Friday, July 4, 2008

#110: Internet/Media Intelligences: Venona. 0. Firefox. 1. 'Cmmnwlth of Nations TLD.: .cw. 2. Enc. 3. Propagandas. 08.7.4=5 - .11.11=2 3pm.

#110: Internet/Media. Venona. China > ChROC control, Intelliences, Propagandas, DTV: 08.7.4 - 08.11.11=2 3pm:
..Free annual credit report..QUICK, EASY & SECURE:

Digital TV: >
Taiwan Ch"ROC" Internet control:
ChKMT Taiwan takes China's Internet control:
'中華電信的網站過濾服務' 文/布萊克萊恩(與媒體對抗網站 工程師)

"" 中國管制過濾網路的「金盾工程」出現在台灣(補充更新)
馬‧ 還沒上,中國管制過濾網路的「金盾工程」,就已出現在台灣把所有挺台灣聲音都過濾掉嗎 ?已有數位媒抗網友指出使用Norton中文防毒軟體程式,連彭明敏基金會的鯨魚網站也被攔阻,被列入家長保護網站名單中,卻不會攔阻以暴力欺壓台灣人的愛國同心會網站,這是什麼標準?從一通中華電信的網路過濾服務電話透露出的警訊,請台派部落客提醒親友們注意。呼籲大家對這類服務說「不」,並請大家一起收集資料,將這類有過濾管制行為的各種軟體、電信服務、與商業宣傳一起收集起來,將來放到媒抗 Wiki,讓許多其他人可以參考。 此外,防毒軟體:antivir、avest、nod32、卡車司機。防火牆:outpost pro ......等等,都可以使用。至於norton和趨勢的產品千萬都不要用 ,太多動手腳的記錄了 !""

: "" 昨天接到一通中華電信客服打來的電話,想說服我加入他們的新計畫:替 ADSL 客戶進行色情網站等等的過濾服務。客服小姐宣稱,只要他們設定好,他們就可以幫我們將許多「不良」的網站過濾掉。

客服人員並且嘗試以家中有沒有小朋友當作說服的藉口。但稍懂電腦的人都知道,只要安裝適當的電腦個人防火牆軟體或相關軟體(許多是免費的),經由網址(URL)與內容關鍵字的過濾,一樣可以輕易達到相似的阻絕功能,不需要從 ADSL 或寬頻的源頭作管制與過濾。


中國共產黨管制過濾網路的「金盾工程」,舉世有名。之前也曾經發生法輪功人士「據稱」在台灣北部某山區以電訊干擾中國的電視訊號,台灣的電信相關單位居然「主動」派人去幫共產黨到山區搜尋「協助調查」。我要在此呼籲媒抗的網路使用者,對這類服務說「不」,並請大家一起收集資料,將這類有過濾管制行為的各種軟體、電信服務、與商業宣傳一起收集起來,將來放到媒抗 Wiki,讓許多其他人可以參考 ""
... ...
'Venona project': 1942?-1980: Wikipedia, Oct13,08 (Redirected from Venona):

: """ The Venona project was a long-running and highly secret collaboration between intelligence agencies of the United States and United Kingdom that involved the cryptanalysis of messages sent by several intelligence agencies of the Soviet Union, mostly during World War II. There were known to be at least 13 code words for this effort used by the U.S. and UK. "Venona" was the last one used. It has no known meaning. (In the decrypted documents issued from the National Security Agency, 'VENONA' is written in full capitals; authors writing on the subject generally capitalize only the first letter.)

In the early years of the Cold War, Venona would be an important source of information on Soviet intelligence activity for the Western powers. Although unknown to the public, and even to presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman, the closely guarded program was of critical importance behind many famous events of the early Cold War, such as the Rosenberg spying case and the defections of Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess.

