Tuesday, July 15, 2008

#111: Ch"KMT:ROC" Rape of Taiwan: Obama! 陳辰光. 野草莓學運.Cohen. NHK. 5World,. RTR: ACDD. Acorn. Gandhi, Rothbard, Havel, Solzhenitsyn 08.7.15-09.1.6=2 11pm

#111 OLD: ALL DISAPPEARED!! NEW INPUT: 2008.11.29 - 2009.1.6=2 11pm:

0. Blog: http://bbcwebb.blogspot.com

[[ BBCWebBlog for Global ACdd Peace ]]:-----
BBCWebBlog = Beyond Borders Community WEB BLOG
for Global ACdd = Armed Citizens DIRECT DEMOCRACY: Peace

// NTHAN = N Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation:
// NTHAN: http://nthan.ummoa.net/ from:
// 《一八九五》烈士: http://tinyurl.com/6qtsex
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bear Flag Party: http://www.bear-flag-party.8k.com/
Grouply: http://www.grouply.com/member.php/bbcwebb
Tell us your vision for the country: To BHO:
Original Homepage Website:------------------
[[ BBCWeb for Global Reach for Peace ]]:
http://www.bbcweb.net by BBCWeb Services' bbcweb, from Taiwan.
1. "ChROC's" Rape of Taiwan's New Democracy:

1-2-1. 'Deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin'
1-2-2. 'Freedom House Calls for Inquiry into Taiwan Clashes' Nov20,08: http://tinyurl.com/FormosaInvstgtn

2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY
3. Taiwan's History and Realities
11. International Organizations for Peace

13. International History and Realities
11. International Oranizations for Peace:---

11-0. From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini

11-1. IPSP or ISPSP:-------------------------
11-1-0. 'International Parliament for Safety and Peace' Wikipedia:
11-1-1. International Parliament for Safety and Peace http://tinyurl.com/66kvtr
[[ International Parliament for Safety and Peace SEA ]] http://tinyurl.com/IPforS-P
11-1-3. 'International Parliament for Security and Peace' (IPSP):

11-2. Commonwealth of Nations:--------------
'Introducing the Commonwealth' http://tinyurl.com/CommNat
13. International History and Realities:----
13-1. World's Poor:-------------------------
'The Militarization of the World's Urban Peripheries' http://tinyurl.com/World-sPoor


[Tsai 08.12.15=1 #1] Dear CK: Are you still in Formosa? This is from my Internet Explorer bbcwebb@yahoo.net inbox, the other Firefox bbcweb@att.net inbox keep "loading" since a few days ago. My blog http://bbcwebb.blogspot.com where almost all my life efforts are, is still on, after its whole first page (including the statement that Hiroshima/Nagasaki is TT, True Terrorism, your German Headquarter?) was wiped out.

We will go back to Formosa next year for our father's centennial art exhibition at Toijung (what in Hoklo for Taichung?)'s Formosan National Art Museum, from Aug 1 to Oct 31. Opening ceremony on Aug 1, Saturday. It's really sad and worrisome what is going on in our dear still-to-be-born country, Formosa. It has to be drastically changed very soon! We have to be very clear and loudly open in front of the whole world. Let's terminate everything ChKMT and ChROC even in Formosa as far as possible. We are Formosans, we have our own nations in Formosa. What we are against directly right now is ChKMT and ChROC, not historical Dr. Sun Yat-sen's KMT or ROC, or even current PRC. Let's concentrate ourselves to ternunate our direct enemy in Formosa! EVEN according to ChKMT's party charter and ChROC's constittution, its Chairman? and President Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo are grave criminals and sinners!! Do Chinese understand this?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
陳辰光 謹上

九流政府 送給台灣人 的 大禮---
年關到了, 治安敗壞, 教你自保之道!!!


1. "ChROP's" Rape of Taiwan's Democracy:----

1-1. '馬哈佛恩師 孔傑榮 投書批台灣人權' http://tinyurl.com/6a57gr

1-2-1. 'FIDH 國際人權聯盟對馬英九當局公開信 漢文譯本' http://tinyurl.com/68ceuy
: 'Deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin'
1-2-2. 'Freedom House Calls for Inquiry into Taiwan Clashes' Nov20,08: http://tinyurl.com/FormosaInvstgtn

1-3-1. '二十位國際學者與友人聯署發表聲明,憂心台灣司法不公' http://tinyurl.com/64z4gn
: 'JOINT STATEMENT: November 4, 2008: US, European and Australian scholars and writers express concern about prosecutions in Taiwan'
1-3-2. '二十多名美國專家學者對台灣司法倒退寫第二封公開信' VOA記者:張佩芝 華盛頓 2008年12月3日

1-4. '台美人社團聯合聲明 籲台灣司法守程序正義' http://tinyurl.com/5axm6s

2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-0. NTHAN: North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation: http://nthan.ummoa.net/ from:
3-5. '《一八九五》的烈士與豎子---論「抗日?殺同胞?吳湯興史實翻案」'

2-1. 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net: '關於我們' http://www.taiwanus.net/AH.htm
2-2. '爲何「台獨」是錯?「台灣建國」才對!' 林志昇, 「控美政府案」代表人
2-3. '2008-2009的新路線' 陳辰光: Nov28,08?
2-4. Taiwan Youth "Wild Strawberry Movement":
2-4-1. '《台灣老百姓的覺醒》: 「野草莓運動」' http://tinyurl.com/5ehx8r
2-4-2. '野草莓學運的光芒: [以文找文]' http://tinyurl.com/6k7wlh
: 【12/07遊行】 野給你看---國家不暴力、人權向前進
2-4-3. 'Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement Fights for Human Rights and Democracy'
http://tinyurl.com/StrawberryPetition Copied Dec10,08

2-10. 'Formosa Foundation' http://tinyurl.com/5zvlvt
2-11. Citizen Congress Watch: http://tinyurl.com/CitizenCongWatch Dec10,08
: " 【社運聲明】60社運團體 譴責國民黨凍預算、政府黑手進公視 2008年 12月 10日 "


3. Taiwan's History and Realities:------------

3-1. '台灣歷史風土及人物誌' http://tinyurl.com/6zsjn9
3-2. '「經營之神」背後的環境代價知多少? 環團籲各界理性檢討' http://tinyurl.com/6cwbnp
- - - - - - - - - - -
3-3. '「海角七號」所顯示的 「台灣精神」' http://tinyurl.com/5funge
3-4. '電影《一八九五》與陳雲林事件: 「反對賣台」「保衛家園」' http://tinyurl.com/5prgn7
3-5. '《一八九五》的烈士與豎子---論「抗日?殺同胞?吳湯興史實翻案」'


11. International Organizations for Peace:--

11-0. From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini

Re: Congratulation .ant, wonderful! #1000
< Re: Antarcticland achieves recognition of the ISPSP
From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
... Wednesday, December 3, 2008 8:23:39 AM
To: sheh-gni tsai

: "" Sheh-gni,

Nothing happens without a little faith, and without hard work.

Antarcticland, which claims a slice of Antarctica, and which is based in Panama (where its Regent lives), has even formally applied to the United Nations. That application is now pending, but I don't think the UN will ever approve it. Antarcticland has citizens around the world, especially in Italy.

Seeing that the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA) had found recognition with the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP), they pursued that avenue. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again!

The Antarcticland Minister in Rome then contacted the ISPSP, which is based in Palermo, Italy. After the introduction, they most certainly were asked to supply comprehensive information about Antarcticland, because the ISPSP can't just approve anything.

When I did that for the UMMOA, not only I wrote it in Italian, but I also supplied maps, and printed an 8-page, 4,512 word document in colour. I'm sure people reading it would understand that UMMOA is real, I explained why it is our land, not the United States', and I also gave as much detailed information about UMMOA as an educated NATIVE possibly could have! -- UMMOA has no natives, though. So I'm certain Antarcticland had to present their case in a thorough and intelligent manner as well.

Yes, the ISPSP is an alternative UN. It was founded on 15 December 1975 by the Cypriot archbishop Makarios III, who was actually the President of Cyprus, to address the increasingly uncertain situation in Cyprus then. Later on, the ISPSP opened up to the quest for peace everywhere in the world, especially in the Americas and Africa. The first countries to recognise the ISPSP under International Law were the United States and Italy.

Currently the Lord President is the Msgr. Viktor Busà (he also is an archbishop of the autocephalous Cypriot Orthodox Church). The First International Vice President is Teodoro O.N. Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea. The Second Vice President is Hugo R. Chávez Frías, President of Venezuela. Yes, the guy that made fun of Bush at the United Nations. The Third Vice President is Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, President of The Gambia.

Forget about the EU. I've tried contacting them too. They won't take you seriously even as an observer nation, and the EU is Euro-centric, not fully international in character. Some ISPSP links are below. Please note that the contents of the Wikipedia article are not necessarily reliable or accurate.






Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini

[Tsai 08.12.2=2 #1] Dear Dr. Cesidio: This sounds a very heart-warming story out of the very cold! I wonder how they have done that, where they are located, and whether all explorators to the area have obtained their permission and visas from their very beginning? I have never heard about them or ISPSP! An alternative UN? Once I had hoped for the EU to grow irresistebly to be one! Websites for them?

From: Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
To: ct@ummoa.net
Cc: regent@antarcticland.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 5:43:02 PM
Subject: Antarcticland achieves recognition of the ISPSP

Antarcticland has achieved the recognition of all governments and nations members of the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace, New Society of the Nations.

Antarcticland (.ANT in the Cesidian Root) is now legally incorporated into the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP), an alternative United Nations (UN) that was juridically recognised by International Law, and the first nations to recognise it were the United States and Italy.

Today the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP) has parliamentary and diplomatic delegations in more than 203 nations and territories, and relations with 9 international organisations.

The Governments of Independent Long Island (ILI) and the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA) congratulate the Regent of Antarcticland, H.H. Sir Giovanni Caporaso Gottlieb, and his Ministers for this fantastic achievement!

