Friday, December 14, 2007

#63: Constitution:VA:Paul or Obama? future (Neocortex. RTP) < Rothbard:--To Anarchists, Counterculturalists, Pagans. 07.12.17=1 - 08.3.16=7 4pm.

'Recovering the Actual Constitution', by Kevin R. C. Gutzman; LewRockwell 2/16/08: :
: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution":
: Amazon: 'Gutzman unveils the radical inconsistency between constitutional law and the rule of law, and shows why and how the Supreme Court should be reined in to the proper role assigned to it by the Founders.'

"Virginia's American Revolution: From Dominion to Republic, 1776-1840":
'Virginians would take the lead in creating, and shaping, the federal Constitution. Their state-centered way of reading it flowed logically, entirely predictably, from their reasons for rebelling in the first place.'

"Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush":

'Neocons vs. the Real Constitution' 2/23/2008:
Nevadan Guns, 2/23/2008:
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 2/25/08:

Now What? 'Quo vadis, domine?' Terry Hulsey, 2/25/08:
'Hothead McCain'? Mar24 The Nation, Mar6,08 NYT:

'The Year of the Insurgents: Barack Obama, Ron Paul, and the new politics of protest' Unstoppable Obama', 2/22/2008:
'Why do McCain, Obama and Clinton Want a Bigger Military?' 2/26/08:
'Despite Antiwar Rhetoric, Clinton-Obama Plans Would Keep US Mercenaries, Troops in Iraq for Years to Come' Jeremy Scahill: 2/28/08:
"" Jeremy Scahill reports Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. Obama also has no plans to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in US war zones by January 2009. Despite their antiwar rhetoric, both Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of US troops in Iraq for many years.
Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill joins us now in our firehouse studio. Author of the bestselling book Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. His latest article is “Obama’s Mercenary Position.” It appears in the upcoming issue of The Nation magazine. ""
... ...

Barbara Ehrenreich 2/15/08:
'Obama’s Voice, Edwards’s Message' R Kuttner 2/15
But over Obama: '‘NAFTA-Gate’ Began with Remark From Harper’s Chief of Staff' 3/6/08

Obama, 'A President Like My Father', by Caroline Kennedy ; Published on Sunday, January 27, 2008 by The New York Times:

'New Report Recommends Unilateral Steps for the Next US President to Reduce Threat of Nuclear Weapons, Lead World to Eventual Ban' 2/13/2008:

"Swim Against the Current" J Hightower Grassroots Struggles
- - - - - - - - - - - -
UK: 'Fairtrade Profits Rise, but is the Small Farmer Missing Out?' 2/24/2008:
'Can Obama Save Us? Messiah, or snake-oil salesman?' 2/4/08:

'Why Hillary Clinton’s Iraq Vote Does Matter' 2/23/08
'Ron Paul: Bernanke Deliberately Destroying Dollar' 2/20/08

'On Dissolving the United States of America', by Michael S. Rozeff ; LewRockwell, 1.15=2 :
The end of the monopoly political State system:
'Alternative economics: John Poling with Cascadia Hours Exchange' 1/31/08: ------------------
'Texans Join Iraqi Oil Workers in International Oil Action' 2/19/2008:
Cascadia Hour Exchange (CHE): 'Our Mission'
:Co-housing, Eco-villages, Intentional Communities
------------------ BBCWeb Services:
'Local Alternative Currency Goes Public' 2/14/08:
League of South RP: :Jeffersonian Republicanism

Past to Present analysis of RP:
"The Revolution: A Manifesto", by Ron Paul: Grand Central Publishing (April 30, 2008):
:-->'Ron Paul's Revolutionary Manifesto', by Floy Lilley, February 1, 2008:
' Let's Legalize Competing Currencies', by Ron Paul:
: Before the US House of Representatives, February 13, 2008
'The Political and Economic Agenda for a Real Gold Standard', by Ron Paul ; ; Jan. 19, 08 :

" originally delivered at the Mises Institute's 1985 conference on the gold standard. It later appeared as the final chapter in The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School. "

'The Deflation Time Bomb', by Mike Whitney ; LewRockwell, 1.19=6 :
'Frodo Baggins: Ron Paul' of "Lord of the Rings":

" Ron Paul is now in a similar situation as Washington was in early 1777 ":
Paulians online:
The Loneliest Supporter in Israel:
The Person:
Happiness: 'Ron Paul and the New Revolutionaries":
A Bibliography for Paulists:
Ron Paul, "Pillars of Prosperity":
'Recession or Depression?' LewRockwell 1.10:

"A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship" (June 15, 2007):

' Ron Paul has always believed that foreign and domestic policy should be conducted according to the same principles. ... ... He has told the truth, always. For this, every American, every citizen of the world, is deeply in his debt. We can't but be deeply grateful that Ron Paul's prophetic words have been collected in this book. May it be widely distributed. May its lessons be absorbed by this and future generations. '-- Foreword, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
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'The Big Business of Organized Crime in Mexico', Rodger Baker 2/13/2008:
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'Thousands of Protesters Greet US War Games in Philippines' 2/19/08:
' Are Libertarians 'Anarchists'? ', by Murray N. Rothbard ; written in the mid-1950s for "Faith and Freedom" ; not published.
Right and Left:
"Our" Jefferson:
Unique Ron Paul:
Gun Owners:
Houses and Money:
A Family Life of RP:
Charlie Wilson's War: ;

To Anarchists, Counterculturalists, Feminists, Gun Owners, Pagans, Pastors, Left Libertarians, Liberals, Pakistan.
Pakistan: [Leave peoples alone here and everywhere]
To Pastors:
"Big Daddy" Don Garlits' 25:
USA 2007:
NYT 'Look at America':
USA’s Deadliest Year in Iraq:
Grass Farming > Global Warming:
RT Philosopher's blog:
Ron Paul future predicted by Murray Rothbard:
'The Real Aggressor', by Murray N. Rothbard ;

"" This article originally appeared in the April 1954 issue of Faith and Freedom.

A sign of our time is the split-personality of the conservatives. Many to the right of center are off on a schizophrenic pursuit of both liberty and collectivism.

In domestic affairs this regrettable condition is gradually being recognized for what it is. But the time is nigh for conservative foreign policy, as well, to be psychoanalyzed in hope of a cure! ""
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"" Yet while conservatives once preferred peace and "isolationism," in our day they appeal in vague terms for liberation of foreign nations and hint that "We've been at war with Communism for years, so let's get it over with." They bitterly denounce European "allies" for being neutralistic and therefore "unreliable," while they praise Chiang, Rhee, and Franco for being anti-Communist and therefore "reliable friends of the United States." They denounce our having entered the Korean War; yet denounce the Korean Truce and call for programs to carry war ever upward and onward.

The notion – very widespread – that we should not have entered the Korean War, but once in it should have launched a total war against China, flouts rules of logic. The best preventive of war is to refrain from warring – period. "" ... ...
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"" in general, the "emotional complex of fear and vaunting" noted by Garet Garrett, which Harry Elmer Barnes calls the "1984 pattern."

The tragic part of the whole situation is that it is the erstwhile isolationists, the ones who above all others should know better, who are leading the war parade.

Sinking ever deeper into a war psychosis, these conservatives have failed to perceive that our whole problem today, broadly speaking, is ideological rather than military! "" ... ...
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"" What we really have to combat is all statism, and not just the Communist brand. To take up arms against one set of socialists is not the way to stop socialism – indeed it is bound to increase socialism as all modern wars have done. ""
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"" The battle can only be waged in the realm of ideas and reason. "" ... ...
"" But some conservatives are failing to recognize that the enemy is statism, rather than simply Communism. "" ... ...
"" It is a fundamental libertarian proposition that the State only has the right to use force to defend the person and property of individuals against force. ""
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"" Yet, being duped by State officials is precisely what mankind has been putting up with for thousands of years. ""
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"" In a libertarian society though, it is the individual, not the State, which has the primary choice as to whether and how his defenses shall be maintained. "" ... ...
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"" The moral policy for libertarians is to see that the scope of war is kept as localized as possible. The State must be held to its responsibility to enter no foreign war – and to provoke no war via rash and irresponsible statements, official condemnations of other governments, or inordinate armament buildups.

Even if our nation is directly attacked by another, justice for those who look askance upon war efforts and levies still requires that the scope of State action be kept within responsible limits. The goal of all State action at such times must be a negotiated peace, "" ... ...
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... ... "" Old-fashioned international law facilitated the maintenance of neutrality and served the important purpose of greatly limiting the scope of any wars that arose.

Public opinion could then be educated to impose this type of international law to limit the scope of State action, just as Americans once used the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The United Nations, unfortunately, does not afford a good breeding ground for such constructive principles of international law and order. For it is the seedling of a world State, a master imperialistic power that would dominate the citizens of the entire subject world. Furthermore, the UN is basically committed to collective-security warfare against "aggression" and is therefore a warmongering organization in its very essence. ""
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"" To begin, the United States should pull out of the United Nations, and also out of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance.

