 190 pages of the indictment track the $30 million US in campaign donations and $15 million US in presidential discretionary funds on their way to accounts in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland.

This is the money laundering case, but it is only a crime if the money was illegally obtained. And nowhere in the prosecution's case is there evidence that this money was got illegally. There's a lot of supposition and sly suggestion, but no evidence.

In Taiwan, election law says, despite efforts by Chen's administration to change it in the face of KMT obstruction, that leftover campaign donations belong to the candidate. And Chen dealt with the discretionary funds in exactly the same way as predecessors.

Chen says he left the family finances to Wu, who is known to be avaricious and has some reason to seek the security that money brings.

In 1986, Chen and Wu, while travelling around Tainan County thanking supporters, were attacked by a man driving a farm tractor. The driver missed Chen, but ran over Wu and a campaign aide. He backed up and drove over Wu again and then drove over her a third time.

Her back was broken and since then she has had to use a wheelchair. The driver was questioned by police, who concluded it was an accident, and no charges were laid.

There is little doubt that Wu received bribes in the case of land acquisition for a high tech science park.

But there was no evidence that she told Chen. Indeed, all the evidence says the couple has fallen out because Wu lied to her husband about what was going on. ""

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Chen Shui-bian trial, '09.9.9:
一審宣判 扁珍均無期徒刑【9/11 16:10】自由電子報

'Taiwan: Spotlight on the young democracy's judicial system' Jonathan Adams, Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, May21'09 edition:
: " a growing chorus of Taiwanese and foreign scholars are echoing – albeit in more measured tones – villagers' concerns about how the case is being handled. The criticisms have put this young democracy's judicial system in the spotlight "
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'《星期專訪》黃瑞華︰司法若毀 台灣將有危險' Liberty Times 記者賴仁中, Jan12'09:
: "" ...宜蘭地方法院院長黃瑞華... ... 連日被反扁勢力圍剿 "
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'洪英花法官-誓死捍衛法律程序' Nov17'08:

'洪英花堅持:扁案判決 自始無效' Liberty Times 記者林嘉東/專訪, Dec16'09:
: "" 力主扁案判決「自始無效」的士林地院庭長洪英花... 說「北院以庭長會議的行政手段,作成換法官決定,嚴重侵越審判獨立精神,根本就是違憲」。 ... ... 審判獨立的先決條件是法院受理案件時,這個案件要分給哪個法官承辦,都須嚴格遵守法律規定,且要符合個案隨機正義的要求。 "
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'李界木遭彈劾...' Oct2'09:
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'【影片】台灣司法人權大會@台灣國高雄市中央公園' 台灣大地文教基金會, Sep21'09 Mon:
: "" 911是台灣司法人權遭受恐怖攻擊的日子。面對阿扁一審違法違憲的宣判,台灣本土社團特共同發起「台灣司法人權大會」,主張台灣司法人權不容踐踏、台灣司法正義不容政治黑手操弄,面對違法違憲的司法判決,台灣人民要起身捍衛人權、正義,並要求即刻停止羈押阿扁。 ""
【影片】刺毛仔蟲 (2004年台灣神追思音樂會.系列回顧11)
2009 9月26日雲林立委補選,3號劉建國專訪:


'The Cold War Fraud' Mark G. Brennan, Sep18'09:

'The Will to Intervene Project' = W2I, MIGS = The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, an official research centre of the Faculty of Arts & Science of Concordia University,
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West • Montreal, QC, Canada H3G 1M8
514 848-2424 exts. 5729 and 2404
> Leadership & Action to Mobilizing the Will to Intervene
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'Uk Strategy and Defence Policy, where should it go?...' Sep24'09:

'The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies' Gordon Duff, Sep11'09:
'The Worms in the Apple: Who's really behind that "bipartisan" call to attack Iran?' Justin Raimondo;, Sep18'09:
'The Story of My Shoe' Mutadhar al-Zaidi, Sep19'09:

'Chomsky: What...'Crisis'...'? Extreme poverty & hunger "passes a billion", Sep10'09:

"A Billion Hunger?
Thu Sep 10 20:06:16 BST 2009 by Tsai Sheh-gni
It seems industrial agriculture has been causing the world's extreme poverty and climate crisis. While, there are the Western financial crisis and all kinds of "terrorism", why not the "Food Movement" part of the top ten issues of the future blueprint?

'Chomsky: What...'Crisis'...'? Extreme poverty & hunger "passes a billion", Sep10'09:
reply report this comment
read all 102 comments" :Sep10'09

FUTURE! 'Blueprint for a better world' NewScientist, '09.9.9:
: "" We live in an imperfect world. Poverty, disease, lack of education, environmental destruction - the problems are all too obvious. Many people don't have clean water, let alone enough food, and the unsustainable lifestyle of the wealthy few is storing up catastrophic climate change.

Can we do anything about it? You bet we can. Technology is a double-edged sword, but science and reason have made our lives immeasurably better overall - and only through science and reason can we hope to make a real difference in the future. So here and over the next three weeks, New Scientist will explore diverse ideas for making the world a better place, and the evidence backing them.

This week, we look at some radical ideas for transforming society and changing the way countries are run. We also examine the state of the world as it is today, to see whether things are getting better or worse (see image).

Next week, we'll report on what you as an individual can do to make a difference. Then we'll explore what many see as the fundamental problem: overpopulation. And finally, we'll ponder the profound and long-lasting changes we are making to our home planet. "

1. Beware of common sense
2. Legalise drugs
3. Give police your DNA
4. Redefine the bottom line
5. Find out if we can cool the planet
6. Tax carbon and give the money to the people
7. Learn to love genetic engineering
8. End the pillaging of the high seas
9. Generate a feed-in frenzy
10. Take Friday off… forever

" Critical Changes Needed Very, Very Soon
Thu Sep 10 04:58:29 BST 2009 by Tsai Sheh-gni

I'm really surprised that we could see this finally here! Why not the majority of intelligent peoples talking about this?

Could we have FaceBook and Twitter for this?

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read all 60 comments Comments 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 back to special ""

12 vHerbal Remedies, Sep21'09:
Aloe vera
Black cohosh
Chaste tree
Evening primrose oil
25 best book to film adaptations, Sep23'09:
- - - - - - - - - - -
' 15 Must-Read Books That Will Forever Change How You See the World ' Sarah Irani, EcoSalon. Sep10'09, AlterNet:

1. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things
2. Introduction to Permaculture
3. The World Without Us
4. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
5. Eating For Beauty
6. Lifeplace: Bioregional Thought and Practice
7. Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies:
8. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth
9. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
10. Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities
11. Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves
12. The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation
13. Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature
14. Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision Making
15. Voluntary Simplicity.


Social Network web:
Future books:
Future brain:
Google News-Reading Service:
Annotate the Web: Google Launches Sidewiki, Sep23'09:
Free will is not an illusion after all, Sep23'09:

Asteroid attack, Sep23,'09:


星雲法師 '正牌政治和尚' : 「達賴這次不該來!」。

'【Video】阿扁總統祈求台灣神保台、反共' '08Nov1Sat:
'長青論壇09/09/11:陳水扁被判無期徒刑的「罪」' James Tsao, Sep11'09:
'原住民族語文學創作徵文活動' 國立屏東教育大學 原住民族教育研究中心 Sep11'09:

驐 '09.9.9:


'Goodbye to the dollar, China leads the way' Oct6'09:

'China alarmed by US money printing' Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Cernobbio, Italy, 9:06PM BST 6Sep'09:

'The Destruction of the US Empire' Bill Bonner Sep14'09:

Michael Moore's 'Capitalism' '09.9.9

'日媒︰美核航艦動向 日美安保指標'? Sep15'09: ?
'Obama in no-win situation over Taiwan arms sale' Tue Sep15'09:
'Israel, Taiwan, and the UN' Moshe Phillips, American Thinker, Sep6'09:
: ... ...
" Israel and her supporters should -- at every opportunity -- expose the UN for the fraud that it is. This includes the unjust exclusion of Taiwan. In the Obama era especially, Israel should seek to strengthen ties with those nations like Taiwan that are "incredibly friendly to Israel." History may record Nixon's abandonment of Taiwan as minor compared to Obama's desertion of Israel. ""
'Why Is Jane Fonda Being Accused Of An "Attack On The Heart and Soul Of Israel"?' Ira Chernus, AlterNet. Sep10'09:
"Artists protesting the Toronto International Film Festival's commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Tel Aviv are being demonized."

: " Whether a nation with over 200 nuclear weapons and the world's fourth of fifth most powerful military, vastly more powerful than any of its neighbors, can have any real security threats is an open question. Whether a nation that acts out of fear and refuses to make compromises for peace can ever be secure is an equally challenging question. To think about these questions in any fruitful way, the first step is just to be able to think, rather than responding with unreasoning, unjustified terror. ""

台灣電視節目網查詢: Taiwan TV:
World's Chinese Newspapers:
A Reflection:

National Association of Muslim American Women (NAMAW):
'Rock Star Ron Paul' Sep8'09
'The Fallacy of Equal Pay for Equal Work' Sep8'09:
'Big Business's Hidden Hand in the Smear Job on Van Jones' Adele M. Stan, AlterNet. Sep8'09:
How Americans for Prosperity, the astroturf group that organized town-hall thuggery, teamed up with FOX News to force out Van Jones.

'Rep. Mike Pence...' Sep7'09:
'...Green Jobs and Clean Energy' '09.9.9:
Glenn Beck has finally gotten the goods on the community organizing group ACORN: Sep16'09:
'Terrorist State' Don Cooper, Sep8'09
: "My entire adult life the U.S. government has been, according to their own definition, involved in terrorist activities: 1953 installation of the Shah of Iran which was the use of force to influence and affect a government; the invasion of Afghanistan followed by the invasion of Iraq. Both of which, again, were the use of violent means and life-threatening acts meant to influence governments."

... "it struck me so poignantly the other day when I arrived at Atlanta’s Hartsfield airport and ran into one of our government’s most effective terrorist propaganda machines: the United Services Organization or USO.

As I came up from the terminal train, at the head of the escalator were, as usual, USO members wearing their little red smocks, and buttons and carrying signs extolling the greatness of our troops and what they are doing around the world: using violent and life-threatening acts to influence governments.

What affected me the most though was their attempts to influence others at the airport. The USO you see seems to know when servicemen and women will be arriving at Atlanta Hartsfield and they are there waiting for them. As each and everyone comes up the escalator they begin with their show: clapping and cheering these young people as if they had just won the World Series. The USO workers turn to the waiting crowd and encourage them to clap as well, which they do in an attempt not to seem "un-American." They shake each one’s hand and give them a small token of their appreciation.

Just one more way to say to these young people: don’t listen to your conscience; what you are doing is noble, valued and appreciated by your country. In other words: stay in the border-land that is the fantasy in which the government wants you to remain so we can get you and others like you to do our dirty work."
'US Hypocrisy...'? Sep7'09
'Fed Video for Brainwashing Local Police to Implement Tyranny' Sep4'09:
'Fort Lee Troops And Police Take On Protesters...' Sep4'09:

' An Army of Home-Schooled "Christian Soldiers" On a Mission to "Take Back America for God" ' Robert Kunzman, Beacon Press. AlterNet Sep7'09:
=='The Van Jones Saga: White Liberals Need to Keep Their Eye on the Prize When Racism Comes a Knockin' Ludovic Speaks, AlterNet : Sep6'09:
: ... " the world and all it's races can't take many more white failures. ""

'After Van Jones, Who...?' '09.9.9:


Twitter Support:
'Facebook and MySpace Users Are Clearly Divided Along Class Lines' AlterNet Sep3,'09:
: ..."a social media landscape where participation "choice" leads to a digital reproduction of social divisions. This is most salient in the States"
"MySpace has neither grown nor faded in the last year, while Facebook has expanded rapidly and has finally reached the same size."
"What happened was modern-day "white flight.""
"This dynamic was furthered by the press, an institution that stems from privilege and tends to reflect the lives of a more privileged class of people. They narrated MySpace as the dangerous underbelly of the Internet, while Facebook was the utopian savior."
"Fear of the "other" is core to white flight"
"If you think that civics education is in bad shape in this country, take a look at media literacy. Digital publics combine the worst of both of these."
"These divides are going to keep on happening as social media becomes increasingly prevalent and as features of social media are baked into every site on the Web."
" it is patently clear that Americans -- self included -- do not have a language for talking about issues of race and class and stratification."
"1) Social stratification is pervasive in American society (and around the globe). Social media makes ... social divisions visible."
"2) There is no universal public online."
"3) ... The key to developing a social-media strategy is to understand who you're reaching and who you're not and make certain that your perspective is accounting for said choices."
"check out Chapter Five in Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics. More detailed (and better theorized) work in this area will be coming soon."


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Preamble: The States Parties to the present Covenant,

'Eisenhower's Forgotten Warning and the Threat of Authoritarian Currents in Our Politics' Max Blumenthal, NYT Sep3'09:

Modern Wars Horror, Sep3'09:
Hellish Quagmire Afghanistan, Sep3'09:
' The 'Good' War ' Sep7'09
'Killing America's Kids' Sep8'09:

'Obama's last chance' Sep2'09:
="Formosa Betrayed": :陳辰光
="一九九四年的夏天,若 林正丈 教授的著作:《台灣-分裂國家與民主化》,撼動了許多台灣人。透過這位日本學者的視角,台灣近代民主轉型的曲折,第一次如此清晰而赤裸地勾勒在人們面前。" Aug20'09 :曾建元
=達賴喇嘛訪台 Dalai Lama:
='曹長青專欄/醜陋的台灣女主播' Sep7'09
=極光 希望:

'Taiwan part of US since World War II: protesters' Jenny W. Hsu, Taipei Times STAFF REPORTER, Thurs. Sep3'09, Page 3:


[[ Hunger Justice Fast! ]]
=="萬里長篇談話錄《執政黨要建立基本的政治倫理》具有充分的真理性。它是萬里為紀念「十一」六十周年而作的自我反思,也是對共產黨提出全黨反思的要求。" Sep4'09:
'Secrets of the centenarians: Life begins at 100' Ed Yong, 7Sep'09:

--Aug28'09: "How China ended its dependence on food aid, almost overnight":
'Chomsky: What...'Crisis'...'? Extreme poverty & hunger "passes a billion", Sep10'09:
'...People Are Finally Talking About Food...' Sep10'09:

==Eating Local: Sep5'09:
==Food Democracy Sep2'09:
== Sep8'09
== 15 Best Food Sep1'09:
== 'Acid or Alkaline...' Sep4'09:
== 'Plug-and-Play Medicine: A step toward letting medical devices communicate' David Talbot, FRI SEP18'09:

== 'The Health Benefits of Organic Locally Grown Raw Honey' Nov16'09:
== 'Milk May Endanger Your Health, and the Dairy Industry Knows It' Ari LeVaux, AlterNet. Sep7'09:
: "" A mutant protein has invaded the world's dairy supply, including, most likely, the milk in your fridge.