Hon Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
Independent Long Island
11 Press Street
South Floral Park, NY 11001-3536
Tel: +1 516 354 4495
Fax: +1 516 706 0080
Email: ct@ilination.net
URL: http://ilination.net ""


11-1. IPSP or ISPSP:------------------------
11-1-0. 'International Parliament for Safety and Peace' Wikipedia:

: "" The neutrality of this article is disputed.
Please see the discussion on the talk page. (July 2008)
Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved.

The International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP), also known as International States Parliament, is an international organization based in Palermo, Sicily, Italy with a moderate activity profile in the pursuit of safety and peace, next to an active profile in the distribution of honors to people and organizations. The organization was founded on 15 December 1975 by the Cypriot archbishop Makarios III to address the increasingly uncertain situation in Cyprus then. Later on the IPSP opened up to the quest for peace everywhere in the world, especially in the Americas and Africa.[citation needed] Viktor Busá is its current president.

The International Parliament consists of two chambers: The High Chamber with 400 Senators and the Deputies Assembly with 800 Deputies. Senators and Deputies are elected every five years by the supreme Council of Presidents [1]. They may be confirmed for consecutive terms future elections. Every two years the International Parliament organizes the Safety and Peace Conference in the Mediterranean, attended by diplomats and politicians from all over the world. During the conference opening, the President awards the Peace Trophy to the heads of State who distinguished themselves with their peace efforts (see e.g. [1] and [2] ) . The Peace Trophy as much as positions like Vice-President are given to Presidents of Sovereign States in order to involve them into Peace efforts and to oblige them merely by social means to serve Safety and Peace and to be moderate in their political decisions.

The IPSP has introduced cooperation agreements with governmentally accredited universities such as the United Nations Peace University in Costa Rica [2] and the Cambodian Mekong University.[3]

The organization prides itself in a long list of dignitaries in senator, deputy, and executive positions in global, regional or local chapters. The Dallas Morning News has referred to such a position as bodacious credentials.[4] The IPSP, however, further hands out medals for arts (see [3]) and as mentioned before an annual trophy for the pursuit of peace. The Peace Trophy has been bestowed upon presidents and former presidents world-wide like e.g. Dr. Carlos Saul Menem , then President of the Republic of Argentina , Lansana Conté, President of the Republic of Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo , President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and Hugo Chavez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

As of March 2007, the IPSP enjoys a Royal Protectorate by the Royal House of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.[5]

IPSP has had an external representative in attendance at the 13th meeting of the Technical Committee of the Whole of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Abeba in 1992.[6]

The IPSP also attended via its Department for Natural Protection (D.E.P.N.) the International Colloqium of the United Nations Peace University which took place in Cannes in 1988.[7]

[edit] Associated persons

The following business and political figures have been associated with the organization, either as senators or other officers:

* Viktor Busá, co-founder and President
* (+) Makarios III, co-founder
* Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, 1 st. International Vice president (see [4]
* Hugo Chávez, 2 nd. International Vice President[8]
* Yahya Jammeh, 3 rd. International Vice President[9]
* Omar Bongo, Grand Chancellor (see [5] and [6])
* Lansana Conté, Secretary General of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace (see [7])
* Hun Sen, Senator for Life & Member of the Supreme Council (see [8])
* Norodom Sihamoni, supporter (see [9])
* Antero Flores Aráoz, Ambassador to the Americas
* Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr Al-Qassimi, Royal Protector (see [10])
* Leonid Kravchuk, Deputy Secretary
* Leandro Mbomio Nsue, Ambassador at-Large, President of Cicte, Science and Technology Council of Equatorial Guinea and Unesco Peace Ambassador
* Manuel Pinto da Costa, senator & head of the department for foreign affairs (see [11] )
* Eugenio Calgiuri Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador and Hon Consul for Equatorial Guinea (see [12] )
* Vongsak Swasdipanich, senator (since 2008)
* Luís Cabral, Deputy Secretary General
* Luis Castiglioni, General Secretary of the Supreme Council, Senator for Life
* Lucio Gutiérrez, former Vice-President (2002-2005) ( see [13] )
* Sérgio Cabral Filho, senator ( see [14] )
* Charles Kenzie Steele, Jr., Senator & Advisor to the Department of American Affairs (see [15] )
* Spyros Kyprianou, former Secretary General
* Joaquín Balaguer, former Second Secretary
* Mircea Snegur, former senator and member of the supreme council (since 1996)
* K. J. Yesudas, senator ( see [16] )
* Mohan Babu, deputy (see [17])
* Desmond Hoyte, former senator and member of the supreme council (see [18])
* Juan Carlos Wasmosy, former Secretary General
* Rosalía Arteaga, Ministerial Diplomatic Counsellor
* Mário Soares, Deputy Secretary General
* Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas, former Deputy Secretary

[edit] External links

* http://www.parlamentomondiale.org
* UNO Library
* http://www.international-parliament.net
* http://www.internationalparliament.org (under construction)


11. International Organizations for Peace:---

11-1. IPSP or ISPSP:-------------------------

11-1-1. International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP)
http://international-parliament.net/seite2.htm or
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
[[ International Parliament for Safety and Peace SEA, or IPSP in South East Asia ]]
http://international-parliament.net/ or

: ""In cooperation with the United Nations Peace University
Please feel free to inform yourself about our mission and work for world peace through intergovernmental supported & remunerated diplomatic service and voluntary humanitarian service in a non-aligned way.
The IPSP is under Royal Support of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Tutti i membri della International Parliament for Safety and Peace offrono il loro operato volontariamente e non hanno nessuna remunerazione da parte dell’Istituzione.
All members of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace are volunteers. International Parliament is a non-profit and charitable international organization.""
\- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -/

: ... " operated for over 33 years in Palermo, Sicily. It is an intergovernmental organization of States, founded originally by constituting charter of the Republics of Cyprus, Senegal and Mali on 15th December 1975 and has today parliamentary and diplomatic delegations in more than 130 Nations.

Founders of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace are the orthodox Archbishops Monsignore Viktor Busa & who is first president of the Board of States for the life protection, and the late orthodox Archbishop Monsignor Makariós III, former president of the Republic of Cyprus.

The international presidency with seat in Palermo, main city of Sicily, is ruled for life by Monsignore Viktor Busa, who has been appointed Vice Chairman of the Committe for Culture of the Russian State Duma in 2007. Makaríos III was the first Secretary General. After his death in 1977, the late Spyros Kyprianou, the then new president of the Republic of Cyprus, succeeded him and took up the vice-chair in 1987 and the International Parliament of States signed a convention of cooperation with the University of Peace of the United Nations, which is located in Costa Rica.

Ruling presidents of sovereign nations who, of course, fully recognize the IPSP and are Vice Presidents of the IPSP:

H.E. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo *Brig General Ret
President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
1. Vice President of the International Parliament since 1995

H.E. Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias *Army Colonel
President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
2. International Vice President since 1999

H.E. Yayah Jammeh *Army Colonel
President of the Republic of The Gambia
3. International Vice President since 2008

Secretary General :H.E. President General Lansana Conte, Guinea.

Grand Chancellor : H.E. President Omar Bongo Ondimba, Gabon

Members of the Supreme Council of the Presidency

Sen. Dr. Joaquin Balaguer (+), former President of the Dominican Republic
Sen. Prof. Rodrigo C. Odio (+), former President of Costa Rica
Sen. Spyros Kyprianou (+), former President of Cyprus
Sen. Dr. Hugh D. Hoyte (+), former President of Guyana
Archbishop Makarios III (+), former President of Cyprus
Sen. Dr. Franjo Tudjman (+), former President of Croatia
Sen. Lius. A. Siles Salinas, former President of Bolivia
Sen. Mircea Snegur, former President of Moldova
Sen. Mario Soares, former President of Portugal
Sen. Moussa Traore, former President of Mali
Sen. Ing. Juan Carlos Wasmosy, former President of Paraguay "
... ...

" Moreover the International Parliament enjoys firm support through the Royal House of the Kingdom Of Cambodia by the former King H.M. Norodom Sihanouk and the present King H.M. Norodom Sihamoni. The Prime Minister of the Royal Government H.E. Samdech Hun Sen has been appointed Senator for Life and Ambassador for World Peace in 2007.

Malaysia recognized the International Parliament for Safety and Peace in September 2007 as well and appointed a Senator to the IPSP.

The Governor of Ratchaburi, Thailand issued a letter of mutual support for the IPSP in Winter 2007, too.

The Parliament is recognized tacitly de jure by the Italian Republic, under the Treaty of friendship between the USA and Italy, regulated by the law of 18th June 1949, n.385, with the recognition of the Italian constitutional Court with sentence published in the Italian Office Gazette n. 161 of 10th July 1985 (confirmed by the Italian Parliament in 2007); moreover it has relations of diplomatic cooperation with the Latin American Parliament and with other national Parliaments, like e.g. most recently with the National Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (treaty) in June 2007 or the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in Mai 2007. ""


11. International Organizations for Peace:---

11-1. IPSP or ISPSP:-------------------------


Intergovermental Organization of the States
Via Marchese di Roccaforte, 10 - Sicily, 90145 Palermo
Tel. 091/6371315 - Fax 091/6173428

: "" The International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP) was founded December 15, 1975 by a letter of the Constitution of the International Legislative Assembly. It was juridically recognized by the International Law and the first nations to recognize it were the United States and Italy. It is parallel to the United Nations and, like the United Nations, has representative embassadors from all nations. The headquarters of the ISPSP is in Italy. The Lord President of the Parliament is the Archbishop Viktor Busa, President of the Council of the States. The International First Vice President of the ISPSP is Dr. Hugo Chavez Frias, President of the Republic of Venezuela.