Most of the messages which would later prove to be decipherable were intercepted between 1942 and 1945 when the existence of the program was revealed to the Soviet Union by NKVD agent and US Army SIGINT cryptologist Bill Weisband. [1] They were decrypted beginning in 1946 and continuing until 1980, when Venona was cancelled. "
0. Individuals:-------------------
0-1. Softwares:-------------------
'Firefox 2 Release Notes' Sep23,08:
0-1-1. 'Direct Democracy Communities'
0-1-2. 'Japanese Girl Sensation: Virtual Boyfriends (Webkare)'
0-1-3. 'Review: Lifestreaming sites can organize Web lives'

0-2. 'Proof! Just six degrees of separation between us: After checking 30 billion electronic messages, Microsoft researchers say the theory stands up'
0-3. ' nfovell's 'research engine' finds deep Web pages that Google, Yahoo miss '
1. Nations:-----------------------
1-1. Commonwealth of Nations:-----
1-1-1. Commonwealth of Nations TLD: .cw:
1-1-2. Commonwealth Nations Research Society (CNRS)
1-2. German Governments:--------
1-2-1. 'Pirate Party Official Raided after Uncovering State Trojan'
1-3. US Politics:---------------
1-3-1. Obama Networks:----------
'Obama Election Ushering In First Internet Presidency' Mitch Wagner: InformationWeek, Nov5,08:

2. Encyclopedias:-----------------
2-1. 'Medpedia: Online Encyclopedia of Medicine' medGadget:
2-2. 'Wikipedia hosts human gene repository'
3. Propagandas:--------------------
3-1. Freedom Media Project':
3-2. Nanking Massacre:-------------


0. Individuals:--------------------

0-1. Softwares:--------------------
'Firefox 2 Release Notes' Release Date: Sep23,08:
Eons Book Gallery: 'AUTHORS INTERACTIVE CHAT' 08.10.4-5:

0-1-1. 'Direct Democracy Communities' July13,08

: "" Let's start promoting Direct Democracy everywhere!

Forum: Direct Democracy communities, real/virtual
Topic created by: bbcweb
Started: 2008-07-13

Joined: 03 Mar 2005
Posted: 2008-07-13 10:36 AM
We have serious problems threatening us all. Let's organize and promote Direct Democracy for organized peoples' drive for peace. ""


0-1-2. 'Japanese Girl Sensation: Virtual Boyfriends (Webkare)' Serkan Toto on Sep20,08, TechCrunch:

: "" In Japan, girls are crazy over virtual boyfriends. Webkare (Web Boyfriend in Japanese), a mix between a social network and dating simulation site, is Nippon’s newest web sensation. Geared exclusively towards girls, the site attracted over 10,000 members just 5 days after its release on September 10, racking up 3.5 million page views in the same time frame.

The site is a huge hit over here. Girls sign up and become members of a social network but also users of a dating simulation in cartoon style. They have to try to hook up with one of four male Anime characters (who are the “stars” of the site) through “conversations” and must collaborate with other Webkare members in order to move on in the game. Eventually they conquer the heart of the chosen cartoon boy.

It’s pretty weird but clever. Dating simulations have been popular in Japan for quite a while now, but Webkare marks the first time the concept has been brought online and combined with social networking functionality. "


0-1-3. 'Review: Lifestreaming sites can organize Web lives' RACHEL METZ, AP Technology Writer:, Sep24,08:

: "" They aggregate information not only about what you and your friends are up to on Facebook, but all over the Web as well.

I tested several of these sites to see whether they would help me get organized - better in touch with what my friends are writing and doing. It turns out lifestreaming is useful, though definitely not for everyone.


FriendFeed: FriendFeed is an easy-to-use starting point for organizing your Web life and sharing your thoughts about it with other people.

Friendfeed can gather updates from dozens of social Web sites, making it simple to arrange all my Twitter posts, Gmail Chat status updates and other online tidbits in one profile.

I also wanted to use FriendFeed to collect all my friends' activities. This was simplified by the site's option to search my Gmail address book for FriendFeed users. Surprisingly, about a dozen people I know - including my older brother - were already using it. "


0-2. 6.6 Degrees:------------------

'Proof! Just six degrees of separation between us: After checking 30 billion electronic messages, Microsoft researchers say the theory stands up' David Smith, technology correspondent: The Observer: Aug3,08:

: "" In a world of 6.6 billion people, it does seem hard to believe. The theory of six degrees of separation contends that, because we are all linked by chains of acquaintance, you are just six introductions away from any other person on the planet. "
... ...