== 'Brushing Your Teeth Could Reduce Your Risk of Dementia' Nov16'09:

== 'Women Prefer Nerds' Nov16'09:

== 'Weight Loss Through Ayurveda'. life medicine, Nov16'09:

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'...Being Fat Is Not Your Fault?...' Oct3'09:
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'Help Phase Out BPA--Join the Movment...' Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, NY, Nov20'08:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Natural Health from A to Z' Dec16'09:

'Sage Is The Natural Antiseptic' Dec18'09:

'Detox Your Home: Get Rid of Products With Bisphenol A' L Alter, Toronto, Mar23'08

: "" from polycarbonate bottles, baby bottles, as well as in our Detox ... the linings of canned food and even wine. ... many commercial wines can have up to six times the amount of BPA than canned goods. ""
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'We Interact with 100,000+ Chemicals, and the Dangers Are Barely Understood', Oct7'09

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'The Human Genome in 3-D: New technology reveals how DNA molecules pack themselves inside a cell nucleus' Emily Singer, Oct8'09:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'A Genetic Fountain of Youth' Oct1'09:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The protein, called A1 beta-casein, ... a growing body of research implicates A1 beta-casein in diabetes, heart disease, autism and schizophrenia.

The original mutation occurred several thousand years ago, causing cow zero and its offspring to produce milk in which the amino acid histidine occupies the 67th position of the beta-casein protein found in milk solids.

The amino acid proline occupies that position in the nonmutant, original form of the A2 protein. Today, the average vessel of milk contains milk from many cows, with a mixture of both A1 and A2 beta-casein. "
== 'Whole Foods CEO's Dumb, Hypocritical Conservative Talking Points' Mark Harris, CounterPunch. AlterNet Sep7'09:
: Why Mackey's libertarian blast against health reform has touched a sensitive nerve with many health-conscious, reform-minded Americans.

: ... ...
"" ...the brewing grassroots protest against Whole Foods CEO John Mackey’s recent Journal op-ed. Indeed, Mackey’s libertarian-flavored blast against the specter of “a massive new health-care entitlement” has touched a sensitive nerve with many health-conscious, reform-minded Americans.

In short order, a Boycott Whole Foods Facebook group signed up over 30,000 supporters. There have been protests for single-payer health care outside Whole Foods stores in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Austin. Across the country newspaper columnists and bloggers have also weighed in on the controversy.

It’s not surprising really, considering Whole Foods eco-healthy image. It’s likely many of their customers take at face value the company’s identity as a leader in “socially responsible” business. Accordingly, they might also have assumed that a wealthy businessman whose success stems from promoting “natural foods” and “healthy living” would be on the side of progressive health care reform.

Of course, they would be mistaken in that assumption. In fact, Mackey’s libertarian notions of reform are a disaster, guaranteed to lead the nation even further away from fixing what’s wrong with health care. Opposing any “public option” insurance plan, Mackey instead calls for such measures as the repeal of “government mandates” regulating what insurance companies must cover. “What is insured and what is not insured should be determined by individual customer preferences and not through special-interest lobbying,” declares the natural foods CEO. "
... ...

" Instead of offering an enlightened perspective on health care, however, Mackey gives us the pseudo-clever nonsense of Margaret Thatcher. "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money," Mackey quotes the former British prime minister to begin his Journal op-ed. Of course, by “other people’s money” what Thatcher or Mackey really mean is their money, the money of people of their economic status.

Unfortunately, the problem with capitalism is that sometimes owners of large grocery chains grow rich on other people’s cheap labor. They then think this qualifies them to solve the problems of society. Predictably, they always seem to come up with solutions that favor their exclusive economic interests over the common good.

Fortunately, you can only tell the people to eat their proverbial cake for so long. As John Mackey has learned, the guillotine of public opinion can cut a sharp line through all the hypocrisy. ""


== Sunflower Aug'09:

== 'The Singularity and the Fixed Point: The importance of engineering motivation into intelligence' Edward Boyden, FRI SEP4'09:
: "Some futurists such as Ray Kurzweil have hypothesized that we will someday soon pass through a singularity--that is, a time period of rapid technological change beyond which we cannot envision the future of society. Most visions of this singularity focus on the creation of machines intelligent enough to devise machines even more intelligent than themselves, and so forth recursively, thus launching a positive feedback loop of intelligence amplification." ...

== 'Plasmobot' Aug27'09
-- 'Lobsters teach robots magnetic mapping trick' Sep.1'09:

== 'Free-flying cyborg insects steered from a distance' Oct1'09:


== ' Artificial Black Hole Created in Chinese Lab ' Oct14'09:

== ' Beyond space and time: Fractals, hyperspace and more ':
-- ' Quantum amnesia gives time its arrow '? Aug26'09:

== ' 'Magnetricity' observed for first time ' Oct14'09:

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== 'End of Locality' Modern science and the end of the world, Sep15'09?
"The end of locality would mean the end of the rationality in physics." Karl Popper

: "" Introduction

At the Planck scale, the fabric of space-time is made of tiny units rather like pixels. If space-time is a grainy hologram, then you can think of the universe as a sphere whose outer surface is papered in Planck length-sized squares, each containing one bit of information. The holographic principle says that the amount of information papering the outside must match the number of bits contained inside the volume of the universe. According to Craig Hogan, director of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics in Batavia, Illinois, when this information is projected from the surface into the volume of the universe, each bit gets magnified and blurred. The volume of the expanding universe increases ten times faster than the surface area (m3 : m2 = 10). That is why instead of 10−35m, a Planckian pixel of space currently has the size of 10−16m. When the blurring reaches a threshold level, the Planckian pixels of space will coalesce into a nonlocal monad—hyperspace:

"What is happening to our world is ingression of novelty toward what Whitehead called "concrescence," a tightening gyre. Everything is flowing together. The "autopoetic lapis," the alchemical stone at the end of time, coalesces when everything flows together. When the laws of physics are obviated, the universe disappears, and what is left is the tightly bound plenum, the monad, able to express itself for itself, rather than only able to cast a shadow into physis as its reflection. I come very close here to classical millenarian and apocalyptic thought in my view of the rate at which change is accelerating. From the way the gyre is tightening, I predict that the concrescence will occur soon—around 2012 A.D. It will be the entry of our species into hyperspace, but it will appear to be the end of physical laws accompanied by the release of the mind into the imagination..." (McKenna, Terence. New Maps of Hyperspace)

Our world may be a giant hologram ♦ New Scientist, 15 January 2009
Noise from the edge of the universe ♦ New Scientist, 2 September 2009
Detailed Explanation
Physical vacuum is granulated into virtual Planckian black holes:

The Schwarzchild radius, when calculated for the Planck mass, is twice the Planck length: As the Schwarzchild radius of this object is bigger than its size, thus the object is a black hole. Then, at the Planck scale, we have virtual particle-like black holes/wormholes, as it was suggested by Wheeler (the quantum foam) and Hawking. (Zizzi, Paola. Spacetime at the Planck Scale)

Presently, they cause self-decoherence (objective reduction) of wavefunctions and thus prevent the formation of the universal wavefunction—God (this "atheistic" property of physical vacuum is known as the principle of locality):

"The fact that virtual black holes can induce decoherence was suggested by Hawking [13]." (Zizzi, Paola. Ultimate Internets, page 10)
So, are we doomed to live without God? "No," answers modern physics. The universal wavefunction—God—will emerge in the nearest future.
Citation 1:

According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, the holographic principle radically changes our picture of space-time. Theoretical physicists have long believed that quantum effects will cause space-time to convulse wildly on the tiniest scales. At this magnification, the fabric of space-time becomes grainy and is ultimately made of tiny units rather like pixels, but a hundred billion billion times smaller than a proton. This distance is known as the Planck length, a mere 10-35 metres. The Planck length is far beyond the reach of any conceivable experiment, so nobody dared dream that the graininess of space-time might be discernable.

That is, not until Hogan realised that the holographic principle changes everything. If space-time is a grainy hologram, then you can think of the universe as a sphere whose outer surface is papered in Planck length-sized squares, each containing one bit of information. The holographic principle says that the amount of information papering the outside must match the number of bits contained inside the volume of the universe.

Since the volume of the spherical universe is much bigger than its outer surface, how could this be true? Hogan realised that in order to have the same number of bits inside the universe as on the boundary, the world inside must be made up of grains bigger than the Planck length. "Or, to put it another way, a holographic universe is blurry," says Hogan. This is good news for anyone trying to probe the smallest unit of space-time. "Contrary to all expectations, it brings its microscopic quantum structure within reach of current experiments," says Hogan. So while the Planck length is too small for experiments to detect, the holographic "projection" of that graininess could be much, much larger, at around 10-16 metres. "If you lived inside a hologram, you could tell by measuring the blurring," he says. (Our world may be a giant hologram ♦ New Scientist, 15 January 2009)

Citation 2:

The information held at the boundary is not smooth, but composed of "bits", each one occupying an area that corresponds to the most fundamental quanta of distance in the universe. This is the Planck length, around 10-35 metres—far too small for us to see the individual bits. When this information is projected into the volume of the universe, however, each bit gets magnified. That means we might just be able to see pixellation in space-time. (Noise from the edge of the universe ♦ New Scientist, 2 September 2009)

The universe is known to be expanding with an acceleration. At that, the volume of the expanding universe increases ten times faster than the surface area (m3 : m2 = 10):

Imagine a cubic metre in the form of a cube. The area of the cube's surface is 6 square metres. Thus, the proportion of the surface area to the volume is 6 : 1. Let us increase the length of the cube's side from 1 linear metre to 10 linear metres. The area of the cube's surface will increase 100 times—from 6 to 600 square metres, while the cube's volume will increase 1000 times—from 1 to 1000 cubic metres. Thus, the new proportion of the surface area to the volume will be 0.6 : 1.
The universal hologram is encoded on the surface of the black-hole universe. As the universe expands, the hologram's area is effectively shrinking in relation to the universe's volume. When you break a holographic plate in two halves, any of the resulting halves will still present the whole hologram; however, this hologram will be blurred. Analogously, as the universe expands, the wavefunctions of its interior pixels become magnified and blurred. At some point, the wavefunctions of the pixels of vacuum will overlap and form the universal wavefunction—God. However, further expansion of the universe will cause a total dissolution of the pixels. A material object is a persistent pattern of Planckian pixel interlinkage. Therefore, the dissolution of the pixels of space will be accompanied by dissolution of matter.


Since the expansion of the universe increases the size of a Planckian black hole (reflecting the proportion of the universe's surface to its volume) it also increases the Planck constant (Planckian energy):
A quantum black hole of Planck mass, comes into existence out of the vacuum, and then evaporates in Planck time, releasing a quantum of Planckian energy back to the vacuum. (Zizzi, Paola. Spacetime at the Planck Scale)
E = hv (where E is the energy of a photon, h is the Planck constant, and v the frequency of the radiation). (Source)

It is apparent from the above equation that an increase in the Planck constant decreases a photon's frequency (in order to conserve the photon's energy). Therefore, we observe the increase of the Planck constant as the cosmological redshift.

The threshold for Penrose objective reduction (OR) is given by the indeterminacy principle E=ħ/t, where E is the gravitational self-energy or the degree of spacetime separation given by the superpositioned mass, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, and t is the time until OR occurs. Thus the greater the superposition, the faster it will undergo OR, and visa versa. Tiny superpositions, e.g. an electron separated from itself, if isolated from environment, would require 10 million years to reach OR threshold. An isolated one kilogram object (e.g. Schrodinger’s cat) would reach OR threshold in only 10−37 seconds. (Source)
Therefore, by increasing the Planck constant (ħ), the expansion of the universe increases the OR threshold (E=ħ/t). A live organism is a single wavefunction. The maximal possible organised complexity of a live organism's wavefunction is determined by the OR threshold of the universe's vacuum. Thus, the evolution of life is a consequence and an indicator of the attenuation (magnification and blurring) of dark matter—Planckian black holes—caused by the dark energy expanding the universe.
As the Universe expands, the density of dark matter declines more quickly than the density of dark energy (see equation of state) and, eventually, the dark energy dominates. Specifically, when the volume of the universe doubles, the density of dark matter is halved but the density of dark energy is nearly unchanged (it is exactly constant for a cosmological constant). (Source)
The evolution of life culminates in mankind, which appears when dark matter (Planckian black holes) gets attenuated to such an extent that its density becomes equal to the density of dark energy:
Over the past 10 years, observations of the universe have shown that the expansion is accelerating, suggesting that the gradual transition from the current matter-dominated phase to the dark-energy era is underway. "We're right on the cusp between the matter-dominated and dark energy-dominated epochs," says Egan. Astronomers have been puzzled why this shift is happening right now, just when humans are here to observe it. (Source)

Due to its quantised nature, the Planck constant rises not continuously but periodically, by leaps. The periods between consecutive increases of the Planck constant are exponentially shrinking (because the universe is expanding with an acceleration, and the volume of the expanding universe increases ten times faster than the surface area). The peak of mankind's development (Peak Everything) signifies that the time is ripe for the next increase of the Planck constant.

According to Oswald Spengler, history is the transition from a live rural culture to a dead urban civilisation. In the end of the year 2008, the world's urban population exceeded the world's rural population. (Source) Therefore, the year 2008 (which is also the year of Peak Oil) marks the end of the first half of mankind's history and of the universe's evolution. Due to the acceleration of time, the second half of mankind's history will last only a few years. The next rise of the Planck constant (to 6.66×10−34 J·s) will occur around the year 2012. The Universe will attain a single wavefunction—God. Teleportation. Psychokinesis. Eternal youth.


