Tuesday, May 13, 2008

#68 BananasUF. //Neurotheology// 司法追殺謝長廷. 520「台灣民眾大會」籌備記者會: 08.5.13=2 6-10pm - 5.22=4 7pm.

'Why Bananas Are a Parable for Our Times' May22,08 http://tinyurl.com/4zk68w
: .."more heavily consumed even than rice or potatoes, has its own form of cancer. It is a fungus called Panama Disease, and it turns bananas brick-red and inedible."
.."There is no cure. They all die as it spreads, and it spreads quickly. Soon — in five, 10 or 30 years"
.."United Fruit took one particular type — the Gros Michael — out of the jungle and decided to mass produce it on vast plantations, shipping it on refrigerated boats across the globe."
.."United Fruit developed a cruel business model to deliver it. As the writer Dan Koeppel explains in his brilliant history Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, it worked like this. Find a poor, weak country. Make sure the government will serve your interests. If it won’t, topple it and replace it with one that will."
'Switching a National Psyche from War to Peace — Japanese Style' Ann Wright http://tinyurl.com/4suxh9


Neurotheology etc.:--------------------
"neural basis", "neural machinery":
' Brain's 'trust machinery' identified ' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/6aa97e
: "May 22, 2008, issue of the journal Neuron"

"The brain centers triggered by a betrayal of trust have been identified by researchers, who found they could suppress such triggering and maintain trust by administering the brain chemical oxytocin. The researchers said their findings not only offer basic insights into the neural machinery underlying trust; the results may also help in understanding the neural basis of social disorders such as phobias and autism."
... ...
'Cat brain could provide bionic eye firmware' May21,08 http://tinyurl.com/5dta4r
"Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute researchers hope one day to develop implants that make it possible for people to see without an optic nerve, by stimulating a part of the brain called the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), which receives and processes visual information from the retina, via the optic nerve, before sending it on to the cerebral cortex."
... ...

[08.5.22=4 7:12pm] to news@kurzweilai.net:

Dear gentlemen,

How nice your work, thanks so much! I have actually very simple question: Could the human nature be studied by systematic research into "religion" and related areas of human brain? Have those areas stared from the very beginning of brains? Are they most developed compared to other areas, and compared to other species, in human brains? And then, could those understandings contribute significantly to the solution of our serious contemporary problems?

Your insights would be highly appreciated.

Tsai Sheh-gni


[Tsai 08.5.18 #1] Beyond history and philosophy, science I think should be fully utilized to get to the human nature, so that the current serious human problems could be dealt with fundamentally. So we need brain studies. Beyond individual survival, group survival is essential to the former. By controlling others? Highly problematic, I think.

Rational behavior, has to be grounded on natural human nature, to be effective, it seems. Blind obedience and single-mindedness and deadly seriousness in some religious endeavours, could be overcome by "the nerual Buddhism"?

[Tsai 08.5.17=6 #1] Reply to Daily Digest gets blank epost with only "To" given. We humans evolved from the emergence of life with memory for survival, but with the emergence of "superpower" over all other lives. What is the latter? The basic human nature perhaps was born from there. It was not just the most powerful, like lions. It has something to do with organizing groups, but beyond ants or bees groups. It is accumulative beyond individuals group memory for survival AND for control over all others. Is the "religion" its instrument?

Is the "religion" regions of the brain, connected with all other similar experience, for example the effects of certain drugs and of all other similarly effective functions and materials?

I think the answer to your question (assuming that I understood it!) is closely tied to 9/11 - both the event itself, the reasons for it, and the reaction to it. ... ...

'The Neural Buddhists' DAVID BROOKS May13,08 http://tinyurl.com/5qhn5s
'Brain Waves: Neurotheology Rising - The Neural Buddhists' Zack Lynch May14,08 http://tinyurl.com/5h2556

"David Brooks continues his quest to discuss everything in terms of neuroscience. This week in The Neural Buddhists he declares, "Just as 'The Origin of Species' reshaped social thinking, just as Einstein’s theory of relativity affected art, so the revolution in neuroscience is having an effect on how people see the world.

He goes on, "This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism. Instead it will lead to what you might call neural Buddhism." The implications of which he suggest will be the following. "First, the self is not a fixed entity but a dynamic process of relationships. Second, underneath the patina of different religions, people around the world have common moral intuitions. Third, people are equipped to experience the sacred, to have moments of elevated experience when they transcend boundaries and overflow with love. Fourth, God can best be conceived as the nature one experiences at those moments, the unknowable total of all there is."

And he so aptly ends with, "We’re in the middle of a scientific revolution. It’s going to have big cultural effects." I think Brooks will be a fan of The Brain Wave when it is released next May."


'司法追殺謝長廷 清算抹黑不手軟' 李心怡 Apr17,08 New Taiwan:630 http://tinyurl.com/48audf
: "外界對於司法界的觀感,仍有「法院是國民黨開的」的感觸,民進黨執政時尚且如此,將來國民黨重新拾回政權,更難以撼動,對於未來司法方面的清算,謝長廷心裡有底"

Posted by: "台灣教授協會1" taup@seed.net.tw
Tue May 13, 2008 9:29 am (PDT)

(一) 日期:2008年5月13日(星期二)

(二) 時間:上午10:00

















◎ 一群主張「台灣獨立建國」的本土社團代表於5月2日決議:選定5月20日下午2點,在台北市大安森林公園召開「台灣民眾大會」。

◎ 「台灣民眾大會」由台灣教授協會會長蔡丁貴教授(左)擔任總指揮,右為副會長劉聰德教授。

◎ 5月3日(星期六)台灣教授協會執委會中確認520召開「台灣民眾大會」,由左至右:




◎ 由左至右,前排:楊東傑醫師、辜寬敏先生、黃崑虎先生;










※ 後記:




台灣教授協會(TAUP)副秘書長:李欣芬拍攝整理 2008/5/13

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