... ... " Facebook, the online social network, has a 'six degrees' application to test the theory through the connections of Facebook users. That may reduce a degree or two: Barack Obama already has well over a million Facebook friends. ""


0-3. ' nfovell's 'research engine' finds deep Web pages that Google, Yahoo miss ' Lisa Zyga, Sep8,08:

Technology/Internet: With Infovell, users search with key phrases up to 25,000 words long, rather than keywords. Image credit: Infovell.

: "" According to a study by the University of California at Berkeley, traditional search engines such as Google and Yahoo index only about 0.2% of the Internet. The remaining 99.8%, known as the "deep Web," is a vast body of public and subscription-based information that traditional search engines can't access.

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To dig into this "invisible" information, scientists have developed a new search engine called Infovell geared at helping researchers find often obscure data in the deep Web. As scientists working on the Human Genome Project, Infovell´s founders designed the new searching technology based on methods in genomics research. Instead of using keywords, Infovell accepts much longer search terms, and in any language.

"There are no ´keywords´ in genetics," explains Infovell´s Web site. "New unique and powerful techniques have been developed to extract knowledge from genes. Now, through Infovell, these techniques have, for the first time, been applied to language and other symbol systems, shattering long-held barriers in search and leapfrogging the capabilities of current search providers to deliver the World´s Research Engine."

While keywords may work fine for the general public looking for popular and accessible content, they don´t often meet the needs of researchers looking for specific data. As information in the deep web continues to grow, Infovell explains that a one-size-fits-all approach to searching will make academic searching even more challenging.

One reason is the nature of deep Web sites themselves. While many popular Web sites are specifically designed to be search-engine friendly, a lot of deep Web content is unstructured, making it difficult for keyword-based search engines to index. Further, the deep Web does not receive much traffic, meaning these pages don´t have many incoming links and therefore aren´t ranked highly by systems such as Google´s PageRank. And for private sites, barriers such as registration and subscription requirements also make it difficult for search engines to access them.

Searching with keywords also presents a trade-off between being too general and getting millions of irrelevant results, or being too specific and not getting any results at all. After getting results, users then have to sift through many pages looking for what they need.

But with Infovell, users search with "KeyPhrases," from paragraphs to whole documents or even sets of documents up to 25,000 words. Because it´s born out of the world of genomics, Infovell is also language-independent. Users can search in English, Chinese, Arabic, or even mathematical symbols, chemical formulas, or musical notes. "The key requirement is that the information is in digital format, and it can be stored in a linear, sequential and segregated manner," according to Infovell´s site.

Infovell´s technology allows users to locate the most current and comprehensive documents and published articles from billions of pages, with topics including life sciences, medicine, patents, industry news, and other reference content.

Currently, some researchers use advanced search options provided by individual sites to try to get around keyword search engines. However, these search engines require users to learn special syntax, and only work for the site they´re at. The advantage of Infovell is that it doesn´t require special training (and it doesn´t use Boolean operators, taxonomies or clustering); rather, it is easy to use and can search everything at once.

Although Infovell is not the first attempt at a search engine for crawling the deep Web, its developers hope that researchers will benefit from Infovell´s advantages more in the future, especially as the deep Web continues to grow.

Infovell is being demonstrated at DEMOfall08, a conference for emerging technologies taking place in San Diego on September 7-9. Users can sign up for a 30-day risk-free trial at Infovell´s Web site, and Infovell is initially available on a subscription basis. Later this year, Infovell will release a free beta version on a limited basis without some of the advanced features in the premium version.

More information:
» Next Article in Technology - Internet: Google copying, storing more stories fit for print (Update) ""

1. Nations:------------------------

1-1. Commonwealth of Nations:------

1-1-1. 'Commonwealth of Nations TLD comes alive': .CW

: "" Commonwealth of Nations TLD comes alive
At the end of a four-month Internet poll, the .CW Commonwealth TLD came alive in the Cesidian Root
Issued By: Most Rev Dr Cesidio Tallini
Jul 04, 2008 12:27:00 Click to see PDF Version of this Press Release

Commonwealth of Nations flag

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 04, 2008 – In a Commonwealth Nations Research Society (CNRS) Internet poll created on 21 February 2008 and closed today, Internet navigators were asked the following question: "Which alternative top-level domain (TLD) would you create for the Commonwealth of Nations? Please note that .CN has been taken by China already, so it is not an option."