Holographicity implies fractality:

"The characteristic of a hypothetically perfect hologram is that all its content is contained in any finite part of itself (at lower resolution)." (Source)
No wonder that the smallest part of our holographic black-hole universe is itself a black hole—a Planckian black hole:

In fact, at node “0” one Euclidean Schwarzschild black hole of Planck size comes into existence, and it is not virtual, as it will give rise [10] to a quantum de Sitter spacetime. This micro-black hole at node “0” has an horizon area of one pixel (one unit of Planck area) which, by the quantum holographic principle [1], encodes one unit of quantum information (one qubit). (Zizzi, Paola. Ultimate Internets)

The universe is the only perfect hologram and the only perfect fractal (a fractal with an infinite number of identical periods). Our universe is the central Planckian black hole of an absolutely identical larger-scale universe. The central Planckian black hole of our universe is an absolutely identical smaller-scale universe. And so ad infinitum. ""

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== ' Astronomers Plan Galaxy-Sized Observatory For Gravitational Waves ' Sep14'09Mon:
"An array of pulsars should shimmer as gravitational waves wash over it, making a galaxy-sized observatory"


== 'Could we create quantum creatures in the lab?' Marcus Chown, Sep15'09

: "" Quantum weirdness could soon invade the living world, if a scheme to give a flu virus a strange double life comes off.

In quantum theory, a single object can be doing two different things at once. This so-called "superposition" is a delicate state, destroyed by any contact with the outside world. The largest objects that have been superposed so far are molecules. It is hard to put a much larger object such as a cat or human into a superposition because air molecules and photons are always bouncing off it.

But it might be possible with a small life form, according to Oriol Romero-Isart of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, and his colleagues. They hope to prove the concept with the flu virus, which exhibits some properties of life, because it can survive in a vacuum – solving the problem of pesky air molecules.

Laser hold

Their scheme would use two laser beams, whose light exerts a gentle force on matter. Where the two beams cross they form an "optical cavity" holding the virus in place.

By adjusting the frequency of the beams, the laser photons can be made to absorb the vibration energy of the trapped virus about its centre of mass until it is slowed to its lowest possible energy state. In this "ground state" the virus is ready to go into a superposition.

Sending a laser photon towards the trap should do the trick. Since a photon is a quantum entity it has more than one option open to it. Thus it will be both reflected and transmitted at the trap, putting it into a superposition.

By impinging on the virus, it forces it into a superposition of both its ground state and next vibrational energy state. Now the virus should be doing two different things at once – the equivalent of you simultaneously mowing the lawn and doing the shopping. "They have come up with a really neat experiment – inventive and I think feasible," says Peter Knight of Imperial College London.

Romero-Isart and his colleagues speculate that they could pull off the same feat with a tardigrade, or water bear, an animal less than a millimetre in size that can survive extreme temperatures and a vacuum for several days.

Big questions

Making a living thing do two things at once is more than a physicist's tour de force. It could answer fundamental questions about the nature of quantum theory.

Most physicists believe that the reason quantum behaviour manifests itself only in small things is that objects are difficult to isolate from their surroundings. But the prominent physicist Roger Penrose of the University of Oxford believes instead that there is a critical size, or mass, at which bodies cease to become quantum.

According to Knight, experiments of the kind proposed by Romero-Isart's team could finally offer a way to distinguish between the mainstream view and Penrose's. ""


== ' A Possible Mechanism for Evading Temperature Quantum Decoherence in Living Matter by Feshbach Resonance '
Nicola Poccia, Alessandro Ricci, Davide Innocenti, and Antonio Bianconi*
Dept. of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome,
P. Aldo Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy; (N.P.);
Email: (A.R.);
Email: (D.I.)

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: Rec Mar29'09; Rev Apr29'09; Acc May11'09.

"This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license"

: "" Abstract
A new possible scenario for the origin of the molecular collective behaviour associated with the emergence of living matter is presented. We propose that the transition from a non-living to a living cell could be mapped to a quantum transition to a coherent entanglement of condensates, like in a multigap BCS superconductor. Here the decoherence-evading qualities at high temperature are based on the Feshbach resonance that has been recently proposed as the driving mechanism for high Tc superconductors. Finally we discuss how the proximity to a particular critical point is relevant to the emergence of coherence in the living cell.
Keywords: origin of life, quantum coherence, biological networks, network of networks, Bose condensation, quantum statistics of networks, Feshbach resonance, multiband superconductivity, multigap superconductivity

1. Introduction

In these last years the genomes of many species have been sequenced, the structures of many macromolecular machineries of the cell have been solved using advanced physical methods and a large amount of experimental information has been accumulated on the networks of interactions between biomolecules in the living cell [1]. A consensus is growing that the emergence of the living cell from prebiotic phases of the matter is related with the onset of a particular macroscopic coherent biochemical reaction phase and the interaction with the surroundings leads to Darwinian evolution. In a recent review Ho [2] has presented important arguments for coherence in the cell. The works of Frölich [3] and Del Giudice et al. [4] stood at the origin of the physical search of coherence in living organism. The latter focussed on collective excitations in a biological system such as solitons and coherent electric waves and proposed that the living state is a practical realization of a Bose-condensate. Jaeken [5] connected these physical approaches to more physiological approaches towards coherence, such as those of Ling [6] and Pollack [7].

The challenge of the post-genomic era is to study how biological networks actually work in the space-time in living cells. This is described today as a coherent dynamical network of networks in a physical state where evolution has operated in lowering the network entropy [8,9].

The idea that the coherent state of living matter emerges in the proximity of a critical point in the so called scenario of biological order at the edge of chaos is attracting high interest in the scientific community. Mathematical models of evolving systems in which the rate of evolution is maximized near the edge of chaos have been proposed by Kauffman and Kadanoff [10]. In fact, the coherent phase of the living matter is where the complexity is maximal, between dynamical order and randomness or chaos. It has been proposed that the biological networks operate in a region where by changing a physical variable, as for example the proton concentration, they go through a behavior phase transition [11]. It has been shown that biological networks can be described by quantum statistics [12–14]. There is growing experimental evidence that quantum coherence could play a relevant role in the cell [15,16], and it is possible that the dynamic ordered state in the living cell is a manifestation of a quantum coherence [17,18].

The superfluid phases, the Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) condensate for a fermionic gas and the Bose-Einstein condensate for a bosonic gas are clear realizations of macroscopic quantum coherence [19]. In this scenario the key physical problem is how is it possible that the quantum coherence phase could resist the de-coherence attacks of temperature.

We propose to examine the problem of the emergence of biological order as a form of quantum-like condensation in the way we progressively understand more from quantum matter studies in high Tc superconductors. We start from a picture of the minimum cell as a system made up of networks of biochemical reactions [20]. We are focusing our attention on the phase transition from non living to living matter for a system of biomolecules embedded in the architecture of a minimum cell. These types of phase transitions from a non living cell to a living one can occur, as a first example, by changing the temperature from below to above a critical temperature or as a second example, by changing the proton concentration above a critical value [11].

Clearly the living cell is a selected particular state of matter [21]. This particular state of matter has appeared in our Universe at a particular time and temperature. Therefore in this work we first discuss the emergence of life in the actual time scale of the Universe that only recently has been established. In the plot of the temperature versus time, elapsing from the Big Bang, we discuss the BCS-like phase transition giving the spontaneous symmetry breaking transition at the universe temperature of 1012 K and at 10−4 seconds after the Big Bang, then we discuss the earliest time possible for the transition from the non-living to living matter i.e., the emergence of life.

The living state of matter is associated with the first formation of nano-architectures in the cells made up of superlattices of quasi-2D water layers intercalated between lipid bilayers. This cell architecture reduces the dimensionality of the available space for the dynamical biochemical reactions embedded in the 1D superlattice to a quasi-2D space.

We propose that the quantum like transition that realizes the stable state of living matter at room temperature is similar to the non conventional BCS-like transition as seen in high Tc superconductors. In this quantum mechanism the many body Feshbach resonance for molecular association and dissociation processes is proposed to be effective for giving a macroscopic quantum coherent phase that avoids the temperature quantum de-coherence effects. This resonance requires nanoscale architectures in order to realize quantum condensates that are able to avoid temperature de-coherence effects [22,23]. In analogy with high Tc superconductors, we propose that the proximity to a particular quantum critical point [24–26] is related with the key role of the Feshbach resonances.

8. Conclusions

In this work we have located the origin life on the timescale of our Universe. We have presented a scenario where the emergence of life is associated with an entangled phase of networks. Therefore it is possible that in the evolution the coherent states of biological matter, appeared as coherent phase of matter, could be mapped as multigap BCS condensates.

Until very recently the coherence of living organisms, despite its very central importance for life, was an almost totally neglected property of living organisms by the biochemical oriented scientific community. Right now this situation starts to change focusing on how the coherence of living matter got established at the onset of life. This review proposes a mechanism based on the knowledge of new achievements in physics. The origin of this coherence is connected to a phase transition at a critical point, where the system is initiated and after which the system has sufficient stability to continue its existence. The fundamental question is posed how the system could escape the decohering activity of high temperature (the real problem to overcome) and the new physics emerging in high Tc superconductors is used as a reference physical system.

Quantum coherence relevant to biology always appears in the normal ambient at the normal temperatures in conjunction with a well defined energy flow. The scenario presented here show that the dynamical biological order in the living cell requires the presence of constant energy flow in fact the Feshbach resonance is related with a high energy quasi bound state degenerate with an high energy continuum of free particles. A lot of open problems have to be faced to answer the Erwin Schrödinger question: “What is life?” [118] at the end of the first decade of the XXI century but now the crucial issue is well defined and the development of interdisciplinary research, getting the benefit of cross-fertilization between different fields, is driving us to unexpected surprises.


This paper is dedicated to Giorgio Careri, Paolo Fasella for many inspiring discussions with one of us (AB) on the cooperative and quantum phenomena in biological matter. This work was supported by the Sapienza University of Rome.

... ...

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== 'Scientists propose new hypothesis...' Sep4'09 Anuradha K. Herath:
: "The new hypothesis suggests that life on Earth originated at photosynthetically-active porous structures made of zinc sulfide similar to deep-sea hydrothermal vents"

... ...


'The Emerging Field of Biophotonic Communication' Nov19'09:
The growing evidence that cells communicate with photons is generating an exciting new field of research.

'Imaging of Ultraweak Spontaneous Photon Emission from Human Body Displaying Diurnal Rhythm' Mar4'09:

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== 'Complete Genomics: Nearly Doubled Sequenced Human Genomes Since March' Sep9'09 Aaron Saenz Filed under brain, genetics:

== 'We Are All Mutants' Sep1'09:
== ' Sixth Sense ' 2009Aug30:
== Synaesthesia, Sep12'09:
-- ' Reading Kafka Improves Learning, Suggests Psychology Study ' ScienceDaily Sep16'09 >

== ' Brain... ':

-- Brain-to-brain ("B2B") communication has been achieved, Oct7'09:

-- 'Signature of consciousness captured in brain scans' Nov12'09:

-- 'Theory about long and short-term memory questioned' Nov9'09:

-- 'How We Know A Dog Is A Dog' Sep23'09:

-- 'Blindness Causes Structural Brain Changes, Implying Brain Can Re-Organize Itself to Adapt' ScienceDaily (Nov. 19, 2009):

-- 'How the human brain computes language' Oct16'09:

-- 'Are you asleep? Exploring the mind's twilight zone' Oct7'09:


'On Your Last Nerve: Researchers Advance Understanding of Stem Cells' Nov20'09:
: "...identified a gene that tells embryonic stem cells in the brain when to stop producing nerve cells called neurons. "

-- ' Nerve cells live double lives' Oct6'09:

" a neural circuit in the retina that responds specifically to approaching objects and conveys this information immediately to the brain. "

" the nerve cells that detect approaching objects during the day serve a different function during the night: they are then responsible, via other photoreceptors, for night-time vision. Precisely how amacrine cells process these two different kinds of stimuli remains to be fully elucidated. Also unresolved is the question of what happens in the retina when the two different types of perception coincide - for example, when an owl swoops on a mouse at night-time. The results do, however, demonstrate that the capacity of the nervous system to process information is increased many times over when different types of nerve cells are involved in multiple perceptions. ""


-- 'The Neural Correlates of Religious and Nonreligious Belief'

-- Spaced training better:

-- ' 'Matrix for mice' probes how mental maps are made ' Oct14'09:

-- '...Nasal Spray That Improves Memory' Oct2'09:

-- 'Scientist: Human brain could be replicated in 10 years' Sep7'09:


-- 'Snort stem cells to get them to brain' Sep10'09 Linda Geddes, NewScientist:

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-- 'The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate' Oct12'09:
: Large Hadron Collider

-- 'Intel: Chips in brains will control computers by 2020' Nov19'09:

-- 'Consciousness resolves competing [skeletal] muscle' Oct1'09:

-- 'Evidence Points To Conscious 'Metacognition' In Some Nonhuman Animals' ScienceDaily, Sep15'09:
""J. David Smith, Ph.D., a comparative psychologist at the University at Buffalo who has conducted extensive studies in animal cognition, says there is growing evidence that animals share functional parallels with human conscious metacognition -- that is, they may share humans' ability to reflect upon, monitor or regulate their states of mind.""

: " Among these species are dolphins and macaque monkeys (an Old World monkey species). "

" "In sharp contrast," he says, "pigeons in several studies have so far not expressed any capacity for metacognition. In addition, several converging studies now show that capuchin monkeys barely express a capacity for metacognition.

"This last result," Smith says, "raises important questions about the emergence of reflective or extended mind in the primate order.

"This research area opens a new window on reflective mind in animals, illuminating its phylogenetic emergence and allowing researchers to trace the antecedents of human consciousness." "

" He and his colleagues pioneered the study of metacognition in nonhuman animals, and they have contributed some of the principal results in this area, including many results that involve the participation of Old World and New World monkeys who have been trained to use joysticks to participate in computer tasks. "

" Smith explains that metacognition is a sophisticated human capacity linked to hierarchical structure in the mind (because the metacognitive executive control processes oversee lower-level cognition), to self-awareness (because uncertainty and doubt feel so personal and subjective) and to declarative consciousness (because humans are conscious of their states of knowing and can declare them to others).

Therefore, Smith says, "it is a crucial goal of comparative psychology to establish firmly whether animals share humans' metacognitive capacity. If they do, it could bear on their consciousness and self-awareness, too."