Mgr. Viktor Busa is an activist devoted to the cause of peace, defense of life, and human rights. He has been in the struggle for the cause for 25 years without a break, since the creation of the ISPSP. His visionary dream for peace in the world and respect for human beings makes his life really remarkable. Two years after the creation of the ISPSP, his partner and co-founder of the ISPSP and its first General Secretary, Monsignor Makarios III, died. Mgr. Viktor Busa went ahead alone, as the chair of the ISPSP, until Dr. Sypros Kyprianou (then new President of the Republic of Cipro) was elected Vice President International of lSPSP. Working together with his new partner, he created the Assembly of the Parliament, and in 1977, signed a convention with President Rodrigo Carazo, at the University of Peace of the United Nations, in Costa Rica.

After looking for the concurrence of all of the nations in the world, through their representative governments, the Parliament counts with 400 senators, 800 deputies, ambassadors and ministers, who contribute, like their President and General Secretary, with their volunteer work, to the cause of peace.

The work of the delegates and ministers of the ISPSP towards peace and enforcement of the respect for life and human rights includes rendering help and support to all of the people of the world, observing the right of safety and peace in alI aspects: moral, political, diplomatic, cultural, religious, economic and social. This is free to the governments. ISPSP organizes commissions to send to the country in need, with the participation of volunteer ministers and parlamentary diplomats, who travel and work free of charge in order to resolve conflicts and help to re-establish security and peace. Following the re-establishment of safety and peace, Lord Viktor Busa gives, as incentive, Peace Trophies to the head of the places or countries where the commission worked.

The work of the agents of the ISPSP is paying off with good results in many places. Once a year, there is a congress of the ISPSP, where Delegates present their reports. Victorious interventions have been worked out and reported from the Diplomatic Crisis between Turkey and Chipre; the crisis between Somalia and Ethiopia; between Iran and Irak, Equador and Peru, and the conflict in Uganda. The ISPSP also has made a contribution of diplomatic intervention in wars of several countries and places, as in the Middle East, in the civil war in Sri Lanka, in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, in Rwanda, Congo, Angola and Mozambique. There are diplomats from the ISPSP working in South Africa, Moldavia, Russia and Chechynia. In support of the United Nations, Lord Busa and the ISPSP have participated in the Conferences of Addis, Ababa and Vienna.

As observers, the ISPSP has sent parlamentaries to the general elections En Congo. The democratization of the Republic of Congo started in 1990. In this process, Lord Viktor Busa cooperated with the Congolese government in order to give the people assurance of security and to admit the need for immediate peace. ISPSP organized a local sub-division with several Congolese members of different categories, notable jurists, high functionaries, ministries, etc. to negociate peace with agressors from the borders of DRC. When the aggression intensifed, Lord Busa himself organized a series of international conferences, in order to gather international support. This contributed to the acceleration of the United Nation's resolution in sending in the "blue helmets" and in assisting in the reconstruction of the nation. There are evidences of recognition of the authorities of several countries, who send to Lord Busa their letters, memoranda, and other tokens of their gratitude for the Parliament services.

In 1985, Lord Viktor Busa personally got involved with the creation of the World Organization of the Indigenous and Aborigenous Peoples. There are several ministers of the ISPSP working now at the front of the Andean Movement for re-culture of the Inca countries. The movement started in Arequipa, Peru and in Cusco, where several ISPSP volunteer diplomats are working directly with the Inca natives in order to achieve a new interpretation of the past history of Perù, including the Inca past on it. It is a wonderful movement with the creation of schools, workshops, festivals, etc. It is easy to see how volunteer work can achieve things which governmental paid organizations are not able to achieve. ""


11. International Organizations for Peace:---

11-1. IPSP or ISPSP:-------------------------

11-1-3. 'International Parliament for Security and Peace':

I. History:

: "" Intergovernmental Organization

The International Presidency Office

Receive a warm Greeting of Peace:

The World-wide Parliament for security and peace also know has International Parliament for safety and peace was founded the 15 of December of 1975 in those who were difficult years thus took the initiative the Orthodox Archbishops Monsignors Viktor Busá. That received the presidency for life and the deceased, Mons. Makarios III who was Elected and the democratic president of the Republic of Cyprus and his first Secretary General After the death of his beatitude Makarios in year 1977 assumed the position He. Dr Sypros Kiprianou that was president of the Republic of Cyprus and that took the position of vice-president of the World-wide Parliament.

In the year one thousand and eighty seven the worldwide parliament of the states signed a convention of collaboration with the University of peace an academic institution that belongs to Nations United in that time under the position of the President of the Republic of Costa Rica He. Dr. Rodrigo Carrazo.

The foundations of the World-wide Parliament are the defense of all the towns of the world like the security from the nations to the norm of the right public International and private laws .All the states that they wish to be part of the World-wide Parliament will have to support moral, political, diplomatic, cultural, religious, economic between all the governments members like a their own parliamentary institutions.

All the nations are members by right the representation before the world-wide parliament must be through their Foreign Ministry of the respective country in which they will be able to send Credentials through third country in charge of businesses or advisors inspired to the norms of Public International right like the one of the convention of Vienna of the 18 of April of 1961.

The International Parliament for Safety and Peace is a intergovernmental organism of international character, the organism is formed in two areas Senators that this composed by 400 senators and one Assembly that the this composed by 800 deputies selections among them is every five years, same time the Lord president names with several diplomatic ranks, Representatives, advisors or diplomats at-large some as described with the rank as Ambassador at large (highest) and they all benefit diplomatic immunity according to the international law and the norm established by all the nations the world.

The Chancellery of the International for Parliament security and peace has established Diplomatic Relations mainly African Nations or de-facto with several countries and maintains cooperation with several international organisms.

There is a Department in Charge for Establishing International Diplomatic cooperation and Integration with Sovereign States and International Organizations.

The Parliament organizes the Conference on the security in the Mediterranean in the city of Palermo in Sicily where this located the International Presidency. Participations in diplomatic and political cooperation in different countries, its president Lord. Viktor Busá grants the Maximal award distinction of peace to the Chiefs of State who in opinion of our international organism have developed to a policy of peace and freedom and of social security in its own countries with perseverance and honor we have granted him these distinctions to most excellent ex- - presidents He. Mikhail Gorbachov president of the Ex- Soviet Union, Sesee-Seko-Mobutu ex--head of Zaire, He. Carlos Saul Menem ex- president of the Argentine Republic, He. Nelson Mandela ex- president of the Republic of South-Africa.

The principles of the constitutional charter of the World-wide Parliament for security and peace made us take the measurement by means of intervention in diplomatic crises or wars like in the following nations: Turkey versus Cyprus, War in Somalia and Ethiopia internal conflict Uganda, Central African Republic, Mali, Chad, the Congo, Zaire, Mozambique, Angola and the war in Middle East.

In addition it participated in the mediation between the warlike conflict of Ecuador with Peru of the civil war in Moldavia and the racial discrimination in Africa of the South as in the ethnic minority at international level, The World-wide Parliament for Security and peace deplores the continuation of the nuclear experiments from the French Republic in the Oceania.

The worldwide Parliament has participated by way of sending an Accredited Diplomat Observer in the Political Elections of Several Countries including of the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville).

We must envisage that the International Parliament for Safety and Peace maintains Diplomatic Relations mainly with Sovereigns states, However De-Facto relations are maintained with several organizations.

The Presidency of the World-wide Parliament For Security and Peace Deplores the Civil war at all level has well internal conflicts and the Terrorism, narcoterrorism, and all crime at all level that are a danger to safety and to all human begins. The International advisers of the Lord President are in favor of the Diplomacy for Peace.

The International Parliament for Safety and Peace has participated in several international forums like in some conferences organized by the United Nations. ""
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
II. Presidency Office:

: "" International Lord President
BUSA' S.E. Mons. Sen. Prof. Viktor
President of the Council of States

First International Vice-President
President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

International Vice-President
President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea

General Secretary
CONTE' S.E. Sen. Gen. Lansana
President of the Republic of Guinea ""
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
III. Presidency of Supreme Council

: "" General Secretary

CASTIGLIONI SORIA S.E. Sen. Ing. Luis Alberto
Vice-President of the Republic of Paraguay

Deputies Secretary General

ARTEAGA SERRANO S.E. Sen. D.r. Rosalia
Ex-President of the Republic of Ecuador

Ex-President of the Republic of Guinea Bissau

KRAVCHUK S.E. Dr. Leonid
Ex-President of the Republic of Ukraine

MENEM S.E. Sen. Dr. Carlos Saul
Ex-President of the Republic of Argentina

PINTO DA COSTA S.E. Sen. Dr. Manuel
Ex-President of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Principe

SILES SALINAS S.E. Sen. Avv. Luis Adolfo
Ex-President of the Republic of Bolivia

SNEGUR S.E. Sen. Mircea
Ex-President of the Republic of Moldova

SOARES S.E. Sen. Dr. Mario
Ex-President of the Portuguese Republic

WASMOSY S.E. Sen. Ing. Juan Carlos
Ex-President of the Republic of Paraguay

Vice-Secretary General

DOE Sen. Dr. Jackson E.
Minister of Post and Telecommunications of the Republic of Liberia

Minister of Interior Affairs and Public Administration of the Republic of Montenegro.

MAYILA Sen. Avv. Louis Gaston
Vice-Prime Minister of the Republic of Gabon

Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bolivia

NWURUKU Sen. Dr. Lawrence
Minister for Industry of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

RABOTOARISON Sen. Col. Charles Sylvain
Ex-Minister of Interior of the Republic of Madagascar

SAMDECH Sen. Dr. Hun Sen
Prime Minister of Cambodia ""


11-2. Commonwealth of Nations:--------------

'Introducing the Commonwealth' http://tinyurl.com/CommNat

: "" The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations which support each other and work together towards international goals. It is also a 'family' of peoples. With their common heritage in language, culture, law, education and democratic traditions, among other things, Commonwealth countries are able to work together in an atmosphere of greater trust and understanding than generally prevails among nations. At the start of 2007, there were 53 member countries in the Commonwealth.