Four different and suitable options were given for a top-level domain (TLD) representing the entire Commonwealth, and Internet navigators were allowed to pick their favourite choice among the four different TLD options — .CW, .CTH, .CWTH and .BCN — for over four months.

The results of the poll are now in, and the winning TLD was the .CW with 52 out of 77, or approximately 67.5 percent of all votes.

As a result of this poll, on 4 July 2008, the day on which the United States celebrates its independence from what is today, in effect, the Commonwealth of Nations, the .CW TLD was activated, and now the first .CW domain, the activated for the Commonwealth Nations Research Society's own use, is working flawlessly in the Cesidian Root, an intercontinental alternative DNS root.

James Alcock, Member of the CNRS International Committee, has expressed the desire to also activate the domains of Commonwealth member nations, not just the,, and, domains representing Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, but also the domains of other Commonwealth member nations such as India, South Africa, Singapore and others as well. Mr. Alcock also intends to issue specific domains for other Commonwealth organisations besides the Commonwealth Nations Research Society, such as a domain for the Commonwealth Secretariat website.

Happy Independence Day, Commonwealth of Nations! ""

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1-1-2. Commonwealth Nations Research Society (CNRS):


1-2. German Governments:--------

1-2-1. 'Pirate Party Official Raided after Uncovering State Trojan' Written by Ernesto on Sep17,08:

: "" The spokesperson of the German Pirate Party saw his house raided after the party published a leaked document which showed that the government uses a homemade “trojan” to wiretap Skype conversations. In addition, a server from another party member was seized.

The Pirate Party is known for it’s battle against the ever increasing government surveillance on the public. So, when an anonymous whistleblower sent them a internal document which showed that the government went as far as installing trojans on computers, they didn’t hesitate to publish it.

German authorities weren’t too happy about the leak, which might be illegal according to a criminal law specialist, and went after the source. Earlier this week police searched the home of the Pirate Party spokesperson where they hoped to find more information. In addition to the home search, a server from another party member was seized. The server, however, was fully encrypted, so chances are low that it will uncover the whistleblower.

In a response, Andreas Popp, Chairman of the Bavarian Pirate Party said: “A brave person leaks documents to the Pirate Party, to inform the public about a procedure of the Bavarian Government, which is highly likely to violate the constitution. Now this persons is hunted like a criminal. Private rooms are raided, servers get seized.”

Pirate Parties around the world will continue to speak out against these, and other privacy threats. The trojan in question (German) was able to tap into Skype calls and intercept traffic to encrypted websites.
Saved in: DRM and Other Evil, Hot Off The Press, Legal Issues
Tags: germany, pirate pary, trojan

Previously: Danish ISPs Reject Anti-Piracy Proposals

Next: Norbits Hackers Threaten to Release User Info

Related Entries

* Anti-Piracy Trojan
* Pirate Parties on the Rise
* US Pirate Party
* Yet Another Pirate Party ""


1-3. US Politics:---------------

1-3-1. Obama Networks:----------

'Obama Election Ushering In First Internet Presidency' Mitch Wagner: InformationWeek, Nov5,08:

""Pioneering use of Web 2.0 and social networking technologies by the president-elect's campaign has seemingly transformed politics, and could influence government as well.""

: "" The 2008 presidential election marked two great changes of the guard. The biggest immediate change, of course, was the election of an African-American Democrat as the next president of the United States.

But perhaps a bigger change over the long term was the crowning of the Internet as the king of all political media. It was the end of the era of television presidency that started with JFK, and the beginning of the Internet presidency.

"Barack Obama built the biggest network of supporters we've seen, using the Internet to do it," Joe Trippi, an Internet political and business consultant who pioneered the use of the Internet in politics managing Howard Dean campaign in 2004, and who managed John Edwards' campaign in this election, told InformationWeek. "I don't think there's any doubt that communication through YouTube and other social networks put him over the top."