In fact, he concludes, "Metacognition rivals language and tool use in its potential to establish important continuities or discontinuities between human and animal minds." ""


'Genetic seamstress uses molecular fingers to tweak DNA' Linda Geddes, NewScientist, Sep18'09:
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"DNA to be cut and pasted within genetic code", Sep21'09:
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== Sep3'09:
-- 'Master Gene That Switches On Disease-fighting Cells Identified By Scientists' ScienceDaily Sep14'09:

== ' Singularity... ' 09Aug28:
== ' Out of your head: Leaving the body behind ' Oct13'09:
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== ' Researchers Probe Computer 'Commonsense Knowledge' ' Oct11'09:
== ' Why AI is a dangerous dream ' '09Sept1:
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== Transistor > Microcosm, Aug31'09:
> Sep3'09
== 3-D DNA crystals, Sep2'09:
=='Electrical circuit runs entirely off power in trees' Sep8'09


== 'First Detailed Photos of Atoms' Mike Lucibella & Lauren Schenkman, Inside Science News Servicem, Sep14'09:


== 'Understanding A Cell's Split Personality Aids Synthetic Circuits' Oct5'09:

== "Self-Destructive Behavior in Cells May Hold Key to a Longer Life' Oct5'09:


== 'Laser-Triggered Chemical Reactions: Microcapsules in a mixture burst and release reactants on demand' Katherine Bourzac, MIT Technology Review, MON SEP21'09:

: "" Ordinarily chemists can't mix together their reactants until the instant they're ready for the reaction to proceed. But now researchers have developed a way to encapsulate highly reactive chemicals with carbon nanotubes inside nylon microshells, place them in a mixture with other reactants, store the mixture as long as they wish, and then use laser light to burst the capsules, initiating the chemical reaction when and where it's needed. The system could be used for printing, for controlled drug delivery inside the body, or in industrial chemical synthesis. "


== 'Probe gets clearest glimpse yet of cosmic dawn' David Shiga, NewScientist, Sep17'09:

: "" The Planck spacecraft has obtained its first peek at the afterglow of the big bang, revealing it in unprecedented detail. Its first map of the entire sky is set to be complete in about six months.

The European Space Agency spacecraft was launched into space on 14 May. It is observing the glow of hot gas from just 380,000 years after the big bang – about 13.73 billion years ago – called the cosmic microwave background.

The detailed properties of this background may contain hints of hidden extra dimensions or multiple universes, as well as providing clues to what caused a brief, early period of incredibly rapid cosmic expansion.

Planck began surveying the microwave background on 13 August, a few weeks after reaching its planned perch 1.5 million kilometres from Earth at a point called L2 and cooling its detectors to within 0.1 °C above absolute zero.

Now, the Planck team has released the probe's first image, an observational strip covering about 5 per cent of the sky.

Best yet

Slight variations in temperature from place to place in the early universe give the image its mottled appearance. "With a few per cent of the data in, you can see it's working well and delivering good stuff," says team member George Efstathiou of the University of Cambridge.

Planck is expected to provide the most detailed all-sky map of the cosmic microwave background yet, improving on the best current map, obtained by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which launched in 2001.

Planck's detectors have more than 10 times the sensitivity of WMAP's, and about 2.5 times the angular resolution. "Every strip that Planck scans, we're getting data that is many, many times more sensitive than WMAP," Efstathiou told New Scientist.

Although Planck was only designed to observe the sky for 15 months, the team believes it could last for more than 30 months, based on new estimates of how long its coolant will last. The extra time will allow Planck to measure the radiation with even greater precision, since it will scan the entire sky four times – two more than originally planned. ""

" Supernatural?

Mon Sep 21 19:17:36 BST 2009 by Tsai Sheh-gni

In addition to the possibilities of revealing the physical nature in all its dimensions, could it reveal biological and perhaps even "supernatural" dimensions eventually?
reply report this comment ""


== 'Universe has more entropy than thought' Ron Cowen, Web ed., Oct2'09:
New calculations suggest that the cosmos may be a bit closer to heat death:

: "" For all its tumult — erupting stars, colliding galaxies, collapsing black holes — the cosmos is a surprisingly orderly place. Theoretical calculations have long shown that the entropy of the universe — a measure of its disorder — is but a tiny fraction of the maximum allowable amount.

A new calculation of entropy upholds that general result but suggests that the universe is messier than scientists had thought — and slightly further along on its gradual journey to death, two Australian cosmologists conclude. "


=='228 基隆港口雙手被殘忍以鐵絲貫穿雙手的林木杞先生' 郭勝華, Oct4'09:

=='撕裂族群的元兇 - 中國國民黨分類族群幾十年' Sep5'09 viewed:
== 罷免馬英九此其時也! ==
' ROC脫不了Ethnic Cleansing指控, 只有死路一條, 這是天誅! ' Cheng-Kuang Chen:
' 流亡政權屠滅少數民族的罪孽 ': Chiang's "ROC" (check Wikipedia or Britannica):
"" 流亡的中國人殖民台灣政權(Chinese Taipei)馬英九,在貳零零九年八月八日莫拉克颱風(Typhoon Morakot)襲台前,就已經接獲美官方警告,該颱風範圍廣闊,雲層厚度是平常的五倍,恐將帶來巨大的災禍,馬英九殖民台灣團隊置之不理,"" ... ...
===== Typhoon Moraka (推翻馬爛狗) =====
民進黨 主席 chairperson@
DPP 社運部 楊長鎮 azen2u@gmail. com
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DPP 國際事務部 foreign@dpp.
DPP 婦女部 呂欣潔 hsinchiehlu@

' 台灣民族獨立革命常識 ' 台灣國民會議出版, 2009年7月
: "" 1引言
􀂾 本手冊提供每個台灣人在追求獨立建國的全民革命過程中,應該具備的常識。
􀂾 本手冊鼓舞台灣人參與全民革命的行動,推翻外來赤藍人的少數統治。(赤藍人定義 見本手冊5.2節)
􀂾 歡迎海內外台灣人組織複印、分發本手 冊,把所有台灣人武裝起來。
剷除中華民國邪惡體制,是台灣人的權利和使命。 "

: " 5.2赤藍人非台灣人

也混亂了台灣民族獨立運動的論述。 "


' How big a gun do you need? ' Jul24'09 [[ ACdd! ]]
'76 Reasons To Have a Gun' Sep14'09
' Thirty Years of Trial and Error ' Jul29'09, by David Calderwood for self-defense.
' The Gun-Grabbers are on the Move Again ' Sat,Sep5'09 04:07 Alan Caruba:
' Gun Control: Schemed by Tyrants, Supported by Fools ' Michael Gaddy, Oct23'09:

Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization on 228:
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' Let's Bring Love and Revolution Together ' [[ dd! ]]
By Grace Lee Boggs, Boggs Center. Posted Jul24,'09, AlterNet:
""Radical activist for more than sixty years, Boggs says a new generation of change-makers have embraced the idea of love to bring about revolution."":
... ...
: " As part and parcel of this new approach to revolution, the first United States Social Forum (USSF) was held in Atlanta, Ga. in 2007. The second will convene in Detroit in June 2010.
Detroit was chosen for the second USSF because, having suffered de-industrialization decades ago, Detroiters are now engaged in a City of Hope campaign, infused with new values of local sustainable economics, useful Work and participatory democracy, to rebuild, redefine and respirit our city from the ground up. Increasingly being viewed as a North American Chiapas, Detroit has become the mecca for young people, journalists and scholars, wondering if our efforts can help other cities address the increasingly urgent problems of homelessness and hunger created by the economic meltdown and the increasingly dangerous climate crisis caused by our consumerism and materialism.

That is why I hope thousands of Detroiters will join in planning and preparing next June's second USSF. "
... ...
" Grace Lee Boggs is an activist, writer and speaker whose more than sixty years of political involvement encompass the major U.S. social movements of this century: Labor, Civil rights, Black Power, Asian American, Women's and Environmental Justice. Visit the Boggs Center to learn more.

Liked this story? Get top stories in your inbox each week from Take Action! Sign up now » ""
' Look Out, Are You About to Join the White Underclass? ' [[ Save us all! ]]
By Joe Bageant, Posted July 18, 2009.

"We're starting to hear a little discussion about the white underclass... Mainly because so many middle class folks are terrified of falling into it."
: ""Joe Bageant is author of the book, Deer Hunting With Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War. (Random House Crown), about working class America. A complete archive of his on-line work, along with the thoughts of many working Americans on the subject of class may be found on his website.""

' Technology on way to forecasting humanity's needs ' July 23rd, 2009:


' TTF-Bucksfan ':

: """ TTF-Bucksfan is a dual nation cyberstate, and a Fifth World nation. The state is composed of two nations: The Tallini Family (TTF), and the Kingdom of Bucksfan (Bucksfan). This state was established by HM Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini on 17 November 1998.

TTF-Bucksfan controls 11 alternate root top-level domains through the Cesidian Root, two of which are controlled for the House of Savoy and the Italian Republic. TTF-Bucksfan even controls an IPv4 network with the same network capacity as the one of the Falkland Islands. This places the nation somewhere between Tokelau (136 IPs) and Mayotte (272 IPs), for number of IP numbers controlled, and on par with the French Southern Territories (256 IPs).

TTF-Bucksfan founded the Fifth World Council (5WC) international organisation on 13 July 2002, and has had an extraordinary history of development. Besides the 5WC, TTF-Bucksfan has founded
the Cesidian Church;
Bucksfan University;
the City of Cyberterra;
Cyberterra News;
the Cesidian Root;
the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR).
TTF-Bucksfan has also played an extraordinary role culturally. Besides founding the Fifth World Council (5WC), and starting the Fifth World Micronational movement, TTF-Bucksfan has played a role in
the development of Bucksfanian astrology;
the conception of the Jus cerebri electronici legal concept;
the conception of the Indigo racial concept;
the conception of the field of Analytic theology;
the birth of, and expansion of the field of Cesidian law;
the ordination of the first Micronational Bishop.
Besides hosting its two nations, TTF-Bucksfan also hosts the national embassy of a Fourth World nation, a European royal website, and the informal websites of a VIP.

TTF-Bucksfan is formally recognised by the Kingdom of Pictland-in-Exile, a Fourth World nation representing at least 700,000 people on 4 continents, and was informally recognised by the Principality of Sealand as a micronation in the past. Through the Fifth World Council (5WC), TTF-Bucksfan is also recognised by the Kingdom of Redonda, and it also has informal relations with several other nations through the Micronational Professional Registry (MPR). """

'Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) de facto recognition':

United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA):

'Book about Advanced Micronationalism published':
A book about advanced micronationalism, Fifth World mythology, and nation-building has just been published:

""" PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 15, 2009 – The Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) announces that the book, The Fifth World: Micronationalism on Steroids (ISBN10: 1448663539; EAN13: 9781448663538), has been published on 8 August 2009.

The author of the book is the Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini, President of the MPR, and the book was published by CreateSpace. It is the result of over six months of research and writing, and based on the author’s more than a decade of experience. ""

"" After an introductory description of the First, Second, and Third Worlds (the Official World), the author goes on to also describe the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Worlds (secessionist groups, irredentist groups, and micronations).

The author describes how the Fifth World began; gives growth strategies for micronations; mentions the legalities of micronations; talks about the new (and real) Indigo race; discusses the mythology of the Fifth World under a Native American, Theosophical, and Christian perspective; and finally, mentions micronation building and branding strategies, micronational etymology, and polycentric law.

This book is not another travel guide to micronations, but about what it takes to build a reasonably successful micronation. It is also more than just a how-to guide, since the book uncovers at least two new discoveries in the field of political science. A profound and meaningful book, it will make a great and memorable gift, especially for young readers.

You may purchase copies of the book at the following URL:
# # #

The Micronational Professional Registry (MPR) is an international professional registry, and an alternative community resource. The also issues independent intellectual property instruments such as Print Monopolies, Enterprise Names, Enterprise Marks, and MPR Patents.

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But, then there could be miracles?

"" From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
To: bbcweb
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:40:54 AM
Subject: Re: The day of Creator is at hand

Yes, we should expect something unusual and great is coming.

As the book I hope to publish soon proves, the individual named Pahana in Native American legends, and the Jesus of Nazareth of the Gospels, are the SAME PERSON. The prophecies say, "My people await Pahana, the. . . White Brother, as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana."

In other religions, and by other people, he is called in different ways.

Other Native Americans call him Great Phoenix, or White Buffalo.

Jews long for the promised Messiah; for Christians the Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth, who has already come and ascended to heaven, but will reappear (perhaps in a new guise) at his Second Coming.

Muslims also expect the second advent of Jesus, who will come as a Muslim Imam, and among Shiite Muslims there are various expectations of a future Imam Mahdi.

Buddhist sutras prophesy the coming of the Maitreya Buddha; Vaishnavite Hindu scriptures prophesy the future descent of an avatar named Kalki; Zoroastrian scriptures prophesy the coming of the Saoshyant; and some Confucian texts speak of a future True Man who will finally bring peace to the world by perfectly instituting the Way of Confucius.

Other prophets mention a Great Monarch who will "subdue the world by spiritual power, not by war and combat; he will do it with peace and tranquillity, not by the sword and arms".

Abbot Werdin dʼOtrante wrote, "The Great Monarch will come to restore peace, and the Pope will share in the victory."

The Great Monarch will receive particular support from two international figures, one of them the Pope. This Pope is either a Benedictine, or he will have a close association with St. Benedict. The Pope's surname begins with letter 'R'.

So yes, the times are near; the time is now, since there is a Pope named Benedict, and his surname is Ratzinger.

Monk Hilarion, a Caucasian hermit, wrote "God will send the Eagle who will. . . bring much happiness and good". The Great Monarch will be so spiritually powerful, that even the terrorists will stop fighting. He will absolutely overwhelm all men.

St. Bridget (14th Century) wrote, "The Eagle (will conquer). . . the Mohammedan(s)." St. Francis of Paola said, "He shall overcome the Mohammedan sect". Rudolph Gekner also wrote, “He shall subdue. . . the Mohammedan(s)".

St. Francis of Paola (15th Century), I guess, sums it up: "By the grace of the Almighty, the Great Monarch will annihilate heretics and unbelievers. He will have a great army, and angels will fight at his side. He will be like the sun among the stars. His influence will spread over the whole earth. All in all, there will be on earth twelve Kings, one Emperor, one Pope, and a few Princes. They will all lead holy lives."