Secondly, our government should repudiate all other foreign commitments and agreements and foreign aid or "security" endeavors, while withdrawing the military from foreign bases. ""
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"" Thirdly, the United States government should "recognize" Red China – on the basis of the old-fashioned international law principles of recognition. Prior to the interventionism of Woodrow Wilson, it was always understood that recognition – especially by a neutralist state – does not imply moral approval. The doctrine that it does has already been responsible for too many wars and bloodshed (vide the Stimson policy toward Japan). Recognition simply means recognizing the physical existence of a state – it is an act of sanity, not an act of praise. Whether we like it or not, Chiang is now ruler of Formosa alone – and no mere recognition or nonrecognition will alter that fact.

Unfetter World Trade

Fourthly, there should be reestablishment of free and unhampered trade with the Communist countries, by our own nation and by all other nations. Free world trade would not only help break down the iron curtain, but would benefit anti-Communist nations as well as Communist. "" ... ...

"" Above all, our foreign policy must not be self-defeating; it must be consistent; it must pursue peace instead of war; and it must advance individual American freedom.

Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) was the author of Man, Economy, and State, Conceived in Liberty, What Has Government Done to Our Money, For a New Liberty, The Case Against the Fed, and many other books and articles. He was also the editor – with Lew Rockwell – of The Rothbard-Rockwell Report. ""

'The Growth of Local Power Is a Bright Spot in Seven Bleak Years of Bush', Published on Friday, December 28, 2007 by The Guardian/UK ; :

American cities, counties and states have offered a crucial counterweight to the White House on the issues that really matter
by Rebecca Solnit

"" The centre cannot hold, and that’s the good news in the United States these days. Quietly, doggedly, cities, regions, counties and states have refused to march to the Bush administration’s drum when it comes to climate change, the environment and the war. Some of the recent changes are so sweeping that they will probably drag the nation along with them - notably efforts by Vermont, Massachusetts and California to set higher vehicle emissions standards and generally treat climate change as an environmental problem that can be addressed by regulation. "" ... ...
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Activist and cultural historian Rebecca Solnit is the author of Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power;

"Ron Paul is likely to be the next president":
And Approaching LIBERTY without state:
And Not Garet Garrett's essay, "Rise of Empire" cooking frogs:

Foreign policy:

the first Mr. Republican on the true principles of a Republican foreign policy: or
========================= or
' A Note to Principled Anarchists ', by Spencer Heath MacCallum, December 20, 2007.

"" Robert Higgs makes no bones about it: "The state is the most destructive institution human beings have ever devised "" ... ...
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... ... "" It is clear to me that the state is a social pathology. "" ... ... "" We suffer a deficiency disease – a deficiency of authentic social organization "" ... ...
"" True, the United States government under Ron Paul will continue all of the things governments do. That is its nature. I see no chance of "returning to the Constitution" under Ron Paul or anyone else; for that is not government’s nature. But Ron Paul promises to stop the altogether unnecessary deaths in Iraq, and based on his demonstrated character, I believe he can and will. ""


' An Open Letter to Anarchists on Behalf of Ron Paul ', by Anthony Gregory ; , December 17, 2007 :

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"" If Ron Paul were to actually win, he would indeed fail to smash the state entirely. That is neither his intention nor his promise. However, he would clearly move American society far closer toward the anarchist ideal. He would put to rest the most tyrannical and hierarchical organization as it concerns international affairs – the US empire. He would close down the American bases on foreign soil, halt the murderous invasions and bombings, stop dictating terms to other nations, and end the horrifying US regime of torture and indefinite, unchecked detentions. He would end the war on terror, which the two parties intend to maintain for a lifetime. All this alone would make Paul a remarkably unique president. On the world scene, it would finally mean anarchy between nations: There would be no global policeman, the role currently executed by the US government.

We would also see an end to the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on currency – the very mainspring from which the entire US corporate state emerges. We would see the federal drug war finally ended. We would see the greatest retrenchment of American state power since the end of World War I, if not ever. ""
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"" Since all social conditions, including political structures, are a reflection of public ideology, the Ron Paul Revolution has grand implications for the anarchist struggle, even should he not win the presidency. It has already woken many people up to the principles of liberty. It has exposed many of the contradictions of the state. It has encouraged the idea that the government is far too large and powerful – a conceptual first step for nearly anyone who comes around to adopt anarchism altogether. Most of us anarchists were not always such, and we owe much of our own understanding to intellectual movements over hundreds of years, especially the classical liberal tradition, which had a relationship of mutual influence with individualist anarchism in the nineteenth century. And today, Paul himself welcomes this long-established relationship, even pointing out at speaking engagements that the Ron Paul Revolution has its share of anarchists. What other politician would explicitly boast his anarchist support? Ron Paul's movement is one that puts liberty at the center, and can only be of great benefit to the anarchist cause in the future.