Obama used a combination of television, the Internet, and social media to recruit volunteers and supporters, and cement relationships with them. He asked supporters to supply their cell phone numbers, and sent out regular text-message blasts, even announcing his selection for vice president over text message. Using a custom social networking site, created with the help of a Facebook co-founder, Obama supporters were able to log in and find lists of people they could call, or whose doors they could knock on, to try to persuade others to vote for their candidate.

And it's only the beginning, said Trippi. That kind of networking will likely transform the White House. Trippi anticipates Obama will create a similar social networking for his legislative initiatives and recruit supporters to lobby Congress to get his policies enacted into law.

The result will be further increase of presidential power and the erosion of congressional authority. "Congress will be put between a rock and a hard place, if millions of citizens sign up to help the president pass his agenda," Trippi said. "If the president says, 'Here are the members of Congress who stand in the way of us passing health care reform,' I would not want to be one of those people. You'll have 10 or 15 million networked Americans barging in on the members of Congress telling them to get in line with the program and pass the health care reform bill. That will be a power that no American president has had before. Congress' power will be taken over by the American people."

The Obama administration is expected to build on a foundation of grassroots support in his private social network, on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. YouTube users alone spent 14.5 million hours watching official Barack Obama campaign videos -- and that isn't even including user-generated videos, Trippi said, adding that amount of network time for political commercials would have cost $46 million -- and, while YouTube users requested the videos and therefore most likely watched them, there's no way to tell whether anybody's watching TV commercials.

The Obama campaign used Google (NSDQ: GOOG) Maps mashups to help volunteers find local campaign resources and people to contact and try to persuade. And, of course, it used the Internet to solicit donations. Some 3.2 million people donated to the Obama campaign through its Web site.

Page 2: Obama On Facebook, Twitter, And Elsewhere
1 | 2 Next Page »

Obama's Facebook page has 2.6 million supporters. Obama's official Facebook application has 161,000 active users, who used the application to share news items, blog posts, speeches, and videos.

The BarackObama Twitter account has about 123,000 followers, making it the most popular account on Twitter, according to the Twitter tracking site Twitterholic.

By comparison, John McCain's Facebook page had 624,000 supporters.

The statistics mashup tool reported that Obama was mentioned in nearly 500 million blog posts since the conventions at the end of August. During the same period, only about 150 million posts mentioned McCain. On social networks, Obama led, with 844,927 MySpace friends compared with McCain's 219,404, according to the Web 2.0 blog ReadWriteWeb.

Joe Baker is one Obama volunteer who used the Internet to help work for his candidate. He worked in an Obama campaign office in Chico, Calif., making phone calls to persuade voters, staffing the front desk, taking donations, and greeting people and taking donations. Baker is a disabled, retired Army officer.

He praised the Neighbor to Neighbor application on the Obama Web site as a means of getting out the vote. Obama supporters in swing states could log on to the Obama Web site and get a phone list of people in their neighborhoods to call and encourage them to vote for Obama. Baker and his colleagues in Chico used the site to coordinate with Democrats in Reno, Nev., to persuade Nevada voters to support Obama.

"MyBarackObama was very much a key place," Baker said. "The tenet of the campaign was to always send people directly to what Obama had said." The campaign made that easy by making Obama's position papers, statements, and videos readily available. "They didn't necessarily want us to tell people our opinions, they wanted it to be representative of what Obama thought."

Baker, whose injuries sustained in Vietnam and subsequent military service make it difficult for him to stand or walk for long periods, is active in Second Life, using the name "Willys Faulkes." He built an Obama campaign headquarters in the virtual world, where supporters could download campaign literature and get in discussions with other Obama supporters, undecided voters, and McCain supporters as well -- the Republican campaign also had supporters in Second Life.

Obama's Internet candidacy should be a lesson for business as well, said Trippi, who does both political and business consulting on the use of the Internet. "You have to change your whole way of thinking," he said. "You're going to lose control of your brand to a large degree, unless you create networks to change your brand."

Historically, businesses have sought to be big and controlling Goliaths, and the Internet and social networks are becoming armies of Davids. "You don't want to be Goliath anymore, you want to be the guys handing out the slingshots," Trippi said.