This is Pahana, the White Buffalo, Native Americans await.

HMRD Cesidio Tallini

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:24 AM, bbcweb wrote:
[Tsai 09.7.23=4 #1] Dear Dr. Cesidio: That's great. Shouldn't we all expect or sense something unusual and great is coming? What do you think? What could we expect? Something reallly wonderful finally?

From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:20:59 PM
Subject: The day of Creator is at hand

The day of Creator is at hand
The Native American prophecy of the white buffalo states that when it is born, the day of the Creator is at hand. In 1994 this white buffalo was born. Since then other white animals have started to appear. I just had to share this video. It has a strange effect on me, because it brings great happiness.

Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
Independent Long Island
11 Press Street
South Floral Park, NY 11001-3536
T: +1 (516) 874-2647
F: +1 (516) 706-0080 ""


' What Would Asia [or World?] Do Without America? '
' 四百學者怒斥中時老板蔡衍明 ' 曹長青 2009-06-24 18:08:50
: ""在中國有巨額投資的台灣旺旺公司老板蔡衍明,以二百億台幣的大手筆收購《中國時報》集團" ... ...
' Jianli Yang: Human Rights in China After the Olympics '


' LETTER TO EDITOR: Taiwan independence ' BOB YANG, President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington; The Washington Post, Jul24,09:

Argued February 5, 2009 Decided April 7, 2009
No. 08-5078: ROGER C.S. LIN, ET AL., APPELLANTS v.
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the District of Columbia
(No. 1:06-cv-01825) '

" Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge BROWN.
BROWN, Circuit Judge: America and China’s tumultuous
relationship over the past sixty years has trapped the inhabitants
of Taiwan in political purgatory. During this time the people on
Taiwan have lived without any uniformly recognized
government. In practical terms, this means they have uncertain
status in the world community which infects the population’s
day-to-day lives. This pervasive ambiguity has driven
Appellants to try to concretely define their national identity and
personal rights. "

"台美屬論者將上訴美國聯邦最高法院《BBC報導》 詳文
邀扁作証 法理建國會投震撼彈 詳文
美国仍是台湾法理上的主权者?《美国之音中文网》 詳文
◎New日本完成「台灣主權」建構 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
◎New國籍 【一】 【二】 【三】 【四】
◎New「美」夢終於要成真了!/廖東慶 作品 詳文"
' ECFA 漫畫說帖:撕裂社會、製造族群對立 ' /Echo, Jul25,09:

台灣民族獨立革命常識 台灣國民會議出版 2009年7月

1. 引言
2. 台灣的危機
3. 「中華民國」不具合法性
4. 獨立建國革命的模式
5. 台灣民族主義
6. 台灣社會的主要矛盾
7. 影響台灣革命的外力
8. 鬥爭敵人的方法
9. 處理內部矛盾的原則
10. 實踐台灣的獨立與建國

􀂾 本手冊提供每個台灣人在追求獨立建國的全民革命過程中,應該具備的常識。
􀂾 本手冊鼓舞台灣人參與全民革命的行動,推翻外來赤藍人的少數統治。(赤藍人定義見本手冊5.2節)
􀂾 歡迎海內外台灣人組織複印、分發本手冊,把所有台灣人武裝起來。

2 台灣的危機
1. 「赤灣」逆流
2. 「台灣問題」的本質

2.1 「赤灣」逆流
􀂾 馬統幫基於「聯共制台」的買辦思維,2008年復
導致「赤灣」逆流橫行,CHAIWAN 是TAIWAN
􀂾 「赤灣」逆流將把台灣捲入政治、經濟和社會的

􀁺 赤藍人企圖維護以族群歧視為基礎的獨裁統治,壓迫多數的台灣人,鞏固其源自過去蔣家
􀁺 中共統治階級圖謀併吞台灣,長期欺騙、煽動中國人敵視台灣獨立運動,製造台海緊張,現

1. 台灣主權不屬中華民國
2. 中華民國是赤藍人的私器
3. 80/20的理論

3.1 台灣主權不屬中華民國
􀂾 1951年《舊金山和約》中,盟軍強迫日本放棄台灣的主權,但刻意不將台灣主權割讓給
􀂾 1952年日本和蔣政權簽署《台北和約》時,已失去台灣的主權,因此,事實上沒有、法
􀂾 1971年聯合國將中國代表權轉移給中華人民共和國,但並不意指承認台灣屬於中國。

3.2 中華民國是赤藍人的私器
􀁺 蔣介石及其赤藍人黨羽以屠殺台灣社會領導菁英來強化其獨裁統治。
􀁺 蔣經國及其赤藍人黨羽以收攬台籍奴才、走狗來鞏固其少數外來特權的統治。
􀁺 赤藍人藉中國黨以結構性的偷、盜、搶、騙、拗來掠奪台灣社會的資源,壯大赤藍人在台灣
􀁺 赤藍人傾中媚中求取中共撐腰,共同剝奪台灣人的政治和經濟權利,企圖維護其少數人的特

3.3 80/20的理論


1. 咱是台灣人
2. 赤藍人非台灣人
3. 台灣中國一邊一國
4. 獨立建國才有出頭天
5. 重編福爾摩沙的美夢
--《民族問題與社會民主》by Otto Bauer, 1907

5.1 咱是台灣人


􀁺 釣魚台的歸屬應由台灣和日本談判解決
􀁺 金門、馬祖的歸屬應該分別由兩島住民舉行公民投票決定

􀂾 台灣在全世界將近200個國家當中:土地面積排名約第140;人口排名45;第16大經濟體;平均
􀂾 兩位台灣人「總統」主政期間,即使在赤藍人不斷的破壞下,台灣無論就經濟發展、民主進

1. 台灣住民的認同矛盾
2. 台灣人的社會性格
3. 赤藍人的社會性格
4. 台灣社會意識形態的矛盾
5. 赤藍人享受高等教育的優勢
6. 赤藍人享受台灣人的勞動成果
7. 民主人權倒退嚕
灣人民嗎? --彭明敏9/30/2008 自由時報


台灣 中國 皆宜 不知道
64.6% 11.5% 18.1% 5.8%

􀂾 台灣人和其他被壓迫人民具有共通的對壓迫者妥協、順服性格或常被稱為「奴性」,其實並沒有
􀂾 被壓迫者為了避免導致個人或家庭的不幸而怯於反抗,因此,常常會「合理化」壓迫者的作為。
􀂾 被壓迫人民在民族覺醒的過程中,往往勇於對同樣受壓迫的族群爭取「正義」和「權利」,而導
􀂾 歷史上許多被壓迫人民都成功地推翻壓迫者達成民族解放,因此,掌握正確的方法和時機,台灣

1. 赤藍人傾向右翼威權崇拜
2. 台灣人思想上較開放自主

6.4.1 赤藍人傾向右翼威權崇拜

6.4.2 台灣人思想上較開放自主

6.5 赤藍人享受高等教育的優勢
􀂾 中國黨不僅以赤藍人主導政治,也強灌中國文史地理教育,以確保赤藍人取得優勢的學習條件。
􀂾 北京話不但是官方語言,也是做為升學篩選的一道媒介,使赤藍人在教育上享有不平等的優勢。
􀂾 赤藍人大多聚居於都市區,且特別集中於軍、家機關與公營企業。其子女所享有的教育補


1. 中國黨暴力政權復辟
2. 馬統幫賣台媚中
3. 馬統幫將掏空台灣
4. 中下階層飽受剝削



􀂾 台商企業投資中國之上限開放到60%。
􀂾 假救股市、企業紓困之名,以黑箱作業為賣台財團減稅,將國庫大量倒入親中國黨賣台企業集團
􀂾 擴大內需方案、建設公債案、發放消費券等無不舉債,再加上四年四千億「振興經濟新方案」,
􀂾 因為過度傾中,美國和日本已經不願將具有敏感性的關鍵技術及產品售予台灣,將嚴重傷害台灣
􀂾 瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)公布2009年世界競爭力排名,台灣排名驟降十名,並再度被中國追趕過


1. 美國
2. 日本
3. 中國共產黨統治集團
4. 歐盟及其他民主國家

1. 美國在台灣有長遠的利益
2. 爭取美國支持台灣
-- Obama就職演說
自由之樹需要適時用烈士和暴君的血加以灌溉。--美國開國元勳Thomas Jefferson

對台灣安全事務與軍售台灣,美國不須向北京尋求諮詢。-- AIT處長楊甦棣


1. 日本人和台灣人有共同的利益
2. 爭取日本的支持



1. 野蠻的擴張主義者
2. 極端不穩定的社會
3. 赤藍人引狼入室
4. 搶台灣青年人飯碗
5. 堅定應付中共的威脅


7.3.2 極端不穩定的社會
􀂾 2008年中國知識份子發起的「零八憲章」公民運動將持續發酵,民主潮流不可擋。





1. 掌握重要的鬥爭觀念
2. 爭取台灣住民的認同
3. 認清敵人的弱點
4. 分化孤立敵人
5. 使用強有力的共同語言
6. 採取體制內外合擊
7. 動搖赤藍人的統治支柱
8. 下一步怎麼走
-- 陳師孟

8.1 掌握重要的鬥爭觀念
- -《老年革命軍》蔡丁貴教授


8.3 認清敵人的弱點

8.4 分化孤立敵人

􀂾 「中國國民黨」簡稱「中國黨」,不要再用「國民黨」。
􀂾 「馬統幫」指馬英九及其中國黨徒眾,是台灣人要打倒的外來統治集團,不要用「馬政府」、「馬總統」等具
􀂾 「台籍奴才、走狗」指自認為台灣人,卻附和赤藍人,充當其奴才或走狗者。
􀂾 對「中國人」不要有敵意和藐視,敵人是「中共統治階級」,為簡短方便時可用「中共」。
􀂾 中共企圖「侵略」、「併吞」(不是「統一」)台灣。
􀂾 在各種公開場合,儘量使用母語發言或交談,避免用「北京話」(不是「國語」)除非它就是你的母語。

1. 體制內外分進合擊
2. 善用選舉鬥爭

􀁺 號召群眾對赤藍人進行民族鬥爭
􀁺 堅持主權在民對馬統幫進行民主鬥爭
􀁺 暴露「中華民國」邪惡的外來殖民體制
􀁺 揭發馬統幫假民主、假法治、媚中賣台的詐騙本質
􀁺 滲透、佔取政治公權力,進行民主改革
􀁺 協助體制外的革命鬥爭


1. 馬統幫的統治支柱
2. 把支柱拉向台灣人

1. 馬統支柱類型及作用
2. 馬統支柱任務圖解
3. 公權力支柱的結構
4. 中國黨支柱的結構
5. 統派媒體支柱的結構
6. 深入台灣社會的支柱
7. 黑道流氓黑金支柱
􀂾 檢調、司法是「合法」迫害台灣人的工具
􀂾 警察、特務是監視和鎮壓反抗的棍棒
􀂾 軍隊、海防是屠殺台灣人的暴力武器
􀂾 黑道、流氓是執行恐嚇和暗殺的兇手
􀂾 立法、監察是粉飾邪惡體制的巫師
􀂾 行政體系是掠奪社會資源的詐騙集團
􀂾 中國黨是赤藍人策劃運作的邪惡軸心
􀂾 統派媒體是混淆和打擊異己的造謠管道
􀂾 教育、考試是混亂思想的洗腦機器
􀂾 樁腳、線民是為赤藍人護盤的奴才
􀂾 尾巴社團是搖旗吶喊護航的應聲蟲馬統支柱任務圖解 公權力支柱的結構
公權力的主人是台灣人,不容赤藍人乞丐趕廟公。 中國黨支柱的結構
讓台灣人黨工知道中國黨是出賣台灣的黨。 統派媒體支柱的結構
統戰和鬥爭的管道。提醒台灣人要把統派媒體的訊息顛倒看。 深入台灣社會的支柱
來向赤藍人邀功,賺取小恩小惠。 黑道流氓黑金支柱

8.7.2 把支柱拉向台灣人

1. 台灣民族聯合戰線
2. 台灣守護隊
3. 保護台灣人權網站
4. 全民參與打擊行動
不是英國人搶走我們的國家,而是我們自己印度人把國家讓給英國人。-- 甘地

8.8.1 台灣民族聯合戰線
􀁺 善用「台灣國民會議」體制外運動的協商平台
􀁺 善用「台灣行動會議」體制內運動的協商平台

8.8.2 台灣守護隊
􀁺 3-10個同一地區互相信任的人組成一隊;
􀁺 經常性的在地服務,宣揚台灣民族主義;
􀁺 必要時跟蹤、包圍、打擊在地馬統幫和台籍走狗;
􀁺 提供正確訊息給在地民眾,反制統媒及企圖破壞台獨運動者之造謠擾亂。

8.8.3 保護台灣人權網站


9 處理內部矛盾之原則
同胞須團結、團結真有力。 -- 蔣渭水


國家不是靠別人施捨來的 國家是用咱的血淚去締造的
-- 阿拉法特

"" From: bbcweb
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:42:23 PM
Subject: ANY EXCUSE for OURSELVES? #10000 < Obama Tells Blacks 'No Excuses' at NAACP - Political News - [Tsai 09.7.23=4 #1] Yes, yes, indeed. But, what about ourselves, Taiwanese everywhere, especially those in Taiwan? Shouldn't we have tried our very best to help ourselves? Why have we let our own "ROC President" A-Bien, leaving the criminal and sinful Chinag's KMT free from their horrendous murders and assassinations, and even bowed to their "gods" as if they were OUR gods for the whole 8 years, after LTH's diligent preparatory works, starting right at the point he became the so-called "President"? Remember his press conference, where he declared the end of the China's civil war? It's really shameful and laughable. They were discarded by the world history, and kicked out of China and the world at large. But, not in Taiwan, even after we got the regime? Is there any "Excuse" for ourselves? From: ""
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:26:30 PM
Subject: [GlobalForumIntl] Obama Tells Blacks 'No Excuses' at NAACP - Political News -

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: JerryyTsai@comcast. net
To: "Victoria2281947"
Cc: globalforumintl@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:25:48 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: [GlobalForumIntl] jerry tsai has shared: Obama Tells Blacks 'No Excuses' at NAACP - Political News - AddComments

No Excuses to Blacks in this great country!
same, No excuse to Taiwanese people still under" Political Purgatory"
due to last 12rd President of United States!
use "Stragedy Ambigulity" treat Taiwan!
allow the barbarian KMT's R.O.C.-in-exile to rule this beautiful Formosa!
It is time for the President Obama to come to "Take the buck here!"
relief the Taiwanese people from either R.O.C-in-exile or P.R.C.!
have Taiwanese people have the same "CIVIL RIGHTS"
like any race in this "Great America" to choose Taiwan's future!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "jerry tsai"
To: globalforumintl@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:57:12 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: [GlobalForumIntl] jerry tsai has shared: Obama Tells Blacks 'No Excuses' at NAACP - Political News - AddComments

No excuses
Obama Tells Blacks 'No Excuses' at NAACP - Political News - AddComments

' Blood and Treasure ' J.L. Bryan, July22,2009: Recently by J.L. Bryan: Pep Rallies and Public Schools: How the State Programs Us for War:
' Serious About Green Jobs? It's Time to Throw 'Free Trade' out the Window
By Les Leopold, AlterNet. Posted July 20, 2009:
' U.S. and India Agree: It's Easier to Blow Up the Planet Than Save It '
Posted by Allison Kilkenny, True/Slant at 2:45 PM on July 20, 2009:
' Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky ' Updated 17:09 23 July 2009 by David Hambling, Magazine issue 2718, NewScientiest:
' Artificial brain '10 years away' ' By Jonathan Fildes, Technology reporter, BBC News, Oxford, 19:05 GMT, Wednesday, 22 July 2009 20:05 UK:
' Strange! Humans Glow in Visible Light ' Charles Q. Choi, Special to LiveScience
posted: 22 July 2009 09:10 am ET :
"Hunger Justice Fast!"!