This brings me to a word for the left-anarchists. Many of you have, with some justification, pointed out that rightwing libertarians and conservatives sometimes misunderstand the true essence of state power and have political priorities that are not just flawed but counterproductive to the cause of liberty. Minarchists and conservatives who embrace the government’s police power, its law-and-order functions and military wing, and save most of their animosity for the welfare state, just don’t get it.

Although I consider the welfare state to be a truly stifling and reactionary organization – Noam Chomsky’s brand of anarchism notwithstanding – this left-anarchist critique of the right has some merit. Indeed, stealing money from taxpayers and giving it to welfare recipients is not as despicable or aggressive as stealing the same amount of money and using it to murder children abroad or lock up peaceful people at home.

Well, for what it’s worth, Ron Paul is not a typical conservative, or even like all too many libertarians, in this respect. He is running mostly to dismantle the empire and national-security state; his first priority is not to kick anyone onto the street, and he has stressed this many times. He further understands that just because the military is a Constitutional function of government does not mean it should get a pass whereas the food stamp programs should not. He really does want to dramatically slash the state’s most egregious instruments – those of mass murder, mass destruction and totalitarian control of foreign and domestic subjects. When the issue of social entitlements comes up, he makes clear that his top priority is eliminating the entitlements to the military industrial complex, which he considers the most immoral and unjustified subsidies of all. No liberal Democrat of any stature goes nearly as far as Ron Paul does in opposing the warfare state. While he also opposes the welfare state, he knows that he’ll have his hands full with ending the war and will be somewhat restrained by Congressional prerogative. He also knows the most pressing moral mandate is to stop the killing. When asked about what he considered the most urgent ethical crisis of our time, he says it is the American culture’s adoption of aggressive war as acceptable policy.

As for corporatism, taxation and economic issues, Ron Paul says what the phony limited-government Republicans never dare to utter: The most evil and destructive of taxes is the inflation tax, the printing of money that robs from the value of the poor man’s dollar and shovels profits into the coffers of Wall Street, the big energy and pharmaceutical firms, and especially the defense contractors.

Every time the subject of spending comes up, he focuses on cutting the military. Every time the subject of taxes comes up, he focuses on the most regressive one of all: inflation. All too many leftist radicals ignore this clandestine and cruel robbery of the working and middle classes, and those on fixed incomes, to fund lavish corporate welfare. Ron Paul, in contrast, has for decades considered it a fundamental issue. Taking the federal government’s legal tender monopoly away would truly be the most revolutionary economic reform in a century, and it is near the top of Paul’s agenda.

Anarchists should take notice that Paul is also nearly alone in opposing the state-corporate partnerships that emerge in American agricultural policy, phony international "free-trade" agreements, and the administration of health care subsidies to Big Pharma. When he champions free trade, he takes it seriously, condemning trade sanctions as tools of war and agitating to normalize relations with the Cuban people. He is opposed to the government having a monopoly on weapons, and so he rejects all federal gun control laws. He opposes censorship in all forms. ""
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"" Even on those particular issues where anarchists might most disagree with Paul, his position is far less tyrannical and nationalist than the likes of Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, and still offers a better approach than we can expect to get from US politics. And while we disagree, his movement is still a blessing for the public’s overall consciousness regarding liberty. Finally, to reiterate, he is running not so much on the few issues where he accepts a somewhat active role for the state, but mostly on his strongest issue – the most important issue of our time – the long-overdue dismantling of the American empire, after more than a century of international mayhem, financial fraudulence and relentless assaults on our liberty at home.

It is from his priorities that we can tell Paul has no interest in power for its own sake. He does not promise to feed the masses from cradle to grave and protect them from every cave-dwelling extremist in the Middle East because he knows the limits of power and the superiority of liberty over false security. He knows the full danger of centralized power in particular, which is why he would not use the central state even to impose his agenda on local polities. This decentralist emphasis we see in his campaign – which parallels nicely with the spontaneous, voluntary, decentralized and anarchic nature of his grassroots support – is an important component in any meaningful program to actually reduce state power. The federal government, being the largest and most internationally belligerent in all the world, must be shrunk first, and as much as possible, for any of us to have a lasting chance at freedom.