However, the Commonwealth has no formal constitutional structure. It works from understood procedures, traditions, and periodic statements of belief or commitment to action. Intergovernmental consultation is its main source of direction, enabling member governments to collaborate to influence world events, and setting up programmes carried out bilaterally or by the Commonwealth Secretariat, the association's main executive agency. The most widely-used definition of the Commonwealth is taken from the Declaration of Commonwealth Principles, 1971:

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states ... consulting and cooperating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding and world peace. "
... ...

13. International History and Realities:----

13-1. World's Poor:-------------------------

'The Militarization of the World's Urban Peripheries' Raúl Zibechi | Feb9,2007: Americas Policy Program Special Report: Americas Policy Program, Center for International Policy (CIP) americas.irc-online.org: http://tinyurl.com/World-sPoor

: Translated from: La militarización de las periferias urbanas, Translated by: Maria Roof:

: "" Urban peripheries in Third World countries have become war zones where states attempt to maintain order based on the establishment of a sort of "sanitary cordon" to keep the poor isolated from "normal" society.

"Army sources confirmed that techniques employed in the occupation of the Morro da Providéncia favela [slum] are the ones Brazilian soldiers use in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti."1

This admission by Brazilian armed forces largely explains the interest of Lula da Silva's government in keeping that country's troops on the Caribbean island: to test, in the poor neighborhoods of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, containment strategies designed for application in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and other large cities. "
... ...

" Urban Poor as a Threat
Urban theorist Mike Davis analyzes urban peripheral areas in terms of a commitment to social change. A single sentence synthesizes his analysis: "It's the slum peripheries of poor Third World cities that have become a decisive geopolitical space."2 He asserts that Pentagon strategists are lending great importance to urban planning theory and architecture, since the peripheries are "one of the most challenging terrains for future wars and other imperialist projects."

In fact, a study by the United Nations estimates that one billion people live in peripheral neighborhoods outside Third World cities and that the poor in the largest cities in the world number some two billion, that is, a third of all human beings. These statistics will double within the next 15 or 20 years, and "all future growth of the world's population will occur in cities, 95% of it in cities of the Global South and the majority in slums."3

In fact, a study by the United Nations estimates that one billion people live in peripheral neighborhoods outside Third World cities and that the poor in the largest cities in the world number some two billion, that is, a third of all human beings. These statistics will double within the next 15 or 20 years, and "all future growth of the world's population will occur in cities, 95% of it in cities of the Global South and the majority in slums."3

The situation is much more serious than the numbers indicate: urbanization, as Davis explains, has become disconnected and autonomous from industrialization as well as from economic development, which implies the "structural and permanent disconnection of so many city dwellers from the formal world economy." On the other hand, he notes that, "over the last decade ... the poor—and not just the poor in classical urban neighborhoods [with high levels of organization]—but ... this new poor, on the fringes of the city, have begun organizing themselves massively ... whether that's Sadr, in Iraq, or an equivalent slum-based social movement in Buenos Aires."4

In Latin America the main challenges to elite domination have arisen in the heart of poor urban areas—from the 1989 "Caracazo" riots to the Oaxaca Commune in 2006. Proof of this are the popular uprisings in Asunción in March 1999, Quito in February 1997 and January 2000, Lima and Cochabamba in April 2000, Buenos Aires in February 2003, and El Alto in October 2003, just to name the most relevant cases.

Even more, urban peripheries are spaces from which subaltern groups have launched the most formidable challenges to the system, becoming a sort of popular counter-powers. Davis is right: control of the urban poor is the most important objective planned by governments, global financial organisms, and the armed forces of the most important countries.

Many large Latin American cities seem to border at times on social explosion, and several have erupted over the past two decades for various reasons. Fear among the powerful appears to point in two directions: postpone or make unviable the explosion or insurrection, and, also, avoid the consolidation of those "black holes" outside state control, where the main challenges to the elites occur. "
... ...

" In his reflection on Nazism in "On the Concept of History," German writer Walter Benjamin declared that "the tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the state of exception in which we live is the rule." United States policy since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, fits the concept of a "state of permanent exception." The "state of exception," which suspends civil rights and militarizes areas and complete nations, is applied in an indiscriminate way to different situations and for different reasons, from internal political problems to external threats, from an economic emergency to a natural disaster.

In effect, the state of exception was applied in situations such as the Argentine economic-financial crisis that burst into a broad social movement in December 2001, the response to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and the containment of the rebellion by poor immigrants in the peripheries of French cities in 2005. The common thread, beyond circumstances and countries, is that in every case it is applied in order to contain the urban poor.

End Notes
1 Dantas, in Estadão (São Paulo).
2 Davis, interview.
3 Davis, "Mike Davis on a Planet of Slums."
4 Davis, interview.
5 Lind, 13.
6 Chiarelli and Michaelis, 15.
7 Chiarelli and Michaelis, 13.
8 Baltazar and Kvitashvili, 38.
9 Cited in Baltazar and Kvitashvili, 38.
10 Alba Rico.

Translated for the Americas Policy Program by Maria Roof.

Raúl Zibechi is an international analyst for Brecha, a weekly journal in Montevideo, Uruguay, professor and researcher on social movements at the Multiversidad Franciscana de América Latina, and adviser to social groups. He is a monthly contributor to the Americas Policy Program (www.americaspolicy.org).

To reprint this article, please contact americas@ciponline.org. The opinions expressed here are the author's and do not necessarily represent the views of the CIP Americas Policy Program or the Center for International Policy.

For More Information

Santiago Alba Rico, "Emparedar a la resistencia," Diagonal, Madrid, 16 May 2007, www.diagonalperiodico.net/article3854.html.

Thomas Baltazar (Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired) and Elisabeth Kvitashvili, "The Role of USAID and Development Assistance in Combating Terrorism," Military Review, Mar.-Apr. 2007, pp. 38-40.

Peter W. Chiarelli (Major General, U.S. Army) and Patrick R. Michaelis (Major, U.S. Army), "Winning the Peace: The Requirement for Full-Spectrum Operations," Military Review, July-Aug. 2005, pp. 4-17.

Pedro Dantas, "Exército admite uso de tática do Haiti em favela do Rio," Estadão de Hoje (São Paulo), 15 Dec. 2007, www.estado.com.br.

Mike Davis, interview with Geoff Manaugh, posted May 22, 2006, bldgblog.blogspot.com/2006/05/interview-with-mike-davis-part-1.html. "Los suburbios de las ciudades del tercer mundo son el nuevo escenario geopolítico decisivo," posted 2 Mar. 2007, www.rebelion.org.

Mike Davis, "Mike Davis on a Planet of Slums," interview posted 24 June 2006, www.socialistworker.co.uk/article.php?article_id=9073. "La pobreza urbana y la lucha contra el capitalismo," trans. Camila Vollenweider, posted 25 June 2006, www.sinpermiso.info.

William S. Lind, "Understanding Fourth Generation War," Military Review, Sept.-Oct. 2004, pp. 12-16. ""


1. "ChROP's" Rape of Taiwan's Democracy:----

1-1. '馬哈佛恩師 孔傑榮 投書批台灣人權' http://tinyurl.com/6a57gr

1-2-1. 'FIDH 國際人權聯盟對馬英九當局公開信 漢文譯本' http://tinyurl.com/68ceuy
: 'Deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin'
1-2-2. 'Freedom House Calls for Inquiry into Taiwan Clashes' Nov20,08: http://tinyurl.com/FormosaInvstgtn

1-3-1. '二十位國際學者與友人聯署發表聲明,憂心台灣司法不公' http://tinyurl.com/64z4gn
: 'JOINT STATEMENT: November 4, 2008: US, European and Australian scholars and writers express concern about prosecutions in Taiwan'
1-3-2. '二十多名美國專家學者對台灣司法倒退寫第二封公開信' VOA記者:張佩芝 華盛頓 2008年12月3日

1-4. '台美人社團聯合聲明 籲台灣司法守程序正義' http://tinyurl.com/5axm6s

2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-0. NTHAN: North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation: http://nthan.ummoa.net/ from:
3-5. '《一八九五》的烈士與豎子---論「抗日?殺同胞?吳湯興史實翻案」' http://tinyurl.com/6qtsex

2-1. 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net: '關於我們' http://www.taiwanus.net/AH.htm
2-2. '爲何「台獨」是錯?「台灣建國」才對!' 林志昇, 「控美政府案」代表人
2-3. '2008-2009的新路線' 陳辰光: Nov28,08?
2-4. Taiwan Youth "Wild Strawberry Movement":
2-4-1. '《台灣老百姓的覺醒》: 「野草莓運動」' http://tinyurl.com/5ehx8r
2-4-2. '野草莓學運的光芒: [以文找文]' http://tinyurl.com/6k7wlh
: 【12/07遊行】 野給你看---國家不暴力、人權向前進
2-4-3. 'Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement Fights for Human Rights and Democracy'
http://tinyurl.com/StrawberryPetition Copied Dec10,08

2-10. 'Formosa Foundation' http://tinyurl.com/5zvlvt
2-11. Citizen Congress Watch: http://tinyurl.com/CitizenCongWatch Dec10,08
: " 【社運聲明】60社運團體 譴責國民黨凍預算、政府黑手進公視 2008年 12月 10日 "


3. Taiwan's History and Realities:------------

3-1. '台灣歷史風土及人物誌' http://tinyurl.com/6zsjn9
3-2. '「經營之神」背後的環境代價知多少? 環團籲各界理性檢討' http://tinyurl.com/6cwbnp
- - - - - - - - - - -
3-3. '「海角七號」所顯示的 「台灣精神」' http://tinyurl.com/5funge
3-4. '電影《一八九五》與陳雲林事件: 「反對賣台」「保衛家園」' http://tinyurl.com/5prgn7
3-5. '《一八九五》的烈士與豎子---論「抗日?殺同胞?吳湯興史實翻案」' http://tinyurl.com/6qtsex


2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-4. '《台灣老百姓的覺醒》: 「野草莓運動」', 台灣海外網 http://tinyurl.com/5ehx8r
'TAIWAN Wild StrawBerries Movement' http://tinyurl.com/5qj86j
Since 6th November 2008, students in Taiwan have launched a sit-in movement against the "Parade and Assembly Law" which contradicts the Constitution Law. The movement fights for the human rights and the democracy in Taiwan.