For example: The traditional recording industry is a Goliath, trying to force people to continue to buy whole albums and CDs to get one good song. The army of Davids consists of consumers downloading music.

Apple is the company selling slingshots, in the form of iPods and iTunes. ""


2. Encyclopedias:---------------

2-1. 'Medpedia: Online Encyclopedia of Medicine' medGadget: July24,08:

: "" A group of American medical schools is working on a project to essentially collect and organize all medical knowledge in a Wikipedia-like form. Access to MedPedia will be available to all, but editing rights will be limited to M.D.'s and Ph.D.'s in relevant fields of research. Harvard, Stanford, the University of Michigan, and Berkeley will kick off the site with initial content and work with the rest of the medical community to make it comprehensive. With that in mind, the project organizers are calling on all M.D's and Ph.D's to register to become editors of what they believe will be the largest and most complete encyclopedia of medicine in history. "


2-2. 'Wikipedia hosts human gene repository' Liz Tay July10,08

Related Articles:
* Wiki lovers to meet in real, live library
* Wikipedia survey to analyse volunteer community
* British Library starts email archive
* Oxford Dictionary finally recognises 'wiki'
* Boffins eye gene therapy to cure blindness

: "" U.S. scientists are developing a “Gene Wiki” with the aim of fostering a flexible, organic archive of human genetic information.

The project exists within Wikipedia, and is expected to speed up the process of deciphering genome sequences.

According to Andrew Su, whose report of the project appears this week in the scientific journal PLoS Biology, the researchers were emboldened to develop the Wiki by Wikipedia’s “Be Bold” ethos.

To speed up the development of the ‘Gene Wiki’, the researchers developed a computer program that downloads information from existing databases, formats it, and posts the information as a ‘stub’ article on Wikipedia.

The stub articles are expected to seed the posting of more detailed information by Wikipedia users. Ultimately, the researchers hope to create a network of articles that will describe the relationship and functions of all human genes.

“Since the content in the Gene Wiki is encyclopedic in nature, then it only made sense to work in the context of Wikipedia than trying to compete with it,” said Su, a Senior Research Investigator at the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation.

“Moreover, there are a lot of advantages of working there,” he told iTnews, highlighting Wikipedia’s active group of users, existing pages about related concepts, and search engine visibility as examples.

“Ever since Wikipedia was launched, there have been a huge number of one-off wikis [that] pop up in the hopes that they can duplicate Wikipedia’s success,” he said.

“Probably the vast majority of these fail, and they usually fail because they never get the critical mass of users that are necessary to keep a wiki alive.”

Like many undertakings in user-generated content, however, the Gene Wiki has raised some concerns to do with the reliability and accuracy of its content.

In the past, Wikipedia has been the target of occasional “non-productive edits” such as vandalism and inaccurate additions.

But as the Gene Wiki involves specialist, non-mainstream information, Su expects vandalism to be a minor issue. Inaccurate additions should be easily overcome by a community of editors with the aid of referencing in footnotes.

“Users need to understand that reading a Wikipedia article is not like reading a journal article,” he noted. “At any given moment, the article may be incomplete, misleading, or just plain wrong.”

“But overall, things will trend toward being correct and up-to-date,” Su said, citing a recent study by scientific journal Nature that found Wikipedia to be of similar accuracy to the Online Britannica for science topics.

Since the launch of the project, the researchers have found the number of edits on mammalian gene pages to have doubled.

The researchers hope to create a positive feedback loop among scientists to improve the project and encourage community contribution.

“I think the idea of community intelligence is a proven model that will undoubtedly have a place in scientific research,” Su told iTnews.

“What the exact model should look like is certainly open to debate, and more importantly, trial-and-error.”

“I hope that many alternatives are tried by many different organizations, and it will up to the community to decide which option or options are workable,” he said.