My contact to the "Climate Justice Fast!":

" Climate Justice Fast! is an international hunger strike taking place from the 1st of November 2009 to raise public awareness of the desperately urgent need for strong action on the climate crisis. " ... ...

It's "Fast" and "an international hunger"! So, I thought this is about both, the two most urgent and serious problems we face nowadays. The latter, the mass poverty, and especially starving children, is indeed a "desperately urgent need" for all of us, I submit.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: bbcweb
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:33:00 PM
Subject: Hunger Justice Fast! #100000< The future "Holocaust Hall" of Formosa [Tsai 09.7.21=2 #1] Personally, I prefer "Freedom Hall", because we have to go beyond our long history of tragedies and sufferings, including our very own holocaust, but also, very importantly, we have to unite all possible rational peoples, especially peoples in Taiwan, excluding those small gangs of die-hard Chinag's KMTers and Chiang's ROCers, to protect and expand whatever "Freedom" we still have there! My own idea is to start building our ACdd, Armed Citizens direct democracy globally, to overthrow and expel those CK/CRers, perhaps in the tradition of LTH's peaceful revolution. Additionally, we can support "Climate Justice Fast": and "Hunger Justice Fast" I have just initiated: From: ""
... ...
" annual TEDMED, which is "bringing together the top leaders and luminaries from numerous disciplines that intersect the fields of medicine and healthcare," TEDMED president Marc Hodosh told " July21,2009:
' Doctors missing consciousness in vegetative patients ' 12:47 21 July 2009 by Celeste Biever, NewScientist:

: "" If there's one thing worse than being in a coma, it's people thinking you are in one when you aren't. Yet a new comparison of methods for detecting consciousness suggests that around 40 per cent of people diagnosed as being in a vegetative state are in fact "minimally conscious".

In the worst case scenario, such misdiagnoses could influence the decision to allow a patient to die, even though they have some vestiges of consciousness. But crucially it may deprive patients of treatments to make them more comfortable, more likely to recover, or to allow them to communicate with family, say researchers. "
... ...



歡迎下載「常識」電子檔 瀏覽

電話:吳秀娟 (02-2362-8797)

更多詳細資料請點閱 07/25 台灣民族常識發表會
時間:2009年7月25日 (星期六) 14:00 – 17:00 PM
地點:台大校友會館3A (北市濟南路一段2-1號)
評論:台灣大學名譽教授 鄭欽仁教授
台灣行動會議 助理總幹事 林芳仲牧師
台灣國民會議 召集人 劉重義教授
聯絡:吳秀娟 (02-2362-8797)


「台灣國民會議」完成製作一本書名《常識》的小冊子,內容淺顯易懂,整體地勾勒台灣民族獨立革命的理念和行動準則。除了利用網路散發《常識》電子版給所有關心台灣前途的網友,「台灣國民會議」也在高雄世運期間,散發將近10,000本《常識》。美國獨立革命初期,潘恩(Thomas Paine)所發表的《Common Sense(常識)》出版後,廣受美國人歡迎和重視,激發社會大眾打破對獨立問題的沉默,開始普遍公開辯論獨立革命的正當性和可行性,對支持美國獨立產生重大影響。「台灣國民會議」期待這本《常識》也能夠激發台灣人打破對台灣獨立問題的沉默,深入思考並公開辯論台灣獨立革命的正當性、必要性和可行性,像潘恩的《Common Sense》一樣,鼓舞台灣人正視台灣的危機,回歸基本的理念常識,使台灣人及本土社團能夠有效地凝聚對公共議題的共識,促成台灣民族的團結,驅逐貪腐、壓迫的外來政權,使台灣獨立成為真正屬於台灣人的國家。

國民會議將在7月25日(星期六)下午2點到5點,在台大校友會館舉辦發表會,評論者包括 鄭欽仁 教授、林芳仲牧師和 劉重義 教授。當天無法出席的,也可以隨時到立法院前「公投護台灣聯盟」的靜坐區拿這本《常識》。


"" 認識我們西拉雅族大武壟社群的小林部落





必需跟大家更清楚說明小林村是由4個角頭組成的,1-8 鄰是屬於五里埔也是目前被救出最多的所謂小林村民報載100多人在小林村待援也是在五里埔,那裡是小林村比較開闊的地方,所以土石流一來比較有空間逃難,常到小林的朋友都知道9-18鄰才是小林本部落也是西拉雅族親集中居住的地方,那裡位於狹窄的河谷沒有開闊的腹地,唯一較寬闊處就在楠梓仙溪旁的公廨園區,但是去年的卡玫基颱風早就吞沒掉園區的一半土地。台21線兩旁是小林本部落房舍密集區靠山一邊約有兩三排房子,路的另一邊約有4-5排房子,也就是說住宅區是夾在山與河谷間狹長的土地。土石流一爆發,我們的族人不像五里埔那麼幸運有路可逃......

根據一位住村長附近的逃出族人轉述,街道上的族人應該都來不及逃了! 還有因為父親節有許多旅居在外的小林部落年輕人趕回家跟家人過節,像吉貝耍有一位嫁入小林部落的族人就因為這樣至今沒消息,大概凶多吉少!今天我回到部落聽這位族人的舅舅說,沒有逃出的這位少婦已經托夢給家人,他們一家10多人全被壓在土石下,「她」的頭被巨石擊碎,好痛!雖然是靈異之說,但是聽了真叫人心碎!


西拉雅部落聯盟召集人段 洪坤敬上0813

2009/8/16 Editor, BATA

Lechin: [[ Lechin Ting: 鄭麗真, 前總統府導覽員, 名電臺主持人 ]]

Yahoo Group Email 出了點問題, 您送來的附件 ‘紀念小林.doc’ 被移除了. 可不可以請妳將附件直接 ‘Cut and Past’ 在郵件上再送給大家? 另外也請妳幫忙, 如果西拉雅部落聯盟召集人段洪坤先生的捐款賬號一公布, 立刻讓 BATA 讀者知道.

關於 Yahoo Group Email 部分. 由於服務品質愈來愈差, 又加上 Yahoo 與中共官方走的太近, 我先在這裏向各位預告一下, 我們已經在進行將 BATA 轉移到 Google.

PS. An Introduction to Lechin Ting: 鄭麗真, 前總統府導覽員, 名電臺主持人.


Allen Kuo

From: bay-area-taiwanese- american@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:bay-area-taiwanese- american@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Lechin Ting
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:03 AM
To: Lechin
Subject: [BATA] 搶救小林部落 (from西拉雅部落聯盟) [1 Attachmen

[Attachment(s) from Lechin Ting included belo

Subject: 搶救小林部落from西拉雅部落聯盟






西拉雅部落聯盟召集人 段洪坤 請託 ""


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' Video: Young Cosmopolitan Israelis Share Their Shocking Racist Views '
By Max Blumenthal, Mondoweiss. AlterNet: Posted July 15, 2009:
' Judge Sonia Sotomayor Denied My Appeal and I Spent 16 Years in Prison For a Crime I Didn't Commit ' By Jeffrey Deskovic, AlterNet. Posted July 10, 2009:
' There Is No Reason for Us to Be in Afghanistan -- Everyone Knows It, and It Spells Defeat ' Chris Hedges, Truthdig. AlterNet; Posted July 21, 2009.
"Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter, is a Senior Fellow at the Nation Institute. His latest book is Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians."

: "" Al-Qaida could not care less what we do in Afghanistan. We can bomb Afghan villages, hunt the Taliban in Helmand province, build a 100,000-strong client Afghan army, stand by passively as Afghan warlords execute hundreds, maybe thousands, of Taliban prisoners, build huge, elaborate military bases and send drones to drop bombs on Pakistan. It will make no difference. The war will not halt the attacks of Islamic radicals. Terrorist and insurgent groups are not conventional forces. They do not play by the rules of warfare our commanders have drilled into them in war colleges and service academies. And these underground groups are protean, changing shape and color as they drift from one failed state to the next, plan a terrorist attack and then fade back into the shadows. We are fighting with the wrong tools. We are fighting the wrong people. We are on the wrong side of history. And we will be defeated in Afghanistan as we will be in Iraq. "
... ...
" The only way to defeat terrorist groups is to isolate them within their own societies. This requires wooing the population away from radicals. It is a political, economic and cultural war. The terrible algebra of military occupation and violence is always counterproductive to this kind of battle. It always creates more insurgents than it kills. It always legitimizes terrorism. And while we squander resources and lives, the real enemy, al-Qaida, has moved on to build networks in Indonesia, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Morocco and depressed Muslim communities such as those in France's Lyon and London's Brixton area. There is no shortage of backwaters and broken patches of the Earth where al-Qaida can hide and operate. It does not need Afghanistan, and neither do we. ""

0. Humans:--------------------------------
0. 1. Killer Apes?------------------------
' We’re Going Away! ' Butler Shaffer

: "" The late Arthur Koestler was of the view that mankind is an evolutionary mistake doomed to extinction. To have given a killer ape the capacity for intelligence was not, he reasoned, nature’s smartest strategy.""
... ...
""But what has been the nature of man’s development? How has intelligence informed our behavior? ... ... Sad to say, the use of our intelligence to generate tools and systems that destroy life has been in the ascendancy for well over a century. Why has this been so? Was Koestler right?

Our problems may well have their origins in the dualistic nature of our brain, which appears to be divided into "left-" and "right-"sided functions. ... ... Reduced to overly-simplified terms, the "left-brain" is more dominated by a desire for structuring; the "right-brain" by concerns for liberty.""
... ...
""This country is now experiencing the logical extension of people identifying themselves with the institutional order. If major corporations are – by virtue of their incestuous relationship with the state – unable to withstand the demanding disciplines of the marketplace, the political system comes to their rescue by looting taxpayers of trillions of dollars to bail them out. In a corporate-state world, whatever the corporations need the state will provide, regardless of the impact such activity may have on ordinary people and on the values that can only find expression on a now-excised "right" side of the brain!""
... ...
""Fortunately, we are living at a time when decentralized social practices are weakening institutional power-structures: vertical authority is giving way to horizontal networking. The Internet is but the most familiar of the means by which individuals communicate with and inform one another, rather than remaining conditioned to having institutional voices (e.g., mainstream media, governmental agencies, academia) directing the content of their thinking. President Obama’s announced plan to appoint an "Internet czar" to regulate this system, as well as those statists who urge an expanded definition of "hate crimes" to include people who express distrust of government or who insist upon constitutional protections, represent the desperate responses of the political system to influences that run contrary to the primacy of institutionalism.

If the survival of a species depends upon its success in adapting to changed conditions, how much more burdensome is the task when members of that species must overcome conscious sabotage placed in their way in the name of intelligent planning? We are too much at war with the processes by which life sustains itself to be assured of our continued presence on earth. People whose minds are dominated by mechanistic linear thinking and a desire to structure all human behavior represent a lemming-like force that may make mankind the first known species to destroy itself by collective suicide. Perhaps the stated concern so many practitioners of "left-brain" regularizing have in preventing the extinction of other species is little more than an unconscious projection of the fears of our own removal from the grand experiment the life force has long conducted on this planet. Perhaps we humans sense what we are afraid to speak; that, in the words of the late stand-up philosopher, George Carlin, "we’re going away!"

There is no determinism at work here; we are not fated to ends we are unable to influence to life-enhancing purposes. But if we are to avoid joining the dinosaurs on the sidelines, we must do what these predecessors were unable to do, namely, abandon our reptilian brains and allow our "right-brain" voices to inform our behavior.

Kenneth Boulding has expressed the problem as succinctly as anyone else: "If the human race is to survive it will have to change more in its ways of thinking in the next twenty-five years than it has done in the last twenty-five thousand." At a time when both "conservatives" and "liberals" advertise their spiritual bankruptcy to a benumbed world, we have never faced a greater opportunity, or need, to explore alternative ways of thinking. The poet Seamus Heaney has written that "we are hunters and gatherers of values." It is time for us to take our search to other fields.

July 17, 2009

Butler Shaffer [send him e-mail] teaches at the Southwestern University School of Law. He is the author of the newly-released In Restraint of Trade: The Business Campaign Against Competition, 1918–1938 and of Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival. His latest book is Boundaries of Order. ""


0. 2. Way Out?-----------------------------

' Artistic tendencies linked to 'schizophrenia gene' ' Ewen Callaway '09July16,15:58:

: ""The finding could help to explain why mutations that increase a person's risk of developing mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar syndrome have been preserved, even preferred, during human evolution, says Szabolcs Kéri, a researcher at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary, who carried out the study.""