2-5. Taiwan's Happy Radio 快樂聯播網: http://tinyurl.com/6eu7ex
LIVE BROADCAST till Dec3: http://live.yahoo.com/
LIVE BBCWEB: http://live.yahoo.com/bbcweb?newuser=1
: "Promoting ACDD: Armed Citizens Direct Democracy &
NTHAN: North Taiwan Hakka Autonomous Nation."
NTHAN: http://nthan.ummoa.net/


2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-1. 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net: '關於我們' http://tinyurl.com/5so4zo or

: ""全球網路智庫傳播平台。
基於經營並自主經費,我們由簡就繁,從無而至完整,尚希各界不吝提攜指教,並參與工作。 ""


1. "ChROP's" Rape of Taiwan's Democracy:----

1-1. '馬哈佛恩師 孔傑榮 投書批台灣人權' [福爾摩莎 創值社] 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov16,08: http://tinyurl.com/6a57gr

: "" 馬哈佛恩師 投書批台灣人權民視 (2008-11-14 07:55)




馬英九是讀法的,又當過法務部長,有些事不可能不知道,但是如果忘記,學姐老師都一再提醒,總該想起來了吧! ""


1. "ChROP's" Rape of Taiwan's Democracy:----

1-2-1.'FIDH 國際人權聯盟對馬英九當局公開信 漢文譯本' 美麗寶島 報導, 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov28,08: http://tinyurl.com/68ceuy

: "" 20/11/2008
台灣 Taiwan

'深切關心中國特使陳雲林訪問期間拘捕與攻擊和平抗議的公民' 蘇哈,貝爾哈生
'Deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin' Souhayr Belhassen

公開信給 Open letter to
馬英九總統 President Ma Ying-jeou
劉兆玄行政院長 Premier Liu Chao-hsuan

中華民國 – 台灣 Republic of China – Taiwan]

閣下們: Your Excellencies,

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is writing to you to express its deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin. FIDH believes that such arrests and violence are grave violations of human rights, under the pretext of national security.

According to the information received, since November 3rd, 2008, the city of Taipei has been heavily occupied by more than 7,000 police officers. The authorities have taken many drastic measures, including: confiscating and damaging private property, harassing and assaulting people who came too close to undefined or vaguely defined areas, clearing communal highway lanes with force, conducting random searches and arrests, and restricting the freedom of movement of citizens. These actions have been taken during Mr. CHEN's visit, in the name of protecting security.

However, we fear these aggressions in fact aim at suppressing the right to freedom of expression of citizens. To supplement this violence, there are also unprecedented restrictions which clearly overpass the limits of ensuring security. For example, citizens have been restricted from displaying or carrying the national flag of Taiwan, forbidden to declare that "Taiwan is not part of China", forbidden from carrying filming devices, and restricted from playing any music the authorities consider inappropriate.

這些措施似乎要壓制政治意見而不是要保護安全,結果是它們大剌剌地違反台灣憲法,尤其是第11與14條規定的保護言論自由與國際人權標準。因此,FIDH要求,受到憲法與國家法律制約的國家警察局與國家安全局必須為他們違反司法職權被繩以責任。司法院與監察院必須馬上針對所有違反人權的指責進行獨立暨公正的調查,並且究責所有怠忽公務與法律職責的公務人員,以期和監察院最近的發佈一致 (恐翻譯的發佈內容不及原文悅耳動聽,我也懶得去找原文,請自行參考監察院的官文)。犯下上述違法的人員,特別是國家警察局與國家安全局的人員,必須被繩以責任,以期和台灣憲法第24條一致(請自行翻閱台灣憲法第24條)。
These measures seem to be aimed at silencing political opinions rather than protecting security, and thus they blatantly violate the Constitution of Taiwan, notably Articles 11 and 14 which protect freedom of expression and international human rights standards. Consequently, FIDH requests that the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau, bound by the Constitution and the national legislation, should be held responsible for violating their legal obligations. The Judicial Yuan and Control Yuan should immediately conduct independent and impartial investigations into all allegations of human rights violations and hold all personnel in office accountable for neglecting their civil and legal obligations, in line with the Judicial Yuan's recent statement that "it is very important to form an objective and solid review standard, and make the constitutional reviews more predictable and trust-worthy to people". Those who perpetrated these violations, particularly in the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau, must be held accountable, in accordance with Article 24 of the Constitution of Taiwan, which stipulates that "Any public employee who, in violation of law, infringes upon the freedom or right of any person shall, in addition to being subject to disciplinary punishment in accordance with law, be liable to criminal and civil action. The victim may, in accordance with law, claim damages from the State for any injury sustained therefrom."

More generally, FIDH calls upon the government to amend the Parade and Assembly Law, in particular : to abolish the requirement for mandatory permits and adopt the system of voluntary basis and the clause on special area of restriction, which gives too much discretion to the authority to restrict people's freedom of association and freedom of expression. In addition the authorities should abolish the order to dismiss as well as the provisions on special criminal punishment, which is a legacy of the martial law era. Finally, Taiwan should establish the protocol for law enforcement personnel who should have the obligation to clearly announce his or her identity when on duty, to ensure legitimacy and accountability.

閣下們, Your Excellencies,
Our Organization firmly believes that the fruit of Taiwan's remarkable democratization has landmark significance to the Asian continent as a whole. We therefore express our serious concern over the alarming human rights degradation in Taiwan, and we do take it as a signal of a negative trend undermining the values of democracy and human rights on which Taiwan should be based. Hoping that you will take into consideration the above mentioned concerns, I remain,

敬祝政躬康泰 Yours sincerely,

蘇哈,貝爾哈生 Souhayr Belhassen ""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1-2-2. 'Freedom House Calls for Inquiry into Taiwan Clashes' Washington, Nov20,08: Liberty Times: Press Release, Contact: Laura Ingalls: http://tinyurl.com/FormosaInvstgtn
'國際人權組織『自由之家』要求台灣政府維護民主設立獨立調查委員會' 大紀元論壇園地 » 政治、時事、社會人文 » 網路政論家 » 文章發起人:zl1001 開始時間:12-08-2008 4:14

: "" Freedom House urges Taiwan's government to create an independent commission
to thoroughly investigate clashes between police and activists protesting
Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin's historic visit and recommend needed reforms.

"A public investigation of the violence which involved both sides will send
a critical message that the new government of President Ma Ying-jeou is
interested in upholding the democratic values of transparency and accountability,
" said Jennifer Windsor, Freedom House executive director. "The inquiry
should examine evidence on both sides and recommend any needed reforms to
police practices and the legal framework governing demonstrations."

Hundreds of university students are currently staging a sit-in in Taipei's
Freedom Square and several other cities to protest the government's handling
of the incident. During Chen’s visit, police reportedly used heavy-handed
tactics including physical assault, arbitrary detention and destruction
of property to prevent Chen from seeing symbols of Taiwanese or Tibetan
independence, as well as broader demonstrations against the Chinese regime.
人身攻擊﹑任意拘留﹑毀壞物品。). Demonstrators also employed violence against police, throwing rocks and petrol bombs outside Chen's hotel on November 6.

The clashes reveal a need for police to undergo crowd control training that
adheres to the standards used in other democracies.(趙紫龍譯﹕這衝突顯示警察需要學習如何以其他民主國家的標準來控制民眾。) Likewise, demonstrators
and political advocacy groups must recommit themselves to orderly protests
that avoid violence under any circumstances.

The inquiry commission should examine controversial passages in Taiwan's
Assembly and Parade Law, such as restrictions on where people are allowed
to demonstrate, and determine whether they need to be liberalized to protect
citizens' rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The commission should also investigate claims that police are selectively enforcing the law.

The visit by Chen and the recent arrests of several opposition party figures
are raising concerns that that President Ma and his Kuomintang Party may
rollback democratic freedoms.(趙紫龍譯﹕陳雲林事件及最近逮捕反對黨人物已令人耽心馬總統及他的國民黨可能在減少民主應有的各項自由)

"The government must renew its commitment to tolerating robust freedom of
assembly and peaceful protest, no matter what the cause(趙紫龍譯﹕政府(指馬政府)必須重新落實其允許正常的自由集會及和平示威不論訴求為何的承諾)" said Windsor.

Taiwan is ranked Free in the 2008 edition of Freedom in the World, Freedom
House's survey of political rights and civil liberties, and in the 2008
version of Freedom of the Press.
Freedom House, an independent nongovernmental organization that supports
the expansion of freedom in the world, has been monitoring political rights
and civil liberties in Taiwan since 1972.



1. "ChROP's" Rape of Taiwan's Democracy:----

1-3-1. '二十位國際學者與友人聯署發表聲明,憂心台灣司法不公: JOINT STATEMENT: November 4, 2008' [美麗寶島 / 報導] 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov27,08: http://tinyurl.com/64z4gn
'美國前駐台協會主席等美友人 關切台灣司法公平的連署聲明' [2008-11-27 23:33:58]

: "" 二十位國際學者與關心台灣的國際友人於今日發表聯署聲明,就近日一連串台灣政府不符合司法程序,收押與起訴民進黨政府官員的舉動,表示高度關心與憂心。這份共同聲明也於今日寄送司法院院長賴英照與法務部部長王清峰。


- - - - - - - - - - -
'JOINT STATEMENT, November 4, 2008: US, European and Australian scholars and writers express concern about prosecutions in Taiwan'

: "" The undersigned, scholars and writers from the US , Europe and Australia wish to express their deep concern about the recent series of detentions in Taiwan of present and former DPP government officials. To date there have been at least seven such cases (See list below).