“The best part is that people vote with their participation.” ""


3. Propagandas:-----------------

3-1. 'The Freedom Media Project' Gary Franchi: Jul3,08:

: "" In 2006 I spoke at a conference in Chicago about the need to "become the media." In 2007 we took our first steps and broke into print media to combat the mainstream propaganda pushed on the newsstands. That year we published a cover story about "Taking Back the Media". television2.pngIn 2008 we were approached by the owner of a new television network and asked to produce content for their network for broadcasting in 50 million homes across America. Over the last few months we have been diligently putting members of a team together to meet the needs of this new network and spread the freedom message further than it has ever gone before.

We're building a TV studio / soundstage! "


3-2. Nanking Massacre:------------

'TOP-SECRET: CHINESE NATIONALIST DOCUMENTS REVEAL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE NANKING INCIDENT' Higashinakano Shudo, Professor of Intellectual History, Asia University, Tokyo: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact: or

: "" Published by Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Shin Sakuma Bldg., 3F
2-13-14, Nishi-Shimbashi,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 150-003 Japan

Copyright ©2008 by Higashinakano Shudo
Original Japanese Language edition
published by Seishisha, Tokyo, Japan 2006.
English translation rights
owned by Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact.
All rights reserved, including the rights of
reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Printed in Japan

Japanese, Chinese and Korean personal names have been rendered surname first, in accordance with customs in those countries.
The hanyu pinyin Romanization system has been used to translate Chinese personal and place names, with the exception of Wade-Giles translations that are still in common use (e.g. Yangtze River, Chiang Kai-shek).


§1 What War Means as the authority for the Nanking Massacre
§2 Suspicions that What War Means was a work of propaganda
§3 Getting hold of a top-secret document
§4 What War Means was an anti-Japanese propaganda book after all
§5 For a new investigation from the perspective of war propaganda

§1 From the Second Shanghai Incident to all-out warfare
§2 The Nanking dilemma: abandon the city, or defend it to the last man
§3 The establishment of the International Propaganda Section of the Kuomintang’s Central Propaganda Bureau
§4 Dong Xianguang and Zeng Xubai: the men who spearheaded the Kuomingang’s CPB

§1 The propaganda operations and anti-enemy propaganda that were the core of international propaganda
§2 Propaganda operations using Christian organizations
§3 Propaganda operations using foreign friends
§4 A thorough and rigorous screening of articles by foreign journalists
§5 The aim of anti-enemy propaganda
§6 Anti-enemy propaganda aimed at Japanese forces on the continent
§7 Anti-enemy propaganda aimed at Japanese inside and outside Japan

§1 The inauguration of the International Committee
§2 Tea parties and meetings with journalists held in Nanking
§3 The number of refugees
§4 The site of the Safety Zone
§5 Chinese military installations that did not withdraw from the Safety Zone
§6 Defensive problems with the Safety Zone’s fatal defects
§7 Those around Rabe, part one — the Americans involved with the Guomindang government
§8 Those around Rabe, part two — the hiding of Chinese soldiers
§9 Those around Rabe, part three — why were Chinese soldiers left behind?
§10 Disarming Chinese soldiers and letting them into the Safety Zone

§1 The CPB anticipated defeat in the battle for Nanking
§2 The CPB and the newspapermen
§3 Durdin’s article
§4 There was another plan to make Japan pay dearly to occupy Nanking
§5 Durdin and Steel report a “massacre in Nanking”
§6 What did the other three journalists see?
§7 Smith’s talk
§8 Records of foreigners living in Nanking
§9 Bates’ “report” to the American newspapers
§10 Those concerned with What War Means get started
§11 There was no response to the American articles
§12 The CPB recognized that the “Nanking Massacre Story” was a false report

§1 The role served by Timperley’s foreword
§2 The raw voices of Chapters One through Four of What War Means
§3 Investigation 1 — the first chapter of What War Means
§4 Population distribution up to the fall of Nanking
§5 The four-day period after the fall of Nanking
§6 Investigation 2 — the second chapter of What War Means
§7 Investigation 3 — the third chapter of What War Means
§8 Further evidence for a large number of executions
§9 The burial detail’s report was revised
§10 Investigation 4 — the first half of Chapter Four of What War Means