When it comes to understanding the true meaning of liberty and having the right priorities, Ron Paul is actually better than many mainstream libertarians and even self-described anarchists. He has awoken Americans to the key issues of foreign policy, civil liberties, and inflationary finance in a way no politician ever has. He might not excite those anarchists who, not engaged in the real world, do not care particularly much about what form or powers our government takes or how many people it kills and tortures and imprisons. On the other hand, for all anarchists who see US aggression abroad, the destruction of habeas corpus and privacy, the secret torture chambers, the economic fascism, the drug war gulags and the burgeoning domestic police state as crucial issues, constituting a colossal national emergency, Ron Paul’s movement is one to be cheered far and wide. ""
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' An Open Letter to Pagans in Support of Ron Paul ', by Christopher Quick ;

[ Reverend Jack Robin Winterset: a software engineer in Lincoln, Nebraska, who has been a practicing pagan for more than two and half decades. He follows an urban-shamanic path; reads and teaches Tarot; and does metaphysical counseling. ] ; December 15, 2007 :

"" They might call it the Golden Rule but we know it as the Wiccan Rede. An' It Harm None, Do What Thou Wilt. As long as you're not hurting anyone, it's no one else's business what you do. Live and let live. That's the One Rule by which we live. It doesn't matter which particular path you follow, just that you are allowed to live your life as you see fit and let others do the same. It's because of this one simple philosophy that I think it's very important you consider your role in the future of this country.

Some things have happened lately that some of you might not be aware of: the USA PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, several executive orders and signing statements... I'm not going to try to educate those who don't know about these things because I know you're all smart enough to learn for yourselves. It's what we do, right? And most of you have probably been keeping up on these things with a fear you've not known since you learned the monster under the bed was there to protect you.

The last time people were rounded up and put into pens it was the Japanese Americans. That was when nationality was top of the list of "Things To Be Afraid Of". Now it's religion. So we have to ask ourselves: how long before they start to bring up the old lies about us? How far a leap is it from "Suicide Bomber" to "Human Sacrificer"? We've been persecuted for quite a while.

Some of you are registered priests and priestesses. Have you ever thought how silly it is to have to "register" to be a priest or priestess? Okay, maybe "insulting" would be a better word than "silly", but you get my point. This is interference. But if you want to read Tarot in public, or do Chakra Readings or Aura Therapy or anything else that's part of our traditions, you either register or you keep the disclaimer we all know and loath: "For Entertainment Purposes Only".

And now the WHO isn't just a pretty good band but an international organization that's trying to tell us we can't sell aromatherapy bath salts or incense or herbal teas as health goods. What are we supposed to do? "For Air-Freshening Purposes Only"? NAFTA, CAFTA, AU...

And then came a man. A lot of us have learned to fear monotheists because the belief in "One above all others" when it comes to gods translates into a belief in "one above all others" when it comes to people, too. But there's a monotheist that actually understands the Wiccan Rede, even though he calls it the Golden Rule. ""

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"" Nearly all of us believe that war is tantamount to mass murder on the grandest of scales. He does too. He'd bring all our troops home from Iraq immediately (as immediately as would be safe; he says they'd all be home in no more than a year). But he wouldn't stop there: he wants all our troops home from all over the world. No more crusades. No more Saint George and the Dragon. No more death to the infidel. Just an extremely strong defense. How long has it been since the word "defense" actually meant "defense" and not "offence"? He wants to return it to the correct definition.

"Oh sure, but what does he want in return?" He wants us to vote for him. Dr. Paul – he actually is a medical doctor, specifically an OB/GYN, who never accepted Medicare but instead took care of patients for free when they couldn't afford to pay – is a US Representative who wants to be President so he can return that office to its rightful place of service instead of rulership.

Do me a favor, please. Do yourself a favor. If you don't already support him (as I expect most of us do), then please go to and check out his stands on the issues. Find the records of his speeches before congress and the laws he's voted on (both yea and nay) and sponsored. Research him. And research, really research, the rest of the candidates. Most of us are Democrats (or were) or independents. Most of us despise Republicans. He's the exception to the rule of what Republicans are, though, so don't let yourself turn off when you hear his party. When they hear we're pagan, they write us off. We're better than that.

Finally a man that the Three Fold Law holds up and bathes in light is running for President. Finally a person who will be President will actually carry a lantern instead of a rifle.

Yours in faith,

Reverend Jack Robin Winterset,
a.k.a. Christopher Quick ""

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1) Formosan fine artist, Tsai Intang, and
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