It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan , but these have occurred in both political camps. The political neutrality of the judicial system is an essential element in a democracy. It is also essential that any accused are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.


We also believe that the procedures followed by the prosecutor\'s offices are severely flawed: while one or two of the accused have been formally charged, the majority is being held incommunicado without being charged. This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.


In the meantime, the prosecutor\'s offices evidently leak detrimental information to the press. This kind of "trial by press" is a violation of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the distinct impression that the Kuomintang authorities are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government. In addition, the people who are being held incommunicado are of course unable to defend themselves against the misreporting and the leaks in the news media.


We do firmly believe that any alleged wrongdoings must be dealt with in a fair and open manner in an impartial court. Justice through the rule of law is essential to Taiwan \'s efforts to consolidate democracy and protect fundamental human rights.


We do not want to see Taiwan \'s hard-earned democracy jeopardized in this manner. Taiwan can justifiably be proud of its transition to democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It would be sad for Taiwan and detrimental to its international image if the progress which was made during the past 20 years would be erased. Taiwan needs to move forward, not backwards to the unfair and unjust procedures as practiced during the dark days of Martial Law (1947-87).


Signed: 簽署人:

Nat Bellocchi, former Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan  
Julian Baum, former Taiwan Bureau Chief, Far Eastern Economic Review
Coen Blaauw, Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington DC
David Prager Branner, Director at Large ( East Asia ), American Oriental Society
Gordon G. Chang, author, "The Coming Collapse of China."
June Teufel Dreyer, Professor of Political Science, University of Miami , Florida
Edward Friedman, Professor of Political Science and East Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin , Madison
Bruce Jacobs, Professor of Asian Languages and Studies, Monash University , Melbourne , Australia
Richard C. Kagan, Professor Emeritus of History, Hamline University , St. Paul Minnesota
Jerome F. Keating, Associate Professor, National Taipei University (Ret.). Author, "Island in the Stream, a quick case study of Taiwan \'s complex history" and other works on Taiwan
Daniel Lynch, Associate Professor, School of International Relations , University of Southern California
Victor H. Mair, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Pennsylvania
Donald Rodgers, Associate Professor of Political Science, Austin College , Texas
Terence Russell, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Manitoba
Scott Simon, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa
John J. Tkacik Jr., Senior Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation, Washington DC
Gerrit van der Wees, Editor Taiwan Communiqué, Washington DC
Vincent Wei-cheng Wang, Professor of Political Science, University of Richmond , Virginia
Arthur Waldron, Lauder Professor of International Relations, University of Pennsylvania
Stephen Yates, President of DC Asia Advisory and former Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Specific cases of concern:

-- The arrest and detention on October 15th of former Interior minister Yu Cheng-hsien;
-- The arrest and detention on October 27th of former Hsinchu Science Park Director and Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection Dr. James Lee;
-- The arrest and detention on October 29th of DPP Chiayi County Commissioner Chen Ming-wen;
-- The indictment on October 30th of DPP Tainan City Councilor Wang Ting-yu;
-- The arrest and detention on October 31st of former National Security Council (NSC) secretary-general and Deputy Prime Minister Chiou I-jen;
-- The questioning of former Foreign Minister Dr. Mark Chen on November 3rd and insinuations in the press that he might be charged and arrested.
-- The arrest and detention on November 4th of DPP Yunlin County Magistrate Ms. Su Chih-fen.

JOINT STATEMENT November 4, 2008

US , European and Australian scholars and writers express concern
about prosecutions in Taiwan . The undersigned, scholars and writers
from the US , Europe and Australia wish to express their deep concern
about the recent series of detentions in Taiwan of present and former
DPP government officials. To date there have been at least seven such
cases (See listbelow).


It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan , but
these have occurred in both political camps.

The political neutrality of the judicial system is an essential
element in a democracy. It is also essential that any accused are
considered innocent until proven guilty in the court oflaw.


We also believe that the procedures followed by the prosecutor's
offices are severely flawed: while one or two of the accused have been
formally charged, the majority is being held incommunicado without
being charged. This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas
corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.


In the meantime, the prosecutor's offices evidently leak detrimental
information to the press. This kind of "trial by press" is a violation
of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the
distinct impression that the Kuomintang authorities are using the
judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government.
In addition, the people who are being held incommunicado are of course
unable to defend themselves against the misreporting and the leaks in the
news media.


We do firmly believe that any alleged wrongdoings must be dealt with
in a fair and open manner in an impartial court.
Justice through the rule of law is essential to Taiwan 's efforts to
consolidate democracy and protect fundamental human rights.


We do not want to see Taiwan's hard-earned democracy jeopardized in
this manner. Taiwan can justifiably be proud of its transition to
democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It would be sad for
Taiwan and detrimental to its international image if the progress
which was made during the past 20 years would be erased. Taiwan needs
to move forward, not backwards to the unfair and unjust procedures as
practiced during the dark days of Martial Law(1947-87).



Nat Bellocchi(白樂崎), former Chairman oftheAmerican Institute in Taiwan
Julian Baum(龐恩), former Taiwan BureauChief,Far Eastern Economic Review "
... ...

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1-3-2. '二十多名美國專家學者對台灣司法倒退寫第二封公開信' VOA記者:張佩芝 華盛頓 2008年12月3日 12-04-2008, 9:17 zl1001
大紀元論壇園地, 加入本站時間:12-20-2005 文章數:462 http://tinyurl.com/FormosaLaw2

世界民意網 >> 世界民意論坛 前一主題 國際人權聯盟關切馬英九當局拘捕與暴行公開信(漢譯本)
後一主題 鄧小平 踐踏民主與法制的元凶



VOA記者: 張佩芝 華盛頓 2008年12月3日

: "" 包括前美國在台協會理事主席白樂崎在內的二十多名美國專家學者星期二聯名寫第二封公開信給台灣法務部,對台灣司法單位近來對多名前民進党官員貪瀆案的偵辦過程與做法提出質疑。在此之前,這些專家學者在第一封公開信中表達了對台灣司法倒退的擔憂。

包括前美國在台協會理事主席白樂崎(Nat Bellocchi)在內的二十多名美國專家學者星期二再次聯合致函台灣法務部長王清峰,表達對最近台灣司法倒退的擔憂。

兩個星期前,白樂崎等人聯名寫信給台灣法務部,敦促台灣司法單位在偵辦前台灣內政部長余政憲、前外交部長陳唐山、嘉義縣長陳明文、前國安會秘書長邱義仁、云林縣長蘇治芬等7人可能涉及的貪腐案件時,能确保檢察官對外獨立性、實行無罪推定、遵守偵查不公開、落實公開審判等原則。 這些被調查的人當中許多都是陳水扁執政時期的民進党高層官員。




針對台灣法務部的聲明,白樂崎等人在12月2號刊登于台北時報的公開信中對台灣法務部長王清峰的迅速回應表示感謝,不過仍對法務部的說明提出六大點質疑。白樂崎等人認為,為了防止嫌疑人潛逃而采取預防性羈押的做法很明顯只能使用于罪行嚴重,嫌疑人可能會潛逃的情況下;然而在過去几個星期,這種預防性羈押的做法被廣泛使用,而且只用于現任或前任民進党官員身上,讓人怀疑台灣司法系統的公正性。 另外,台灣法務部表示,台灣的司法系統沒有受到政治操縱的影響,那么白樂崎等人也質疑,為什么在過去几個星期,只有民進党官員受到羈押,而且遭受不人道的待遇,包括被戴上手銬並遭到冗長的偵訊,而有明顯貪腐行為的國民党員的貪瀆案卻在司法過程中停滯不前,甚至沒有遭到起訴。




參與這封連署信的美國專家學者除了白樂崎之外還包括前美國副總統辦公室亞洲安全顧問葉望輝(Stephen Yates)、傳統基金會高級研究員譚慎格 (John Tkacik), 賓州大學教授林蔚(Arthur Waldron)、邁阿密大學教授金德芳(June Dreyer)等知名學者。