§1 Chinese soldiers after the city’s fall viewed in the light of international wartime law
§2 Ironclad rules that remain unchanged even today
§3 How should we regard Chinese soldiers who discarded their uniforms?
§4 The CPB examined the legality of the Japanese army’s executions
§5 The CPB erases Bates’ two sentences
§6 The government of Chiang Kai-shek continued to remove the insinuation of Japan’s unlawful execution of 40,000
§7 Bates himself repudiated the claim of Japan’s unlawful execution of 40,000
§8 Further evidence that the CPB considered the executions to be lawful

§1 Taking the viewpoint of propaganda warfare
§2 The basis for the Tokyo Tribunal was “the statements of witnesses”
§3 The witnesses who should have appeared at the Tokyo Tribunal did not do so
§4 The three American witnesses
§5 Problems with Bates
§6 Upon opening the treasure trove that was the top-secret documents



They say that it is darkest at the base of the lighthouse, and it is true. In writing about the Nanking Incident, one would think that all the historical documents have already been used up, but the principal documents have been left out. What I had overlooked was documents of the Guomindang’s Central Propaganda Bureau (hereafter CPB), who took on the duties of conducting propaganda warfare against Japan during the Sino–Japanese War (1937–1945).

Due to the military weakness on the part of Chiang Kai-shek’s Guomindang forces at the time, they began putting all their efforts into conducting a war of propaganda starting just before the fall of Nanking on Dec. 13, 1937. "

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" First, we feel that the “combative nature” of propaganda operations [conducted] since the Resistance [began] is growing particularly strong. Propaganda hitherto has been a type of warfare, but the combative nature of propaganda operations only grows higher in times of war.… Second, we believe that the since the Second-stage Resistance, the nature of the organization of propaganda operations has become particularly important. 8 "
... ...

" The (Oral) Summary of Propaganda Operations (1938). This document, highlighting the nature of the conflict in propoganda efforts, is preserved in the Guomindang Party Archives in Taipei. The line was placed by this author
8 (Oral) Summary of Propaganda Operations, 1938. Taipei: Guomindang Historical Documents Archive., p.1. "

... ...


Born in Kagoshima in 1947, Dr. HIGASHINAKANO Shudo is professor of history of political thought and Japanese intellectual history at Asia University in Tokyo. He majored in the history of German political thought and socialism at Kagoshima University and Osaka University. Prior to his appointment as professor at Asia University in 1995, he served as visiting professor ofJapanese intellectual history at Western Washington University (1985-86), and visiting scholar at the University of Hamburg (1988-89).

In 1990, a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dr. Higashinakano started to research the situation in Nanking in 1937. And since 1995, the main focus of his research interest has been this subject. He has been president of Japan Nanking Society since 2000.
He has published many books, among them Nankin gyakusatsu” no tettei kensho [An exhaustive study of the “Nanking Massacre”] (Tokyo: Tendensha, 1998), its English translation version The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction (Tokyo: Sekai Shuppan, Inc., 2005, Nankin jiken “shoko shashin” wo kensho suru [Analyzing the “photographic evidence” of the Nanking Massacre] (co-authored with Kobayashi Susumu and Fukunaga Shinjiro, Tokyo: Soshisha,2005), Nankin gyakusatsu kenkyu no saizensen, vols.1-4 [The front line of research on the Nanking Massacre, vols. 1-4] (Tokyo: Tendensha, 2002-2005), 1937 Nankin koryaku sen no shinjitsu [ The truth about the capture of Nanking in 1937] (Tokyo: Shogakukan Bunko, 2003), An Overview of the Nanking Massacre (Osaka: Kokumin Kaikan, 1999), Za reipu obu Nankin no kenkyu [A Study of the Rape of Nanking] (coauthored with Fujioka Nobukatsu, Tokyo: Tendensha, 1999), Higashi Doitsu shakaishugi taisei no kenkyu [A study of the socialistic system in East Germany] (Tokyo: Nansosha, 1996), and Kokka hasan: Higashi Doitsu shakaishugi no 45 nen [Bankruptcy of a state: 45 Years of Socialism in East Germany] (Tokyo: Tendensha, 1992). One of his research papers, titled “The Overall Picture of the Nanking Massacre,” is included in Nanking 1937: Memory and Healing (New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2002). ""


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