0. 3. Self-Saving?-------------------------

' Provoking Our Inner Stem Cells: A startup aims to spur the body's native stem cells to heal disease ' Lauren Gravitz, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009:

: "" Fate Therapeutics, a startup based in La Jolla, CA, aims to harness the body's ability to heal itself by developing drugs that stimulate resident stem cells. Rather than developing cell transplants to replace diseased or damaged tissue, which is the focus of a great deal of stem-cell research, Fate is searching for molecules that can control the behavior of adult stem cells in different parts of the body. The two-year-old company began its first clinical trial in May of a novel molecule that could make cord-blood transplants more effective by enhancing the activity of the stem cells that create the blood and the immune system.

The human body is full of adult stem cells--small populations of tissue-specific stem cells that are capable only of developing into the cells of their resident tissue, and whose job is to help maintain and repair that tissue. While they lack the flexible fate of embryo-derived stem cells, adult stem cells come in a variety of flavors, including those capable of making liver cells and immune and blood cells, among others. Fate Therapeutics believes that, with a little pharmaceutical prompting, these cells can be nudged to repair tissue and organ systems, or even fight back against cancer.""
... ...
""To better understand how to activate and command adult stem cells, Fate has focused much of its research on induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, adult cells that have been reprogrammed back to an embryonic state and have the same flexible developmental potential as embryonic stem cells. Rather than trying to use these iPS cells to treat disease, Fate is using them as a discovery tool to learn more about which pathways are important for activating or inhibiting stem-cell development.""
... ...


I. Improvement:----------------------------

I. 0. 1) Dangers:--------------------------

' Nobody Knows What Nanoparticles Do -- Yet They Are in Your Food, Cosmetics, and Toys ' By Carole Bass, E Magazine. Posted AlterNet, July11,2009:


I. 0. 2) Changes:--------------------------

' 歐巴馬總統在埃及開羅大學演講(2009/6/4) ' US Prez Obama: New Beginning at Cairo University: bunh_natea, July18,2009:


I. 1. Education:---------------------------

' Learning is social, computational, supported by neural systems linking people '
July 16th, 2009:

I. 2. Living:------------------------------

"TRANSCEND: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever" Ray Kurzweil/Terry Grossman, MD:


II. Peoples:--------------------------------

II. 1. Taiwanese:---------------------------

一醒已得,觀測時鐘. Chiang "ROC National Anthem"


II. 1. Taiwanese < CK/CR = Chiang "KMT" / Chiang "ROC" White Terrorism in Taiwan: 洪黃秋爽... 郭章垣... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - & True Source Taiwanese: "" From: Cheng-Kuang Chen
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:17:03 PM
Subject: 福爾摩莎的故事; 失去蹤影的高砂人









一九四五年八月十五日,日本因為美國兩顆原子彈而無條件投降,十一月十二日,中華民國軍事政府行政長官公署公佈:「台灣省人民回復原有姓名辦法」,宣布凡台灣人民使用之姓名為日本姓氏者,統准予在三個月內向所在村(里)辦公處申請回復原有之姓名,山地同胞無原有姓名者,準參照中國姓氏自定姓名;隨後,一九四六年一月十二日,中華民國行政院節參字第零一二九七號訓令:「查台灣人民原係我國國民,以受敵人侵略,致喪失國籍。玆國土重光,其原有我國國籍之人民,自三十四年十月二十五日起,應即恢復為我國國籍。」事後,同年三月八月九月美國與英國發表「白皮書」,嚴重抗議,表示:「和平條約尚未簽署,不能擅自將台灣人民國籍變更。」而這個「訓令」,就是後來在一九五二年四月二十八日,簽署的「台北合約(日華台北合約)」第十條所稱之:「juridical persons of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all those registered under the laws and regulations」,日籍台灣人從此被「當作shall be deemed to」是中華民國國民,可是,對高砂族人的「適法性」完全不是那一回事,探討如下:

一、 中華民國建立於一九一一年,其所繼承之大清版圖,並不包含蓋早於一八九五年割讓予日本的台灣,台灣已經不屬於大清帝國管轄,更何況台灣是大清之「化外之地」,中華民國無論是依「國際法理」或其制定之「憲法」,並不存在「台灣省」。中國人自己以為「開羅宣言或開羅意向書」,就可以將台灣領土「拿回」,真是國際笑話,這是一位中國「丘八」蔣介石的無知代表傑作。
二、 高砂族人在大清時期既非台灣省人民也非中國籍人士,不能適用該「訓令」而「恢復國籍」,也就是說,縱然高砂族人被日本「非法除籍」後,法理上是先回復為「無國籍」狀態,只是因為「管轄之便」,暫時被「當作」中華民國國民。如果不健忘的話,二零零八年中國人馬英九曾說:「把你們當人看!」言下之意,是說中華民國可以「恩賜」高砂族人取得人格和法律地位之「國籍」,羞辱高砂族人「莫此為甚」。
三、 沒有任何「法理」可以讓高砂族人「回復姓氏」,高砂族人無論是用「日本姓氏」或是「中國姓氏」,皆無渋其「身分」的改變。

作者:林 志 昇: 「福爾摩莎法理建國會」成員 : 2009/07/18
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' In a message dated 7/16/2009 12:14:52 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
ilovelibby@gmail. com writes: '

: "" Lin Chih-Chieh was on Formosa TV News yesterday (林至潔),

didn't 8 years of DPP refusal to compensate the 228 and White Terror
victims, or prosecute the KMT/ROC, do more damage than the name of the
big white Chinese Nazi temple in Taipei??

and wasn't renaming the Chinese Nazi Temple the Hall of Democracy just
as shameless? as if the ROC were a democracy or even belonged to or in

白色恐怖的烙印 一輩子的慟

若老蔣還在 馬會被剁成肉醬







蔡英文:中正堂復名 羞辱受難者
台灣解嚴二十二週年,民進黨昨日在自由廣場前舉行白色恐怖及二二八受難者追思祈福法會,受難者家屬洪黃秋爽,在家人靈位前忍不注哭泣。 (記者王藝菘攝)

恢復蔣介石牌匾 受難家屬痛罵





維持獨裁者紀念堂 是踐踏人權


REMEMBERING THE WHITE TERROR: Ma promises to increase efforts for compensation

SYMPATHY: The president said that as he was indicted over his mayoral
allowance fund, he would have felt like a White Terror victim if he
had been wrongly convicted
By Mo Yan-chih
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009, Page 4

President Ma Ying-jeou, second left, yesterday walks past photographs
of people who were imprisoned or executed during the White Terror
period while attending a memorial ceremony in Jieshou Park.

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday promised to strengthen efforts
to compensate victims of past political persecution and pledged to
seek peace across the Taiwan Strait to create a peaceful environment
and prevent any situation that might lead to the re-establishment of
martial law.

"Martial law existed in Taiwan because of the wars between the Chinese
Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party ... The only
way to prevent martial law from being established again is to prevent
war. Seeking peace across the Taiwan Strait, therefore, is one of the
highest goals for the government," Ma said while addressing a memorial
ceremony at Jieshou Park for the White Terror victims.

The event commemorated the 22nd anniversary of the lifting of martial
law. Dictator Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) declared martial law on May 19,
1949, and it came into effect the next day. The declaration ushered in
the White Terror era and was not lifted until July 15, 1987.

Ma yesterday said there was only one standard for human rights, and
all civilians should be given equal human rights regardless of their
ethnicity or political affiliation.

He said that he was indicted two years ago over the mayoral allowance
case, and that if he had been wrongly convicted, he would have had the
same feelings as the victims of the White Terror era. Ma promised to
spare no effort to defend human rights and prevent false cases in the
judicial system.

Ma was indicted in February 2007 on a charge of embezzling NT$11
million (US$333,000) from his special mayoral allowance during his
eight years in office. The Taipei District Court found him not guilty
in August that same year.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lin Chih-chieh (林至潔), a representative
of White Terror victims, urged the government to establish a national
memorial hall and foundation to take better care of the victims and
their families.

"We expect the government to treat the victims of the 228 Incident and
the White Terror era equally. The government needs to recognize its
mistakes, apologize, establish a memorial hall, provide compensation
and restore our reputations, " she said.

Ma also promised to continue talking to victims and discuss possible
measures to take care of them.

At a separate setting yesterday, when asked to comment on Ma's
comparison of the victims of White Terror to his mayoral fund
indictment, Democratic Progressive Party Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen
(蔡英文) said such a comparison would disappoint people.

Ma's problem is that he does not feel or understand the deep fear,
anxiety and terror that Taiwanese experienced for decades during the
White Terror, Tsai said.

This story has been viewed 351 times.

REMEMBERING THE WHITE TERROR: Researcher says Chiangs should be held responsible

By Hsieh Wen-hua
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009, Page 4
Even if dictator Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) and president Chiang -Ching-kuo
(蔣經國) made certain contributions to Taiwan, they should still be held
responsible for the murders of political dissidents, Taiwan Art-in
Design president Ronald Tsao (曹欽榮) said,

Tsao, whose work studio has been entrusted by the Green Island Human
Rights Memorial Park with a project collecting and compiling records
related to political persecution during the White Terror period, said
that all verdicts concerning dissidents had to be approved by -Chiang
Kai-shek personally, and that there were cases in which -Chiang
Kai-shek changed a sentence of life in prison to the death penalty.

Tsao said that during the martial law period, Chiang Kai-shek's son,
Chiang Ching-kuo held many important positions such as director of
political warfare and the information director of the Presidential
Office and was in charge of commanding the secret service and handling
dissident information. He added that, as president, it would be quite
easy for President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to find out how the two Chiangs
prosecuted and murdered dissidents.

Tsao said he is therefore opposed to the Ma government's plan to
change the name of the National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall back to
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, and asked if the government is trying
to worship a dictator who murdered his own people.

The memorial park's administration recently unveiled an updated list
of White Terror victims, totaling 8,296 names, which is seven times
the number disclosed in 1999 by the Bo Yang Human Rights Educational

Tsao said the list of political victims during the White Terror came
to light because of the creation of the National Archives
Administration in 2004. Then president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) ordered a
thorough search for files related to the 228 Incident and many
documents such as written verdicts from the White Terror were also
-discovered, he said.

Chang Yi-jung (張旖容) only recently found out -- 56 years after her
grandfather, political prisoner Huang Wen-kung (黃溫恭) was executed --
that he had left behind five letters to his family.

She said: "Nazi perpetrators who murdered Jews are still being put on
trial today. It is quite strange that more and more victims are being
discovered in Taiwan, but we haven't seen any perpetrators yet."

"I don't think Chiang Kai-shek did this all by himself -- who were the
others? The government said that there needs to be transitional
justice, but they haven't gone after the perpetrators, so who can we
forgive?" she said.
This story has been viewed 382 times. ""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

' From: ""
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:53:49 AM
Subject: [GlobalForumIntl] I said it 20 years ago : 6 million NT$ for a life is insult plus injury!!! '

: "" 我曾經面對面,對章蔣孝嚴,時為僑務委員會委員長說過同樣的話:當年立法通過六百萬台幣一條人命的立法老爺們,可願以同樣代價吃二二八遺孀孤寡一槍打死?法律不容我們將章委員長拿來當蔣委員長報仇,卻容許他們殺人不用償命,又立法在受難者遺孀孤寡傷口上灑鹽!!!罪莫過於斯!!!


Exiled ROC on Taiwan 所有行政立法司法機構不是以六百萬台幣已為最高賠(補)償額,就是說已經超過二十五年追訴時效.要求釋憲則說應在其他所有法律途徑已然試用不果,方可申請.問題是宜蘭地方法院第一手以時效已過退件.這還是我以僑務委員公文和Exiled ROC on Taiwan 過招的(CSB時代).


As far as I am concerned, Exiled ROC on Taiwan 司法已死,立法淪為掌權者爭權鬥爭工具,行政部門功效不章.

Victoria2281947 ""


II. 1. 2) "Taiwanese":-------------------

' From: davidlu001@yahoo. com
To: Victoria2281947@, irenel16888@
Sent: 7/7/2009 8:51:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: 台灣是應該另起爐灶! '

: "" 台灣是應該另起爐灶! 首先, 從認識自己是誰做起.

過去, 我和大部份人一樣, 有這樣錯誤的認知

台灣人的祖先從大陸中原逃難到福建廣東, 再渡海到台灣

台灣人是華夏子孫, 龍的傳人….

因此, 我全盤接受5000年悠久歷史文化, 自我連結中國

因此, 我對來自中國的國民黨政權多方包容, 甚至姑息

其實, 八十五%的台灣人是帶有台灣原住民的血緣

我們不應該阿Q 認同中國


馬偕醫院林媽利教授的研究點醒了我, 解開了台灣人認同的困惑

1.台灣有 7.3%的人是屬於米田堡(Miltenberger)血型。泰國也有,長江以北的外省人沒有,日本人也沒有,所以長江以北的外省人是跟日本人比較接近。阿美族最高,88.4%,還有卑南族 21%,蘭嶼的雅美族 34%,長江以南的外省人是 4.3%

2. A33-B58-CW10- DR3 只有在台灣的閩南人、客家人會有相當高的頻率,新加坡、泰國的華人也都一樣的出現,但在別的族群少見,白種人沒有。研究的結果,閩南人和客家人是屬於南亞洲人種,這結果就剛好配合民族史的記載,台灣人是大陸東南沿海原住民「越族」的後代。

台灣人最常見的 A33-B58-CW10- DR3 是被完整保留下來的古代越族的基因。

3. 母系血緣是看外祖母的血緣,父系血緣是看內祖父的血緣,從組織抗原可以看到外祖父及內祖母的血緣,在一百人當中只有三十三人的父母系血緣全部來自亞洲大陸,其他六十七人的父母系血緣是混合了台灣原住民、東南亞島嶼族群及亞洲大陸的血緣。

3. 我們常常講「福佬話」,據說是以前在閩越地區客家人稱呼閩人是「福佬人」,而來的。「河洛話」是 1955 年 政府的政策要說台灣的族群是從北方來,所以把它講成「河洛話」,1955 年「河洛話」這個名字才出現,事實上是「福佬話」。我們研究的結果,和慈濟骨髓登錄發表的統計分析一樣,還有中國學者組織抗原的研究結果,和中科院發表的完全一致……

4. 中科院在 1991 年和美國史丹福大學的 Cavalli-Sforza 一起研究的結果:只用姓氏就可以把整個族群的距離、關聯顯示出來,而姓氏是代表Y染色體的遺傳, 這個研究結果很漂亮。他是從 28 省,抽出五十四萬人的姓氏做出來的,另外他用 ABO 血型等,非常簡單的五個血型,把福建、台灣,「越族」的地方,完全分開來了;中國北方的族群和南方的族群是不一樣的族群.