Open letter on erosion of justice in Taiwan
公開信 論台灣司法遭到侵蝕
Thursday, Nov 06, 2008

The undersigned, scholars and writers from the US, Europe and Australia, wish to express their deep concern about the recent series of detentions in Taiwan of present and former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government officials. To date there have been at least seven such cases.
It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan, but these have occurred in both political camps. The political neutrality of the judicial system is an essential element in a democracy. It is also essential that any accused are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.
We also believe that the procedures followed by the prosecutor’s offices are severely flawed: while one or two of the accused have been formally charged, the majority is being held incommunicado without being charged. This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.
In the meantime, the prosecutor’s offices evidently leak detrimental information to the press. This kind of “trial by press” is a violation of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the distinct impression that the Kuomintang (KMT) authorities are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government.
In addition, the people who are being held incommunicado are of course unable to defend themselves against the misreporting and the leaks in the news media.
We do firmly believe that any alleged wrongdoings must be dealt with in a fair and open manner in an impartial court. Justice through the rule of law is essential to Taiwan’s efforts to consolidate democracy and protect fundamental human rights.
We do not want to see Taiwan’s hard-earned democracy jeopardized in this manner. Taiwan can justifiably be proud of its transition to democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It would be sad for Taiwan and detrimental to its international image if the progress which was made during the past 20 years would be erased. Taiwan needs to move forward, not backwards to the unfair and unjust procedures as practiced during the dark days of Martial Law (1947-1987).
Signed: 發起人
Julian Baum
Former Far Eastern Economic Review bureau chief(前《遠東經濟評論》社長)
Nat Bellocchi (白樂崎)
Former American Institute in Taiwan chairman(前美國在台協會理事主席)
Coen Blaauw
Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington(台灣人公共事務協會)
David Prager Branner
Director at large (East Asia), American Oriental Society(美國東方學會東亞區理事長)
Gordon G. Chang 章家敦
Author of The Coming Collapse of China(《中國即將崩潰》作者)
PROF. June Teufel Dreyer
University of Miami(邁阿密大學外交政策研究中心教授)
PROF. Edward Friedman
University of Wisconsin(威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校政治系教授)
PROF. Bruce Jacobs
Monash University(澳洲莫那許大學中國研究學程教授)
Richard C. Kagan
Professor emeritus, Hamline University(美國亨萊大學歷史系教授)
Jerome Keating jkeating@ms67.hinet.net
Author and former associate professor, National Taipei University(前台北大學副教授)
Canadian Human Rights Association Puts Ma Ying-jeou's Government on Watch List
Thursday November 13, by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.
ASSOC. PROF. Daniel Lynch
School of International Relations, University of Southern California(南加大國際關係學院教授)
PROF. Victor H. Mair
University of Pennsylvania(賓州大學中國語文學教授)
ASSOC. PROF. Donald Rodgers
Austin College(奧斯汀學院教授)
PROF. Terence Russell
University of Manitoba(加拿大曼尼托巴大學教授)
PROF. Scott Simon
University of Ottawa(加拿大渥太華大學教授)
John J. Tkacik Jr 譚慎格 (經常在自由時報寫專欄的友台學者)
Senior research fellow, The Heritage Foundation(美國傳統基金會資深研究員)
Gerrit van der Wees
Editor, Taiwan Communique(《台灣公報》編輯)
PROF. Arthur Waldron
University of Pennsylvania(賓州大學教授)
PROF. Vincent Wei-cheng Wang 王維正
University of Richmond(美國李奇蒙大學政治系主任)
Stephen Yates 葉望輝 (President of DC Asia Advisory and former deputy assistant to the vice president for national security affairs.(華府首席亞洲顧問&前美國副總統國安事務副助理國務卿)

問題回報 "
... ...


1. "ChROP's" Rape of Taiwan's Democracy:----

1-4. '台美人社團聯合聲明 籲台灣司法守程序正義' [Taiwanese.Americans] [台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov16,08: 中央社 更新日期: Nov17,08 http://tinyurl.com/5axm6s

: "" (中央社記者林芥佑華盛頓十六日專電)三十一個旅美台灣人團體發表聲明,對台灣檢調單位偵辦前總統陳水扁家族海外金錢案的過程表達關切,這些社團呼籲,台灣司法應謹守公平、公正與正當程序,莫成為當權者打擊異己的政治工具。

由全美台灣同鄉會發起的這項連署聲明,包括台灣人公共事務會 (FAPA )在內,共有美國各地三十一個社團參與,這些台美人認為,負責偵辦陳前總統相關案件的特偵組並未提出確鑿証據,卻以手銬扣押一位卸任總統,對司法如此濫權,罔顧人權與程序正義,全美台灣同鄉會成員至感憤怒,要表示最強烈的抗議。



因此全美台灣同鄉會發起這項連署聲明,提出三項訴求:一、要求台灣司法回歸公正、公平、符合正當程序並嚴守無罪推定的原則,不能將司法作為打壓異己的政治工具。二、要求台灣人民認清馬政府不重人權的本質和以司法之名鏟除異己的白色恐怖的行為,向馬政權嚴正抗議,並嚴加監督。三、呼籲國際社會,特別是美國政府與國會議員,對馬政權罔顧人權提出嚴正警告。971116 ""


3. Taiwan's History and Realities:------------

3-3. '「海角七號」所顯示的 「台灣精神」' [美麗寶島 報導] 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov27,08: http://tinyurl.com/5funge

: "" 台灣希望電影中看得到 "
... ...
" 「海角七號」有純純的台灣味與台灣精神,她把台灣文化中純真與包容的一面很真實地反映出來,不管是戲中的男女主角以及其他的小人物,都是社會中不得志的邊緣人物,但是他們演出了真實生活中的自己,透過形形色色的愛情故事,他們共同完成了台灣社會的彩虹之夢 " ... ...


3. Taiwan's History and Realities:------------

3-4. '電影《一八九五》與陳雲林事件: 「反對賣台」「保衛家園」' 劉進興, [福爾摩莎 創值社] 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov26,08: http://tinyurl.com/5prgn7

: "" 陳雲林來台那天,電影《一八九五》有個試映會,大家都哭了。 " ... ...

" 試映會是台北水噹噹姊妹聯盟包的場。銀幕上北白川宮能久親王率近衛師團登陸

為他們「保衛家園」的高貴情操而百感交集。 "
... ...

" 反抗外侮,保衛家園。1895年時的對象是日本,2008年的對象已非日本,而是中
統治者比逃跑的唐景崧更離譜,竟然聯合外侮,訓令警察暴力打壓人民。 "

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3. Taiwan's History and Realities:------------

3-5. '《一八九五》的烈士與豎子---論「抗日?殺同胞?吳湯興史實翻案」' 自由電子報 Liberty Times: 自由廣場: 李筱峰專欄, Nov30,08: http://tinyurl.com/6qtsex

: "" 過去國民黨的教育每談到一八九五年台灣的抗日,都只著重唐景崧、丘逢甲、劉永福。然而這些人的「抗日」,禁不起歷史檢驗。唐景崧幹了十天的「台灣民主國」總統,日軍還在基隆,他就跑了;丘逢甲的抗日始終只是紙上功夫,說什麼「桑梓之地,義與存亡」,實則不曾打過一兵一卒一彈一砲,就捲走軍餉十萬銀兩潛逃了;劉永福也在主力部隊還未和日軍交戰,就抱著心愛的小狗從安平開溜了。最荒唐的是,唐景崧找來的一堆廣勇(廣東兵),駐守在北部,軍紀敗壞,擾民有加,抗日無能,最後官兵還變成盜賊!









(作者李筱峰現任國立台北教育大學台灣文化研究所教授,本文同時收錄於http://www.jimlee.org.tw) ""


2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-3. '2008-2009的新路線' 陳辰光: Nov28,08?

'RE: [GlobalForumIntl] Re: FW: 本土應有大氣度大胸襟---- 這就是統戰一環, 俗稱超限戰, 中國人有必要, 嬰兒照殺!' Cheng-Kuang Chen, Nov30,08:
'2008-2009的新路線' 環球漫話社:陳辰光 讀 ['爲何「台獨」是錯?「台灣建國」才對!'] 後感, Nov28,08? or Dec1,08:

: "" 馬匪的九流幫所做是陳儀土匪的剝削及恐怖主義制度復辟版;
N$1兌換T$4萬元, 糖米出口,錢進私帳,只要削減台灣人經濟或力量就做,亂抓人,寧誤殺99人也不放一人, 馬匪九流幫舉高債仍由台灣人買單, 18%高利貸也是百姓血汗錢買單! 加上先抓人再說,豈有此理!

台灣人只有兩個組織可扭轉乾坤, 打倒中華民國流亡政府! 可惜, 這兩個團体的路線大錯特錯; 兩者都捧ROC?? 寧做ROC狗,不願建國。
DPP有上萬党員, FAPA也有3000會員, 溫和方式可不斷要求 [脫離ROC架框],激進方式可改頭換面; 8年過了, 還用同樣思維, 保證無效;

其實兩者可保留現有的法律地位;有技巧的運作[法理建國運動], 夾帶(美國力量)施壓KMT及中國。

民進党, FAPA及台灣百萬民眾在AIT或美國白宮前要求美國;
(1) 註銷ROC軍事佔領, 遷回金馬
(2) 成立平民政府(美軍政府管轄下),取代中華民國流亡政府

這不是人氣淪落谷底的民進党和FAPA的暖身絕招嗎? 看看馬流亡政權如何接招, 看AIT主任代表如可請示白宮? 看中共在聯合國抓狂?
環球漫話 社 陳辰光 謹上 2008.11.28 ""


2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-2. '爲何「台獨」是錯?「台灣建國」才對!' 林志昇, 「控美政府案」代表人

'[GlobalForumIntl] 為何[台獨]是錯? [台灣建國]才對!' Nov30,08:
'爲何「台獨」是錯?「台灣建國」才對!' 林志昇; 「控美政府案」代表人:

: "" 台灣人高喊「台灣獨立萬歲」多年,美國國務院卻說:「台獨代表戰爭」,為什麼?臺灣人百思不解?以為向來主張「人權」「民主」「自由」的美國變了?其實,在一九五二年以前,台灣是日本領土,台灣人主張「獨立」脫離日本,是正確的,二戰後,日本「放棄」台灣,沒有交給誰?再喊「台灣獨立」,已經不符合國際認知,當然與全世界為敵!不得不防。 "
... ...


3. Taiwan's History and Realities:---

3-1.'台灣歷史風土及人物誌': Nov29,08: http://tinyurl.com/6zsjn9
您如果有好文章可與大家分享,請 email message 感謝!

1. 台灣歷史要事
2. 陳翠玉:台灣護理教育現代化的推手
3. 陳翠玉:現代女性領袖 - 台灣女英雄
4. 江文也:第一位名揚國際樂壇的台灣作曲家
5. 八田與一:嘉南平原水利之父
6. 被掠奪的台灣: 四萬換一塊的故事
7. 南島語系: 台灣獻給世界的禮物
8. Austronesian Language : Taiwan's Gift to the World

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3. Taiwan's History and Realities:------------

3-4. 台灣環境資訊協會 = Taiwan Environmental Information Center: http://e-info.org.tw/

'「經營之神」背後的環境代價知多少? 環團籲各界理性檢討' 台灣環境資訊協會, Oct24,08 台北訊,莫聞報導:
http://e-info.org.tw/node/38346 or http://tinyurl.com/6cwbnp

: "" 台塑集團創辦人王永慶15日在美辭世,社會各界一面倒以「經營之神」歌頌王永慶創下的典範,然而,環保團體昨(23)日召開座談會,一方面公開向王永慶家屬致哀,一方面也希望從台塑六輕對在地居民的衝擊、台塑獲利背後的環境成本與稅賦的公平性等層面,理性探討「台灣付出多少代價成就王永慶典範?」

台灣綠黨秘書長潘翰聲強調,召開這次最座談會的目的,是看到王永慶過世後,主流媒體呈現一言堂,將王永慶神格化,卻未探討台塑集團50多年來壯大的過程中,政府如何扶植台塑,就水、電、稅金、土地予以補貼,以及台塑集團如何透過捐贈來避稅。另外,台塑集團的二氧化碳排放量佔台灣1/4強,六輕建廠對雲林沿海數千養殖業者所受到的衝擊、雲林有了六輕後的困境,也都欠缺反省的聲音。 "
... ...

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2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-4-1. Taiwan Youth "Wild Strawberry Movement":

'《台灣老百姓的覺醒》: 「野草莓運動」' 宋泉盛, [福爾摩莎 創值社]: 台灣海外網 Taiwanus.net, Nov27,08: http://tinyurl.com/5ehx8r

: "" 台灣落葉知秋的季節已過﹐雖然還沒有到寒風刺骨的時候﹐涼爽宜人的季節已經到來。在炎熱天氣之下的機車騎士不再橫衝直撞地蠻駛﹐道路上的行人不再滿身大汗﹐ 埋怨太陽那麼不留情。所有的生靈都吐了一口氣﹐忘記炎熱的天氣帶來的抑鬱與焦慮﹐魔術般地笑逐顏開。跟這變化成強烈對比的﹐是政治情勢的每況愈下﹐在中國國民黨的馬集團執政之下﹐乖戾之氣愈來愈瀰漫全國﹐已經到了台灣人民的政治命運早不保夕的危機狀態。這絕非聳人聽聞之言。在外呼內應齊頭並進之下﹐中國國民黨與共產中國聯手﹐快馬加鞭地拉緊套在台灣人民脖子上的繩子﹐直到斷氣為止。怎樣掙脫這致命的套繩贏得生機是台灣人民燃眉之急。


1. 保障「人權」﹑譴責「暴力」
2. 修改〈集會遊行法〉
3. 訂定修法時程表



老百姓(甲)你看這些學生﹐多懂事﹑多「可取」(kh chhu),實在令人感 動。我們的香火終於可以傳到後代了﹗

坐輪椅的老百姓﹕ 對﹗這都是馬英九帶來的禍。我們怎麼可以讓他繼續這樣「黑白做」下去﹖台灣快被他玩死了。我們總要想個辦法﹗
做輪椅的老百姓: 你們都不對。他是中國的湖南人。他是中國人﹗


台灣自由﹑民主﹑主權的道路是一條坎坷不平的道路﹐還有很多阻礙物擋在我們面前。馬先生可以動用警察暴力人民﹐在民主的台灣倒行逆施﹐恐怖人民。但是﹐許多台灣的老百姓覺醒了﹗難道一千萬覺醒的老百姓不能扭轉台灣的乾坤嗎﹖我不相信﹗(2008/11/21) ""

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2-4-2. '野草莓學運的光芒: [以文找文]' | 主頁: 【12/07遊行】 野給你看---國家不暴力、人權向前進, Dec3,08: http://blog.yam.com/bunhu/article/18436467
or http://tinyurl.com/6k7wlh

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bunhu - TaioanTokLip Kiankok | 2008-12-03 10:02:21氣象
鼓勵此網誌:0  推薦這個部落格: 15

: "" 2008 11月初, 中國海協會陳匪雲林來台, 媚共黨動用全台8000警力圍住陳匪雲林, 讓陳匪雲林看不到台灣人民對中國統戰官員的憤怒, 在優勢警力及眾多群眾的怒火下, 警力在上揚唱片行的行為觸痛了所有熱愛這塊土地的人, 1106共有數萬人圍城, 發生重大警民衝突.
500名學生1105靜坐行政院, 1106被趨離, 終於展開全國性野草莓學生運動.
在野百合學運的17年後, 草莓學生運動以一種全新的方式展開, 利用網路直播跨校連結, 12/7決定實踐抗議集遊惡法的精神, 不申請集會遊行申請, 挑戰中國黨的危機處理能力!






*repeat 副歌

bunhu在天空部落發表於10:02:21 留言 (0) | 引用 (0) | 人氣 (4) | 轉寄
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http://blog.yam.com/bunhu/article/18436467 ""

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2-4-3. 'Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement Fights for Human Rights and Democracy'
http://tinyurl.com/StrawberryPetition Dec10,08 copied.

: "" View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

Since 6th November 2008, students in Taiwan have launched a sit-in movement against the "Parade and Assembly Law" which contradicts the Constitution Law. The movement fights for the human rights and the democracy in Taiwan.
Starting on November 3, with the visit of representatives from China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) to sign various agreements with our government , police officers have engaged in numerous abusive acts against peaceful protesters from various dissenting groups, under the guise of "keeping the peace". These acts have included arbitrary searches and prohibitions, seizure and destruction of property, physical assault, dispersion, and even arrest and detention. The vast majority of the victims of this police brutality were nowhere near ARATS Chairman Chen Yunlin, and were simply passing, standing, or photographing various areas when they were victimized.

Through reports in the media, we have come to realize the seriousness of the current situation. It is no longer a technical question of excessive law enforcement tactics, nor is it simply a partisan issue between supporters of various political parties. This is a proliferation of state sponsored violence that is provoking and attacking civil society. All these oppressive acts, which ignore human rights and democratic values are reminiscent of martial law. Even legislators from the ruling party have expressed concern over this issue to the Executive Yuan, only to see the chief authority - Premier Liu, dodge responsibility while providing only the flimsiest of excuses. We are stunned and outraged by this response, as well as ashamed and increasingly uneasy.

We must ask: Does increasing cross-Strait exchange require Taiwan to lower its standards of freedom and democracy, in order to achieve the same level of repressive authoritarian rule that China has?

In only a few short days, the liberal democracy that the people of Taiwan have fought so hard for has nearly collapsed amid massive police presence in the city, and the atmosphere of fear and repression that it brings. Behind its police state-like barricades, our government remains blinded by its delusions of a "meeting of historic proportions", and indulges itself in its receptions and banquets. Through this all, the peoples' constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of speech and movement have been cast aside, and even forgotten.

As many of their actions are unconstitutional, it is not surprising that not a single police officer before the cameras has been able to definitively state what law empowers them to carry out the orders issued to them by their superiors. Police officers are supposed to be civil servants charged with protecting the people. Yet under the outrageous requests issued from above, they have become thugs restricting and punishing the people for expressing their opinions. We have no intention of blaming individual police officers who can only obey orders issued by their superiors. Rather, we solemnly demand that the highest authorities in the government bear the largest share of political responsibility for these abuses.

We are simply a group of university professors, students, cultural workers, and citizens who are concerned about Taiwan's current state of disorder and future development. At 11AM on November 6, without any support or mobilization from any political party or civic group, we will assemble at the gate of the Executive Yuan in black clothes and face masks symbolizing our painful protest, and will join hands sitting in civil disobedience until our requests are met. We demand that--

1.President Ma Ying-jeou and Premier Liu Chao-shiuan must publicly apologize to all citizens.

2.National Police Agency Director-General Wang Cho-chiun and National Security Bureau Director Tsai Chaoming must step down.

3.The Legislative Yuan must revise the Parade and Assembly Law, which currently restricts the rights of the people.

Thousands of university students nationwide have joined by organizing their local protests since November 6.



The Undersigned View Current Signatures ""


2. Taiwan's Rebirth of DIRECT DEMOCRACY:-----

2-10. 'Formosa Foundation, 350 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 275, Los Angeles, CA 90071 | Tel 213.625.1991 | Fax 213.625.1941' Dec2,08: http://www.formosafoundation.org/
or http://tinyurl.com/5zvlvt

: "" The Formosa Foundation dedicates itself to the advancement of human rights, democracy, and the right to self-determination of Taiwan.


2009 Ambassador Program
Now Accepting Applications

The 2009 Ambassador Program, to be held in Washington D.C. from June 15 through 26, 2009. Click here for the Application Form and instructions. Deadline to apply is March 15, 2009.

Since it first launched in 2003, the Ambassador Program has demonstrated results from participants that goes beyond the two-week program. The Program prepares tomorrow's leaders towards building a pro-Taiwan community on and beyond the college campus. The congressional visits put Taiwan on the forefront of America's political agenda, and change the hearts and minds of American policymakers about Taiwan. ""
... ...


2-11. Citizen Congress Watch: http://tinyurl.com/CitizenCongWatch

: " 【社運聲明】60社運團體 譴責國民黨凍預算、政府黑手進公視
2008年 12月 10日




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1.21世紀憲改聯盟 2.人本教育基金會 3.公民監督國會聯盟 4.中華民國律師公會環境法委員會 5.主婦聯盟環境保護基金會 6.永續台灣文教基金會 7.台北市社區大學民間促進會 8.台南市環境保護聯盟 9.台南縣環境保護聯盟 10.台灣人權促進會 11.台灣小留學生家長協進會 12.台灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟 13.台灣永續聯盟 14.台灣母語教師聯盟 15.台灣動物社會研究會 16.台灣勞工陣線 17.台灣媒體觀察教育基金會 18.台灣環境保護聯盟 19.台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會 20.台灣蠻野心足生態協會 21.全國家長團體聯盟 22.社區大學全國促進會 23.高雄市柴山會 24.高雄醫學大學性別研究所 25.台東南島社區大學 26.青年勞動九五聯盟 27.納稅人監督政府聯盟 28.綠色主張工作室 29.愛盲基金會 30.樂活台灣協會 31.勵馨社會福利基金會 32.殘障聯盟 33.綠黨 (持續增加中) ""


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1) Formosan fine artist, Tsai Intang, and
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