Best regards
David ""

II. 2. ILI:---------------------------------

' From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 7:26:28 AM
Subject: If you are wondering why the secession biz seems so slow lately... '

: ""I seceded from the United States in August 2007, when I started the Independent Long Island (ILI) movement,""

"" Independent Long Island later "invaded" the territory formerly known as the United States Minor Outlying Islands (USMOI), and today also called the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA). These 11 islands/atolls are now the overseas territory of Independent Long Island, and this possession of ours is even recognised by the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP), a real intergovernmental organisation of states (sort of like an alternative United Nations).

We also run our own top-level domains (TLDs) in the Cesidian Root, an alternative Internet.""

' Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
Independent Long Island
11 Press Street
South Floral Park, NY 11001-3536 USA
T: +1 (516) 874-2647
F: +1 (516) 706-0080 '


Re: Commonwealth! #100 < DPP vs. Chiang KMT, T-NHAN #100 < About Taiwan From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini View Contact
To: bbcweb
Monday, March 24, 2008 10:02:58 PM

Hi Tsai.

Yes, with Commonwealth membership Taiwan would make a diplomatic quantum leap. The 23 nations that recognize Taiwan as a separate country are, according to my most reliable data:

- Belize
- Burkina Faso
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
* Gambia
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- Honduras
* Kiribati
- Marshall Islands
* Nauru
- Nicaragua
- Palau
- Panama
- Paraguay
* Saint Kitts and Nevis
* Saint Lucia
* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
* Solomon Islands
* Swaziland
- São Tomé and Príncipe
* Tuvalu
- Vatican City (The Holy See)

Of these 23 states, those that are already Commonwealth members -- and can actually even help in Taiwan's bid to join the Commonwealth! -- are:

* Gambia
* Kiribati
* Nauru
* Saint Kitts and Nevis
* Saint Lucia
* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
* Solomon Islands
* Swaziland
* Tuvalu

So 23 minus 9, or 14 states recognize Taiwan, and are not already Commonwealth of Nations members. Add the 53 Commonwealth states to the 14 that are not already part of the Commonwealth, and you have 67 states (this figure is exact), or effectively 35% of all of the UN's 192 members. Although my rough estimate was not correct, it was pretty close.

Could those extra 43 states (actually it is 44) afford to recognize Taiwan? Well, Taiwan is already recognized in a de facto manner by virtually all states, and in de jure fashion only by 23, so being a Commonwealth member couldn't hurt, and being part of the Commonwealth costs far less than bribing 23 states!

You are also right that with the current Tibetan tragedy and coming Olympic events, this is undoubtedly an opportune, critical and urgent time. Taiwan needs to capitalize on the ill will China is developing through its despotic tendencies, and while it is highly unlikely the US might change its position with respect to Taiwan anytime soon, because America's interests are entirely corporate, and human rights issues are really just a facade the government keeps to look good before its largely illiterate citizens, countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand could possibly switch sides if Taiwan joined the Commonwealth. Even if just one of these switched sides, China might actually begin to lose in the long term, because the Commonwealth would begin to gain momentum and draw greater attention worldwide.

You can do it, and make history too!


[Tsai 08.3.24=1 #2] Well, well! Is it really true that "with Commonwealth membership Taiwan would go from being recognized by 23 countries, to being recognized by 76"? Do you know how much dollars and all kinds of degrading exercises, Taiwan government has endured to compete against China to keep that 23 countries (To maintain the "ROC" we hated alive!)?

Could those 43 extra nations afford to face squarely against China? With the current Tibetan tragedy and coming Olympic events, this is undoubtedly an opportune, critical and urgent time. Free associations of free nations, isn't it wonderful?! That had been my hope for the EU replacing the UN. But, the Commonwealth would be far more logical and even practical, I believe.


"" Re: DPP vs. Chiang KMT, T-NHAN #100 < About Taiwan Monday, March 24, 2008 12:13:34 PMFrom: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini View Contact
To: bbcweb


Hi Tsai.

I can understand you pessimism, but perhaps things are not as bad as they seem. Let me show you why.

I'm not sure I read it yesterday or this morning, but one cannot go from Taiwan to Shanghai directly. You have to stop over in Hong Kong first.

Perhaps Taiwan's future is similar, and you can use this fact as a metaphor to convince Taiwan ambassadors in the US of the wisdom of joining the Commonwealth of Nations.

Hong Kong was never a member of the Commonwealth, but participated in certain elements as a British colony; these elements ceased after the 1997 handover of British rule to China. Perhaps Taiwan can do itself and even Hong Kong a favor by actually joining the Commonwealth.

Here is the metaphor: perhaps "the way to Shanghai", with full dignity, is also indirect, as air travel routes already suggest. Perhaps one does not need to go through New York first, and thus the United Nations, but actually through Hong Kong in a strange way, and thus through the Commonwealth of Nations.

Fact: referendum or no referendum, Taiwan could never join the UN while China is a member, and even if it could, it would not be able to leave the UN after entering under tyrannical Chinese pressure.

However, Taiwan can join the Commonwealth, and it doesn't even need Hong Kong's approval (!), and if things become too difficult, it could also leave the Commonwealth, because it, unlike the UN, is a voluntary organization.

The advantage of Taiwan trying to join the Commonwealth through your efforts is not single, but actually threefold:

1. It would actually help even Hong Kong join the Commonwealth, because Taiwan's acceptance would open the doors to other non-sovereign nations or territories, and perhaps not even China could legally stop it from joining at that point;

2. It would improve Taiwan's international recognition, because with Commonwealth membership Taiwan would go from being recognized by 23 countries, to being recognized by 76, or about 40% of all UN-recognized countries;

3. It would enable Taiwan's economic development even outside of China (now Taiwan is too China-dependent), and would also automatically diversify its economy, making it less reliant on China, and thus more independent or autonomous even if it did join China later.

I'm not saying that attempting to persuade Taiwanese ambassadors will be easy, but I think with this metaphor and logic, you can make the argument more persuasive, and perhaps even succeed in getting their support, and even the Taiwanese government's support.

If Taiwan also succeeded in joining the Commonwealth, this fact alone would send shock waves around the world, weaken the UN almost automatically, and any member of it, China included.

I hope you will sincerely try to get Taiwan ambassadors involved with this, and we at the Commonwealth Nations Research Society (CNRS) now have members that can also persuade the British and the Queen more easily.


[Tsai 08.3.24=1 #1] My simple answer is it would be more difficult. Ma (or Horse, like Trojan Horse) and his Chiang KMT (or Chiang Dynasty Chinese Nationalist Party) are from China, and he intends to join a One China Common Market, and its ultimate goal is to be united with China.

Murderous and oppresive Chiang KMT had got rid of all viable oppostions except the Communists, half a century ago. Inept and corrupt DPP (Democratic Progressive Party of the Taiwanese) have done the same in Taiwan except the Chiang KMT as the only viable opposition party. It's not just getting into Troy, but we self-destruct first.

Thank you for websites for my entities. Anyway to edit them. I would like to improve NHAN to T-NHAN (Taiwan - North Hakka Autonomous Nation), for example. Thank you again.

----- Original Message ----
From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
To: bbcweb
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 8:00:31 AM
Subject: About Taiwan

Hi Tsai.

I read yesterday in the only Italian-language daily newspaper published in the United States American Oggi that Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Ma Ying-jeou won the presidential election with 58.45% of the votes, while Frank Hsieh of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) got 41.55% of the votes.

Moreover, the Chen Shui-bian administration has put forth a referendum to join the United Nations under the name "Taiwan", and only 35.82% cast their ballots on Saturday for the "UN membership referendum" under the name "Taiwan", as proposed by the DPP. The KMT version of the pro-UN referendum would have had Taiwan join the UN, but under any mutually acceptable name, but it too failed to get the necessary quorum, and only mustered 35.76% of voters.

Do you think that these results indicate that it will be unlikely that the new administration follows your suggestion that "Taiwan", or whatever else they may call the island, enters the Commonwealth? Entering the Commonwealth of Nations is probably a lot easier with or without a referendum. In fact, since the Commonwealth is a voluntary organisation, and you can enter or leave with almost the same ease, a referendum may not even be needed.

Do you think the election results may help the "joining the Commonwealth" cause, or may hinder it? Let me know what you think.


Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago
11 Press Street
South Floral Park, NY 11001-3536
Tel: +1 516 354 4495
Fax: +1 516 706 0080

Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago
11 Press Street
South Floral Park, NY 11001-3536
Tel: +1 516 354 4495
Fax: +1 516 706 0080
URL: "


"" Re: [FifthWorld] For Taiwan and NHAN, and flaCommonwealth of Nations
TLD comes alive
From: Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini Add to Contacts
Saturday, July 5, 2008 7:25:16 AM

Your Excellency,

.CW domains are reserved for Commonwealth of Nations member states (53 states), or Commonwealth Nations Research Society (CNRS) members (non state members can be viewed here), which are Fourth and Fifth World nations that, if they became independent states, would qualify for Commonwealth of Nations membership.

As I mentioned previously to Mr. Tsai, the criteria for membership in the Commonwealth of Nations is constantly changing. Since 1949, when the British Commonwealth was replaced by the Commonwealth of Nations with the adoption of the London Declaration, members are no longer required to have the British Monarch as a sovereign, but could have their own head of state. They only required to recognise the British Monarch as 'Head of the Commonwealth'. Outside of the Commonwealth, in other words, individual member states retain all sovereignty, and the British Monarch is only the Head of the Commonwealth, unless the country happens to be a 'Commonwealth Realm', that is, any one of 16 sovereign states within the Commonwealth of Nations with Queen Elizabeth II as their respective monarch (countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK).

Membership criteria was further refined in 1991 with the Harare Declaration which required members to abide by the principles of democracy and respect for human rights. These can be enforced upon current members, who may be suspended or expelled for failure to abide by them.

Membership criteria was further refined by the Edinburgh Declaration of 1997, which states that Commonwealth members must:

1. Accept and comply with the Harare principles (Harare Declaration) ;
2. Be fully sovereign states;
3. Recognise the monarch of the Commonwealth Realms as the Head of the Commonwealth;
4. Accept the English language as the means of Commonwealth communication;
5. Respect the wishes of the general population in relation to Commonwealth membership.

Members of the Commonwealth can be republics, such as India and Pakistan (most Commonwealth members are in fact republics), and can even be monarchies with their own monarch, such as in the cases of Brunei and Malaysia.

In 1995 Mozambique become the Commonwealth's first non former British Empire member, being a former Portuguese colony, yet interacting with Commonwealth members. New members of the Commonwealth are not required to have been former British colonies. In 2007, it was agreed that future members of the Commonwealth are only required to have had some constitutional link with any existing member at any time in the past.

Commonwealth Nations Research Society (CNRS) members can also apply for a .CW domain, but nations are admitted for membership only if it is almost certain that, if the nations were fully sovereign states, they would fulfil all criteria of the Harare and Edinburgh Declarations, and the territory of the nation had some constitutional link with any existing member at any time in the past.

Additional information about Commonwealth membership criteria can be found at these links:

Criteria for membership in the Commonwealth of Nations (PDF file)
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Commonwealth_ of_Nations_ membership_ criteria


On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:05 AM, Keith McKenzie wrote:

may we also have such a domain for SRT ?

Keith Mackenzie
Office of Chancellor
http://www.geocitie index.htm

The information is intended solely for the addressee(s) ..Access to this e-mail by anyone other than the addressee(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to and therefore must not disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or any part of this message.

--- On Sat, 7/5/08, Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini wrote:

From: Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini

Subject: Re: [FifthWorld] For Taiwan and NHAN, and flaCommonwealth of Nations TLD comes alive
To: FifthWorld@yahoogro
Date: Saturday, July 5, 2008, 3:37 AM

Hi Tsai.

As I said in a private email to you, as soon as we've registered all or most of the standard Commonwealth nation members (that's 53 member nations in total), as well as important Commonwealth organisations, we will definitely register the domains of potential Commonwealth members such as the domain, and the domain only. I as I aslo said, hope you will try to do something to promote the Commonwealth cause to Taiwan.

For the name change to NTHAN, I can do that -- when I have time... -- as that is just a few HTML changes, but what do you mean about a new flag? That is a lot of work, and time, which I don't have anymore, unless you had that designed already. I am not an artist, although I can recommend a good one. He does charge a small fee, however, like everyone else that has to make a living.

Please send the details about the latter at my private email revcesidio [at] gmail . com


On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 7:04 PM, bbcweb wrote:

Dear Mr. Cesidio: Congratulation to all involved, and a Happy Secession Day!! Would you tell me how I could register to have .cw for Taiwan and NHAN? Also your kind answer to my last post(s) about helping me to change NHAN to NTHAN (North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation), and also about to get a new flag for it? Your any help would be greatly appreciated.

----- Original Message ----
From: Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini

To: FifthWorld@yahoogro; ilination@yahoogrou; mpror@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2008 10:54:08 AM
Subject: [FifthWorld] Commonwealth of Nations TLD comes alive

Commonwealth of Nations TLD comes alive
http://www.prlog. org/10086277- commonwealth- of-nations- tld-comes- alive.html

This press release has also been published by Free Press Release, and we also hope to get it published by, and get mentioned in Google News. Any republishing/ redistribution of the news elsewhere will help get the world's attention, and is greatly appreciated.

The .CW TLD was voted as the Commonwealth of Nations top-level domain (TLD) in an Internet poll, and it was activated in the Cesidian Root. The Commonwealth of Nations, usually known as the Commonwealth, is a voluntary association of 53 independent sovereign states, most of which are former British colonies, or dependencies of these colonies (the exceptions being the United Kingdom itself and Mozambique). ""

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Please feel free to comment. bbcweb who is
working on:
1) Formosan fine artist, Tsai Intang, and
2) Promotion of Taiwan's art worlds:
3) ACdd, Armed Citizens direct democracy for world peace,
4) Pushing for a free/sovereign FF, Formosan Federation, starting from
5)NTHAN, North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation, based in Hsinbu, NTHAN, FF, home of Tsai Intang: